BB Tour 9630 :: Dead Battery After 4 Hours
Apr 1, 2010upgraded to 5.0 last nite.....dead battery 4 hours into the day with no cellphone use....what gives....
View 6 Repliesupgraded to 5.0 last nite.....dead battery 4 hours into the day with no cellphone use....what gives....
View 6 RepliesSince a couple of months I have a Nokia E75.The battery performance was never very good, but the last 2 months it has fallen to less than half a day. I already bought a new battery but that doesn't seems to be the problem.I have Handy Taskman to see which apps are running and I leave only email running with syncing to exchange every hour.Any ideas?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have had my BlackberryBold for 2 years. Now, the battery is dead within 4 hours. I use my Blackberry only as a phone., for texting and for the "Drive Safe App". Nothing else. It is fully recharged ( or so it indicates) every night. I still have 1 year on the contract with my provider.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm not sure if this has been posted already (apologies if so in advance), but I'm continually coming across the same issue with the battery. It is as follows:I come home from work in the evening and charge the device. The battery fully charges within a few hours and I go to bed.I get up maybe six or seven hours later and the device is completely dead - the battery is dead!
If that wasn't strange enough, every other morning I wake-up and the device is fully charged (still from the night before)?I have absolutely nothing running; I never use the caleandar and I've been a faithful user of Nokia N - devices for the best part of five years now, so I know to turn off everything in order to save battery charge.
For the past few days my iphone 5c has been giving me all kinds of battery problems. Yesterday it died at 40% and today it died at 50%. I read online that calibrating the battery works but it did no good to me. I purchased my phone of December of 2013 and there has been no significant damage (water, drops.etc) but yet i still can't get it to stay alive for more than two hours! Is this something that apple is willing to work with me on? Is this problem so simple that a battery change will fix it?
iPhone 5c, iOS 7.1.2, battery life shortage
I am new here so please be kind if I am not up to speed.Looked through a bunch of other threads and have found nothing.My email is being deleted on my 9630 after 1-2 hours if I don't open it.
If I open a message it will be there indefinitely, but if I don't open a message it only stays in the inbox for one to two hours, then just disappears.I come into work in the morning and there are 20 or so unopened emails in my POP3 account, but only one or two on my phone, and none older than an hour or so.
Been testing this and, like clock work, the emails are deleted even though I have not erased or even opened them in my outlook app or on the POP3 server.Has anyone else had this issue Verizon has had me do both soft and hard resets of the phone with no solution.Maybe I got a special "Tiger Woods Edition 9630"?
I was using my blackberry tour 9630 over two years and never had a problem. A couple of days ago I've connected phone to computer, check software update (it says your software up to date) recharged the phone and put it on the desk. Oddly enough it starts blinking like I have message, but phone did not turn on or off it just stop responding. The screen is black and when connected to computer through USB it's not recognized. Weather connected to electrical outlet or usb to computer it Flash red signal 10111 - one red , pause and three red. I've tried pulling out batteries, card, keep it for 24 hours without battery, nothing. Neither laptop nor pc recognise blackberry device. Bell offered "to take a look at it for about " 100 -150 $ without warranty that it will be repaired and I have only 6 month left on my 3 years contract. I've brought the phone to local wireless store and they try to flash OS through loader software without any success. I have two blackberries on my account, was happy with the phones, but now feel like smashing both of them. I don't know if I more mad at "Bell" who told me "product has 1 year warranty and now you are screwed" or at Research in Motion for their blackberries for which I've paid 400 $ upfront and 3 years contract (supposedly device cost over 600 $)
View 1 Replies View RelatedI updated my blackberry tour to the 5.0 version i believe through the wireless update. After the update was installed or so i think i returned to my phone to it playing the hourglass constantly and nothing for about 5 hours now. What do i do??
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am using Blackberry Desktop software to switch data from old Tour to new Tour and realized mid-way through the switch that I don't have the latest Desktop software installed. The device switch feature "Task in Process 'is going on 3 hours at this point and I'm afraid to stop it and restart it given the warning that the device may become unusable if you disconnect. Should I just disconnect it anyway? Download the latest software and try again? I don't think it should be taking 3 hours to complete this switch!
View 7 Replies View RelatedThis is my third Tour (I just got this one a week ago) and with it sitting in my pocket where I have service, not running ANY applications, it is running hot and draining battery very quickly. Did a battery pull, double checked memory leaks, and nothing is taking care of it. It's draining at about 15% per hour. Any thoughts (other than Tours suck.)
View 5 Replies View RelatedIs the only way to reboot a tour to do a battery pull? Before the update I had an ap that would reboot the phone on a schedule, but it doesn't work now.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a problem with my tour.after I get a low battery notification and the radio turns off I charge my battery and then afterwards I can't send SMS.I can send and receive emails, receive SMS and surf the web, but until I do a battery pull I cant send them.Seems kind of weird that this would be normal. After the battery is charged, what is the purpose of preventing me from sending?Is there a fix?
View 7 Replies View RelatedIs anyone else having major issues with their battery? I have noticed in the last month or so, the quality has deteriorated. I took my phone off charging at around 9:30 this morning and it is already down to 10% (It is now 1pm). I have had it for 10 months and the battery is crapping out....Would an OS upgrade ( I have 4.7 right now) help or should I just look for a new battery?
