BB Bold :: Connecting To Facebook On 9900?

Mar 15, 2012

I have the Blackberry 9900, I have just started using it to connect to my facebook. However, I don't seem to be able to connect to any of my groups.

Also when I go into apps it tells me in order to continue using it I have to upgrade, when I click upgrade it says there is not enough network coverage to process my request, yet I am connected to the net ok?

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BB Bold :: Desktop Manager Connecting To 9900 Using Bluetooth?

May 2, 2012

I have a BB9900 running device software 7.0. I also have BB Desktop Software installed. I run Windows 7. I am trying to connect my computer to my BB using bluetooth so I can sync wirelessly. Bluetooth is enabled on my 9900 and my computer is a "paired device". However when I use the Desktop software and try to "add a bluetooth enable device" it can't find my phone.Also when I go through Devices and Printers on my computer I can see the phone (bluetooth is enabled on the computer) although there is a driver problem identified that windows can't fix.

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BB Bold :: 9900 Connecting To WiFi But Unable To Find Requested Server

Dec 4, 2011

I got my 9900 in August and haven't had this problem before. I can connect to my WiFi -- it shows as connected, strong connection etc. But when I try to go to any site on my browser I get "Unable to find the requested server. This is on my home wifi. But my laptop and WiFi are still fine so it's only on my phone. However, I discovered I am able to connect to other wifis - just not the one at home. The problem originated right when I was downloading some software upgrades. I wasn't really paying much attention to what I was doing and I'm not even sure how I got into downloading these upgrades because I'd never done that before. Anyway, one of the downloads seemed to have got stuck mid-way through downloading.

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BB Bold :: 9900 Not Receiving Facebook Notifications?

Jan 12, 2012

My blackberry is not receiving Facebook notifications why and how can I fix it all my software is upto date?

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BB Bold :: Why Isn't The Facebook Event Working In 9900

Nov 9, 2011

Why isn't the facebook event working in 9900? anyone knows the solution to view the events and comment on it?

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BB Bold :: 9900 Wont Upload Pictures To Facebook?

Mar 9, 2012

When trying to send pictures to facebook from the camera album, it says we need to change keyword. Can't find it in the handbook and it is the only way to share pics with family abroad.

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BB Bold :: 9900 Facebook Events Not Adding To Calendar?

Jun 20, 2010

I have a Bold 9900 and have recently upgraded to Facebook 3.2. I have now lost all my events (birthdays etc) from my calendar (When I am logged into Facebook, the birthdays appear in the calendar and when I log out, they disappear).

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BB Bold :: 9900 Suddenly Not Receiving Twitter/Facebook?

Oct 24, 2011

Couple weeks ago randomly stopped getting anything. It only comes through if I refresh them myself. It is driving me mad and I dont know what to do. I have battery pulled, deleted and reinstalled to no avail?

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BB Bold :: 9900 Bbm / Mail / Facebook / Twitter Dont Work

Nov 14, 2012

I bought a Bold 9900 recently. I am a vodafone greece consumer with a full 12 monts programme for my bb.when i got the bb the bbm and email didnt work. i was only able to make my profile for bbm and for the mail it doesnt have the option for a personal email account only the enterprise.I went to the vodafone store and i asked about the bbm internet service. They opened that for me and i have BIS too. i thought that would solve my problems but nothing. Still nothing works. I register the GPRS bla bla bla many times. I receive a msg that tells me that im registered to tte wifi network but nothing again. Ofcourse i made the batt trick many times.

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BB Bold :: 9900 - Facebook Only Works On Mobile Network Not On WiFi

Apr 28, 2012

I just got a bold 9900 a couple weeks ago and I like it. I use facebook a lot and it worked on the mobile network not on wifi. Yesterday I synced my bold for updates and now facebook doesn't on my mobile network and only on wifi. How I can change it back so I can use my mobile network rather than wifi.

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BB Bold :: Can't Link All Facebook Profile Pictures To Contacts On 9900?

Jun 10, 2012

I can't link all my face book profile pictures to my contacts on my 9900.Only the contacts , that own a black berry can be seen. I have Blackberry services activated, could it be conflicting with the settings

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Xseries :: X3-02 Connecting To Facebook?

Mar 13, 2012

Using both wifi and wap the phone connects to the facebook site fine. I click on the username section to bring up Nokias text box, type my email and press ok to paste it to the username box. Nothing appears, same happens for the password.Phone has the latest software and nothign was done prior to it happening. Just went ot log on as normal and nothing appeared in the boxes.

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BB Curve :: Connecting Facebook With Bbm And Twitter?

