BB Storm 9500 :: How To Create Mailboxes Under Inbox?
Jul 31, 2010
I'm a BB newbie,just moved over from a Palm Treo.the Storm 9550 is for personal use and I'm not on an Exchange server; thus, BIS, I presume.On receipt of emails, I want to save/store/file them.When I select an email, then click Menu, then click FIle, I see, below the instruction, Selecte Folder: a small tree: my email address under which is Inbox under which is Spam.I'd like to create new mailboxes, e.g., Personal, or Miscellaneous, under Inbox. So far, neither the BB's Help nor the User Guide pdf, nor my Community Forums searches have yielded the answer.
I have seperate sub folders in my inbox at work for different customers. i cant get them to show up on my phone. Does anybody know how to make this work on my phone?
I have a storm2. Yesterday I started having problems viewing text messages. I have my email account and my sms/mms messages in two different buttons on the menu. When I tried viewing new text messages, they were not in the inbox. I soon realized that my emails were showing up in my sms and mms inbox. I had to go into Options and Inbox Settings and choose for sms and mms to be included in the "main message list". How to I get these messages to go back to separate places?
Updated my storm yesterday and now the date on my sms inbox shows feb 23rd 2011? I get notice of new sms but when I go into inbox there are no messages after I updated the phone. The date on the date/time icon is ok. Any ideas on a fix?
At one point I had a weather app on my Storm. After I deleted it, I had an AccuWeather browser channel button on my home screen. My girlfriend likes it and wants it on hers, but I can't find anything on how to create a browser channel.
Due to security issues, I am unable to create an account on my BB to receive email. To maneuver around this problem I simply forward all my emails from my University account to my Gmail which I can receive on my blackberry. However, these emails never sync to my phone even though they do appear in my gmail account when I access it through a computer. Any thoughts? Is this a Gmail or BB issue?
In the last day or so have I experienced a problem where by I get a new email notification icon, but no new email in my inbox. At first I suspected it was the Android theme I have running, but when I went to use a different them I was getting the same result everytime.
My Storm 1 crashed Sunday night with message on screen stating 'Reload Softwares 552'. I called Verizon Tech Support and they just ended up giving me a brand new Storm 2 for free! All I had to do was re-sign my contract for another two years. Gonna miss my Storm 1 but the Storm 2 is sweet! Just got it today. Anyone wanting to upgrade, try using that excuse.
I recently updated the software on my Blackberry Storm 9500 to version 5.0 and now i cannot send mms (though I can still receive mms).I have spent over 4 hours on the phone with my carrier (Vodafone) and they have no idea why I can no longer send mms. I tried downgrading the software and found I could send mms again.Is there any way of fixing it so i can have the newest version of software on my Blackberry and still be able to send mms?
My browser and email stopped working about 3 days ago and I spent almost a whole day on the phone with support, no help. They had me do everything including delete all my service books and now there is nothing in the host routing table. They finally said, we cant help. My phone is stuck on lower case edge and I cant get data.
i have a unlocked blackberry storm for tmobile i can send and recieve texts and the internet works fine, however when i try to call it says no channel/circuit avaliable. i went to india for a few weeks and calling worked just fine there is there any way to fix this problem?
I'm having is when I go to send the service books to activate email I keep getting update failed I tried the diagnostic test and manually sending the books. I was wondering if I can replace the verizon email service books with att's books also if that is possible what books will I look for in crackutil any help is appreciated
Has a Storm and it just shut off on. When I pull the battery, the red light comes on for a few seconds and the screen and buttons light up. Then, it starts over. 20 minutes later and it's still in that same cycle.
It's rocking Verizon's official 5.0 and she doesn't do anything to modify or hack it. I've never encountered this before.
I'm wondering if the OS became corrupt, but we're @ Red Lobster and there's nothing I can do now.
I'm having problem with my storm phone ever since it was dropped in water. I left it to dry for a week. Since then I replaced my battery and the phone came on with the clock and then the screen showed up. and could not do anything. Then the screen went black. Now when I try to recharge it only a green light appears and nothing else. Did I kill my battery and is the phone no longer good or it's just my screen and i can replace it.
I am a customer of Verizon Wireless in the USA and have recently had a brand new phone sent to me. I live in Canada so I have to manually activate my phone. I have no problems doing the manual activation to allow me to make and receive calls. However, I cannot register my phone to get my data usage set up. After hours of troubleshooting over the phone with Verizon, they've some up with the conclusion that I have to be in the US, and on the Verizon network to register the phone. I have always been on the global data plan. So, basically right now I'm with a smartphone that has zero smartphone capabilities. is another way to get this phone activated.
Somtimes when reading a text or using camera my Storm will re-boot and when it comes back up it will say the battery is dead. This happens after its been on the charger all night. The only way to fix it is to use quickpull. Which i have set to re-boot everyday at 5am.. Could my battery be going bad or what?
So my old, wine covered Storm is gone and I got a brand new replacement from Telus today. Hurray! I backed up the old phone and restored it backup on the new one, but all my third party apps are gone (Telus told me that they should transfer, but I was skeptical). Is there anyway to get these back without having to re-download them all? There's two or three that I actually paid for... it would suck to have to re-buy them!
I'm looking at BlackBerry Desktop Manager, and there's an option to import 3rd party apps from the old phone to the new one, but you need to have both phones at the same time I think. Not too handy!
