BB Curve 83xx :: Phone Resets Itself

Jan 9, 2010

Recently my phone has been resetting itself. It doesn't do it every day, but the screen will go white and then everything will come back up ok. Well a few minutes ago the phone reset itself and I look at the screen and I believe it said JUM ERROR, I could be wrong with this but it was something like this. It said continue below it so I pressed the track ball and now when it gets to the home screen it's not reading any pictures, messages, or phone numbers. I pulled the battery out, pulled the sim card, and mem card out and put them back in. Everything seems fine and I just got the phone about a month ago due to my other one effing up. Is there a way to reset it with certain combo of buttons or anything?

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BB Curve 8520/8530 :: Phone Resets When Plugged Into USB

Jan 28, 2010

I just got a 8530 from work and the second I plug it into my pc by the USB cord, it shuts the phone off and the red led comes on. Then the white spinning clocks comes on and then back to the red led and keeps resetting. It does this on both curves we just purchased for work. Same PC works without a hitch for a 9550 and a 9630 same usb cord. As soon as I remove the usb cord from the curves, they boot up fine. Any help would be nice.

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BB Bold 9700 :: Phone Resets When Receiving Phone Call

Apr 20, 2010

This issue has been happning for a while, but for the last week or so it has been happening more frequently. A phone call arrives and sends the phone into a reset, similar to what QuickPull would do. No open apps, no error message, it just resets.I have searched a bit, but have not found anyone posting a similar issue so far. I run the stock T-Mobile OS, and a few extra RIM and 3rd party apps.

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BB Curve 83xx :: Is There Any Upgrade OTA For Phone?

May 27, 2010

My sisters phone still has v4.3.0.127 is there an upgrade OTA? i cant seem to find the (wireless update) in advance options. also cant find send service books! how to update this 8330 to its current OS through Sprint.

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BB Curve 83xx :: Is It Bad To Touch Led While Phone Is Turned On?

Mar 5, 2010

This is going to sound absolutely ridiculous, but I have the horrible habit of picking at the ring that holds the trackball into place. Usually, I'll remove it and the trackball while the phone is off to clean the area when the trackball sticks.However today the ring popped off during my nervous habit and I touched the led while the phone was on. I was just wondering if this is bad in anyway? Everyone keeps telling me it's just a light, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask.

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BB Curve 83xx :: Vista Not Recognizing Phone

Aug 13, 2010

im having problems with my computer recognizing my blackberry 8330(boost mobile). the phone itself is connected to the computer properly and even when i go to the media manager it shows up. the problem is when i go to my computer( i am using vista btw) the computer doesn't exactly recognize the device, it just says removable disk (F now im not sure how but one time when i connected the phone to my computer a window appeared called "auto play" which gave me quick and easy access to my phone via different folders, but now when i connect the phone none of that happens. i would like to be able to connect my device to my computer and have that window (auto play) appear when i conenct my phone because it is easier for me to transfer my photo's/music etc.. how can i do this?

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BB Curve 83xx :: Same Microsd Card Be Used In Any Phone

Aug 14, 2010

I know this might be a really obvious question for some but I thought I would ask anyway. I recently upgraded to an android phone but really don't like it and it's to late to return it. So, my options are to go back to my 8330 which is 2 years old and hope it makes it the next 2 years of our contract or stay with the Android that annoys the heck out of me. Is it possible to take the SD card out of the android and put it in the BB so I don't have to deal with activation fee's? I'm thinking that it's not possible but a friend insists that I can do it.
Don't want to damage my BB. Thanks in advance for any advise.

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BB Curve 83xx :: Accessing Phone Via USB Cannot Find PIN

Feb 25, 2010

For some reason I can't get my Curve to connect to the the desktop manager. I have installed and uninstalled the Manager 3x, tried to different computers and 3 different USB cables and still nothing. When I plug the phone into the PC it shows the charging icon for about 5 seconds then it disappears and when I try to access it with the DM it cant find the PIN. I checked to make sure that the DM was set to recognize the USB. The last time I use the DM was back in November and everything was fine, but now nothing wants to work.

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BB Curve 83xx :: How To Enable Java On My Phone?

Mar 13, 2010

For the life of me I can't figure out how to enable java on my phone. I've looked under options, advanced, browser but its not there.

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BB Curve 83xx :: 8320 Phone Not Allowed Mm6

Jun 20, 2010

I just bought a blackberry 8320 and it is giving me an error "phone not allowed mm6" and it shows the SOS sign. Its brand new sealed in the box never been used. I called Rogers and it said this phone is not stolen. What could it be?

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BB Curve 83xx :: Found An Lost Phone / How To Use?

Aug 11, 2010

I found a phone and want to no if I can still use it even thou its a CDMA phone it has a sim card slot is there a way to unlock it and use it on another carrier or did I just find a piece off junk it still has network coverage but it might get shut off.

