Cseries :: C6 Keeps Connecting To Network?
Sep 12, 2012The phone keeps connecting to the internet and i disconect and it connects on again. I tried turning off my phone but it doesnt work. Anyone know what to do?
View 1 RepliesThe phone keeps connecting to the internet and i disconect and it connects on again. I tried turning off my phone but it doesnt work. Anyone know what to do?
View 1 RepliesMy c7-00 not connecting through edge/gprs network of tata docomo network,but that of reliance,airtel is working.it is not showing even E sign when packet data connection is "when available" mode. other ones are showing it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a problem in connecting My c7 to the Internet, the device does not automatically connecting to the network and when connect device to the network manually , I can not use the Internet, although the device is connected to the network , and the browser cannot load pages..
View 3 Replies View Relatedi have a blackberry curve 9360. in the morning my bbm was working fine and i was using the internet and everything, but now it has stopped working. my bbm isn't working anymore. everytime i send a message an X appears straight away. i checked the connections and my network connection isn't working properly. on the top of my phone my network, Virgin, appears but in the settings it only says the network is on, not what its connected to. i don't know why its like thas as this has never happed before.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a problem connecting to wi fi, when I try to scan for available networks it says "no network found" I have a bb 8520 curve and my BIS is active, my OS version is V5.0.0.592,
View 2 Replies View RelatedI baught the phones used from ebay. One of the phones is working fine.The other phone is not connecting to the 3G network. It is not even showing the 3G network when I manually search networks. I want it to connect to the 3G network because WIND only uses 3G.
Both are running the same( latest )OS version. I have switched sim cards(to no avail) and I have tried to restore it to factory settings using the wipe feature in the security settings(nothing)Both phones are next to each other. One is showing 3G the other is showing 2G (same carrier).
i bought this phone recently and im having issues on getting the network connection. till yesterday it was working fine. but now event though i connect it does not get the connection. but it shows from the settings it is connected. but on the top it does not shows the E or H icons.
View 1 Replies View Relatedi bought my nokia c3-00 two weeks before, i have connected my phone via bluetooth to my car audio (ford figo), there is no problem in connecting the phone, i can make calls and receive and use all the features of the phone, but i coudnt play my music /mp3 files via blue tooth to the car audio. earlier i was using samsung star 3g, and there was no problem in it.
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow can I prevent my nokia C2-02 from connecting to the internet?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI got this new phone a couple of weeks ago on PAYG,My money was disappearing fast, when I looked at the phone it either had a G in the top corner or an E.I've set the phone to ask before connecting to the internet, but this still doesn't seem to work.I've got facebook and email on my home screen,When i do go onto the internet the phone asks me to connect, even though it has and E or G in the top let corner.
View 6 Replies View RelatedMy C7 keeps connecting to the internet several times a day, before it closes the connection it plays a notification sound the same as when new email has been received and closes the connection, no other notifications are visible. I have several email accounts set up on the phone but automatic synchronization is turned off on all of them. I checked everything I could think of like other applications running in the background but could find nothing.
View 8 Replies View Relatedmy C7 wont allow social app to connect, non of the nokia apps seem to work? like check in on maps!
View 11 Replies View RelatedI recently bought the nokia c3 because of wlan feature but when i am trying to connect the wlan after entering the security key (as my wlan is protected) it shows wlan connection failed.i am able to access the wlan through my other phone but not through c3?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI tried steps given in manual and websites but failed. First it tries to connect with Vodafone network but then after sometime it says "Failed"..In Nokia Device indication showz it is connecting to internet as it does without PC..but does not get connected.i have taken Vodafone mobile connect package and after disconnecting it showz some data transfer but in PC no it always says Connect failed...and when i try to connect second time it says..Sim Card Missing..i have updated all Nokia Suite and Nokia Device software and i have purchased it in Sep 2011 with 5 megapixel camera.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIM in range of service and all such just started yester day thought it was because of bad signal but have gone to places I know have good signal and still nothing it will also randomly search for service when it does find some it gets bars plus x which doesn't let me make call or anything I have tried resting removed the battery and all the other tricks i know of
my phone will not connected to wireless network, it receives the gaining OK, but in the Service Status it says BlackBerry Internet Service; Not Connected and also BlackBerry Enterprise Server; Not Connected.
When I try to go to a webpage it says; 'Unable to find requested server'. Is there some setting on my phone I have to change? This has only happened in the last 2 weeks, I usually had you trouble connecting to the internet through wireless connection.
Like I have no trouble gaining internet access through just using my mobile network to connect, which seems strange! Also my BlackBerry App World also says 'having trouble connecting to BlackBerry App World. Verify your network connections and try again.
I have a 4s and it was dropped since then it will not connect to AT&T network or wifi. I have tried resetting my network and factory settings no luck. Any other possibilities I could try?
iPhone 4S
My iPhone 4s cannot connect to ANY WiFi network. My ipad, Mac Book Pro all do without any issues, both at home and the office. I've reset all my settings and even reset my phone to factory settings. Iit still won't connect, just a constant spinning wheel looking for a network. Is this something ISO 6 will fix?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI use wifi at home without a problem, at work it tries to connect to the router but it disconnects and tries again in a continuous loop.When somebody with an iphone or ipod wants to join there is no problem so the router works.i reset the router and restarted the phone as well. and it's on dynamic IP. the channel is set to auto, right now it's at 1
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've got C3-00 I've got ovi sutie on my PC, I find it difficult to download apps. or how do I connect and down load.
