I have my gmail account mapped with my new BB 9700. When I send an email from my BB using the gmail account, it doesnt appear as an sent item. Which setting am I missing? Bcoz when I had 8900 (till few days back), sent emails (from BB) used to appear on the BB.
I'm running .400 and I cannot figure out why my Gmail doesn't forward to my BB emails sent to myself. If I'm on my PC and I compose a message to the same email address I'm writing from, which is connected with my BIS, the email doesn't appear on my BB ever.In Gmail, I have forwarding disabled but POP enabled.
Just got myself a Torch 9800 yesterday, set up gmail for email/contacts/calendar.To my surprise that all my existing emails (about 26 of them) still residing in my gmail inbox (online) does not appear on my Torch.It only syncing new emails. is there a way to force it to also sync all my previous emails that still resides on gmail onto my Torch?
how can i set emails to only go to my gmail folder, instead of to both Messages and Gmail, im only getting the notifications for the "Messages" folder, but it's cluttered. I read something about Message List Options, but i cant find it anywhere. any ideas?
I just bought my bb9700 and I have been tinkering around with the emails. Here's my query. I have a two email addresses that are delivered to a single Gmail address. I have added the main Gmail account to the blackberry and I'm able to receive emails from different email addresses. The problem is, I can't seem to reply to the email using the original email address that was sent on. To clarify, a@gmail.com is my main account where the two other emails are sent in and I have b@gmail.com and c@email.com Someone just sent in an email to b@gmail.com and I received it using a@gmail.com. I would like to know if I am able to replay to that individual using b@gmail.com.
So I set up my gmail account via the BIS or whatever plug-in, and all seems to be working ok. The problem is that the emails go straight to my general "Messages" inbox, but nothing shows up in my Gmail account inbox when i click on that specific icon. I do have SMS/MMS broken out into a separate inbox, but i'd like to use the gmail inbox where it threads messages with the same topic instead of the general messages inbox.tried resending service books.
I have a Blackberry Bold 9700 and from maybe one month ago I am not receiving gmail calender invites on the blackberry. So I end up going online into my gmail account and responding to the invites. The invitations or accepted notices or updates to invitations - nothing appears.
On my 9700 (, I have my Gmail acct with the enhanced plug-in. I've noticed that when I send an email from my phone, the sent message does not show up in my Gmail list. It *does* show up in the main Messages app. And when that person replies, it shows up as a single email (i.e., doesn't group and show 2 emails with my original). Is this normal? Did it start with BIS 3.0? I can't recall whether it did this prior to 3.0. I also have a Yahoo account, and when I send mail from that, it does show up within the Yahoo Messages app (with a check mark next to it). I also looked through options and "Hide Sent Messages" is set to No.
Now when I get emails on this phone, they come in through my notification screen and I can read them there but it doesn't show up within my actual email account icon on the phone. Nothing since the registering the email on the phone successfully email shows up on the actual phone.
My BlackBerry Bold 9650 all of a sudden stopped showing emails in Messages. All it will show is Text Messages. How do I get it to show emails again? This happened last Thursday. Yesterday it stopped even receiving emails at all. It still receives text messages, but that's it.
Recently I have been getting old deleted emails pushed to my handset. I always the same emails all the time. It is always all the emails from the 7th August 2011. I always delete from handheld and computer, but don't know why it keeps appearing. It happens atleast 3 times a day. Gets a little annoying.
I don't know if my thread title makes sense but basically what I would like to know is what are the advantages of downloading the Gmail app vs just setting up a Gmail account through my BIS (Email Settings/Add Account)? My main objective here is wireless contacts sync. I have read a lot of negative feedback regarding Gmail on a BlackBerry but I will not really even be using this for email all to often, although I will from time to time. What I have done is just added my new Gmail account through the native BlackBerry email setup and then downloaded Google Sync. I downloaded the Gmail app but I didn't really like the UI and I like to have all 3 of my email accounts go into the same folder.
constantly got the egg timer when i start to try and do something.i close apps properly, i hardly use the damn thing. when i do a battery pull it still happens when i start the phone. what shall i do?