Apr 19, 2012

I have a problem in connecting my device black berry 9300 3G with face book as it stop in the connecting to IBM step 3 of 4: black berry ID update , and informed me that it is checking for black berry ID update for bbm connected applications..

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Lumia 1020 :: Facebook Chat Not Connecting

Oct 24, 2013

So I received somewhat of an update today with my camera, but not a firmware update. After I restarted my phone I was no longer able to connect to my facebook chat. Every message I try to send states "Cannot connect to chat right not, but we are trying." I have tried removing my facebook account from my phone and my windows account from facebook, and it didn't work. I was almost thinking it might be some sort of update I am missing.

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BB Accessories :: 9900 Bluetooth Not Automatically Connecting To Ford Audio System

Feb 26, 2012

I have set up my bluetooth to work on my Ford Focus Audio system. Followed the instructions:

- Paired the devices.
- Entered the code given by the audio unit.
- Confirmed that they were connected.

The blackberry asked if I wanted the phone to connect automatically to the unit (So I don't have to go through the process of waiting for, and accepting a connection on the phone. Drove to the garage to get fuel and turned off the engine. Got back in the car started up and drove off. At this point the phone should have connected automatically like my old Nokia. No sign of it doing so. On stopping I looked at the phone and it was asking to accept a connection from Ford Audio. This is not automatic connecting. Automatic connecting is the phone linking up itself as soon as I get in and switch the radio unit on. So why hasn't this worked?

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Xperia X10 :: Stop Connecting To Facebook Ebay And Internet Browser?

Aug 1, 2010

every few days I simply can't do anything with my phone except make calls and send messages.When I use fb I get an error message 'an error has occurred while fetching data. [host is unresolved:]When I use my ebay app I get 'no network found. please retry or check your network settings. Error type 5002'All I have now is very expensive housebrick!

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BB Bold :: 9900 Won't Turn On - Battery Does Not Work On Other 9900 Devices

Nov 7, 2012

My Blackberry Bold 9900 is not turning on.Details: A battery pull has not fixed my problem.I tried using another 9900 battery, however it did not work.My battery does not work on other 9900 devices.There are no signs of moisture, nor has there been contact with water.The LED light doesn't show, nor does anything on the screen.

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BB Torch :: 9900 - Cannot Open Events Page On Facebook

Nov 9, 2011

I can't open the events page on facebook using 9900. It happen recently. In the past it's working fine.?

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RIM :: 9900 - With Facebook - How To Remove Birthday Notifications In Calendar

Nov 15, 2011

I setup Facebook with my 9900. I am getting birthdays of people I don't really talk to often displayed on my home screen. how to remove these calendar notifications?

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BB Bold :: Bold 9900 - Multiple Messages Folder In The Message Center?

Sep 14, 2011

I have 3 mail accounts connected to my bb. Originally all posted to one folder messages folder in the message 'center' where all the sms etc go into (middle of the screen icon at the top) i am not sure what has started to happen but suddenly i then had 2 messages folders and now i have 3. They all go to the same place and sometimes contain the same message which just appears in all 3.

I think this started when i started configuring the sync of the deletion of the folders "folder reconciliation". how i can delete these additional folders as they are just a nuicense they mean very little as mail is randomly flowing into them.

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BB Bold :: Missing Wifi Hop Spot Option On Bold 9900 On 0s 7?

Mar 7, 2012

I had recently downloaded and installed the new os os from SK Telecom form the software download page of on blackberry site to my bold 9900. Upon doing that i was able to access the new mobile hot spot feature and even set it up for use after calling my service provider for the APN which is Lime Jamaica. I even tested it by using another phone which detected it. However sometime afterwards about 30 minutes to an hour later while listening to music my headset got pull out by mistake and upon putting it back in realized music wouldn't start playing back after pressing the side button. Unlocked the phone only to see the play icon highlighted in music player but nothing wouldn't register when clicked with trackpad or touch screen. plus got a message on the screen saying that device media player was busy, which continued for a while. Did a battery pull afterwards which fixed the problem. However a few hours later when i decided to show a friend the new feature and test it by connecting his phone, upon accessing the connections menu the mobile hot spot option was missing even in networks and connections. essentially it disappeared form the phone the only apps on the phone besides the default ones was wikitude and whatsapps. Even after a factory reset it didn't return. Did a clean wipe of the os and installed the os again upon which the hot spot option returned only to disappear again after about a few minutes at which time no extra apps was insatlled just the default ones. Have no idea whats causing this and whats worse the download has been removed from the Sk Telecom link.

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BB Bold :: Wi-fi Not Connecting?

