My phone battery won't charge above orange. it goes back down to red whilst still plugged in, then instead of the lightning sign, it is a small plug on the battery icon.
My phone battery won't charge above orange. it goes back down to red whilst still plugged in, then instead of the lightning sign, it is a small plug on the battery icon. It then charges again to orange, stops, and repeats. Do i need a new battery?
I have a Bold 9000 and it is draining the battery very quickly doesnt even last a few hours with a couple of calls and when its flat will only charge if I take out the battery and put in on a universal charger it wont charge with the blackberry mains charger, car charger or usb connection.I have bought two new batteries and all the same thing, turned off all applications I can see.The phone was bought new from an ebay seller in December and I cant get any response now from them and they are no longer on ebay.I have seen something about updating the system.
I bought this phone off a friend. Its three months old and works great. But the other night I accidentally put the magnetic port on backwards and the phone completely died. I freaked out and tried every key combination possible. I eventually got a red led when I plugged in the microusb port. It turned on in about 10 minutes like normal.
Now, when ever I attach the magnetic cord (properly) I get an orange led blinking and the device doesn't charge at all. What does the blinking orange led mean? Does warranty cover the magnetic port?
When i wanna charge my blackberry smartphone 9790 with a charger it shows "the charging that connected to your blackberry device cannot charge your battery".
My BOLD 9000 after one year and a half of good work, don't charge more the battery, sometimes the battery icon have the yellow lightning on, sometimes it doesn't appear, in any case the battery don't charge, I tried with a new charger (original) and a new battery (original) nothing to do, in very rare case the battery seems to charge to 20%, (old or new) after with the yellow lightning on the charging don't go on. I tried also from the PC the yellow lightning appear but nothing. Now the warranty is still valid, there is something I can do or it is better for me to send the phone to assistance ?
need to back up data on BB and then perform a clean reload due to error JVM 102. battery is dead and BB desktop will not let me connect to perform tasks.Battery will not charge due to error on phone.How can i charge my battery without my phone?
I have a Bold 9700 and I just upgraded my OS a few days ago. Ever since then my phone takes a really long time to charge or shows the sign that it's charging but it is not. Only when I put through the USB cable to the computer that it charges normally. I don't know what the problem is? If its charging normally through the USB then I guess the battery is functioning fine, right? so what is happening?
Why during I charge battery, (9790), the backlight still on( phone already locked, after backlight on, phone is unlocked back). It waste the battery & electric
I recently bought a blackberry bold 9900 and the battery was very low so the next thing I noticed is that it switched off and when I tried to charge it it started to reboot but then it reached half way and stopped right there. Later I tired to remove the battery a reinsert it and then put it on the charger but no red light appeared and the phone would not charge or switch on at all...
My phone charges sooooooo slow when I plug it into the USB on my computer with the data cable. It takes a couple of hours to go from low to 50%. This just started happening and.
It doesn't appear that anything is wrong with the cable - I've only used it a few times. A lightning bolt is appearing and it is charging for sure. It hasn't always done this - or at least I don't thinks so. I've backed up and restored data on my desktop through the USB without a problem.
I updated my Bold 9700 OS to about 2 weeks ago. Everything was working fine up until Saturday, charging 1 minute then the next nothing, tried wall charger, car charger and also through the computer...nothing . This is the message the phone displays "The charging source connected to your Blackberry device cannot charge your battery."
The lightning icon is there but the battery level does not increase.I cant downgrade the OS since the computer doesnot recognize the device, I constantly get an error message. "Usb device has malfunctioned."
I jsut got a new battery because my last one did this. and i went to bed i left it pluged into the wall charging and i turned it off. the leds were blinkin yellow dunno if thats normal nvr doen this before. and when i woke up i cant get the phone on and all i can get is battery blue charging symbol. Ive tried taknig it out and waiting 30 seconds while its pluged in and hasnt done anything. any suggestions?
I just picked up two new nokia icons off ebay.. it was listed as new at least.. came in a box etc..
If i plug it in to charge.. it charges at about 1% per hour if that.. turn the screen on and it drops several percent,. use it unplugged and it rapidly discharges maybe 15% or more in a very short period of time.
Im guessing i got a bad batch?
Its very odd that both phones exhibit the same behavior.. and just for kicks i left 8.1 on one and put 10 on the other.
HI my 4 S doesn't take the charge any longer, and sometimes when I turn it off and plug it, it takes a little bit of charge but doesn't hold it long, and the phone get super hot. What should I do to fix that problem, I have donwload all the last version and the phone is only a few months old.
I live in England and have a Blackberry Bold 9700 on Orange. For months now I've had the desktop software version 6 and have recently installed an update for it of 6.1; yet it always says there is no update available for software on my phone. However, when I took my phone in for repair they updated it to 0S6, so did they use a leaked version then? The reason I ask is because that phone eventually got replaced with the same make and model but came with the older software, and I miss OS6 but am wary of downloading a leaked version.
