BB Bold :: Outbox Emails Duplicate On It?

Oct 24, 2012

suddenly all the emails I sent from my BB started to duplicate (I only have my business email account on my BB). This only happens with messages I sent from the BB, not from my PC or tablet, and I can see the duplicates only on my BB.What's wired is that one copy of the email is with my automatic signature and the other without it...I have Enterprise Activation software installed on my BB to synchronize my account, calendar and contacts, I don't if this problem is related with this app. I thought maybe I could delete my email account from the BB and then re-install it with Enterprise Activation but I don't know if it's a good idea.

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BB Bold :: Duplicate Emails Being Sent From 9900?

Jun 14, 2012

if someone can help me on this one. This last week every once and a while when I send out an email from my bold 9900 it gets duplicated and is sent out twice. So for example if I send an email out to someone, that person would get that email twice.

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BB Bold 9650 :: Old And Duplicate Emails Being Pushed?

Aug 9, 2010

When I set up email on the device, I began receiving new email, but not old unopened stuff that was sitting in my inbox. I didn't worry about it because I really didn't want to have to sift through mail that I would have opened already if it were important. Then I went on the BB website and validated my accounts (That step isn't in the set-up instructions, and I didn't initially realize that it was necessary.), and now that old email is being pushed. Some of it has already been opened, so I'm not sure why it's being sent again, but my chief concern is the sheer volume of it. I have over 1500 unopened messages going back a few years, and I certainly don't want all of them dropping onto my BB. So far, I've had two dumps of about 75 messages each-- one yesterday after I visited the BB website, and another when I turned on my device this morning. Is there a way to limit the number that will be pushed, or set a time limit so that I don't get messages that have been sitting on the server for years? The other problem is, they aren't sorting by date of original delivery, so my BB inbox is currently a mess. When I set up my previous BB, I remember getting old, unopened mail, but I thought that it was sorted by date on the device, no?

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IPhone :: Outgoing Emails Are Going To Outbox?

Apr 4, 2012

My email was hacked today (Yahoo) and I changed password. I changed password on my phone and can receive emails, but sending them is not working.

iPhone 4, iOS 5.1

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Motorola Photon Q 4G :: Emails Getting Stuck In Outbox?

Oct 10, 2012

If I send an email (exchange) from an area with marginal service, the email will get stuck in the outbox.It will not send when I enter an area with "good service." e.g. my house with wifi, or anywhere in town with good 3G.I cannot delete the emails from the outbox. It states "email cannot be openned it is currently being sent."I get errors every minute that says "X" emails cannot be sent. Where X is the number I tried to send while out of service area.The error it says is connection error. I am the exchange server admin, and all the settings are correct. If I go back in and try to re-enter the settings, it doesn't fix it. I am forced to delete and re-enter the account with the same settings. I have had to do this 4 times now (I have had the phone since Sep. 13th). I have 23 other phones currently running on the server, and I personally have had 2 others (HTC Evo Shift and Palm Pre) that did not have this issue.

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IPhone :: Duplicate Emails / Cannot Delete One

Jul 18, 2010

I have my AOL email account set up on my iPhone 4, and I get duplicates of every email that I receive. So when I open my email there is 2 of every one listed, and when I delete them I have to delete both of them.

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BB Tour :: Emails Received In Duplicate

Oct 19, 2011

After the RIM server problems last week and several long technical help calls to and from Sprint, my 3 email addresses have been reactivated (several times). However, I continue to receive every email in duplicate, which is better than not receiving at all but would like to resolve this minor problem.

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BlackBerry :: Pearl 8220 - Duplicate Emails?

Oct 9, 2011

I swap between 2 SIM cards, 1 for the US (T-Mobile) and 1 in Belgium (Mobistar). This time when I switched cards (devices) from the US to the Belgian one, it started to duplicate the incoming (and also sent) emails from my Gmail account to the device I switched back to the US SIM and it's still duplicating emails. I've tried to delete the account and put it in again to no avail.

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Software :: Duplicate Emails On BB When I Send From Outlook?

Jul 21, 2010

I've got a client with a bunch of BBs, they use BIS and Exchange. Whenever they send from Outlook, they get dupe emails on their phones. I found a supposed solution, which was to go into BIS and recreate the accounts with OWA instead of IMAP, but no matter what URL I type in, it tells me it's invalid. I also saw a possible solution that involved getting Exchange no to assign a new UID to the emails, but I'm not finding anything in Exchange to change that.

