I've got my blackberry a couple of days ago and it seemed all fine and stuff but suddenly it started freezing occasionally and when I try to unlock it it doesn't seem to respond and anywhere I press goes to the missed calls list and starts typing the same letter whatever I press and kind of going crazy. Could it be a virus? Should I format it ?
Having serious issues with my Curve lately. It started freezing occasionally so I would do as the forums said and take out the battery which would solve it for a while. Now, however, even when I do that and turn it back on the phone instantly freezes with messages coming through but the little timer is just constantly turning in the center of the screen.
The A key has stopped working and all the other keys are slow to respond. When the backlight turns black, the only thing I can do to get it back on is to press and hold the off button till the screen reappears, whereas usually I can press any key if the keypad is unlocked which it is...Also sometimes it'll freeze and none of the keys will work yet the rollerball will...I've pulled the battery out and also checked to see if it needed an update through the blackberry desktop software but nothing, been reading some posts to see if anything will help but nothing yet.I want to try wiping the phone by going to option>security options>general... etc and wiping the handheld but it appears I don't have a general tab, once I go into the security options I have Advanced scurity options, encryption, firewall, information and security wipe but none of these help (I want to wipe the whole handheld not do the security wipe).
My daughters curve 8520 has crashed and will not reboot. All it does now is loads up to a white screen with an icon in the middle and the text "reload software: 552". The desktop software will not connect to the phone either.
Had a Wildfire for a few days, now, and am getting very frustrated by its slow response and constant freezing. I have loaded a couple of apps from the Android Market (MyPhoneExplorer and SqueezeBox Commander), but, apart from that it is fairly standard. For instance, if the screen has powered off then I press the power button - up pops the display, showing time. Sometimes, if it tap the screen, it says screen is locked and drag down, but, often it doesn't and I have to power off/on again. When it does appear, it is a total lottery whether it will drag down and unlock - occasionally, it drags half way even! It is as if the CPU is going flat out doing something else and can't be bothered to respond to what I am doing.
My bb 8520 keeps freezing in example when it is inactive for approximately 30 seconds my phones freezes and i have to hold down any button and then it would then start to work back to normal.
My boyfriend recently got a BB from a friend to replace his broken one. when replacing the simcard the phone wouldn't turn on, not even when connected to a computer. So i tried to update the software however this failed and now the phone will boot to 2/3rds and then freezes. I have tried to wipe the phone and reinstall the OS however this doesnt work either. The program used to wipe does not connect to the phone and it appears I cannot overwrite the OS without wiping it first.
Whilst I'm at it... I have my own old curve which I then gave to my brother when I upgraded. He failed to tell me that he'd dropped it in water and just said the keys were broken so I was unable to dry it out at the time. The phone works but none of the keys or tracking pad do. I have upgraded the OS and even wiped the software and done a total reinstall and still no luck.
My BB curve 8520 keeps freezing at reboot a the exact same place, the e. Ive taken the battery multiple times and left it to load for up to 45 minutes with no luck. I've wiped the devices memory and its not possible to connect to the computer as for it connect it requires me to put a password in on my BB and since it is frozen it dosent allow me to choose this option.
ivehad my curve 8520 for a while now, and a couple months ago the trackpad froze for a couple minutes... I didn't think anything of it because it started working again... That's continued happening, getting more and more frequent and now sometimes I have to restart my phone two or three times for it to work... Everything else on my phone works even when the trackpad is frozen I just have to find another way to get to whatevr it is that I am trying to do. I can't scroll up or down or side to side but I have found out a way to munipulate my way through options and different menus and hotkeys..
I have a Curve 8520 and the trackpad is constantly freezing. It's happening at all different times and while in different programmes. I've had the phone for about a year and my provider is O2 (UK).
My phone is v4.6.1.314 if that makes a difference.
I bought my nephew a Curve 8520 only last week. He has hardly used it and now has noticed:
(1) the button movements are delayed, (2) When you go to dial it makes the button noises but does nothing (3) won't access blackberry app world (4) battery running out too quick (hardly any use)
When I bought it from Phones4u it was the last Curve 8520 phone in the shop - the woman brought the box out which was already openend and started to set it up. The phone refused to come on, we had to wait 20 minutes for her to charge it - now I thought that all phones came with a short amount of battery.
