BB Bold :: Battery Got A Dunking / Safe To Try In Phone?

Sep 8, 2011

I accidentally dropped my [brand new!] battery in a stream yesterday, and didn't manage to fish it out until today. Luckily the phone itself didn't go in.Outwardly the battery looks okay, except that a couple of the gold 'connection points' look a little oxidised. But is there even any chance that the battery itself isn't kaput? - I don't know how susceptible they are to water.Is it worth me trying to put the battery back in the phone, or is it likely to damage it? I'd rather buy a new battery than a new phone obviously, but the impatient part of me wants to give it a go.But I've found lots of advice for what to do if you get the whole phone wet, but nothing about just getting the battery wet - and I don't really want to play trial and error and risk completely ruining the phone.

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IPhone :: Safe Countries To EBay - Safe To Send Internationally?

Jul 8, 2010

eBaying my unlocked and jailbroken iPhone 3GS. What countries would be safe to send internationally? Or should I only sell within the United States?

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Galaxy S5 :: Phone Is In Safe Mode And Can't Get It Out Of It?

Jun 18, 2015

I took some pictures in the pool since it is waterproof , but all applications are now shut , my down volume button does not work , and I've tried , rebooting , restarting , recovering etc but nothing , i repeat once all the applications like fb , Instagram , games are irresponsible , but if i drag the app in the main screen it works but lags alot.

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Xperia Z3 :: Phone Won't Reboot Out Of Safe Mode

Jul 3, 2010

I had issues with the power button on my phone and had to hard reset it. It rebooted in safe mode and so I reset the phone and then deleted all of my apps.

I tried to reboot again to take it out of safe mode but it just stays in safe mode. I can't download any of my apps anymore.

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Galaxy S6 Edge :: How To Get Out Of Safe Mode On Phone

Jun 25, 2015

Ok so i droped my new galaxy s6 edge and i thoight i was all right untoll my phone rebooted and stuck in safe mode now i realised my bottem volume buttomvis stuck down.

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Galaxy S5 :: How To Take Samsung Phone Off Of Safe Mode

Mar 25, 2015

How to take samsung galaxy s5 off of safe mode

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Galaxy S5 :: Get Phone Out Of Permanent Safe Mode?

Dec 30, 2014

My phone is stuck in Safe Mode and doesn't leave it even after restarting. Conventional methods don't seem to work , anyou way I can revert it back to normal. I'd prefer not to do a factory reset, but if nred be I will

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Xperia Z5 :: My Phone Will Not Re-connect To Safe WiFi Automatically

Jul 3, 2010

I have to manually connect to all wifi connections, even when I am at the office or at work. The wifi entry is saved, so no need to enter password, just have to click on it everytime. I already tried deleting the entry and re-entering them, no luck. 

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Galaxy S5 :: Phone Keeps Rebooting Automatically - Also Within Safe Mode

Apr 26, 2015

I also get an error message: "android.process.acore". I am now unable to use my phone as it continually restarts and I cannot access any other options.

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BB Bold 9700 :: Safe Video Converter?

Apr 4, 2010

Does anyone know of a safe video converter for the Bold 9700? When i transfer videos to my laptop, it says "File Not Supported" when trying to play them on my laptop.

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BB Bold 9700 :: How Safe Is Receiving Emails?

Jun 22, 2010

How safe is receiving emails on the BB Bold 9700?What if i open an email with a virus attached. How safe is receiving emails via the BB device?

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BB Bold 9700 :: Restart In Safe Mode

May 9, 2010

is there such a thing as RESTART IN SAFE MODE in our 9700? to trouble a boot up problem, would have been a nice feature in the OS.

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BB Bold :: 9900 Will Only Boot In Safe Mode?

Oct 5, 2011

I got this Blackberry 9900 on Orange two weeks ago. I went to bed and it was fine- woke up and it was switched off. I figured the batt was dead but when tried to switch it on it would fully boot but show the home screen. I security wiped yesterday because of a problem with App world. Now it only works in safe mode.

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BB Bold :: Safe To Update The OS Of 9930 If The Service?

Jul 21, 2012

i am a newwbie in BB. Recently bought a Bold 9930. The phone was actually used with Sprint but now it is unlocked. I am using it with another GSM operator which is not listed in the Official OS update list.

Is it safe to update the OS which is given for Sprint? Please note that currently I am not using any data plan.

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BB Bold :: Error 523 Don't Even Allow To Choose Safe Mode

Feb 23, 2012

error 523 don't even allow to choose safe mode

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IPhone :: Is It Safe To Remove Sim Card After I Have Setup My 4 To Retrieve My Contacts From Old Phone

May 17, 2012

Is it safe to remove sim card from my I phone 4 after I have set it up, to fit it into my old phone to retrieve my contacts from my old phone?

iPhone 4

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BB Bold :: 9930, Error 102 And Doesn't Start In Safe Mode

Nov 1, 2011

i got a problem, my blackberry 9930 show me white screen and error 102, cause a few days ago, i uninstall a application, and after ask me reboot, starts showing the problem, i try to starts safe mode, i just press escape key when goes out the red led, and just starts normally and allways shows Error 102.