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BB Curve 83xx :: How To Make My Phone Vibrate?

Apr 22, 2010

Trying to get a feel for the vibrate mode in my old curve vs my new tour. How can I make my old curve vibrate being that its no longer has a provider attached to it. Any ideas?

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BB Curve 83xx :: Red LED Flashes Phone Not Booting?

May 16, 2010

2 weeks ago i picked up a used BB 8310 off freecycle, the woman had upgraded and didnt need it so she wanted to give it away. Score!. I finally got around to ordering a new battery for it because she kept the one it came with, and the battery showed up saturday.I put the new battery in the phone turned it on and nothing. So i plugged it into the wall charger and all i got was the red LED for 2-5 seconds and then nothing. does the same thing when you plug it into the USB.Is this a bad battery or is the phone a total loss? im sad because i was so excited to use my new phone and i still cant.

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BB Curve 83xx :: Phone Does Not Ring / No Notifications Sound

Jan 4, 2010

My Blackberry 8310 is one week old. Two days ago it stopped ringing, alarm has no sound and no email notification sound. I've checked profiles and still no luck.

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BB Curve 83xx :: Phone Keeps Freezing - Tried Wiping And Reloading OS

Feb 9, 2010

My curve 8310 that i got yrseterday keeps frezzing every 2 min it was on 02 and i had it unlocked to use on vodafone i have put the latest os on and tried the next one down but as soon as i put the phone down for longer then 1 min it will just frezze on the trackerball but i can press the caps lock and the num lock and they work .ive treid wipeing the phone on bbsak and then loading the os then doing the security wipe but it still frezzez up on me i cant think what else to do

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BB Curve 83xx :: 8320 Cell Phone Turns Off By Itself

Feb 9, 2010

After I up dated soft wares for my cell phone, my cell phone started turns it off by itself. It goes to blank(no light on), and the only way I can turn it back again is to take out the battery from the cell phone and put it back again.Now I can't even do the same thing and turn it on anymore! When I plug my cell phone to the charger, it shows a battery sign with a kind of lighting picture on top of a batter pic in the middle of screen.What can I do?Is there any way I can talk to manufacture in the US to replace my cell phone after 1 year of warranty?

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BB Curve 83xx :: 8330 Charger Will Not Charge Phone

Mar 8, 2010

It seems like it happened after I plugged my bb into the computer for the first time. My wall charger will not charge my phone. I know it's not a problem with my charger because I was able to charge my old razr with the charger. And i've tried numerous wall outlets, so it's not the outlet I was using either.

My phone charges when I plug it into the computer, so i'm not sure whats going on. I just got this phone a few months ago after having problems with my oldd blackberry.

I don't want to have to get rid of my bb, because for the most part I love it, so has anyone had to deal with this? And maybe fixed it without having to spend money?!

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BB Curve 83xx :: Backing Up Phone Numbers To Sim Card

May 1, 2010

How can I back up my phone numbers from my BB to my SIM card (Tmobile)? I've already done a backup of my phone in general, but I don't want to loose my contacts. Can anyone help me?

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BB Curve 83xx :: Phone Wont Connect With Network

Jun 13, 2010

Today I was messing with my phone and started a diagnostic test but then I aborted it and now my phone wont connect with my network at all...

Data services: On

Mobile network: * None*

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BB Curve 83xx :: Phone Beeps When Onvoice Call

Jan 24, 2010

Ever since I did the latest upgrade on my curve when I am on a voice call my phone beeps during the call. I would say every minute or so. At first I thought it was a notification that I had a text or new email, but that is not it.Anybody have this issue or know how to turn this off?

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BB Curve 83xx :: Remove Apps After Phone Wipe?

Feb 18, 2010

I have a curve and I want to sell it. I tried to wipe handheld and when I did the wipe the apps were not wiped, I saw a post about dialing ##000000 and some setting I can do to wipe the apps, but no clear discreption. Anyone have any ideas on wipeing this apps not one by one so I can sell this phone.

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BB Curve 83xx :: Unknown Icon During Phone Call

Jan 26, 2010

It shows up during a phone call. It is near the volume indicator on the top right. It is a rectangle, half blue, half black, and has what looks like + signs going diagonally. Any ideas?

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BB Curve 83xx :: Unlocked Phone Ready To Use With Inserting Sim Only?

Mar 27, 2010

I'm a crackberry addict with a lovely Bold 9700 via AT&T. My girlfriend is also on AT&T, but she can't get the data package that AT&T now requires for all PDAs (including BlackBerries). However, our anniversary is coming up. And I'd LOVE to get her a BlackBerry Curve 8310 (her best friend has one and she LOVES it). If I purchase an unlocked one via eBay, will AT&T still slap a data plan onto her account once she inserts her SIM card and begins to use the phone? She actually has the internet blocked on her phone, so it can't access it even if she tries...but I've read where AT&T's system will begin charging once it recognizes a BlackBerry IMEI number - even if the phone is unlocked. Is this true, or will an unlocked Curve be ready for her to use?

