BB Bold 9000 :: Pictures Not Showing Up In Media/pictures Folder
Apr 3, 2010
Hi there, new blackberry user. I have taken a few pictures with my Bold 9700 and the have shown up in media/pictures/all pictures. Not sure what happened, but now when I take pictures, I can only view them if I explore and go to the pictures folder. How can I go back to viewing all pictures? Any help for a rookie?
I have taken a few pictures with my Bold 9700 and the have shown up in media/pictures/all pictures. Not sure what happened, but now when I take pictures, I can only view them if I explore and go to the pictures folder. How can I go back to viewing all pictures?
When she takes a new picture with the camera, it saves it and assigns a name (i.e. the standard "IMGxxxxxxx" file name) but it does not show up in any of the picture folders (All Pictures, Camera, etc.) on her phone.A battery pull does correct this, but that can get tiresome.The pictures can still be found on the phone by going through "apps > files > file folders > device memory > home > user > pictures" but again, can get annoying.I've checked and it does not seem that the folders have been excluded, nor are the pictures being hidden by default (if that's possible) simply because they do show in the folder after a pull.Is there any way to fix this for good?Here is the information as taken from her "About" screen:BlackBerry® 8520smartphone (EDGE, Wi-Fi)v5.0.0.900 (Bundle 1626, Platform Kernel v3.8.5.85Branding Version: Edition Configuration:CLDC-1.1Micro Edition Profile: MIDP-2.1Micro Edition JTWI Version: 1.0Micro Edition Media Version: 1.1Micro Edition PIM Version: 1.0Micro Edition File Version: 1.0Micro Edition Bluetooth Version: 1.1Micro Edition Location Version: 1.0.1Micro Edition Security and Trust Services (APDU) Version: 1.0WLAN Version: Also, she's on the Rogers network (though I know that has no bearing on it...)
I am unable to open pictures on my BB Bold. I can take pictures and do whatever with them right after taking them but when I go into the Media folder and try to open a picture or hit the "menu" button, it doesn't do anything. I've tried rebooting and pulling the battery but it won't open the pictures.
this problem has been driving me crazy for the past couple of days. For some reason every new picture I take doesn't get displayed in the main Media/All Pictures folder. I checked where they are supposed to be stored and everything is right: Media Card/Blackberry/pictures, but still nothing gets displayed! I know its not a problem with the camera, because I can see these new pix if I press menu biutton on Media/explore/media card/blackberry/pictures - but thats so annoying to look at pix this way!!! This phone is like a month old, and I really dont wanna go through the hassle of replacing it. So does any1 know what I should do to fix this problem?
Any picture I take save of have already had on my phone won't allow me to view it in the media folder. Even the sample pics won't give me any options. If I push down on the trackpad or hit the blackberry (menu) button it just sits there. Music, vids, ringtones, everything else works fine. Tried reformatting the card and repairing it and nuthing happened. I'm going to download the current OS for at&t and see if that works. I'm on a bold 9700 on at&t running The only thing that I think has happened between the last time I was able to view a picture was I told it to do a wirelees update and the firmware update completed successfully. Anybody have any other ideas?
so forr some reason my blackberry torch doesn't order my media files like Internet or pictures and songs into the media section and the folder disppeared. but after a recent backup the media and all its content reappeared but it is still not in that media section of theblackberry torch's sliding menus.
I have a nokia 5800 xm i brought it from ebay brand new but just lately when i go to my pictures folder and view the thumbs of my pictures the phone freezes and i have to switch it of and back on which takes about 20sec before it will switch off.
In Anna I could find pictures in file management in order to move/copy them to memory stick, but that seems to be not possible in Belle. Also the phone guide tells you can select where to save the pictures by going to Settings - Application settings - camera - Photo or Video. Unfortunately in my N8 Belle there is no possibility to select any folder for saving the pictures. So I can not find the new pictures anywhere to remove them from the phone without using computer.
For the first 2 or 3 weeks all pictures I took I could find them in Pictures. Now I either have to take the battery out in order to see them or I click on Pictures - Menu - Explore - Device Memory - home -user - pictures - and there they all are, but I can only view one picture at a time.