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BB Bold :: 9700 Not Reboot In Safe Mode - Just Showing App Error 200

Aug 21, 2012

I have a problem with my Blackberry 9700 and it has a message of App Error 200. I try to reboot it to safe mode but it wouldn't work, I'm trying to delete third party application I used to download in the internet but my phone stop working. I try also to update the software but the problem is the memory is full, I cannot delete the applications to free the memory because the phone stop working and in the screen you will only see app error 200. My device model is Blackberry 9700 PIN: 21F447D0 OS:5.0 Bundle 726 (v5.0.0.442 Platform

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IPhone :: First Time Jail Breaking - IRealSMS App Is Making Phone Go Into Safe Mode When Reboot

Aug 4, 2010

First off im really impressed with the things you can now do with jail breaking the iphone..i never did it to my 3g just cause of all the crashes people were having but i finally said wow this is too easy thru so i took the plung on my IP4

seems im having some issues though:
can get the weather to show--says zero degrees and im in florida tried a wipe and reload...nothing...

for some reason this app is making my phone go into safe mode when i reboot.ive done a reload and a remove...when i remove i no longer get this error.tried using bitesms but a couple of text i never saw cause they were under the app itself.mywi has worked great ! tethering my ipad and my macbook problems i said i love that you can now do all these things...

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BB Bold :: Sometimes The Phone Just Hangs And Have To Do A Battery Pull?

Jan 12, 2010

I recently bought a Blackberry 9700 from T Mobile, 5,0,0,351 platform 5,1,0,98 and each time i try to scan a friends bbm barcode nothing happens. I have tried diffrent computer screens and diffrent positions, sometimes the phone just hangs and i have to do a battery pull. I have downloaded OTA the new bbm because my desktop manager woont update it. It is not a big issue but i was wondering why it isnt working.I dont know if its ok to post a diffrent problem but i thought it would be easier to get an answer then to make another post. The 2nd problem i have is with voice dialling, it doesnt load if it has a big number of contacts, i fixed it by deleting most of my contacts. It works fine now, but i waz wondering if there is a way to fix this so i can have more contacts.

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BB Bold 9700 :: Battery Draining A Lot Faster In New Phone?

Mar 15, 2010

I am sure there are a lot of posts about this, but my question may be a little harder to find. I had issues with my phone and called warrenty so they sent me another one, I feel like the battery is draining a lot faster in this new phone, but its the same battery? Does that make sense? I didnt think it did...any suggestions

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BB Bold 9700 :: Dwindling Battery Life On Phone?

Jan 1, 2010

I'm a pretty avid user, bbm, email, broswer, etc, etc & when I first got the 9700 it was amazing the length of battery life between charges, sometimes 2 or 3 full days before needing a charge. But now as just under 2 months have passed, I'm finding myself having to charge usually every other day.

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BB Bold :: Drained Battery - Phone Not Turning On - 9700?

Jun 21, 2010

Using my phone as per usual and had about half battery left, suddenly an error screen popped up saying drained battery and shutting off handheld. After it shut off and I plugged my blackerry in to charge up, I couldn't get the phone to turn back on. I popped the battery in and out of the back hoping for a reboot and nothing. I left it plugged in over night. When I tried to turn it back on this morning it still wouldn't turn on. I popped the battery in and out of the back yet again and finally it booted back up, but without a charge in the phone whatsoever even though it had been plugged in over night.

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BB Bold 9700 :: Battery Pull Sent Phone Into Constant Reboot?

Aug 26, 2010

I can't seem to find this exact problem, so bear with me if I missed it. My problem is that when I did a bettery pull a couple of days ago, my 9700 went into constant reboot. I was able to correct this by connecting to DM and reloading the OS (.714). This was the same OS I was previously using. Now, when I do a BP, the progress bar goes all the way to the end and it just freezes. I have to pull the battery again, and reload the same 714 OS from DM. No help from TMO online help, so I thought I would ask here.

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BB Bold :: 9900 Battery Was Completely Drained \ Can't Get The Phone To Turn On At All?

Nov 7, 2011

Yesterday, my Bold 9900 battery was completely drained so I put it on charge overnight. The LED light was flashing yellow. Now I can't get the phone to turn on at all. This has happened before but after removing the battery and putting it back in the phone turned on. I've tried pulling the battery today but nothing happens, just the LED light flashing red for a few seconds then going back off

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BB Bold 9000 :: Battery Life Drain And Extremely Warm Phone