I know BlackBerries are great devices and really meant for full use, but she really admires the keyboard's layout, the camera, and the look and function of the OS. So, I'd really like to get her a Cuve and introduce her to the BlackBerry world.

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Xperia Z5 :: Phone Resets - Keeps Rebooting Itself

Jul 3, 2010

I have a problem with my new Z5 phone. It keeps rebooting itself. Sometimes i see information about optimizing 81 applications and after that ... reboot. After reboot the red diode blinks, 3 short blinks and one long. Can I do something or is it a faulty unit ?

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BB Curve 83xx :: Phone Completely Stops Giving Alerts?

May 19, 2010

For some reason, about every other day, my bb completely stops alerting. It is set to ring, but stops ringing for phone, email, bbm, gtalk, sms everything. A battery pull seems to solve the problem temporarily, but it is getting irritating. Any ideas? Oh, and I am back on a curve, gave up my storm.

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BB Curve 83xx :: Phone Stuck On Verifying Security Code

Feb 14, 2010

I have been having problems with my blackberry since December. 1st it starts freezing as in endlessy even when I do a battery pull it takes forever to goon the home screen and when it deos its stuck at 68% on the verifying secuiry software. It freeezes every minute I had to delete most of my apps and most of my bb contacts beacuse I thought itwas space because I do not have a memory card. I even tried goind the press alt lglg to delete the contents but it still freezes!

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BB Curve 83xx :: Phone Wiped - No Browser Icon And All Of MMS Options Are Gone

Jul 26, 2010

I bought a Sprint 8330 from a guy on Craigslist, and it worked fine until my girlfriend freaking wiped my phone trying to guess my password. So I got on crackberry and followed the instructions from Lecture 12 of the BB 101 and got it up and running again. Or so I thought.. Now, I have no browser icon whatsoever, and all of my MMS options are gone. I believe the phone had OS4.3 before because now all of my home screen stuff looks different along with my inbox. I just wanna have my MMS and Internet back. Should I go back to 4.3? Or is this something really easy that I just don't know because I'm a first time BB user? Help pls?

Also! I had the phone flashed over to work with Cricket Mobile. I doubt that has anything to do with it though considering my MMS and internet still worked then.

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BB Curve 83xx :: Unlocked That Keeps Freezing Whenever Would Go To Make A Phone Call

Feb 9, 2010

I bought an unlocked Blackberry Curve off of eBay, put my AT&T SIM card in it, and it worked great for about two weeks. Then I ignorantly downloaded a "free theme" and about a week after this, my Blackberry started freezing whenever I would go to make a phone call, the screen just goes black and it freezes until the hourglass comes up and the phone turns back on in about two minutes. Also, if someone tries to call me, my phone will do the exact same thing and they will go straight to voicemail. I have removed all the applications from my phone and done my best to wipe the entire system, but it still freezes whenever I try to make phone calls. It has pretty much stopped freezing at any other times besides when I am attempting to make phonecalls now so there is a slight improvement. Is there any way I can redownload the operating software (even though the phone is unlocked) or what else would be advised that I do?

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BB Curve 83xx :: How To Unlock Used Phone - What Options Other Then Data Plan

May 4, 2010

I have a L....O.....N.....G story and it's complicated so I'm just going to try and get bits and pieces and see if i can guess what the puzzle is neighbor tossed his BB 8300, my direction.the lil gizmo that scrolls is bad but sorta still works
the keyboard is too small but works better than my phone keypad for text
the screen is bigger than my current of all, the FONT size. I can see it without a mag glass

1 how can I un-lock it (at&t)

2 can I get prepaid through Tmobile and use this for basic phone/text and NOT use a "data" plan.

I really just want a phone that I can see with a keyboard I can type text with.
Verizon (my current) has phones with big displays and keyboards but they have a greedy requirement of "data plan" for those phones.The best they will offer is a "Cosmos". Nice keyboard but tiny display. I asked a VZ rep here on CB and the guy got all bent and childish calling me names and such.Hey, I'm the one paying so why can't I get something I am happy with?

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BB Curve 83xx :: How To Send Picture Message With Pictures Taken From Phone

Feb 14, 2010

I'm new to the BB 8330 and I used to have a Palm and i know when I would receive or send a pix msg there would be an option for MMS.. Now onto my BB I have now with Sprint.. I can't figure out how to send pix msgs with pix that I've taken and are in my phone. As well when someone sends me a pix message I have to go to the wed on my phone to receive it?

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Xperia Z5 :: Phone Factory Resets While In Pocket

Jul 3, 2010

In two days, I had this issue Twice.

The issue is that I have my phone in my pocket and I am walking in the street.

When I need to use my phone, I just noticed that it has factory reset itself.

when This happen, I am not able to make any call till I connect to a Wifi Network to perform some configuration.

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