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Samsung Galaxy S II :: Emails Sticking In An "outbox"?

Nov 20, 2011

Over the last week or so, I have been finding it increasingly difficult to send emails from K9 mail. have always had a problem whereby emails go into an "outbox" instead of being sent to my correpsondent when I hit send. I then have to go to the "outbox" folder, bring up the menu and then pres Send Messages. Extremely frustrating in itself, but just about tolerableNow however when I do this I get a notification saying "could not send some messages H". Fpor a while, it would eventually work after 5 or 6 tries, but now just won't send at all.

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BB Curve 8900 :: Receiving Duplicate Emails From Gmail

Feb 5, 2010

I have recently had to reformat my 8900 and for some reason after setting up my gmail account i an receiving one copy of each email in my gmail folder and also recieving another copy of the same email in my messages folder. this means that i really am recieving 1 in the email folder and 2copies of the same email in the messages folder. i am using BIS and have tried deleting and re-adding the email account and also resending the service books. i tried looking around but couldn't see the same problem which makes me think it's something simple I'm missing. it's nothing to do with sent messages which i have no problems with.

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Eseries / Communicators :: E72 - Nokia Messaging - Duplicate Emails In Gmail?

May 16, 2012

recently when I send email from my E72 I get a duplicate message appearing in my 'all mail' in gmail with (unknown sender) as well as the one I sent.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Duplicate Emails On It With Gmail Account

Jun 19, 2012

Does anyone beside me get duplicate (sometimes over a hundred) emails on their Droid RAZR? I have two different gmail accounts syncing to my phone but only one of them has this issue.

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BB Storm2 9550/9520 :: Deleting Duplicate Email From Handheld Deletes Both Emails

Jan 20, 2010

I have an email account on my Blackberry. It is also hooked up via Entourage on my Mac (same thing as Outlook). When I check an email on my Blackberry, it is marked as read, obviously. But when I click on that email again in Entourage is re-sends the email to my device. This has always happened, I've gotten over it. But now I am realizing that when I delete that duplicate email off the device by using "Delete off handheld", it deletes BOTH of the emails on the device! Have any of you seen this?

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BB Bold 9700 :: SMS And MMS Inbox / Outbox

Jan 18, 2010

My SMS and MMS icon shows received messages but not sent messages. I can choose the sent messages folder, but I want to see inbox and outbox messages together. I had the same problem with the Curve and I somehow fixed it, but I can't remember how. I do not have the sent messages hidden either.

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BB Bold :: Contacts Duplicate Itself?

Feb 3, 2010

It was fine until Monday when the contacts did it again. It also deleted all the information that was added to each contact (like facebook, email, picture etc) and defaulted itself to a standard work number. It would show doubles of some contacts, three of others, and some even four. I then went to AT&T and they just looked at me like I was stupid, saying that it was because I synced my phone to my computer. Well for starters, I don't have an address book on my computer, and I don't know how to used outlook. Also, I've synced my phone with my computer several times before with no issues.I then went home, called AT&T and the Blackberry Department and still nothing. They said it was all a syncing issue. So after all that being said, I re-deleted the extras and re-organized a few.

Today I noticed that when I linked one of my BBM contacts (she had gotten a new pin) to her contact info, the address book again duplicated itself. So I am guessing this is the problem? Is there away I can link BBM Pins to Contact Info without it duplicating all my contacts and deleting their other information? I'm really crazy when it comes to organizing, and I can't keep having my contacts getting messed up continously.

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BB Bold 9700 :: Duplicate Contacts

Feb 15, 2010

google sync is duplicating my contacts, even though in my gmail contacts there are NO DUPLICATES.

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BB Bold 9700 :: Duplicate Mailboxes?

Aug 5, 2010

seems like every time i change themes, my mailboxes get duplicated. so, for example, i have 4 mailboxes on my bb, i get a duplicate of each when i change themes, so that, in turn gives me 8. so, i resend my service books to my phone and that gets rid of the problem, but then when i do that, my mailboxes don't show the count of messages i have for each email address. you know when you hover over the mailbox, it should say "(9)"? it just says the email address. is there a solution to this at all? a solution to either 1) prevent duplicating my mailboxes or 2) have the message count reappear again?