I have a Curve 8520, and have recently developed a problem. When I open contacts to search for an address it freezes. I can escape by hitting menu and switching application to the home page again. Eventually I get an error message telling me I have an "uncaught exception" it tells me that the app is not responding and the process has been terminated.When it first happened I called Orange my provider and they sent me a new handset, I retained the battery and reloaded and then funnily enough new phone started same issue. It is using software v 5.0 so I followed advice on blackberry and tried to reload software but that has not worked?
I recently had my curve replaced after the trackpad stopped working. Now my new curve keeps freezing when I'm on the internet, the screen will get white lines across it which gradually get bigger until the whole screen is white. A reboot doesn't work unless the phone is plugged into the charger and the problem never happens when the phone is on charge.I've tried changing the browser settings so JavaScript isn't enabled, I've also reinstalled the software and finally decided to wipe my blackberry and restored it to the file i had saved from my old curve and I'm still getting the same problem.
I'm not sure whether it's linked to the battery as it also happens when making a call if the battery is low and when I reboot my curve after it's gone to a white screen the battery has usually dropped a few bars (usually from full to 2 bars)
On my blackberry the middle sensor key regularly stops working. I have had no other problems with anything else and it doesn't happen all the time but when it does it makes it very difficult to use the phone. A friend of mind said that 'I may need to reset the setting back to the original setting.
AI have look around the Forum and have found nothing that will help with the situation at hand.. I decided to do a Wireless Software update on my Blackberry 8530 (Sprint) and as the process began it came to a halt. The overall Restore Progress is stuck at 1% and the Current Database: BBGroups is stuck at 69%. I figured that I would take some time so I ran this update before going to bed last night, Well 9 hrs later and we are still stuck at the same progress. I tried to do a battery pull and that didnt do much, The device reset and automatically restarted the update freezing at the same exact place. There is no option to cancel the update and it will not allow me to even access my BB home page.
Talked to an At&t assistent about unlocking my iphone 4 (3-04-2012).I was told that it would take about 7-10 days to get an answer on my mail from apple but... still waiting...Already done a restore hopping that it was done...Got a Case ID, how can i know the status of the request?
can someone help me to unlock my blackberry? I have a lock for my blackberry (password) but someone touch it and I can't open it. I think the reason is because they tried to open it but they wrong the password so now it is locked. Please can someone help me to unlock it, I tried all the password but it is locked.
On the home screen it is just showing a padlock.I have tried rebooting by removing the battery but no joy.I have tried connecting to my computer and using my BlackBerry Desktop manager but no joy. how I can unlock the phone and reset it back to the factory settings?
It suddenly froze, so I took out the battery&put it back in and now the trackpad, buttons, keys don't seem to be working, so I can't unlock it to get onto the phone
My blacberry curve 8520 wont unlock at all, i have a password on it and if i click any buttons nothing happens,whereas usually if you click the trackpad it will come up with the option to unlock, now it does nothing.
I just upgraded my blackberry curve 8520 smartphone to the newest software upgrade. Now when I lock the keypad I need to press the mute button to unlock it. My problem is, when I put the phone in my holster it always unlocks itself by rubbing the mute button in my holster. Is there any way to change the button to unlock the keypad?
I currently have a Pearl with Tmobile. My friend gave me his Curve 8520, but his phone was with Sprint. I went to Tmobile and they said that Sprint had to unlock the phone. Sprint said it couldn't be done. One of them are lying to me, but I don't know which one. It shouldn't be a big deal. It should be just changing the software. What should I do?
I've had my 8530 now for about 2 weeks. Lately I've been noticing it freezes up at times when I go to do certain things. An example would be just now I went to bbm somebody and when I clicked the name, it froze. I do have a few apps installed but still have about 100mb of memory
Since yesterday all the sudden my iphone 3gs is freezing at the slide to unlock screen. You can slide it over and then after a few minutes the phone will go to the circle with the lines on it screen then all the sudden stop doing anything. If I hold the top button and home button down I can hard reboot the phone and it works again until I have to slide to unlock then it happens again. The weird thing about this is that it only seems to be happening when the phone is not on a wifi network only 3g. What can I do about this? I have the latest iOS update installed and it's been installed for a while.
it reboots without me doing it. when it does load it freezes. i tried reinstallin the os but that didnt help. it shuts off at the slightest touch. its been happening since friday. tried a factory restore but that failed.