Mar 8, 2010

Apps and free space File free before and after a battery remove/replace. (Go to Settings, then Options, then status): 46791728 Bytes before and 4721816 Bytes after Did a battery pull fix your issue?: No (What fixes it is plugging the phone into the charger after starting the restart process) Apps installed and their version if possible. (Go to Settings, then Options, then applications):Seesmic v 1.3.28, BB 4.6 Core Apps v 4.6, BB 4.6 System Software v 4.6, BB App World v, BB Attachment Service v 4.6.0, BB Maps v 4.6.0, BB MDS Runtime v, BB MDS Default Launcher v, BB Messenger v 4.6.0, BB S/MIME Support Package v 4.6.0, BB Visual Voice Mail v, Brickbreaker 4.6.0, Browser v 4.6.0, Documents to Go v 1.001.145, DOD Root Certificates v 4.6.0, Email Setup Application v 4.6.0, Engadget v 1.0.1, Enhanced Gmail(TM) Plug-in v, Facebook v 1.2.0, Help v 4.6.0, Kindle v, MemoPad v 4.6.0, Opera Mini v 4.2, Password Keeper v 4.6.0, Phone v 4.6.0, TTY Support v4.6.0, TagReaderBB v 2.1.75, Tasks v 4.6.0, Tetris v 4.41.37, WikiMobile v 1.33, Word Mole v 4.6.0

When writing your question Occasionally the phone's screen will turn white. What I've noticed as that it typically happens after the phone shuts itself off. I don't know how it turns off, and it doesn't happen often, but occasionally I'll pull my phone out of my pocket and find that it's completely off. When I turn it back on it will boot all the way to the home screen without issues and then the screen will fade to white and stay that way. Pulling the battery does not fix the issue. All it does is kill the battery more than having the screen being all white and full power. Most recently it happened while I was navigating the Store in the Amazon Kindle program. Looking around I've seen conversations stating that the screen's going bad (which I doubt), the OS needs to be reinstalled (which I attempted through the Desktop Manager and I think I did it how I'm supposed to without wiping it with a 3rd party program), or that the phone is defective. My dad got the phone in November of 2008, and I got it when he decided to get an iPhone. I'm definitely a BlackBerry noob, so any suggestions (or requests for more information), would be appreciated. I've have noticed that reloading the OS stops the problem for about a week or so.I noticed recently is that the battery life seemed to be draining faster than I thought reasonable. For instance, on 50% (or so) charge, the phone would die after being in a call for about 45 minutes. So I ordered a new battery. Today, the phone got extremely warm (in the holster) and the battery drained to the yellow bar in about 3 hours. No programs that connect to the network (Twitter, Web Browser, Opera, Kindle, etc.) were running and I was not noticing the up/down arrows. This was on a full charge. When I plugged it into the wall, the battery seemed to charge extremely fast. It's only been charging for about an hour or so and it's nearly at full charge. This is not typical. I am out of warranty, have no insurance, and am not able to get a discount price on a new phone until July. I'm ready to downgrade to my old dumbphone.

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BB Bold :: 9700 Battery Suddenly Drains Dies And Phone Shuts Off

Mar 26, 2012

Bold 9700 running 6.0, battery suddenly drains dies and phone shuts off, even though there is charge left.I've made sure to exit and close apps so they don't drain in the background.Tried replacing the phone through the carrier.

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BB Bold 9700 :: Is It Normal For Battery To Drain Quickly While Phone Is On Stand By Mode?

May 16, 2010

I recently purchased a new Bold 9700 and I noticed that the battery drains very quickly. It only lasts about 4 hours if the Mobile Network, WiFi and Blue Tooth are enabled. Also, I have recently installed the latest software updates.Is it normal for the battery to drain this quickly while the phone is on stand by mode?

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BB Bold 9700 :: AFTER Battery Pull - When Phone Restarts It Goes Back To Original Wallpaper / Track Pad Won't Work

Mar 19, 2010

I've come to dread restarting my phone (after deleting an app, to free up space). Every time I pull the battery, it's like playing russian roulette with my phone. When it restarts, it goes back to that original wallpaper that my bb bold2 had, and then the trackpad won't work. Even if I click down once to activate the trackpad, nothing moves on my screen. It almost always ends with me having to do a second battery pull, which is really nerve-wracking. It's like there's some sort of SEVERE lag going on. And if it does begin to work after a battery pull, it takes like 6 minutes to begin working.

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LG G4 :: Battery Stats Report - Phone App Listed As Higher Battery Consumer

Aug 18, 2015

Since acquiring a G4 recently I've noticed something weird going on with the phone's battery stats report. For some reason the Phone App is always listed as the highest battery consumer, even in circumstances when the screen should definitely be at the top with upwards of 4 hours of SOT.

Here's a shot from today after being off a full charge for about 15 hours and 1.5 hours of SOT (a good chuck of this was overnight idle).

This is happening on every full recharge even after rebooting and full charging in an off state.

However, the GSam report looks much more normal and closer to what I would expect to see

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Lumia 1520 :: Phone Battery Drain - Battery Gets To 70% To 75%

Dec 10, 2015

I updated to WM10 10586.29 and now when my battery gets to 70% To 75% it will drain down do 2% in an hour. I have location, Hey Cortana and most background apps turned off and still get the drain. Also I just noticed while charging it takes forever, but when it get's to 40% it goes up to 100% in less than 10 min.

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