I am a new 9700 user and am struggling a bit with SMS converstations with contacts who are also in my BB Messenger list.These conversations are showing as collapsed in the SMS view. They also appear in the BB Messenger conversations view but if I restart the handset they disappear from there and only appear in the SMS view.
I have attached an image of a "collapsed" SMS message. Look carefully at the blue horizontal line directly above Mon 18 Jan 2010. If I click on this, the conversation expands.Any thoughts on how I can prevent this from happening and have all SMS conversations visible. Ideally I would like to keep SMS and BB Messenger chats separate but am struggling to do this even after removing the link between the BB Messenger contact and the contact in my address book.
I am a new 9700 user and am struggling a bit with SMS converstations with contacts who are also in my BB Messenger list.
These conversations are showing as collapsed in the SMS view. They also appear in the BB Messenger conversations view but if I restart the handset they disappear from there and only appear in the SMS view.
I have attached an image of a "collapsed" SMS message. Look carefully at the blue horizontal line directly above Mon 18 Jan 2010. If I click on this, the conversation expands.Any thoughts on how I can prevent this from happening and have all SMS conversations visible. Ideally I would like to keep SMS and BB Messenger chats separate but am struggling to do this even after removing the link between the BB Messenger contact and the contact in my address book.
I keep receiving messages from RIM network on my handheld. They state that the message is used to carry data between the Blackberry handheld and an associated server and advise me not to delete, move or respond. Anyone have any idea as to how i can get these messages not to appear constantly?
I have Outlook 2007 on my desktop computer and use BT as a service provider and for my email, my Blackberry supplier is Vodafone and I use BIS.I have noticed that if my Blackberry receives an email first I don't get the same email delivered to my desktop. If my desktop gets an email first then the same email will be delivered to my Blackberry. I was happily deleting emails from my Blackberry thinking I would have them all on my desktop but I now find I have to check what emails I have on each before I delete anything. Is this an issue that anyone has come acrosss before and how do I resolve it apart from synching the Blackberry and desktop?I'm often away from the desktop which is why I bought the Blackberry in the first place.
purchased a Bold 9700 on Vodafone and have found 2 little things that are bugging me because I can't find out what one of them is, or why the other happens!
1) I have a strange icon that I can't find a description of appearing next to 2 messages. It looked like a little phone symbol. It appears next to 2 of my conversations, in my SMS/MMS inbox and on he Blackberry Messenger inbox (as the conversations are via the PIN service). I have other conversations in my Blackberry Messenger inbox that appear with a little bubble with the blackberry logo inside, and messages in my SMS/MMS inbox that appear with the normal white speech bubble at the side. However, no matter what I do, these 2 conversations remain with the little Phone symbol next to them.....
Message -------------------------- <----------- That tiny gap will highlight, and when I click it, it opens into the chat Contact screen for one of my contacts?! If I send another message, it then Message appears like normal again with the rest of the messages!
Carrier: Vodafone Model & OS: Bold 9700, v5.0.0.545 (
I have Bold 9700. When I am typing my password to unlock the phone, I can see the letters appear instead of ***** in the password box. If I enter the password as was set, it is not accepted. As I am on the last attempt before the phone is wiped.
Blackberry bold 9650, OS 6 bundle 1741 (verizon)issue: I have set up gmail (in addition to my corporate BIS administrater account). when an gmail comes, in the 'gmail icon' shows as if there is an new email, when opening this icon, it doesn't show any email (in the top it shows 'All Mail' folder), but if I go to the main mail icon (desktop mail icon), then I can see my corporate emails AND gmails.Any idea why this behaves this way? I may have played around the gmail plug-in and might try to remove it sometime back. I tried to add it again it says my phone is not compatible.for what is worth, this device was in 5.0 before, I upgraded to OS 6 few months back, since then I have this issue (the plugin was working great in the previous version).
i updated my phone last week,and ever since then i do not receive any gmail anymore.i did the batt pull thing. i also deleted the gmail app from my phone and reinstalled it but still no email.can anyone help me.funny thing is i hear a sound for the email but not email in my boxes?
I'm a brand new BlackBerry user! Got my first ever BlackBerry on Tuesday - and I'm loving it! The 9700 is a beautiful little thing.
But, how do I sign out of Gmail? I'm not sure if staying signed in will abuse my data usage (unlimited with Vodafone, but due to their fair use policy - it's technically 500MB).