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BB Bold :: Delete Duplicate Contacts?

May 22, 2012

delete duplicate contacts

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BB Bold :: Duplicate Signature In Email?

Jun 25, 2012

I have recently synced my hotmail email to my new blackberry bold, for some reason it duplicates my signature, which I set on my hotmail, every time I send an email. When I get rid of the signature and just sign my name, it says my name twice. I have made sure that I don't have a signature set on my phone, and so it is just my hotmail one.

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BB Bold :: How To Delete Duplicate Contacts

Aug 14, 2011

How to delete duplicate contacts

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BB Bold 9700 :: Duplicate SMS Messages Being Recieved

May 30, 2010

Has anyone else had issues with texting today?I have been recieving up to three or four duplicate text messages today from two different contacts.Also it is taking two or three tries before my texts are sent. Just wondering if it is my phone or something else?

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BB Bold 9700 :: Keep Getting Duplicate Calendar Entries

Apr 7, 2010

I have checked the many forums on here, but still haven't really found an answer. When I sync my blackberry with DM for Mac my Blackberry ends up with multiple entries that are duplicated. I have even tried clicking the erase the info on blackberry box in DM, and it doesn't do it. It makes triple or quadruple entries then. My iCal is perfect though. It doesn't happen every time I sync my BB, just sometimes. does anyone have a solution?

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BB Bold :: Deleting Duplicate Contact Informant?

Jul 7, 2012

A glitch occurred on my contact list several blackberry's ago where some contacts have been duplicated 500 times. Now that I have a new blackberry I really want to get rid of these duplicates so that I can actually persuse my contact list. Is there a way to select multiple contacts to be deleted? It will take me way too long to delete 1500 duplicate contacts one at a time?

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BB Bold :: Duplicate Reminders For Calendar Entries?

Dec 30, 2010

After performing the most recent upgrade, I have noticed that calendar entries that I enter directly into my blackberry 9700 are giving me duplicate reminders. I don't sync calendar entries at all and there is only 1 calendar entry in the calendar, but I end up needing to dismiss 2 reminders for each entry. Interestingly enough, if I update the calendar entry, after that, I only get 1 reminder going forward.

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BB Bold :: Stop Duplicate Copies Of Email Sent?

Sep 25, 2012

Whenever I read, or reply emails in Outlook 2010 on my laptop/pc, a copy of that same email gets sent to my handheld again (ending up with 2 copies of same email).

how I can stop this from happening? It's a pain to read or reply to 5 emails and then have the same 5 emails sent to my handheld. If I read them on my 9900, delete or reply to them, no duplicate is sent again.

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BB Bold 9700 :: Duplicate Contacts Due To E-mail Addresses

Jun 10, 2010

I recently configured my Bold 9700 with a data account and added two E-mail addresses. One being personal, and the other being my school E-mail address. After doing this, I noticed that my contacts were doubled and in some cases, tripled. Some contacts say that they are sychronized to my personal E-mail, while the duplicates say that they are sychronized to my education email address. How can I solve this problem so that the duplicates are deleted? I have several hundred contacts and it is a pain to delete them manually.

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BB Bold 9700 :: Imap Duplicate Email Messages Ex7

Jun 17, 2010

One thing I notice with I don't get the imap duplicate email messages anymore. Has anyone else notice this?

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BB Bold :: Sending Mail/duplicate Contact Lists?

Oct 18, 2012

I downloaded the new OS but when I installed, I had to input all the details from my contacts list. Now I have two duplicate contact lists for each of my three email accounts. The real problem is that I cannot send a new email. I can reply to anything but anything new I try to write fails. Once I have hit sent, the top of the message show: Sent Using: Unknown

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BB Bold :: 9900 Email Duplicate When Sending A Message?

Sep 11, 2012

if there is a setting to stop emails that i am sending to people, it then send a duplicate email to my home email automatically??

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BB Bold :: Way To Delete Duplicate Entries In Address Book?

Dec 1, 2011

Somehow my Bold made a duplicate entry for each address I have in my address book. I don't know how or why this happened, but now when I go to sync my device with Outlook, it wants to put all those duplicated addresses on my desktop. Is there a way to delete duplicate entries in my address book?

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