View 1 Replies View RelatedCan i choose if i do not want my "Pushmail" feature? Is there any configuration to be done in the handset?
View 2 Replies View Relatedi have a Nokia C6-00 which keeps on connecting to mys service provider's packet data. So many times i have disconnected it in its Connection Manager Menu but it keeps on connecting automatically. It is really annoying since ts consume so much power that makes me to recharge the phone everyday,. I have checked for the Apps I have to find the culprit for the problem, but I I still don't know what application is responsible for that.Is it possible that I just delete my Internet configurations with my service provider?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am not able to connect wifi network to my phone.
View 1 Replies View RelatedOrange required me to install their Router - a Netgear DGN 1000. When trying to connect my Blackberry to the network, it finds my Home Network but then tells me that the Router supports Wi-Fi Protected Setup. To connect using a PIN (which my Blackberry will generate, click Next. I click next and the mobile generates an 8 digit number with the message "Enter this PIN into your wireless router."I cannot find a way to enter a PIN into the Netgear Router and all attempts to get help from Netgear have failed to solve the problem.The latest advice from Netgear was that I should contact Blackberry.Incidentally, the Wireless Printer and the Wireless Laptop both work inconjunction with the Router, as does the PC which is hard wired to the Router.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI started to ask for help from the forum then solved it my self, so here is the problem AND below, the answer: I am trying to connect my 9300 to my home WiFi network ( LinkSys WRT54GS V4.0 router). The Curve can see my home Network when I scan but the connection brakes immediately, give an error message like it couldn't associate with the network.
I have spent hours waiting for and talking to: Telus: who reviewed my phone setup and told me the problem must be with the cable providerShaw Cable: who told me they had nothing to do with it and it must be a problem with my routerLinkSys: who told me that since my laptop had no problem seeing the internet that it must be my phone.....Then I tried RIM but couldn't find anything of help except (my last hope) the forums, where I found some inspiration and kept lookingMy Black Berry Curve 9300 is set up as follows: Options: Mobile Services > Data Services 'Off' (I don't want to run up big data bills unintentionally with pay-as-you-go data)Options > Advanced > Browser > HotspotUnder Manage Connections:Mobile Network: 'Telus' (has checkmark after),Wi-Fi 'On' (has black box with white line after)Manage Connections > Wi-Fi Options > Active Wi-Fi Connection = None (even after finding & saving my Network profile)Finally, I updated my Router software. It didn't help but I did learned how to back up my settings (Router Software > Administration > Config Management > Backup)
(Settings = all my addresses for the MAC filter etc. & other non default settings I'd made to increase wireless security)
Z2 has work perfectly for months on our work wifi network. One day came up with msg wifi networks available, clicked on it, clicked to connect to saved network, and just says saved and doesn't connect.
Tried forgetting and reconnecting
Tried restarts
Defiantly isn't the router as others are connected. Is this a fault where my phone will need to be sent back?
I upgraded my iPhone 4S to iOS 5.1.1 and after this I'm undable to connect to any 2G/3G networks, which had worked fine before the upgrade. I tried Network settings reset, disabling and enabling of 3G/Cellular network e.t.c. Also put in flight mode and turned back. Restarted the phone, reset the phone, e.t.c. No options seems to be working out...!!!
Can some one throw light on the same? Or is Apple working on putting a fix to this issue? How can I downgrade the iOS 5.1?
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1
My iPad used to connect to my wireless network but now it will not even search for available networks
Info:iPhone 4S, Windows7
connecting 3gs to home wireless network?
iPhone 3GS, serial no. C38HF461DTD1
I am having a problem connecting my blackberry phone to a wireless network. Whats happening is that it connects and gets an IP address from the wireless router, but when I try send an email it says the phone is not connected. Everthing works fine when using the cellular service provider but when I switch the mobile network off and wireless on, I have an issue. If I do a wireless diagnostics i get the following
I apologize in advance if I sound like a complete **bleep**. I have a blackberry 8520. My wireless router is Dlink and the security level is WPA. I am unsure how to connect my Blackberry to my personal wireless network. I do not have a lot of data available on my phone because I don't want my mom to have to pay more each month(BTW I'm 14 and even though I've had a Blackberry for three yeas I'm not a genius). When I Scan for Networks, my network pops up. When I click it, a message pops up saying," This wireless router supports Wi-Fi Protected Setup. To connect using a PIN(which you Blackberry will generate). click next." When I click next it says," Provisioning Wi-Fi Profiles... Enter this PIN into your wireless router:........" and it gives me a time limit. I'm am unsure how to enter this into my router. In addition, is there a way to just manually add the network? If so, for either way, can someone please give me a step by step on what to do.
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