BB Storm 9500 :: Battery Discharges Completely When On Charger?
Mar 23, 2010
My Storm 9500 is 18 mths old. Wasn't happy with the battery - would barely see the day out, so I bought a new one a few months ago, doesn't seem to last much longer. Current OS 5.0 I've had Meterberry on it for several months, set it to reset overnight automatically. Last weekend I installed a new theme I bought from Mobihand, Reflect7 Carbon. Average discharge rate on Sunday was a whopping 15% per hour. Put phone on charge, seemed ok on Monday. Charged Monday night and the battery completely discharged. Pulled the plug out and pulled the battery, plugged back in and it wouldn't charge at all - dead as a doornail. Put my other battery in. Used the phone to make a couple of calls during the day, also watched about an hour of a movie and still had 20% when I got home from work. Plugged in to charger last night and found it dead again this morning, battery won't charge now. That's two batteries completely dead in a couple of days! I'll have to go buy another battery today coz I don't have a phone now. Worried about killing another battery any ideas?
Has a Storm and it just shut off on. When I pull the battery, the red light comes on for a few seconds and the screen and buttons light up. Then, it starts over. 20 minutes later and it's still in that same cycle.
It's rocking Verizon's official 5.0 and she doesn't do anything to modify or hack it. I've never encountered this before.
I'm wondering if the OS became corrupt, but we're @ Red Lobster and there's nothing I can do now.
I have bought in December a Storm 2 from Vodafone Spain.I am very unhappy with this phone. It is absolutely impossible to use: there is no way I can write messages, emails, scroll etc. It's a pain to try and scroll through the contacts list and make a phone call. The only thing I can do is just answer calls, like with any 10 euro phone. I had it returned to Blackberry service but they said the touch screen works perfect! If this means perfect for RIM, then ......
Also Vodafone Spain is not willing to change it for a Bold (which is more expensive!). They just said the phone is RIM's responsibility and they just sell it.
So I am stuck with a completely unusable phone and a data plan that i cannot change.
I have tried to find an email on this support forums to which I can send my complaint to RIM. It is unacceptable that they market such a low quality product, and after sales service is so bad. I am really upset about this!
So I would like to ask if anyone has any idea how can I send my complaint to RIM.
Yesterday i dropped my storm and it shut off completely, no cracks on the screen nothing. I did a battery pull repeatedly and charged it over night, at first the red light would blink whenever i hit the power button and now its completely unresponsive, no red light at all. Will not even show its charging, my computer will not detect it.
I'm having a problem when I charge my BB storm 9530, after I take it off the charger I kant use the keyboard.The keyboard won't allow me to key any buttons or anything!!Is my battery broke or wuts going on?
Somtimes when reading a text or using camera my Storm will re-boot and when it comes back up it will say the battery is dead. This happens after its been on the charger all night. The only way to fix it is to use quickpull. Which i have set to re-boot everyday at 5am.. Could my battery be going bad or what?
The battery simply won't charge from my charger. It will charge fine in the car, but from the wall? I have to manipulate the plug (as if there's a short), but there isn't. Now, it just doesn't hold a charge at all.And, I got a new battery, so there.
Recently I had noticed that my FULL battery would die during a short 10-15 minute phone call and that I would have to charge it 2-3 times per day just to keep it on. It was getting warm and I noticed a slight swelling, so I decided to purchase a new battery.
NOW, this new battery is still not lasting through an entire phone call. What would be causing this? I don't have anything running in the background and the phone has been reset/ battery pulled several times.
Would there be something in the phone that is causing this?
Most of the time, my Storm charges fine. Plug it in, wait a few hours, and the battery is good to go.Sometimes though, it is plugged in for hours, 16 hours this time, and the power bar is still empty. If I unplug the phone, it shuts off. I mention this to forestall the "make sure it's plugged in, lol" comments. Obviously it's getting some juice, since the phone stays powered up, the battery just isn't charging.One time I had to leave the phone plugged in for three days before it started to charge.Does anyone have any suggestions?
I have a storm with the .328 update. Its worked well, but I have one issue that pops up every so often.My battery will drain by 3:00 in the afternoon. What I noticed happening was, while the phone was sitting still, the screen would light up for a few seconds and go out just about every 2 minutes. And the phone is usually pretty warm. There have been days when I will be on the phone texting and playing games most of the day and the battery will last and the phone not get nearly as hot, but when the screen acts up, the phone gets pretty warm.
