Used my bold a few months and was very happy. But today, suddenly it can't read my Memory Card anymore. All the data is still there when I check using my computer with a card reader.I did multi times Battery Pull and changed different card..
Before I remember finding a graph that showed the memory usage and what was on the media card, but either I forget where it is or its not on the new .442 OS.Can someone please help me out, I did a search and came up dry.
would this not make sense for rim to add in a software update, for us to be able to use a memory card as virtual memory? or use a small portion of memory?
I know there has been a ton of posts about this subject and I have wrote one myself just a few days ago and I got my **** chewed out for even mentioning it. Well I guess the Android platform has just about got that problem licked. They are just around the corner from letting this jewel out. The people from Google said it may be just a "little" slower but will be very usable. The response I received from the forum was that the 9700 had plenty of storage for as many apps as you needed and still operate fast. Agreed but what will happen with the new OS and this great browser around the corner arrives. Many of the phones won't be able to use the new OS because of memory problems so that tells me that it may slow down the 9700 if too many apps are loaded. That is where the ability to save and run apps from memory card will be needed. Android put it together very fast why the **** can't Rim or some company put one together that works?
I have just upgraded to the 9700 from the Pearl 8110. I want to take out the memory card that has been inserted in the 9700 and swap it with a card I have in my Pearl. However, without sounding embarrassingly incompetent, I can't seem to get the card out of the 9700.I have followed the instructions, and pushed the card in before it springs out.
my BB bold 9700 just can't access to my memory card sudendly and I don't know why because everything works ok so far, until yesterday.yesterday I have access to all, music, photos...and today a friend calls me and the ring tone is differente and when I try to change access to memory card, says that don't have none?!!!I try to take the battery off for 5 minutes, put the memory card in my Pc and works fine...I don't understand, it's like if my BB don't have any memory card in!
i recently got a bold 9700 but when i insert a memory card it's sayin that there is no media card in the device.. i have inserted two differnt memory cards and its the same thing.
does anyone know if it is possible to save apps to the memory card, everytime i download a app from app world it automatically saves on the phone memory and that is quickly filling up
I have an issue with my 9700: my device worked perfectly fine and for some reason, a couple of days ago, it stopped recognizing my MicroSD Card. I tried it on another Blackberry and it works perfectly fine. I also tried another card that works in other BBs but not in mine.
Do all pictures taken by the camera go to memory card? Also do the pictures that were E-Mailed to me and saved, do they also go right to the memory card or to the device memory? Is there a way to send all saved pidctures to memory card or is this automatic?
there I just got my first BB. Its a9700 bold. Wanting to know what's a good fast memory card to use? And I have to say that I never thought I would love crack some much. And I was wondring as well. What is the differance between HCC cards and non HC cards??
I have an Mac running the Tiger OSX operating system. Because this is an older OS, the BlackBerry Desktop Manager software will not run on my computer. So far, I refuse to pay $170 to upgrade my computer just to run the Blackberry software. Instead, I manually drag my music files from iTunes onto my phone and then organize them later. My problem is as follows:Only some of the music appears on my phone, while much of it does not. At first, I thought this was a DRM issue with iTunes, but some of my downloaded iTunes music does appear and is playable on my BlackBerry.Regardless of how little music appears in my phone's media folder, my BlackBerry memory reflects that I uploaded the FULL amount of my music!Now, the latest problem. When I connect my phone to my Mac and try to delete all the files, they completely disappear from the phone and I still have a massive amount of occupied memory!Failed resolution attempts include: Restarting BlackBerry, battery pull, searching all over my phone's folders via my Mac looking for lost files (none found).
Trying to delete vids from my memory card on my 9700 and it won't let me. Anything from the web it won't, but if I make a vid it'll let me..anybody know what's up?
all of a sudden i noticed after reviewing a pic i had just taken that my other pics were gone. I went to my options/ memory/ says "memory card not currently inserted in device". I can read the card find in an sd card reader attached to my computer but phone suddenly doesn't recognize. any ideas?
tried battery pull, nothing I have saved my files on the computer and reformatted then put back nothing.I have blackberry bold 9700
This may sound like a complete newbie question, but I've never had to do this....Is there a way to see what is solely on my memory card and delete certain objects to free up some space?When I had a Windows based phone I could just go into the folders.. is this possible with my 9700?
