I recently got a link from my friend for BBM 7. I installed it but later on I was not able to see the icon. I deleted the BBM from my device via Settings-->Application. But now when I visit BB< website or appworld it shows BBM 7 which can not be installed on 8520 Curve.
I recently received a message telling me that an update was available for App World. I downloaded the update, installed it and rebooted. Now I am unable to download apps. When I hit the download button it takes me to the sign in for BlackBerry ID, then to terms and conditions and then to my ID settings! The only way I can get off this screen is to press Discard, which takes me back to where I started! I just keep going round in circles.
i have a blackberyy 8520 and i have version 5 device software, i have tried to download newer softwares eb. Os 6 but it ia saying that there are no new softwares available when there obviously is because Os 6 is out
I'm getting slightly frustrated at my Curve 8520's complete inability to download any apps ?I go into the App world, select the app I want and click "download". It then asks me to enter in my blackberry ID which I do, it then takes me to my information [such as email, username] and gives me options to change my password and recovery question but nothing else. I can't go forward and if I go back I just start again with the download screen and go around in circles!I've uninstalled and reinstalled app world, I've updated the OS, I've tried sending the link from my laptop to the BB but nothing works and I'm getting a tad cranky.
cannot download app's, when you enter the selection you choose an app it takes me into put in my user name and password, then takes me to accept terms and conditions, I accept and nothing happens..
my blackberry curve 8520 won't let me download blackberry app world, i go on the website on my smartphone, click download now it then transfers me to another screen where i select my language and press next, it then comes up with a screen saying sorry the requested item could not be loaded!i have tried re booting my phone and deleting blackberry app world of my phone to re-install it,
i currently own a prepaid monthly plan blackberry and one day the buttons just stopped working. i realized the problem was that i have to download the latest software, but because i dont have a data plan it wont let me.
I have recently just got a new blackberry curve 8520 its a replacement phone because my other one broke so I know how they work. But this one wont let me download anything from blackberry app world ive tried to update my BBM several times!!, i have deleted and redownloaded Blackberry app world serveral times but nothing and I have also took the battery out and left it for over a minute but that didnt work either.
My blackberry curve 8520, T-mobile network, ver hasn't got Thai Font on it. I would like to download Thai font for reading and input (writing).please explain how to do it step by step because I do have not much knowledge about computer or software. I have read some topics says that I have to download and choose the network provider which mine is T-mobile and it provides only Muli-language (not All Languages) which I can't write it (only reading). I am not too sure it is correct or not.I believe I need to download Blackberry desktop software as well. please also give advice on these software.
I have a blackberry 8520 and I have a Blackberry ID I cant download things from the blackberry Appworld. I don't know why, I have try like a 100 times and it says all the time : Blackberry ID has a problem try again later. I waited for 1 month and it still doesn't work.
My download speed on my 8520 curve has dropped dramatically over the past few weeks and has gotten to the point where I'm getting in the region of 1 to 2 kb/s and therefore all downloads are failing.
I just bought a new 8520 2 months ago and cannot download any apps at all. When I plug into my laptop I go to the desktop manager to download the latest version and it does nothing but verify the device is connected but when you click to download the latest software it does nothing.
Just want to know if there are any free themes out there in the interweb, hahaha. I ask because owning a previous curve(8320) as you know came preloaded with at least 4-5 themes. Now i'm rockin' a t-mobile 8520 with 1 preloaded theme. Not cool and i don't have the data plan at the moment ( i know useless bb), but having financial difficulties. Any way to download themes on pc then maybe to the 8520?
what is the dif between ota and computer downloading of an os to my bb? also which is safer and more efficent meaning less chance of crashing my bb?come cb nation gimme your ideas pleeeeeze.
What wouldyou the communitysay wasthe best and latest WORKING OS version todownloadforour model?I read about all these bugs etc in the latest one. Sowhat worked best for you?
I got my first Blackberry ever yesterday. I've been wanting one for years but I finally got it and I cannot set up my email or download any apps. Each time I got to setup the email the only option is 'I want to use a work email account with a Blackberry Enterprise Server' But I don't. And I know to download apps you have to download the app world. I did it via the desktop but apparently my phone is compatible?
I have just updated the software on my curve 8520 to OS 5 and app world needs to be updated, however the update says it cannot be completed and when I try to download it via my blackberry browser it says sorry error once I get to the point of selecting my language. Appworld worked fine when I had my old software.
my question is about the calander. I had a 8330 and my daily reminders showed up on the home screen, but i chandged to the 8520 last week and it doesnt have that option. With the 8330 i had to change the theme, but with the 8520 i only have 1 theme option. Can i download a theme that not only changes the colors and stuff of the BB, but give me that option. i hope the question is clear.
I just downloaded OS Wind Hellas and cant find a download link for the BB app world while my old one says install successfull but nothing happens.
I just had my phone for over a month and I am having problems sending email. I have contacted sprint via telephone, but they have only caused additional aggravation. Someone from sprint performed a hard reset and could not tell me how to restore my contacts. My fiancé helped me restored my contacts. I can get email, select reply but there is no send option available to send email. It worked a few days ago, but it is not working now. I can send email from my contacts, but not reply to an email I already received. Even when I try to download a document it says, “More request cannot be completed. Service book information not found”. I even tried the service book option I learned on crackberry along with turning it off and on, removing the battery, and deleting my email accounts and adding them again.