So was just looking for some advice really - will Orange be releasing 0S6 for Bold 9700 or will I have to get a leaked version and if so how do I do this, hopefully without causing any problems to my phone?
I'm looking to buy the Bold 9700 on Orange basically due to the UMA feature. However, I have a couple of questions which I hope someone can help with
-regarding the branding/software - have Orange added loads of their own software i.e orange world icons etc? And do they cause phone to be compromised in any way compared to O2, Vodafone etc?
- how is Orange overall as a network for 3G coverage?
today i got my brand new bold 9700!I have found out how to remove the bottom part which is branded ORANGE beneath the keyboard.However i am just wondering as when i turn the phone off an annoying ORANGE logo is shown and shows when you also turn it on...
How can i remove this ?? i dont think i can see any other part of the software that orange has included apart from their own link to services
I got my 9700 abt 6wks ago, everything was working fine, Then abt 2 weeks ago I started getting "Call Failed" when trying to make calls. Now I get it 90% of the time, and after investigating I can not receive incoming calls either.I have contacted Orange who say it might be a network / location issue, but not sure and have not had any other complaints? However I have not moved and I get this all the time in my house, where as 6weeks ago it was fine. And also when connected in the car driving around in different areas to my home town it still happens.It seems to be a bug on the handset as my signal strength is full 5bars, 3G displayed, etc. Setting under NETWORK MODE - 3G & 2G, if I set this to just 2G then this fixes it!I am running v5.0.0.351 (plat have tried hard resets, wipes etc, and I finally got Orange to sent me a new handset.Still not working! I have also down loaded and installed what I think is the latest firmware update available for the 9700 from Jordan v5.0.0.442., still no fix so reverted back to v5.0.0.351.I think it might be that I have a weak 3G signal where I live, but switching over to UMA and connecting in my house through this still does not fix it? Is there a known bug that the 9700 gets confused/freezes when trying to switch in and out of 3G/2G/UMA coverage? From Googling Call Failed BB 9700 etc it seems that there are a few others out there with the same issue??? Any help how to fix/what firmware works etc It is driving me crazy because I do not recieve calls, sms etc either!
I been w/o a blackberry for 6 wks now! I finally got my Berry here and guess what the 4 day outage happened!Anyways, I just recently got a plan with Orange, BIS plan. I popped in my SIM and went to host routing services clicked "register" optionNothing, is there something I need to do? The orange customer service is pathetic as they have NO idea what theyre doing, Ive called countless of times and they keep telling me to pull the battery and it should work and nothing yet. Do they need to do something with service books? or what do I need to do?The people at orange keep telling me to do a battery pull(which Ive done SO many times I'm afraid its gonna damage the phone) and I keep registering the host routing service but nothing. I still havent received anything.
I am using the Orange Mobistar Blackberry 9700 Which is having the OS I could not able to Update its OS to 6 and Now i am not in Belguim. I am now in India and i am using Vodafone SIM in my Blackberry. how Could you please Help me to Update it to OS 6? I have already downloaded the OS 6 - 9700M_PBr6.0.0_rel2554_PL6.6.0.216_A6.0.0.576_Mobistar_SA_NV but could not able to install it on my BB. I also tried to install it from Loader but coulnot get through.
I have a BlackBerry 9900 on which i have set up 3 email accounts. One of them is my University address which works perfectly, it has ever since I activated BIS. Two of them are gmail accounts - but neither work. Although I validate them I get an error message saying that I have to activate IMAP on gmail. However I have already done this - I have been using Apple Mail to send and receive messages for 3 years now, using IMAP, so obviously my IMAP must be active. When I look at my gmail settings, IMAP is indeed
I cant seem to be able to update my current version to the newest os6 on my Orange BB9700. When it completes my phone restarts and my screen just is white/grey with all lines going across it.I have to then downgrade to the later OS5 version.
So, I have this orange globe icon with a large number 1 next to it running across the top of my bold...... can't figure out what this is....figured I'd ask
Both my wife and I have Defy's owned for 4 months and upgraded to Froyo 2.2 some weeks ago.both working normally.Then yesterday my phone, for no obvious reason, came up with the message "Invalid Battery.Your device battery is invalid and cannot be charged. Replace the battery with an origional motorola battery." Also the battery symbol at top right of display is black, not green, and has a? mark in it. I have checked my battery, which came with the phone, and it is official Motorola with hologram. So is my wifes.I tried swapping the batteries and while my battery works perfectly in her phone, her battery in my phone gives the same errors.I then tried a master reset....Twice! Both successful, wiping all my data, and requiring me to set up the phone again, but problem still remains.
It's doing that whole "Can not charge battery, please insert a sony ericsson battery" when it is a Sony Ericsson battery Is there anyway to fix this without going to the store you got it from, its the third time this has happened and im sick of having to return it then go three weeks without a phone.