BB Bold :: Hardware-Locked 9700 Any Way To Remove Hardware Lock
Jan 19, 2012My Bold 9700 is hardware locked is there any way to remove that sort of lock.
View 4 RepliesMy Bold 9700 is hardware locked is there any way to remove that sort of lock.
View 4 RepliesI want to remove the preloaded pictures on my 9700. I tried crackmem and filescout, but neither would let me. Do I need to edit the alx file?
View 8 Replies View RelatedFirst two locked up constantly and rebooted. All I did was:
Set up Yahoo Mail
Download Google Maps, Point, Movies
Download One Theme - 18 Icon BlackBerry 9700
Sync with Yahoo Contacts
Sync with Lotus Notes Calendar Only.
Back Up
WiFi connection to home router
Bluetooth headset
I have a BB Bold 2 (9700). The Media Card slot wont lock down the card and keeps springing it out. If i keep the card pressed down it works but wont lock down.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI want to be able to only lock my blackberry by pressing the top left lock button and not unlock it when i press it again. This is extremely annoying. Can anyone help me?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI went to check the settings in my brand new Telus 9700 and noticed that it has 'Disabled' by 'Network'.... Correct me if I am wrong, but shouldn't this say 'Active' if it's SIM Locked?? AT least I vaguely remember that on my Tour.
Anyway this struck me as odd, so I tried to bring up the MEP2 prompt for entering the unlock code, and it wouldn't come up at all....
Everything else is also 'Disabled' except for 'Service Provider' which is 'Active'Is this phone locked or unlocked?? If it's still SIM Locked, why can't I bring up the menu to enter the code with MEP2, and why does it say 'Network' is 'Disabled'?
I have a problem with my Blackberry and would be grateful if anyone knows what the problem is.I have only my Blackberry 9700 bold for 1 month or so.I am unable to lock my keypad by using the lock key on top of the phone. This has happened before but after charging my phone it started to work again. I have turned my phone on and off, tried charging it and the button still doesn't work. Although the keypad will lock when I put it into the leather case.Do you think it is a problem with my blackberry and I should return it? Or is this a problem people have had before and if so, how do I fix it?
View 5 Replies View RelatedJust noticed my screen goes black when i lock the phone. Is there a setting to change this? Sorry im still new to BB.Btw, i just upgraded to the new OS .545
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am having a blackberry bold 9700 carrier locked phone. It came with OS 5, now i want to upgrade the OS to V6. My question is will it allow me to upgrade the OS to V6?. I have seen OS6 from the same carrier on blackberry software download section which i prefer to use. If it allows, should i delete vendor.xml file?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm unable to see the Contact Name when a call comes in when my BB Bold 9700 is "locked".
View 4 Replies View RelatedI recently found out that my blackberry is network locked. So I can't use other SIM card besides the the original carrier network which the phone is locked to. How I can get the unlock code for free?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to remove UK English and the only thing there is on the list at the Add / Remove is the Facebook app.
View 11 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know how to change the default setting for the locked screen? Right now when I press key lock, my wallpaper shows for a few seconds, but then it switches to the big clock. How to I get it to stay on my wallpaper and not show the clock? I just upgraded from My curve 8300 to the Bold 9700 and the only thing I hate about it is the big clock that shows up when I lock the screen.
View 4 Replies View Relatedis there a way to remove the dust under the screen for blackberry bold 9700?
i've viewed the Internet video on how to dismantle the blackberry bold 9700, but noticed that the screen is still attached to the lcd screen...
Just got this blackberry 9700 maybe last week cool phone and all but i can't remove the chip anyone have any idea how?
View 7 Replies View Relatedi push in the existing 2 gb micro sd card on the phone it pops out a little but i can't remove the rest.
View 14 Replies View RelatedI tried to do this like 1 hour already, but the lock didn't move at all.
View 6 Replies View RelatedMy 9700 has two English input methods: US English and UK English and I found it's totally unnecessary to have both.I tried to use BBSAK to remove net_rim_tid_dynamic_ling_data_english_uk_45k_2.cod.But after reboot, nothing happened.Could anyone pls tell me how to remove UK English from my 9700?
