I am getting on quite well with Belle on my E6, really, and I replaced Anna in a deliberate move to move on...BUT. Coming from an E72 preceded by an E61i (both of which I still use) I have gripes.The lack of Bluetooth or Silent keypad shortcuts I could easily live with if the dropdown menu worked at _every_ swipe, but it doesn't.The longer Space bar has been commented here before. I've used a short spacebar for five years with no issues and I don't have smaller-than-average fingers or thumbs. I now have to use the Symbol key to get '&' and a comma.When I listen to Internet radio on my E72 (which also has a more sensitive 3G antenna than my E6 BTW) it does intelligent things like: not cutting off the sound until I have selected headphone/line ... When I get home and unplug my headset or the cable to my Sony car radio audio, the sound immediately comes out of the speaker.Not on the E6, which even requires me to un-pause the media player. If you are streaming radio you don't always get the signal back immediately and easily lose a couple of miniutes before getting back online - or lose the rest of a show if you paused it at some stage.
I love my nokia e71. In fact I prefer it to the iphone, blackberries, and android based phones that i've tried. But it became much more intuitive to use once I learned the various keyboard shortcuts that were available with it!! Reading through the entire manual and various help dialogues, I was still in the dark about many shortcuts available on the phone. Why does Nokia keep such essential features of their smartphonen as hidden features??
As of the 5th of May, the sound from the speaker and sound jack has had random crackles in any sound that is played, either from someone ringing me, an alarm or just from the music player
Any way to fix the root glitch for the lack of sound on skype calls? Have been looking found a solution for a atrix and wondering if this would work on a flipout. I got the darn phone so that I could call home to the states cheaply.
i bought a Nokia E63 a month ago. Everything is fine but recently sound makes a problem. My phone's ringtone, music, video do not make any sound. kep-pad sound is okay.Icheck my profile (General) and configuration is alright
mine was not a firmware or software mine was simply the earpiece clogged up with dirt & grease.there is a fine wire gauze and it clogs up.it almost totally deadened the sound in a call.remove the front cover using a cheap hex screw remover tool.watch this useful Internet video for help. url...without any electronics attached to the front cover rinse it in a bleach/ hot water solution & soaked for 30min. to dissolve the grease.low pressure compressed air through the back holes helps to finish cleaning out the greasy dirt.rinse in clean water and dry totally before reassembly.my phone has now returned to original perfect volume. phone has been to nokia and returned not fixed so did it myself.
I have a problem with my telephone that I can not mute sound of my camera.Sometimes I should take photos without sound. So I do not want any sound.I know it should be easy but I can not find it in the menus.I search on internet and somebody offer me to install a program for this.
I've recently switched my E66 for a brand new E6-00. As an E66 user, I'm not used to having problems with my phone. Everything changed on the second day of using E6.First, I've noticed, that missed event widget stopped working (with no config changes). Reinstalling the newest software solved the problem. Let's say partly, because "contact search" stopped working (also after turning it off and on again). This time, restoring phone to factory deffaults helped.I've had no problems for astonishing 4 days, when my missed event widget dissapeard again. Luckily, I knew how to repair it. It's enough to download 170MB of software and reinstall it.But it shew up, that my E6 doesn't want to bore me with the same issues. Today, I lost sound on incoming SMSes. I've tried everything, there is in settings with no effect.Please let me know, if you have any suggestions. I'm a Nokia fan, since I have never had any problems witch any of my Nokias.
i just bought my nokia e5 last week. i realized that i cannot turn off the sound when i snap pictures with the camera. i've gone to the settings, it only allows for changed between camera tone 1 to tone 4. No way to turn off the sound at all.
Turned the phone to silent mode, but the camera sound remains. Does anyone know how i can get rid of that sound? (as it is quite irritating)
I have been using nokia e7 for nearly a year now until two days before it suddenly went wrong. There is no sound at all from the speaker no matter I received calls or sms. I found out that when I played songs in the video, there is no sound either. However, I could hear the songs and calling, sms tones ringing when I plugged in my headphone. I have reset it *#7370# but the problem isn't solved. Is the speaker malfunction?