I just recently bought a 16gb Micro SD memory card online, but it doesn't work. I put it into my phone and it says to format and I format and everything. After formatting is complete, I connect my phone to my computer so I can sync it with my itunes. The problem occurs as soon as it gets done syncing. After it's done syncing and I disconnect my from computer, the "format memory card" message comes up again. If I say no, none of the music comes to my phone. Then I go to option > memory and then it says memory card is not readable. It has to be formatted because it might be corrupted.If I select yes to format it, all the data that I just synced erases and I'm back to the beginning. This happens every single time I do it.
However, one thing I notice was when I stop the syncing halfway through, the memory card works. But if I let it sync all 600 songs (which is about 5-6 gb out of 16), the memory card fails.can anyone help me? Maybe someone had a problem like this and found a solution. Appreciate all the help I receive. BTW, I'm using the Bold 9700 for tmobile.
I had photos saved on my memory card i decided to pull my battery out and now all those photos are gone. is their anyway to get them back? why did it do that?
I buy bold 9000 few months a go from Dubai UAE market, i did not buy the network pattern together i am using my etisalat prepaid card. from begining i am missing someof icons like ( GPS, Memory card not showing also i con not go directly to memory card ) like nokia and other mobile shows etc could you please help me out to know whats problem in my phones.
i have a big problem with my Nokia 5310 Express Music.My memory card has disappeared .I can't see her when i connect my phone via usb to pc , i can't see her when i am on the phone.It seems the problem is from my phone , cuz when i tried to put other mem card to my phone , it doesn't work again , and when i put my card to other phone ( nokia ) it worked successful.Many times i tried to solve the problem with reinstall the software of my phone , but with no result.So i will be greatful someone can help me for this problem.
So I have owned a Black Bold 9700 for a while now and about 2 months ago I switched to a White 9700. I would always get at least one day out of my battery in my black 9700. And I was with my white 9700 as well until about 2 weeks ago.I rarely talk on my phone but I am a heavy user with BBM, text and email and a bit with Facebook which I know uses a lot of battery... I have about 90 contacts on BBM and use it constantly everyday -- chatting with 4 to 5 ppl at a time constantly. However, I'm lucky if my battery lasts from 11am until 5pm anymore. I have tried about 3 different batteries and they all have the same issue. I just upgraded my software from .743 to .862 last night.
And I switched over to a brand new OEM battery 2 days ago. I charged my phone overnight and powered it on at 11am and now at 2:14pm I'm sitting at 75% battery life.I don't have many apps on my phone besides Facebook and Weather Eye. The only apps I ever have running everyday are the ones that have to be running constantly (BBM, Phone, Browser, Messages). I rarely even browse the internet and I don't have Bluetooth or Wi-Fi enabled. However, I am always running on 3G.
I have a BB Bold 2 (9700). The Media Card slot wont lock down the card and keeps springing it out. If i keep the card pressed down it works but wont lock down.
I got a problem with my bb9700 on SMS. When I powered on my bb, it showed like"uncaught exception:string index out of range:0". And the sms & mms icon disappeared. In message-box, I couldn't see any sms here,but only emails and mms. It will show a list about short messages when i press(alt+s), but any message can't be open, just a list. I have tried v6.0.0.593/680/743, but it doesn't be fixed. I can only wipe the phone , but several days later,It will repeat. no BIS/BES with my phone.
I have BIS and a couple of email accounts. I've used this device for years now. This morning all POP email icons disappeared except my Gmail account. How do I get them back?
Techno help needed again! Can some body please explain; why the small icons (pictures) for my email accounts keep disappearing and re-appearing whenever they choose? More importantly how do I stop them disappearing again?
I downloaded bbmaps and the download worked but when I wanted to open it it disappeared it isn't in my downloads folder and not even apps. I DiD download it but where is it? Can I do anything to make it appear?
I currently have a blackberry bold 9700, I downloaded blackberry app world and I worked perfectly but once I connected it to my laptop the app world disappeared and know I can not download anything know, but the blackberry app world is still on my application list!Anyone out there can help me getting the icon back so I can start down loading things?