View 8 Replies View RelatedSo I just finished charging my Tour around 12:30am or so. I had no apps running, and went to bed. Luckily, I had a wake up call to my room at 7am, because when I looked to see why my phone alarm didn't go off at 6:30am, it was completely dead. It took about a 15 minute initial charge just to get the phone to boot. I've never had that happen before. Is this common? Anyone else every have this? Is it time to call CS and ask for a new battery? I depend on my phone quite a bit and travel frequently.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI bought an Otterbox which means a battery pull for my Tour (Verizon) is a pain in the you know what. I had Quickpull until it got lost with a RIM 5.0 update. I go back to appworld and everybody is complaining about Quickpull. Are there other alternatives? Someone suggested bbhybrid in another thread. Do they help? What do they do? Do I 86 RIM software on my BB in order to use hybrid software?
View 14 Replies View RelatedI was told by a friend thats its best to charge the device any chance you can even if its at like 90 or 95%, wouldnt this screw up the battery?
View 9 Replies View RelatedSo I've had my tour now since August. It's my first BB and have learned a lot about BB's and how to use them. For a while my battery life was pretty bad. i finally learned how to manage my battery life and for the past few months I have been able to go a whole day and still have 40-60% battery left. The past two days though by 10pm my phone has been dead. Does anyone know what could be causing my battery life to be so bad over the past two day?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI just used my upgrade on the verizon blackberry tour 9630, I'm a big texter and absolutely LOVED my env2! Any helpful hints? Advice to a new user? I actually will not get my phone till next week.
View 14 Replies View RelatedSo my Sprint Blackberry Tour 9630 takes on average 13-15 minutes with a battery pull reset. I love the phone, and have no complaints about it except for this issue. I've had plenty of blackberries and this is taking the longest. I have no clue as to why it takes so long - I dont have any apps really installed, and no pictures/music, etc. loaded.
Anyone have any thoughts or ideas how I can make it run faster?This is the stats of my phone: OS
914.6mb of free space (917.7mb total)
I downloaded the new update for the tour and I've noticed my battery life has reduced significantly. Is there anything I can do to get more out of my battery?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI've only had my tour for about a couple months now. The other night I had left my Tour on my desk like I do every night and locked the phone and left it there uncharging like I always do when going to bed. ( I charge my phone in the morning) Well the other night and today I noticed that the battery is draining really fast. It went from about 80% charge to 15% overnight. I had no programs running and nothing that would drain the battery. Before this happening, my batter would only use about 10-15% just over night, and it seems weird that my phone is starting to almost die on me overnight. Any suggestions on what to do? I dont have any programs running besides the 5 that show up when you hold the home button.
View 14 Replies View RelatedI have a Blackberry Tour 9630 v4.7.1.40 carrier is Bell Mobility.No background applications running, however where I'm situated I have No Coverage could this be causing the battery to drain so fast ?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI am a new Blackberry user. I have only had my Tour for about a month. The Tour has been amazing and ran really well up till about 2 days ago. At that time it started to take at least 30 seconds to acknowledge I did anything. I would move the scroll ball and it would take 30 seconds to move. I would click on my text icon and it would take a minute to load my texts i would click on a new text and it would take 30 seconds to load it. I had to pull my battery out and put it back (6 - 8 min restart of the phone..) at minimum of 5 times throughout the day for it to even run.That is when I started noticing that it was also draining my battery like no other. I fully charged my batter yesterday afternoon/evening and unplugged it, when to bed (didn't use it except for maybe 10 outgoing and incoming texts) slept from 12am to 630am and my phone is DEAD! I didn't have ANY apps running, the phone was just on and not in use - whatsoever.
Does anyone know why or know what to do? We all know how "helpful" tech support can be, so I'm trying to avoid calling them by coming here.
Anyone on Sprint notice that you don't get the regisration message after every battery pull? It hasn't showed up for a couple days for me
View 12 Replies View RelatedAfter a recent update of the software on my Tour, I find the battery draining INCREDIBLY fast when the Radio is turned off.
At work, I don't get a signal, so I have been turning off the radio...and in that state, after 24 hours, the battery is usually still at battery is draining down to 40% in 5 hours....any thoughts anyone?
I did a search on this couldn't find exactly what I needed. Heres the scoop, never had any battery issues with my tour before, I'm running .419 with a Driphter hybrid, I've had this running for a few months now never had drain issues till recently. I wake up to find my phone drained from meterberry reading 68% when I went to bed to 5% when I woke up. I have not installed any new apps. The phone seems to take extremely long to charge and I am draining on average between 15% and above 20% at times I can't figure out what happened. You think its time for a new battery?
View 5 Replies View RelatedThe new email indicator on my Blackberry Tour will not go away. I have no unread messages or missed calls. I've tried a battery pull, a reboot, marking prior messages read, and changing the message count settings. It won't go away.
View 4 Replies View RelatedHas anyone noticed a bad battery drain on Sprint running .484 over the last 2 or 3 days or so? I don't know what the deal is, but I have been charging my phone over night, and within 2 hours, and barely any use at all, it drains to about 80%.I don't know why. I am not doing or running anything different than I normally do. Was just wondering if anyone else has been experiencing the same thing?The only thing I can think of is maybe they are doing something with the towers where I live, NJ, and that is causing my phone to search for a signal more, thus causing a drain.
View 14 Replies View RelatedThe small clock kept showing up in the middle of the screen on my blackberry. A vzw rep told me sometimes I need to reboot my blackberry because its like a computer. So, I took the battery out and put it back in to reboot it and it won't come on. A white blank background will show up with the small clock in the middle. Then the screen will go black with the small clock in the middle and the red light blinking.
View 8 Replies View RelatedMy internet,bbm are not working and im not receiving emails, all im able to do is text. i tried taking out the battery and then restarting it but it did not work.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs there a shortcut to convert the battery meter into a % display. Looked here but couldn't find it.
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