I used to have the BB Bold 9700 on the Bell Canada network and managed to setup my Hotmail (on BIS) to push as it came in my inbox. I then went over to Fido's network to use the iPhone for a few months.I picked up a BB Torch 9800, unlocked it and have it setup on the Fido network... only trouble is, I can't get it to push hotmail anymore .Not sure what I might be doing differently since it's been a few months when I used my Bold 9700 last
I set up my hotmail as my mail account in general mail settings. Whenever I click on the mail icon, my inbox will update when there are any new emails. But even though I have my settings to "push", emails will never push.
I remember when Hotmail messages used to come in a lot faster when I had my Bold 9700. Did something change recently on Hotmail's server?I called AT&T today and tried a few things and it looks like my Hotmail messages are coming in faster but still taking at least 5 minutes.My Exchange messages come in a lot faster as expected.Anyone else have this problem? I did delete all my accounts at least twice today. At one point only one email icon would appear (not including the messages icon) but after deleting the one that didn't appear, it fixed it.Hotmail still slow though.
I'm considering the 9800 as my next phone. Right now, I'm running a Tilt2, WM 6.5 My contacts & calendar events are synced via Microsoft MyPhone & Google sync. Will the Blackberry OS import that data from either of those sources? And how easily will the Blackberry set up & handle hotmail & Gmail?
Something strange has happened. I haven't changed any of the settings on my iPhone 4, but it has stopped pushing my email from yahoo and gmail.
Push is on. I'm not exactly sure when this happened and if it coincides with my upgrade from 4.0.1 to 4.0.2 It seems like it's the phone and not the email providers, since both were affected at the same time. Any thoughts?
I did a search on this and it seems that no one had any real answers.This is my first iPhone coming over from BB so forgive the newness.I set up my gmail account by selecting "Gmail" in the iPhone mail setup, selected push.it's not pushing. It only checks for mail if I open the app.Is this still a problem for everyone?Should I not be using the Gmail setup that comes with the phone?
I am using a 3GS with iOS 4. I've set up both my gmail and my exchange mail. My Exchange mail is not pushing. I went through it with customer support for my hosted exchange (and I did install the profile fix that Apple sent out) and nothing is fixing this.
my yahoo is not pushing. i have to go in the email app to get my emails. it doesnt show a number on the app. on my itouch it pushes and shows a number.
Yahoo email is not pushing to my iphone for more than a week now. I've tried everything I could, nothings seems to work.I deleted the account, add it again, added one more server, I even did a restore, no succes. I have to mention that gmail and icloud are fine.
Has anyone else noticed that their Moto OEM car charger doesn't push all the way into the xoom? Mine pushes in till the metal post stops but that leaves around 3/16th of an inch of the post exposed. This scares me that it will break off in the device. My wall charger pushes all the way in till the plastic base touches the xoom. Could I have a bad car one?
My Yahoo! mail stopped pushing few days ago and I've been trying all possible ways to get it back to work again but nothing seems to help. I also contacted Yahoo! support helping that they can assist somehow.
Any way to have it turn on without pushing the little button at the top? My old Crackberry would come alive as soon as I removed it from the pouch. Are there apps available or settings that will do something similar for the Atrix?
I upgraded to Tour from Curve, love the Tour. Is there a way to 1 button press into speaker phone. The curve had it. It seems w/tour-press Alt key then speaker, a little more with one handed operation.
My BB Bold 9700 is not pushing email in real time. Tech support couldn't give a solution. Escalated to Level 2 at RIM, and still no solution. Anyone out there know how to help me get the device to push in real time? Critically important.
Don't suggest using the gmail app instead of the stock. I want to use the Samsung email native app and I have my reasons. Now, I have tried what seems like every way possible to get gmail working on the native app but I get emails hours late sometimes the next day. I am using the proper server setting per Google:
In the app I have under sync schedule "Auto(when received)" and "notify me when email arrives" checked. The part that makes this worse is I can get it to work on non-stock apps like AquaMail using the SAME settings, but again, I want to use the native app.
Last Friday my D4 did a forced reboot out of nowhere, which resulted in the Data Manager somehow turning off the "Data Enabled" feature. It took me an hour of no internet/data connection to figure out what was going on.
Perhaps related, since then, Gmail no longer auto syncs or pushes messages to my phone. I have to manually refresh in Gmail for any new message to show up. This failure is highlighted when I am sitting there with my Xoom and my D4, and my Xoom gets mails all day long over 4G/LTE, but my phone is silent.
I have been all through my settings and can't figure out why Gmail won't autosync anymore.
yesterday i set my storm on the dock to my computer, started up dm. an update on my core applications 5.0 was available so i proceeded with the update. now all of those pushed icons for bing, my verizon, Internet, etc. keep popping up without a reboot! anyone else come across this?before the update i would remove these icons in my service books and they wouldn't pop up until after a reboot. since this latest update the icons pop up every half hour or so. very annoying to say in the least!
i apologize, i know this has been discussed already but this is getting so ridiculous! verizon keeps telling me "there's nothing they can do".is there a way to go back and "un-do" this update? i know we can't permanently delete these pushed icons, only hide them.
i bought an ipad from frys store last week. but when i use it, the home button has some strange sound when i push it. if i want to exchange at apple store, it could be
I had an 8 month old phone that was actingup , going to speaker phone with no buttons being pushed , couldnt answer incoming calls, couldnt see who was calling . Yesterday i had it swapped out for a new refurbished unit and it is doing the same thing today . Has anyone heard of or experienced any of these problems
I have a new issue that popped up today. While scrolling through my home screens, my phone will not jump to the main screen by pushing the Home button. It was working fine until about 1:00 today. I have also noticed that double tapping the home key brings up voice commands. Is there any way to turn this off?
I have already installed the new Desktop Manager 6.0 that I downloaded from the RIM site.
I am thinking the safest way to not have a problem is the just restore my 9800 data from a back up rather than do the Switch Device thing. Anyone worried it might bring erroneous crap into the new 6.0 OS.
Maybe it would be better to redo my settings after the data install to make sure all is clean and working correctly. Some of the 5.0 setting would not be applicable to the new 6.0 software.
i had a blackberry torch 9800 which i backed up to the blackberry desktop then it was sent away for a repair and they replaced it with anew 9800 i have tried to recover everything from the desktop but it says i need the old blackberry first?