Cseries :: Remove EDGE Symbol When Using Internet On C5
Nov 3, 2011
I was wondering, how can I remove the EDGE symbol on my Nokia C5 when I'm connected to the internet? Is it possible at all? The reason is because I'm using the internet a lot and it annoys me. With some application maybe?
Since my Samsung s5 ha been updated at tge top of the screen there is symbol of two horizontal arrows pointing in opposite directions. What this is for/means and if the symbol can be removed?
I've already disabled the auto software update function.
Got a C3-01 a couple of months ago, now the USB symbol keeps flashing on the screen and drains the battery every 24 hours. I am also getting this message on the screen....Remove cable or connect a device to continue? Any ideas as all i connect to the phone is a charger!
Recently I've bought an Galaxy S6. My ROM is the Stock 5.1.1. It has an icon in the right part of the topbar, right next to the wireless symbol.
It's an icon with a telephone receiver that have some waves coming out of it. I've searched for a solution of how to remove it, but the only one that's close to it it's the Speaker On icon.
I am using Nokia C2-01 Mobile.Recently I am obseving a New Identification Symbol on the Home Screen once the end party answers the Call.I have read the manual. But, I couldn't find it what is it or I might have missed.A part of that symbol looks as square root symbol and extended by another slant line and a horizontal line. The picture is shown in UnIdentifiedSymbol.JPG ?
I have a problem with my GPRS, the GPRS symbol (G) is no longer appearing in my home screen, but i have a load. I'm using it so that i can use my fb, i always turn off-on my cp but still it didn't appear. It's only now that it didn't appear, i didn't change any settings about my GPRS.
The WiFi is connected - and says so - but I have no Internet or BBM service. Some days it works and others not. The WiFi is definitely connected to Internet because I have access on my laptop.
I have an xperia mini and I am having problems connecting to the internet, especially my hotmail account. When I try to connect a lock symbol appears on the notification bar on the top right and then a blank page, this is really frustrating and I have tried everything I can think of (which isnt much), I have just installed the new updates and this hasnt helped.
Since one week i have really annoying problems with my internet in xperia. Problem is that after several minutes of using internet on it for example wifi, it just disconnects from internet. Arrow on wifi symbol is still showing that it's sending something but internet is gone, i have the same problem with 3g too. After couple of seconds it reconnects, or if I restart wifi really fast internet is still on. Is it possible that it happened after i dropped it few times when I moved out.
I have been trying from a week to connect with any WiFi network but its not connecting, in fact its connecting with EDGE, Vodafone network. When I have disconnected the service from Vodafone I can't operate internet from my phone now please tell me what to do..I have done almost everything but nothing worked out
I received a voicemail and now the notification is stuck on my screen. i am not able to swipe it away and when i click and hold on it i go to the app info and the options are, set priority and hide content. Both i turned off and when i pulled down the notification bar it is still there. I have read previous posts but none apply to the s6. I read that you should do a system restart, but will that delete all the things on my phone?
I keep getting symbols E (EDGE?) and G (GPRS?) on the top of my screen in my c3-00, but I have never connected to the Internet with the phone yet. Do those symbols mean that such a network is available or is the phone is connected to the Internet? I'd just like to be sure with it.
My c7-00 not connecting through edge/gprs network of tata docomo network,but that of reliance,airtel is working.it is not showing even E sign when packet data connection is "when available" mode. other ones are showing it.
I like the way browser asks what connection to use every time it's opened... Can I make Mail, Chat and Communities apps to do the same thing, giving me to choose wifi and not turning EDGE on automatically?
I have to remove twitter and some applications in my nokia c6.. I have not remove from my phone. Its says cancelled remove.. How to remove non-use application in my nokia c6???
i would loke to knoe where i can enable and disable th gprs/edge data transfer. i.e. I am using limitted internet acess with 50 hrs inter net usage. Now i dont know when it connect i could not use it very well. i want to enable/disable when ever i need. I checked connection manager but it does not give any option no active connectionarul
i charged my iphone overnight and it is turned off. i noticed for the past few days that the plug symbol when an iphone is fully charged never appears. the iphone seems to be still charging. but when i turn on my phone it says that it is 100% charged. why wouldnt the charging symbol change into the full plug symbol when fully charged?
I can't remove installed applications, and I can't use the Installed applications menu at all. I can open Menu >> Settings >> Application mgr. >> Installed apps. but from there nothing is working. When I try to make a bigger scroll I have dropped back immediately to the Application mgr. menu. When I push the Options in the Installed apps. menu I get the following message: App. manager: Memory full. Close some applications and try again.I don't have any opened applications. A widget on my home screen said, there is 39 MB free RAM, and there is 189 MB free space on my C: drive. It should be more than enough for anything what this phone can run...How can I remove and set up applications not using the Installed applications menu?My another biggest problem is Ovi. I purchased the "application" called AirSpace, it was listed as a compatible application with my phone. It's just not working at all. Later I checked the reviews, there is only one poeple who said "It's working". I'm almost 100% sure that was one of the "developer" of this "application"... I reported it to the Ovi Store, and demanded refund. There was no answer. I tried the application again after a software update, it went wrong in the same way. I reported it again. Not a word from the store...how can I get my money back, and how can I make this fake app remove from the Ovi?
When trying to remove the Animated SMS application from application manager on my C5-03, I get the message "File could not be removed" and then nothing is removed. How can I remove this application ?
I know that Nokia C6 has got very low processing speed and ram. Is there any option to remove dafault applications like cnn video,friendster,Hi5,slidesshow.Nokia doesnt release a new software update for nokia C6, then why dont they alteast provide us some option to remove those unused apps?
Today, when I connected to Nokia OVI Suite, it prompted me to update the phone software. I did it. After that, midnight theme is applied. I dint like it. How to remove this theme ?
I have tried to find a solution in google search but could not find one.
- My s6 Egde connects to wifi but no Internet connectivity, while 4G works without any issues.
- No problem from the Wifi end because I've another phone and it connects just fine over wifi.
I have hade som problems with my Wifi before using my Iphone that forced me to restart the wifi on my Iphone, but it worked when i did that.
I tried to restart my router, modem and phone wich made it work but not for long. So the issue is that it connects fine to the Wifi but i dont have any internet.
I put clock to my content in Nokia C6 so that now i see clock in my home screen but i can't remove it . i can add and remove other contents but clock don't remove.