BB Curve :: 8900 Deletes Old Calendar Items On Wired Sync
Jul 20, 2011
I have an 8900 that I wire sync to Outlook 2003 on my PC. Have calendar dates back to 2000. It will sync but alwasy wants to delete things in 2000 and now 2001. So I have to fish them out of the deleted items in Outlook and put them back. Memory seems to be fine on the BB and settings are "forever" and "two way sync."
I have just clicked calendar sync - hoping to sync all my calendar events with google calendar.However it has deleted all my events both past and future.
I have the 5.0.1 desktop manager, and want to sync with my microsoft calendar from a vista pc. I go to synchronize and choose synchronize organizer data. When I get to select device application, I choose calendar but the only choices I have are ASC Importer/Exporter and Yahoo. Why isn't my microsoft calendar available? and how do I get it to be an option?
I am using Outlook 2007, a Tour 9630, and Desktop Manager
I have configured two-way sync with Outlook Calendar through Desktop Mgr. I've verified that all of the advanced settings are also correct and out of the way:
No filters are set Conflict resolution says "add all conflicting appointments".Sync is two-way No confirmation is required for additions, deletions or changes
While my Outlook appointments are correctly being transferred to my BB, appointments entered directly on the BB will not transfer back to my Outlook calendar.
Many people in my office are having this problem...with a variety of different Windows versions and a variety of different generations of Outlook. (Our office is gradually upgrading.)
long time lurker and joined a few days ago. I've searched the forums to see if this has been answered... if I just missed the answer, I apologize in advance. I've had my Droid X since Dec 2010. No problems with the calendar on the phone synching with the microsoft outlook calendar thru exchange UNTIL Gingerbread. Now all the new calendar items I add to the Droid X will not synch to the Corporate Calendar in Microsoft. However, when I add anything new to the Corporate Outlook calendar it immediately shows up on the X; it just won't synch the other way. (email and contacts sync both ways just fine).
I am trying to get the calendar on my Curve 9360 to get items from, and put items to my calendar. My email/calendar is on a Microsoft exchange server, and I have it set up on my Blackberry Playbook (activesync) and sending/receiving emails or making/deleting calendar entries is seemless and instantaneous. The Curve on the other hand does not make it so easy.
I get/send emails no problem. The calendar on the curve does not update with new items posted elsewhere nor do new calendar entries made on the Curve get posted to the server. I do not have the same email account options on the curve 9360 as the playbook. I have never found an option on the Curve for wireless sync. The only way syncing works presently for me is to use desktop manager and press sync.
After the last update, I noticed that a lot of SMS items that I had been keeping deliberately were lost and only the latest ones remained. I have two questions: 1- Is there a way I can retrieve them? 2- Why the people who designed the update take the liberty to delete messages without warning?
I use Outlook to manage my diary and the Outlook calendar sychs with by Blackberry Curve (OS6). However, the dates of some items (created in Outlook) are not consistent between Outlook and the Blackberry. For example, for this Friday 28 October, I have an all day appointment and it appears correctly in Outlook. On my Blackberry, the same appointment is dated Thursday 27 October and appears on both Thursday and Friday.
I cannot update my calendar items from my pc to device and vice versa. It suggests changing default but I am not able to do this. I was able to complete these tasks before the RIM collapse but not sure if this is related.
So I'm having problems with my calendar items disappearing. They stay for about a week and then I lose everything older than a week.I don't have the option of 'wireless synchronization' in the options. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I'd like to keep past app.
I lost my blackberry curve and am using the exact same one my sister let me barrow. How do I transfer the contacts and calendar items from my backup on my computer to the new blackberry?
I am using the Google calendar sync to push my Outlook appointments to my Google calendar, and then using the Google calendar app on my BB 8530 to download my consildated Outlook/Google calendar.This works great, except for one problem. When I receive an invite for a meeting via my Exchange email on my device, it automatically adds it to my calendar, hence creating a duplicate calendar item.
In my calendar options on my BB, the "Wireless Sync" option is grayed out and set to "No." (since I don't use a BES connection)
How can I stop my BB from adding items to my calendar automatically when it sees the calendar invite in my email on the device?
I have Verizon service and use webmail to sync my Exchange email.