For the past 4 or 5 days I am waking up to find my 4 E-Mail accounts wiped off my Storm. I add them again and by the nex day they are all gone again. I went to a Verzon Service center and they were at a loss as what to do. They suggested I go home and call a Verizon tech to walk me through a hard reset. I insisted on calling from the store which clearly irrritated the employees there. When I spoke to the tech at the 800 number she was incredulous that they wouldn't help me at the store. She asked to speak to the supervisor there. They had a short conversation and he hung up and said I need to do a hard reset but the store policy is not to do that.
So, I went home and calle dtech support again and did the hard reset and reset my 4 email accounts. This was last night. This morning 2 of my accounts were deleted from the phone and the other two, while there were non-functional. The E-Mail setup function was gone from my phone. I had to do a restore to get it back and reset my accounts again. I'm guessing my only recourse is to go back to a verizon store again and insist on yet another replacement? I'm really beginning to hate Verizon.
I'm having trouble with video playback on my Storm. I put movies on that I have used and have worked before, and now will not. When I play movie it gets the green loading alert in corner then starts to play the audio only with no video. I am on .419 shrunk, is it possible it removed something to play video. My recorded movie from camera do playback.
I have had my Storm since it came out. I take great care of it, only update with official revs of the BB OS. I only have a few applications. I turned it on a few days ago and got a white screen that had a JVM error 102. Called VZ tech support and they told me I had a corrupt file in the OS and asked me to unistall and reinstall. I have done this 5 times and still I have a white screen that has reset on it. Even doing a cold boot, nothing changes.
I am having trouble trying to use the Voice Dialing feature on my phone.It used to work fine, but now any time I try to access the Voice Dialing, it goes to to the Voice Dialing screen, and it starts Initializing/syncing, but it just backs out back to the main screen.I've tried using convenience keys and the touch screen to access Voice Dialing.Nothing works.
I have looked everywhere and i cant seem to find any drivers. the blackberry website seems to say that they are on windows update and I can find them but i don't know how to extract them. Basically, i have a custom built pc and windows 7. All usb ports have been tested with other devices. I tried the desktop manager 5.0 and 4.7 and that doesn't recognize my BB. Windows says that i have connected an unknown device. I tried rebooting the device and pc and removing the battery from the device. All to no avail. Someone please tell me where to find it, give me steps to get it working, or where to find a self extracting driver. Also I downloaded the RIM blackberry smartphone driver from the windows update site and it still says it didn't install correctly
I recently bought Storm 2 from M1 Singapore and it was pre loaded with few premium games (can remember Tetris). Anyway after I attached the device to desktop manager it went for auto OS update and while doing the phone hanged and became unusable.I followed some forum here and managed to make it working back by downloading the default device software by M1 site installing it on my desktop and then use Loader to restore things back.
Surprisingly the phone was working fine but all my premium games were lost. I approached to M1 and they reloaded the same OS again but it was same as the one on web and my premium games were lost.
I called the hotline support and it was even more funny that after talking so long they followed up next day with some freeware site link and asking me to download it from there. It does not exist.Is there anyone here from Singapore who can list the name of games and apps which comes preloaded on their Storm 2 from M1. Can I get the OTA link?
I'm looking to remove voice dialing from my storm but can't find a device software download that works. When I tried to get it from verizon's site it would not let me download the mr3 update to my computer.
could anyone please help me out i wanna delete all the pictures on my storm but dont want to do it one by one.Is there anyway you can delete them all at once?
I successfully tethered my Storm to my Apple laptop using Bluetooth, but when I try to get on the Internet it takes me to the Mobile Broadband Connect page and asks me to subscribe to the $30 a month plan. Now I just want to be able to use my laptop about once a month when I am up in the mountains, so it is a waste to spend $30 for the Mobile Broadband plan when I will be using about 20 MB worth of data on my laptop every month. Is there any way at all to get around this screen and get on the web with my computer? I understand this is ethically dubious, but again, I pay for the data plan every month and I just occasionally would like to access data with my laptop.
Bought an unlocked Storm 9530 yesterday and popped in my T-Mobile SIM card. I could text, but not place any calls. When I tried calling, I received a "No circuit/channel available". At the call screen I see a a phone number that isn't mine. After I gave up I turned off the phone for a while and let it charge. Upon booting up I got an error message and my SIM refused to work at all. It says SOS at the top right and even though my mobile network is on, it just doesn't do anything. I have the mode set to GSM/UMTS and 3G/2G. I can't even select a network manually. I get an error that says "Unable to acquire network."
I have just bought a Storm 2 9550 that is from Verizon USA. The device is GSM unlocked, and I am using it from Hungary on a local carrier. I am in the middle of a carrier change that has Blackberry services, however I currently have 3G web access on my actual carrier. However, the integrated browser that came with the phone, does not allow me to use the 3g network, only WIFI service. I cannot even set it to 3G on the browser options tab, as it only offers "hotspot browser".
Is there any way I can find a http browser that supports the 3g network, so I could surf the web on this carrier until I complete the carrier change? Is there any on Blackberry App world? I didnt manage to find one.
Also, I would like to have a POP3 client on my device that can communicate through 3G with a pop3 mail server, as the integrated email messaging software that Blackberry device software 5 offers is only capable of having a mail account through a BB service provider.I am very staisfied with the device itself, great for managing calls, and multimedia - did not face any crashes at all (maybe once when I wnated to take a picture and it frozen when the flash lit up).
Is there any way to get the keyboard to STOP popping up automatically when one opens an SMS message using the Storm 9530 running v5.0.0.328 (Platform I do like the threaded messages - very handy - but I'm old and my eyes aren't what they used to be. That tiny little slit with one line of text just doesn't get it for me when trying to read the SMS messages. Anyone find a way to stop that keyboard from coming up automatically?