The apps I have installed are Quick Pull, Pattern Lock, Google voice, Gmail, Facecbook, Sudoku lite, Pixelated and Google Maps.I saw one post from quite awhile back where someone had the same issue and they ended getting the phone replaced. I'm nervous about that just because thats really the only negative I have on a great phone.
I had this problem a couple times before but it happens way more frequently since the update to 5.0I've searched the forums and found a couple others with this problem, but no one seemed to know what the issue is.
Sometimes when I plug in the charger, the phone will not charge. The phone will go into bedside mode (with the clock displayed) and the little battery icon in the corner will have the little yellow lightning bolt in it. Then... nothing. It doesn't charge and sometimes seems like it DRAINS the battery.
Then battery will completely drain and auto power-off. When I plug the phone back in the screen goes all white with a large battery icon in the center of the screen with a blue lightning bolt through it. According to what I have been reading here, some think it is a faulty battery and some think it is a faulty USB port.
Just over a week ago my Storm 1 began giving me problems. Basically died. Started to do an insurance claim but went to the store first. They said, we'll just do an insurance replacement overnight. Ok, received the replacement the next day. Activated it with no problems, went to charge it and it would not charge. (This was the old battery from the first phone since one was not sent with the replacement.) Plugged into USB on computer, went haywire. Took it back to store where they took an hour to reload the software. Took phone back home, did the exact same thing. I went back to the store, where they gave me a new charger. Went back home, then 2 days ago, the battery will not charge at all. Went back to Verizon, ended up having to buy a new battery. Charged it fully.
Clarification: It was at 30% charge when I left the store with the new battery. Charged at work during the day up to about 75%. When I got home I put it on the home charger for at least 4 hours. It never got above 85% full. This morning down to 70%, and now after charging for 2.5 hours, still won't go over 70% charged. What the heck! All I want is a phone that works! What can I do at this point? After replacing phone, charger AND battery! Heck, I'd be happy to just get another phone. Like maybe an 8530. I wonder if that's possible or would I have to get another Storm 1? What should I do at this point? Call CS? Go back to store?
I am having a major problem with my Xeparia Ray, the battery dies even when the phone is turned off and not in use. This is on top of the very short battery life I get.I was wondering whether anyone else had suffered with the dying battery whilst turned off problem. If you have did you find a solution to it. Unless I am using the function I turn off wifi, bluetooth, gps etc.I love the Android system and the compact format of the Ray, but I am getting very close it hitting the phone with a very big hammer and switch back to Samsung.
My phone worked great until I downloaded some music. I'd had it for a year and not tried that so decided to download some.It played a couple of songs then the battery died. Recharged the battery reinstalled it and the phone turned on but you could watch the battery drain...just gone in seconds. Tried another battery , same thing. Put the recharged batteries in my husbands phone [same model] and they were fine. Put his battery in my phone instant drain.Did I fry my phone or is it salvagable? HELP I want to use my phone again.Is there any hope? Is there any place to get parts to repair them or a place that repairs them?
Since updating to iOS 5.1.1 I have had battery problems, discharging at around 4% per hour even when not used. Turning off every concieveable service and reloaded iOS as a new device unfortunately has not solved the problem. I have resorted to leaving the phone plugged in all of the time and recently started to turn it off overnight. To my surprise, the phone continues to discharge when turned off!
I have iphone 5s and recently I upgraded it from ios 7.1.2 to ios 8.1.1. I noticed that iphone is heating when no hard processes (like programms or games) launched, and the battery discharges much faster.
My phone has been getting worse and worse by the day. First the i had horrible battery life when i was on phone calls, it would only last 30 min tops with a full battery. Then i was listening to the sirius radio app for about 15 min and my storm had a random reset. At first i said oh no problem it will be back up soon. So i waited and waited and when it finaly came back up i had a dead battery with 2% left. I was like wtf happened. I had about 80% when it reset and it came back with 2%. So then i did a battery pull to see if the phone just had a little problem with booting up. When it came back it had 22% battery but it only lasted about a min before it decided to reboot again. This time it wouldnt come back on. It was an endless reboot going again and again. The only way to stop it was to plug it in the wall and charge it up again. Last night it did the same thing when i was on the internet for only 5 min.
I tried all the different hybrids and nothing works. I dont know what to do now. Is it the battery or is it the phone?