Recently a couple of my board members purchased IPhones and IPads. And I have set them up the best I can. If they create a calendar entry on the IPhone or IPad it will show up in Outlook right away. However if they or one of their admins log onto their Outlook calendars and remove a schedule meeting the entry will not delete off the IPhone or IPads. I know there is a 15 minute sync on the devices but I have tested them after hours and days and the entries are still on the calendars on the mobile devices. This creates serious issues when people show up to meetings and destinations that have been cancled days in advanced.
When I do a backup with Desktop, it truncates all calendar items older than 60 days even though I have selected the "keep them forever" option. I need at least one year because all the anniversaries and birthdays I enter will disappear every 60 days.
When entering events into my calendar on my ipad2 and iPhone 4s they vanish after I save them. Previous entries on my calendars have also vanished. Why?
Almost everything about my BB is perfect - for now BUT: I noticed that since a few weeks? ago my agenda view is acting weird. It's very slow when opening (-20sec delay). I read about a few other people having this issue but neither of them got the issue resolved. A few facts I noticed:
- when I enable "Show free time in Agenda" it gets a lot snappier, but it ruins the whole view for it fills the whole display.
- I have 4 calendars ("Default", Facebook, >>BIS-email-address<<, >>normal email-address<<)
- I keep the appointments forever, but there's only about 200 of them
- All other views work flawlessly
I hope you guys have a few suggestions as to how to resolve this - for me - huge problem.I can't tell when this started exactly but it doesn't seem to have anything to do with the OS I'm running (.509), otherwise most of you guys would have this problem, too
I already tried to: - delete all the calendar data and resynchronize completely (I actually reflashed the whole phone) - delete all the recurring appointments (birthdays etc.)
The agenda view is fast and responsive if all the calendars are empty
I've seen alot of themes that have it that way where it's got the calendar/tasks and the mailbox on the home screen, just wondering if there was a way to set that without a particular theme. anyone willing to navigate me through it? I tried screen/keyboard settings but no luck.
Does anyone know how I can set my calendar to display the current days entries to show on the home screen? This is a much needed feature that I require.
I have a bb curve 8300 from sprint and for 4 times in a row with two phones, i have an error message that pops up after taking out the battery. every time i get it the sprint store resets the phone and wipes all my contacts and calendar entries. this is getting very frustrating and making me want to get rid of my blackberry even though i like it a lot. once i get the error message is says resent under it and if you press it, it looks like its starting up again but then the error message comes up and that it. it just does it over and over again.
email syncs fine, but calendar, contacts notes etc (in fact everything else) doesnt sync. as the exchange box is hosted, there is no way of putting BES on it. every other smart phone i have ever hooked up to this hosted exchange box works fine seems to be just the blackberry.
he has an exchange enabled outlook 2007 client on his PC looking at the same account. how can i get things to sync over the air (i dont want him to have to plug it in to the pc as this defeats the entire object of having an exchange solution).
Anytime I add a contact detail via the handset if I let it sync, either via Google or SE, the contact will be wiped which is pretty useless (basically I cannot add new contacts on the handset, proposterous!). they recommended I use the software update program to update the handset software. I have done this but the update software tells me the handset is running the latest software, the problem persists.
What would be the best way to add a large number of contacts to my curve? I need to add about 50-80 contacts and put them in a group as well. Would outlook still be the best way?
I have Yahoo and GMail on my BB. With GMail I can use Google Sync to sync contacts, calendar etc automatically. Also with Google Sync, any replies you do on your BB are automatically updated in you Gmail.Now, the question is, is there something like that for Yahoo? I have searched and don't seem to have had any luck. The closest I can come to is actually looking at my Yahoo account on the browser, but that's not what I want.
I downloaded Desktop Manager version 6 per a prompt from version 5 to update my software. Now everytime I sync my BB, it erases my wallpaper and sets it to the default. Totally irritating!My phone is a 9000 Blackberry Bold, my service provider is AT&T.
BB Bold 9700 v5.0.0586 Hi I'm new to this forum so I hope I can find a solution here.. Since a few days all my past/future entries in my calendar are gone. I can only see the present day. I did not change any setting, the initial view is put on 'agenda' (so normally i should see every other entrie when scrolling). Calender is not synchronised with outlook or whatever. Already did battery pull, don't know what to do greetz Bas
I've had my 8900curve a while now but I am only just connecting it to the computer and to the desktop manager. I want to sync it with my work outlook account and it works fine except it doesn't Auto Sync even though I have the option Enabled any thoughts? I can sync but I have to do it manually every time I connect the phone.