I'm just using the 'built in' email tool to get my emails, not sure if there's a dedicated app I should be using, or even if this is considered an app... I know very little about BlackBerry's!
I am trying to setup my gmail account on my BB 9700 Bold, but keep getting the message that the gmail account or password is incorrect and won't give me any other options.I updated the phone to OS6 and it still won't accept the gmail account.Also received the "Enhanced Google Mail plug-in for Blackberry smartphones" - but that also stops at the same place.I have another webmail account [URL] that I've always used previously (and it works), but want to change from that email account (which is very spammed out) to my gmail account. Must I delete that account first before adding my gmail account? I haven't done so in case I lose that account and not be able to reinstate it.
i have installed on my 9700.i added my gmail account using the email setup on the phone. whenever i get a new email to my gmail account, the notification icon doesn't have the red star on the yellow envelope. i don't get this behavior with my hotmail account. anyone know what is going on?
I recently upgraded then downgraded os's and now my email icons are all plain. Usually aol or yahoo icons would show. Also, my 2 gmail account icons I cant seem to get into. I click on them and it just freezes. What am I doing wrong. Even my blackberry messenger contact pictures look blank.
I have been trying to get gmail working off & on for about a month now. I have had a gmail account for as far back as I can remember. I have set it up on my 9700 and received the "congrats" email from the bb service, but never receive emails.
Created a NEW gmail account, and have tested from my hotmail account (which IS receiving and sending fine on my BB). Still not receiving gmail on device. Called T-Mob, spoke to rep and BB supprt rep. I recieved 2 or 3 emails that night (couple of weeks ago). Nothing since.
Can: Send an email to hotmail account and gmail accounts from my BB (using a gmail account to send) and I receive them on my computer. I recieve the hotmail email on my BB, but not the gmail. No matter what I do, I can't seem to receive gmail on my BB.
I have: •Resent the Service Books from both the Handheld and my PC (A few times)
•Registered a few times through the Host Table and got the registrering email
•Checked to ensure no filters interfering on my provider setup and made sure that it is set to "forward to device"
•Deleted the Gmail Account and set it up again - same issue
•Set up a hotmail account, which works fine.
•Confirmed Gmail settings (on gmail site). POP is enabled (recent)as well as IMAP
•Checked Firewall settings
•Rebooted my Blackberry by pulling the battery after most of the events above
I'm an IT Support Specialist, but just can't seem to figure out what the problem is. I am new to BB and new to the community, and I feel like this is just beyond my periferal vision.
just switched over from an IPhone 3G to a Bold 9700 and I'm loving it so far. Besides the SMS bug, the only thing that has bothered me is that my Gmail isn't receiving emails. I made sure I set up my account correctly and I even received a confirmation email, but two days after that and I have not received a single email. I have signed into Gmail from my computer and had multiple emails that my Bold never received. Any ideas what the problem might be?
i just upgraded my Storm to the Bold 9700 a couple days ago. When setting up gmail through the "personal email setup" icon on the 9700, I add gmail successfully. My problems are below:
1. Sent messages from my gmail account on the computer, do not show up on my BB. I found that gmail made the fix to not have them appear in your inbox as new messages, but the sent messages don't even show up with a check mark. I made sure the "Hide Sent messages" option is set to "No" but this didn't fix the problem. Is there any way I can at least view the sent messages with a check mark next to them on my BB?
2. While trying to test out different scenarios, I found that email I send to myself on gmail don't show up on my BB. Is there any way to turn this back on?
I really hate to do this but I have looked around for way too long trying to find the answer to this. If you can point me in the right direction I would be grateful. I just switched today from the iPhone to the 9700 Bold and I can't figure out how to configure my Gmail to come through.
I'm having a little business and going to buy a Blackberry Bold 9700. I've read alot of boards and forums but i still didnt find an answer to the question: "Is it possible to get mails from accounts which are not from google or yahoo etc"? I have an own online shop/domain and therefore my mail-adress is something like info@<myshopdomain>.com I'm currently using Thunderbird on my Laptop to get and send mails via pop3/smtp.So is it possible to have access to mails via a pop3 and send mails via smtp on a Blackberry 9700 Bold?