Eseries / Communicators :: Screen Lock Without Screensaver?
Mar 18, 2011
Is there a way to lock the E7 screen lock without screensaver or black screen? With the almost over-sensitive touch screen interface there is a constant danger of hitting a function by accident, therefore one must have the screen locked at all times. However, it would be important to see the home screen or the running application. I need to see the screen, with or without backlight, not a clock display or blank screen. With S60 this was no problem, that's why I have an E72 for backup and SSH use. The E7 would be a better phone for this, if only it would show the contents of the screen while being screenlocked.
I have just been given an E5 for work and rather than it just have a blank screen whilst not using it I wondered if you are able to set it to display the clock? Have tried but failed so far!
i was wondering if there is any screensaver option for Nokia E5-00.I have been searching all through my nokia E5-00 for that option but cant find it.I even tried downloading third party screen saver software but it wont work.
The manual and the website both say "The device settings, such as Network mode and the screen saver, are optimized. When you activate power saving. What does this mean in plain English? Optimized how?
if is it possible to make the screen auto-lock when you are talking to the phone.? (from the options in the mid of a conversation if found that you can manually lock it) i know that deactivates when you cover the light sensor but i believe its not enough cause all the time i find open apps on the screen because of my ear!!
Why key pad auto lock will work if there is an active application at the front? Very annoying to me ifusing GPS and keypad will lock after some time? How can it be corrected?
every time I plug the USB battery charger (nokia standard model), or when I connect E52 to my PC the phone goes in locked state and ask for the security/lock code to unlock it.I know it because it's the default 12345 and after pressing OK the phone continues to work, but if I disconnect USB and connect it again, it goes again to clocked state (like doing it with the power button). firmware is 71.004I have this problem sice some months, but I'm not sure when it started ... may be the last firmware upgrade ? Or the last reset of the phone ....
My E52 has proble. After enanled function phone auto lock period 30 mins, I could not disable it. When i goto phone autolock period, change, select NONE, then it appeared error: phone unable to unlock.
I tried factory reset and reinstall software but still can not change. I have to enter lock code after every 30 mins phone unuse.
Lock key stopped working during some update today. I installed the phone from scratch and installed anna over previous os.At sometime on the process lock key stopped working. It does not work neither as led torch switch.I have found no place to change this key behaviour.
I have got new E71. working gr8 but i dont know the lock code of it. I tried entering 12345 00000 but its giving code error. can enycody help me to know the default lock code of my phone...
On my E52 I have phone lock which activates automatically in 10 minutes. The problem is that the phone lock code expires for every 24 hours.It is really annoying to enter old phone lock code, new phone lock code and finally confirm the new lock code every 24 hours. I think it maybe has something to do with the security issues in Microsoft exhange.
Yesterday I wanted to unlock the phone and unlock switch literally jumped out. It doesn't seem to be damaged in any way. I tried to put it back without any sucess. Phone is still under warranty, but since I use it alot and according to my previous experience with nokia service in my country, it can take up to two or three weeks, if and how could I put the switch back myself?
How can I turn off the keyboard lock function? If I don't want it to auto lock after 5 mins but stay active, can I turn the auto lock off completely? I've checked Control Panel - Settings - General - Security - Phone and SIM Card and there appears to the the option, but when you try and select 'off' it doesn't allow you to turn it off...
Just bought the nokia E7. Well had little problems with it but have been solving them bit by bit.The problem that I haven't solved yet is that when locking the phone and creating the password to unlock it, it doesn't seem to work.
I touch the power button to lock and it locks. A screen with number appears so that I can put the password and selecting any number or even pressing cancel unlocks the phone.
I have a nokia e6, and it is a great phone.After the latest software update, the firmware was updated to Symbian belle which is also great, however there's a big bug concerning BELLE:Sometimes when i unlock my phone, the keypad freezes and i cant type anything (the green, red, menu button all work), the keyboard freezes, so i have to restart the phone so it will function properly.
My phone is messing up its asking for lock code randomly i put anything it says code entered incorrectly 5 times so press ok and continue and I cant change the sim card it ask for lock code I didn't put any lock code my phone like that since I brought it what can I do to remove my lock code?
1) Searching all over, there doesn't seem to be a basic alarm feature. I can create calendar a specific calendar event but that seems like overkill if I just want the phone to wake me up from a short nap.
2) The documentation says to press the Shift key twice to switch between uppercase & lowercase. This seems to work everywhere but at the begining of a line. Why the special case?
I got the Nokia E5-00 today, and out of everything I can't manage to figure out how to stop the key pad from locking automatically. It's getting on my nerves, if I could at the least put a longer time limit on the period between where I leave the phone and it locking.
E66 after software update asks for lock code.. tried 12345, 00000 and almost many but no luck... before update there was no lock code... i also format the phone