Oct 22, 2011

i got a new bb bold 9900 and its working well, i connected the wi-fi with my home connection... but when i go on the browser, it doesnt work. And btw im with WIND.

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BB Bold :: Not Connecting To The Apps?

Apr 21, 2012

I have the latest version of BBM and the BBM connected apps [Facebook, Twitter etc.] I have not been able to connect these applications to BBM for a week now. The connection always gets stuck on 'step 2'. I have tired everything possible

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BB Bold :: BIS Not Re-connecting On AIRCEL?

May 9, 2012

I bought a new BB bold 9000 a week ago and subscribed to one day BIS plan for Rs 14. I used it for one day smoothly. Registered my device, setup up my email, browsed on internet and used various applications.Then i did not use BIS for 2 days. After two days i again subscribed for 1 day BIS plan but nothing is working now. My network shows i am subscribed but the service status show BIS is not connected.

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BB Bold :: PC And 9780 Not Connecting?

Oct 11, 2011

Just tried yesterday and today to connect my 9780 to my PC and the message I get on my phone is that the cable is not working!! tried 3 different cables but to no avail, also installed software direct from Blackberry website rather than from the disc supplied with my phone - could this be due to the problem with BBM and e-mails or do I have a different prob. If so how do I solve it - novice Blackberry user and getting crosser by the minute. Also I have tried the battery pull trick to no avail!!!

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BB Bold :: Not Connecting With Skype

Oct 25, 2011

it is about 2 months i have connection problems with skype.the status is stay on "connecting" for hours with no change and no connections... and than the devise is stuck and the only solution is restart.verizone said it is Skype's problem, skype didnt replay.

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BB Bold :: Its Not Connecting To The Laptop?

Aug 7, 2012

I have a BB bold and when i try to connect it to the laptop it automatically only charges the phone. Doesn't give me options of using the phone as a mass storage device or usb drive.Besides this phone there are 2 more bb's(curve and bold) which work absolutely fine with the laptop.

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BB Bold 9700 :: 3G Not Working / Connecting

May 13, 2010

I have a 2 unlocked T Mobile BB 9700's.My provider is WIND mobile in Canada.I baught the phones used from ebay. One of the phones is working fine.The other phone is not connecting to the 3G network. It is not even showing the 3G network when I manually search networks. I want it to connect to the 3G network because WIND only uses 3G.Both are running the same( latest )OS version. I have switched sim cards(to no avail) and I have tried to restore it to factory settings using the wipe feature in the security settings(nothing)

Both phones are next to each other. One is showing 3G the other is showing 2G (same carrier).what gives??

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BB Bold 9700 :: Connecting To Internet

Apr 22, 2010

I've recently upgraded my phone to the Blackberry 9700 (my first BB so I'm completely clueless) and received it yesterday.I also changed my plan to allow internet access.

I registered my phone and was told to turn it off for 2 hours so they can update the sim and everything, which I did. I then turned it on and I can make calls, send texts and all of that, but when I try to access the internet it says 'This is a Wi-Fi service. Please ensure your device has an active Wi-Fi connection and try again'? I'm taking a guess here, but I think this may be because they haven't updated my plan yet?

Also, I went on the browser whilst connected to Wi-Fi, tried to download the app world and it said something along the lines of 'Sorry your device does not meet the system requirements require'. What's going on?

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BB Bold 9000 :: OS 5.0 Not Connecting To BIS On Rogers?

Jan 9, 2010

I have installed the Bell 5.0 OS on my Rogers bold. Everything went pretty well for a week, and I loved this new OS. But this morning, my BB data stopped to work (email, browser etc.) and on the network status screen, it said that it was not connected to BIS. I connected to my Wifi network, and the BIS connection was back (using wifi). I closed Wifi, called Rogers, they sent a new config to my BB, and everything worked for a minute. Then it then stopped again. Suspecting that my OS was a bit messy, I wiped my device and installed 5.0 from scratch. Still no connection to BIS. So I wiped again and installed the latest Official OS from Rogers. Everything was fine. I then upgraded to 5.0 and lost connectivity to BIS again Any idea on what is going on? Anyone is having trouble have their BB connect to BIS?

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BB Bold :: Connecting To Linksys E2000?

Apr 30, 2012

my bold 9780 doesn't detect the wifi of my router. The wireless router is a cisco linksys E2000. First I thought the wifi of the cellphone was broke, but when I walk down the street I pick up every single wifi signal there is. I've adjusted the safety settings of the router from WPA to WPA2 to WEP, didn't work. I've read somewhere that it could be that I had to install a certificate to be able to see the modem, but where do I get that?

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