View 9 Replies View Relatedi'm in france, i own a 8900 and i'm going to change for a 9700. I renew my contract and get the cell with my points, the only problem is i'm with orange and the phone is like that with Orange on the bottom. they just ruined everything... when i look t-mobile in US it's so much better than this orange logo... Is there a way to remove it ? to hide it ?
View 14 Replies View RelatedIf I remove a service book related to an app, say Need for Speed, will that get rid of the app all together? For some reason I can't just uninstall the app but I can hide it. That doesn't do me much good because I know it's still back there hiding and peeking back at me.
View 4 Replies View RelatedYes fair we have to move with times, but removing functions and changing some apps are as frustrating as upgrading our firmware, month after month, and ya, no need to but with us human nature we just have to have the latest version, even if its not even as good as the one we just wipe, then we roll back again.The point is; since ver 4.x we had the SMS view changed, the ringtones volume, the key lock key, that come and go, now they decided we no longer need the suspend button (the top right hand button). Aren’t there as pole somewhere where the developers can post their upcoming ideas or add a “What changed in this Version” readme file with each version so we at least know, this has been dropped, this has been added, and this BUG is still there after 99 updates.
A forum to make the suggestion to give the user the option to have the old style SMS or the new format chat version, (I have been using a backup Curve 8900 (4.6) this past two weeks as JUST COME TO REALISE HOW MUCH BETTER THE OLD sms reader are, the way we use SMS, over the ver 5.0. As we do not use it as a chat service (way to costly !!!) Pin or email is much better.Any ideas as to how we can get the developers to speak to the people that do use the phones day in and day out, I’m sure there is more suggestions out there to improve the software on a perfect phone
On the clock "page", there is a red symbol that looks like either a BB or a keyboard & it has 9AM there also.. I have gone into the alarm settings & have been unable to remove this alarm. I have no idea what it is. Also, on the home page, there is a tiny clock symbol.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI recently set-up my Email account to my bold 9700 and I found that all my email addresses from messenger live had been stored into the phone's contact list.
I removed my E-mail from the phone but the contacts remain, any ideas on where I go from here?
Im trying to figure out if i should just return this phone, this is my second bold, "auto focus problem was other problem". I've had this phone for around three months, three or four times it has happened, i will be in the middle of a call and i will hear nothing, i look at the phone and its locked up, then solid red light, then phone reboots. Phone works fine for three or four weeks. i never had this problem with my curve 8320. I think its a app that might be auto updating on its own but wanted to see if anyone else is having same problem.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to disable the lock and mute buttons on the top of the BlackBerry Bold 9700? I just received my new windshield cradle that grips it from top and bottom, and the buttons are invariable pressed accidentally for a variety of reasons. Perhaps an application that can shut them off, or some type if setting?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI've applied the bestskinsever to my BB for a while now and it's kind of getting dirty.I'm wondering what if I remove it, wash it and then re-apply will it still stick?
View 7 Replies View Relatedas you know within any screen on the phone when you press and hold the Blackberry button for less than 2 seconds it will bring up a "quick menu". Some icons are ALWAYS listed under this "quick menu" whether they are closed or not, such as BB messenger, Browser etc. Is there any way I can add or remove icons in this quick menu?
View 4 Replies View RelatedTrying to desperately avoid using the Gmail Enhanced Blackberry plugin, ugh so annoying. I've resent the service books.I see the gmail account normal for a sec, than it reverts to the ghetto enhanced account. Can anyone tell me how to use the normal, non enhanced account? Funny as I have 3 gmail accounts on my Bold 9700, and only suffers from the enhanced plugin.Such an inconvenience.
View 14 Replies View Relatedi dont use this and i hate it, but i can't uncheck it when i upgrade. i want to remove it completely off my 9700, NOT just the icon.
View 14 Replies View RelatedI just upgraded from the 9000 to the 9700. Just like Windows 7, blackberry has decided to change the interface. I hate the prompt that asks whether you want to delete messages on mailbox and handheld. I don't use BES so the message is just a hassle.I had no problem figuring out how to remove the prompt on the 9000 - messages>options>email reconciliation. For some reason I can't find this anywhere on the 9700. Has anyone figured out how to remove the prompt
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to remove visual voicemails from my message inbox? I prefer having the VVM icon on my home screen so I can quickly look at my messages. Getting a second VVM notification in my inbox is annoying.
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