*9530 - error in subject Enter unlock code into the phone and pulled battery as instructed and to insert a different sim.Phone would not turn on and the red light now flashes, 1 pause 4 fast with a blank screen I read up and assume its the code 47 error: 101111-Flash Write Failure (*Tip: try replacing flash) The storm will suddenly not show up via usb on any computer. I've tried it on Windows 7, Vista and Windows XP.I've gone through the nukes bb reload post "blackberry-101-lecture-12-how-reload-operating-system-nuked-blackberry" and cant get it to show "USB-PIN:UNKNOWN" on any of the operating systems.i've tried JLCMDER and BBSAK - none of them connect. The battery had a full charge when it first started flashing and continued with the battery in. The battery is now dead regardless of the device being plugged into the usb or wall charger. So the phone isn't taking a charge but still has the red flashing when plugged in.Has anyone found out why this happens? Is there a fix? Was the phone hardware damaged from a simple battery pull?Would someone will technical knowledge of blackberry hardware please explain how a batt pull stops the phone from charging and being detected
Since yesterday my storm has been running very slow, with the clocktimer staying on for some time. Nothing has been installed recently, so i dont understand why this has started happening all of a sudden.
The battery drained within the day also, without it hardly being used!
I have now deleted photos, apps and some music, even though not much is stored, but i keep getting a message that the memory is low.
I have to keep pulling the battery as it often freezes on the clocktimer on a black screen or the background, and I have also removed the battery for 2 mins.
Ever since I upgraded to OS, after a battery pull, it takes forever to do anything. Battery Pull OS Reboots to locked Enter password Get to Home Screen Everything lags for about 4 minutes If I try to do too much I start getting errors in LIB's and have to power cycle again.And it doesn't matter how long I wait to unluck to phone either. If I pull battery out, got o bed, wake up, unlock phone, same problem.
A few days ago I was running the VZW official .713 OS. Then, I think I installed the latest BBM. After about 12 hours of that, I started experiencing random crashes triggered by actions (not particular actions). I add a contact, it crashes. I boot back up and add again, it doesn't crash - something like that with various other actions like me locking the phone using the left lock button, or snapping a picture, etc.I didn't attribute this to BBM and so figured to hell with the official OS and installed a hybrid (Yes, I'm aware that it's not a supported OS bla bla, but it started with the official .713 so there is merit to this). And upgraded to the new BBM. Installed apps, etc. Battery was draining by 2-5% every 30-45 minutes. Crashes were happening and I wouldn't know till I had to use the phone again, at which point it starts the boot process.I uninstalled the latest BBM and downgraded to the previous stable and it is still going on.
I'm running out of options here.I checked the event log for the time it crashed and encountered only one fatal error:Any help would be appreciated as I don't know what else to do except for installing the old BBM and no other applications. In which case, no point of the phone. I've been using the phone for the past 2 months with no problems..If someone wants me to email this to someone at RIM, that's fine too as I don't know how else to go to them.
How long is the battery expected to survive for 9860s? I bought this 9860 on Feb 11. Before using charged the phone completely by 11pm - The battery almost drained completely (red) by 8PM on Feb 12. This morning 13th Feb - I completely charged the phone - and 80% has already drained out by 3:15 pm - From the last full charge I have had phone calls totally lasting less than 20 minutes, WIFI is off, notifiers are off except email, and 5 small emails
I've updated no problems, but when I've had my phone attached to the USB to charge, the battery goes down instead of up, it went from 87% to 80% in about half an hour.
Found the culprit that was causing my Storm to drain the battery and get hot, It was an app called StormSlider also called BerrySlider.There has been a few updates since release 5.0 but the author doesnt seem to have got the battery drain problem solved yet i was running version 5.08, this has cost me a battery as it cooked it whilst it was on charge.Ive removed the app and my phone is fine again.
So all of the sudden my SMS messages are just coming up as phone numbers instead of contacts names, when yesterday they were displaying the names. I check to make the sure the numbers match under the contacts and they still do. I tried doing a battery pull and when the phone rebooted all of my contacts had disappeared. I checked the filters and none of them are checked, and as the other threads for this topic state, I tried to disable content control but I cant. I cant even find the general options section under security options. Is it different on the storm then it is on other BB's? Really confused right now. Also, there are no contacts saved to the SIM card.
Sunday night I went to bed with a battery that was at least 80% charged. I had my alarm set to wake me up the next morning. I have no idea if that has anything to do with the battery possibly getting drained. As far as I know, I didn't have any apps running either. Anyway, Monday morning I woke up to a completely dead Storm. I tried plugging it in, but all I got was a red light for about 10 secs, the screen went black & then a white screen with a battery in the middle appeared with a red slash through the battery. I've tried everything from a battery pull to even taking a risk & dropping it on the floor & still nothing. I even went & bought a new battery but that's not the issue either. No matter what I do, I still get the same result. It's not the chargers cause I've tried both my wall charger & USB charger.