BB Curve 8500 :: Where Are Icons For Downloaded Applications
Feb 10, 2010
I've downloaded a couple of Apps from BB App World. JavaJazz and PayPal. The download was OK & I looked through JavaJazz after downloading but now I can't find an icon for either so can't open them. I was expecting to find icons on the home page or in the Applications folder. I'm sure it's very simple but I just can't find them.
Just did the new download and ever since the phone rebooted. It is vibrating every 15-30 seconds and doing this faint tone sound. I have check the sounds and have turned the phone off and then on again.
Is it possible to change the icons on the display screen? For example, I'd love to put an application icon such as Facebook or Weatherbug on my display screen.
One step forward 2 steps back! I had a problem with my e-mails I stopped receiving messages on Friday and since talking to the service centre I now have 2 icons on my main screen. The new one has a globe at the bottom and my email address at the top when I scroll over it. All very nice but totally unnecessary. Since this icon has appeared all my emails on my main computer are being marked as read. They were not before Friday Any ideas??
I have a Curve 8530, and I am curious about the apps that I can use. I see all kinds of apps for other phones. Specifically, I want a mobile banking application, but my model phone is not listed. The 8330 Curve phone is. Can I use the 8330 apps on the 8530? What is the difference? I find it hard to believe that all of these apps are developed separately for different phones.
I've looked through a few boards, and read the (at best) sketchy instructions that came with my BB, and now have some questions, if that's ok:
1. I've downloaded the Facebook "bookmark", but I'm not sure where this is found?? I thought it would be an icon, that I could then add to the home screen? If it IS, then how do I find it, and do this?
2. Is it possible to add my iTunes catalogue, or a part of it, to my BB - are they compatible in any way?
3. How do I select something other than Vodafone's horrible home page, to be my landing page on the internet?
5. What is the difference between the "browser" icon and the "WAP" icon?? Am I meant to go through one in preference to the other, as ultimately, they both do the same thing??
6. Is the pin number solely for giving to BB "friends" so we can chat on messenger, or does it have any other uses?
Device info Bell Mobility Curve 8530, OS (platform
Apps and free space File free: 117980906 bytes Battery pull did not fix the issue.
I've had my Curve BB for over a month with little to no problems (it stopped 'pushing' to my custom email a couple weeks ago, but I researched and resent the service books, etc. and it worked fine after that). Now, however, it has dropped/removed my two custom email icons. Poof. Gone. One minute they were there, the next, gone. I've already checked to make sure they weren't hidden. They're not. I went into email setting again and it no longer even showed them as having been set up - one of them being my home email that is pushed to my BB and the second being my BB email itself.
So i got a Nokia C7 about one month ago. It's running Anna has a T-Mobile Germany Product code and FW 22.14. My Nokia Store works perfectly and the downloads and installs as well but, and this is about the 3rd or 4th time this has happened to me, all of a sudden the apps i downloaded from Nokia Store "disappear". They don't come up in the menu and the icons of the ones that are on the home screens get replaces by blue interrogation signs "?". Needless to say i can't open them anymore and have to reinstall them.
I chose a free app from Ovi store and downloaded it, but cannot find it - where is it now?Also I get an error message when trying to open OviStore: "SecureWidgetUi: Laite ei tue toimintoa" Phone model E5.
I have two applications that showed up this morning that I never downloaded. They are Skype and NFL Mobile. Has this ever happened to anyone else? The exact same thing happened to my husband last week. Could this be some kind of virus?
is it possible to transfer downloaded applications from laptop to Xperia x10? I would like to download some applications through my laptop and transfer it to my phone? I can't connect to wifi that is why I have to download the applications through my laptop and then transfer it to my phone.
I'm a new BB 8330m user (carrier is Sprint).I have an icon for Pocket Express (which came with the phone) on my screen that I can't remove. I have deleted it from the applications list and do not see it in the modules list but the icon still shows.I also have icons that have the "Hide" checked but are not really hidden. The icon looks as though it is transparent.
I have a bold 9700 but have a problem in as much as some of my apps don't seem to be able to access data across the network (O2 UK). I have granted them trusted application status, and have even gone in and checked all the permissions manually but some things simply won't allow me to use data. The strange thing is that other apps work fine (google maps, weather channel, facebook etc).
i am using fw 2.3.5 on my phone which had been updated through kies a while back. one thing that it annoying me a little is the applications and when i arrange them how i want they change when i reboot.
most pages stay correct but the main page 1 keeps changing from how i set it on rebooting.
I am so new to blackberry device, and had a problem on saving downloaded applications from Application World to Memory Card coz it will automatically save to Phone Memory.
I just got my 9700 from Rogers, it came with OS v5.0.0.743 on it. However, I can't find the icons for BB Maps, Application Center, and AppWorld ! I checked in the "Applications" and it says they are installed.
My Storm 1 keeps selecting applications when I try to scroll down my application icons without the screen clicking in. Also when I try to type it selects the letters or numbers when i highlight them without the screen clicking. Everytime i touch the screen it selects what i touch without me pushing in on the screen.
I recently received a message telling me that an update was available for App World. I downloaded the update, installed it and rebooted. Now I am unable to download apps. When I hit the download button it takes me to the sign in for BlackBerry ID, then to terms and conditions and then to my ID settings! The only way I can get off this screen is to press Discard, which takes me back to where I started! I just keep going round in circles.
I have a Curve 8520 from TMobile (US).I also had a Pearl 8100 from Fido (Canada).I got the Curve unlocked and want to use it on the Fido network instead of the Pearl. I seem to have gotten everything working on the Curve, except for the email.I had the same email accounts (gmail, hotmail) set up on both phones, but for some reason now that I've switched over to the Curve on the Fido network, I can't send or receive email.I've checked all my settings, and they seem right.I can access the web, my Wi-Fi is set up, and I can send & receive texts. Anyone have any ideas about this email problem? Also, I can't remember my account username for the BB website to access my account online to change the email.When I ask to send my password, it says it has been sent to my BB, but of course I can't receive email, so I'm not getting it.
I have had my curve 8520 for about three weeks and whenever i get a picture message i try to retrieve it and i dont get it. it says receiving message for a while but then it just goes away, other times it will wont receive the message for a long time then after a few hours i get it. why does it do this? why cant i get the picture message right away?
I had to do a software update this morning for my phone so I did this and in the process it got to the screen that says:
Overall restore Progress: 1%
Current Database: BBGrouops 69%
Elapsed Time: 28:55
It has been stuck here all day! I called Fido earlier and asked them what to do and they told me to connect to my computer, I have done that and have tried everything and the problem still exists.