I'm using a software called YBrowser to snoop around my Nokia E72 file system.I found out that the sound files for the camera shutter, auto-focus, etc. are located in the following path:[URL]... So I proceed to create a silence wav file (of about 10 kb).My ideia, simple enough, would be to replace the shutter sound file with this silence file and give it the same name, so as not to cause conflicts of any kind.
Although the YBrowswer allows me to snoop around the whole system files, it doesn't allow me paste new files, or even delete the 'CamcorderJavaCapture.wav' (which is the file I'd like to replce).I could access the Z:/ volume of my phone and do this?If not through the phone, maybe through a Terminal window and the E72 connected to my Mac via USB?
My external speaker sounds distorted when playing music / lound ringing, and when I use it as a handsfree, I can barely understand what the other person is saying. Is it really this bad, or should I take it to a Nokia service centre?
My Nokia E52 suddenly turned off a few nights ago. When I tried to restart it, nothing happens. I do hear the buzzing sound that comes when you push the power button. But the screen stays black. And I've tried to connect it to my computer, but the port, can't find my phone when its plugged into the usb-port. I have already tried another E52-battery, with no luck.
good day! i've just updated my phone to this version but the problem what i notice is that when someone sends a text to me there's no sound at all..i've already tried to reset to factory default settings and change every profile but it seems that it still keeps me giving the same problem..what should i do now? its really annoying since i don't know if someone would text me..
Does anyone know how to access the individual ringtone sound files on a Nokia E7 running Symbian 3 - Belle? I'd like to download them off of the phone.
I have Nokia E5 smartphone. I want to make camera sound totally off. I've download a patch file but it shows me certificate error. Is there any way to make camera totally off?
I bought a Nokia E7 yesterday. My previous phone for E61i. I see that the speaker volume is too low in E7. I have set the volume to max using the volume control but still the volume is too low compared to E61i. I find it difficult to do calls with loud speaker on. I do lot of conf calls and this is very important for me.
I did few video recordings and found that the sound output is sort of metallic.
I have now been using my E7 for a few days and I love it, but there is one thing that strikes me. Compared to my N8, where I have crystal clear sound in the speaker, my E7 has low volume and a "metallic" tinge to the sound. I just now made a Skype call and it was the same there.
Former owner of E90, N97 x2, E72, N8 and current owner of E7.
I can't seem to send my own content mp3 files (home made) in a text message to people. Also, getting these mp3's into my phone seems to be more of a headache than it should be. I would like to be able to just have a "sync folder" I could synce my home made mp's to like you can for photos or voice notes or ringtones but for my mp3's.. But no, I have to go through iTunes and it just makes it a hassle and quite frankly puts my phone and apple in more control of MY OWN CONTENT than they need to be. Also, once my own content mp3's are in my phone, its like I have no control over them. They go to this place where my phone has all the control, I can't delete them directly from my phone, I can't email or text them to people...All the time from other people without iPhones I get mp3 files of funny skits, or jokes, etc.. Or more importantly our own content made songs. But I can't seem to do that with my iPhone. Can someone explain to me how I can ? Or explain to me why Apple has so much control over my own content if it is in a mp3 format on my iPhone ?
I recently took 6 pictures of my friends math notes. And i wanted to sent the pictures to my computer but i dont have the cable around me. I tried to select the 6 pictures in the camera roll and "share". But then there is no share button. Only "message" and "print". And the copy button is grey, so i couldn't copy. after 5 min of trying different stuff. I realized that only albums allow you to "e-mail" or "copy" pictures?So I created the album and clicked on the pictures that I recently tooked. And when i look back to the camera roll. The 6 pictures were still there. I didn't like have multiple copies of the same stuff. So i deleted the 6 pictures in the camera roll. But then the 6 pictures in my albums were gone too... So now i have no pictures to work with..