I see in my picture files when you go into propertys there is a block to tick to hide a pictute folder, so I made a new folder and then put some pics in it, but now that I have hidden my photos I can not find them again,after that I clicked on menu button and then click on view headings, after that my pics were hidden and I couldn't see it.I also went to menu, explore, media card and device and then clicked show hidden but still my picture folder is jidden
I think since I downloaded the new software (I'm not 100% sure if this was correct) the pictures aren't showing after a certain date, but then nothing only thumbnails with the picture of a hill and memory card icon in the bottom corner. I open my memory card and they're not there.
how do i stop pictures that i've put into folders from coming up when i click 'all pictures?' My boyfriend has a blackberry and the only pictures that come up when he clicks 'all pictures' are the ones he hasn't got in any folder. Is there a way that i can do the same thing? It's a little irritating, to be honest.
I opened up my pictures folder earlier today and a random picture of the Blackberry symbol was there, that I know I did not take, and no one else has been using my phone...I deleted some of the apps I no longer use and then rebooted my phone, only to find a few more random pictures in the folder, one being a gold star, and another that looked like the red star that normally appears when there is an update available in the Blackberry app store.
Where can i find my hidden pics in my media card on my bb9700 I hate to do this, but I simply can't figure it out. Yesterday I had some of my files hidden on my phone that I could not access. The files that I want went to the media card when hidden. I've searched google and tried some suggestions, but I still can't find them. First, is there a way to get to the media card directory? People say to go to explore, but I don't have this on my device i even went on my stock theme from att it takes u too explore but it still don't show my hidden pics what gives.
Just like it says, I'm not able to delete pics off my 16 gb card. Actually its more then that. When I press the menu key for options, in the section where " delete" and other options would be, all I show is properties. I've tested another card on my phone, no problems. I've tested this card on another 9700, same problem. Its definitely the card that is messed up. I've tried reformatting (won't let me reformat in my computer, I have to hook my bb up with it inside) and I still have the problem.
T-Mobile Bold 9700 OS I take pictures, it saves, but I don't see it in All Pictures folder. If I go to Explore > Media Card > Blackberry > Pictures, I see it there. How do I get it to show under All Pictures without having to go through ^that process?
Just got my 9700 a few weeks ago. The screen is fantastic, the pictures & photos that I transferred to my SD card are shown on the screen with razor sharpness. At least for a while. Then I noticed that when I viewed the photos again from Media -> Pictures, the photos becomes less sharp and appear heavily compressed. This is for both the thumbnail view and the fullscreen sroll view. Does anyone noticed this?
But when I click on Fit to Screen or View Actual Size, the photos become razor sharp again. How do I get the photos to appear razor sharp in the fullscreen scroll view (where I can scroll left and right for next/previous photo)?
If there are no solution to the above, is there any 3rd party app that will allow us to view the photos in fullscreen (and can be scrolled left or right) in full razor sharpness?
When I take a pic with my 9650 camera, the pic does not immediately go to my memory card. I have to do a soft reset or a battery pull before the pix will show up on my card with all my other pics.
Is anyone else having this problem? I have already had TWO bolds and both of them did the same thing. I have looked at different settings i could change, but had no luck.
I discovered that when I click Media/Expore only the Device file folder displays. The Media file is gone. My camera had 400+ photos on it, and now it says only 16 pictures available, with 0 items in the Camera Pictures. Not only that, the flash is continually lit, and the device gets quite warm, and the battery runs low quickly. I had not recently done a back up, but when I did, it indicated that there were no photos to back up! There is no SD card installed, never had one. I have pulled the battery multiple times, even over night, and nothing is fixed. The camera was working the night before, and when I went to look at the pics the following morning, the flash light was on, and the file and all photos were gone!
Bold 9700. OS5 v.979I understand that media such as pictures and video can be sorted and organized (folders?) but I've been unsuccessful in figuring out how.
Could anyone help me please, My user folder has somehow made it's way into my pictures folder, folder. I can't delete (which i suspect i shouldn't) or move it. This doesn't inter fear with the running of the phone but it annoys me. Could someone tell me how to move it please. I suspect it's really easy but don't want to do something wrong and mess up my phone.
I have a Bold 9900. A few weeks before I bought this phone a had a curve. I had a 32gb Micro SD memory card in. I had about 200 pics which I had transfered from my PC to my memory card in my curve and all the pictures show in the picture libary. But when I put the same Micro SD card in my new Bold 9900, all the music is in there but no pictures in the library? Or anywhere. Funny thing is, when I connect my phone to my pc and click on the memery card icon in my computer, its showing all the picture files?
for some reason I see pitures in all folders multiplied by 6. Even the ones I get via what's app or bbm save on my device and I see 6 of the same picture on row. Don't know what to do, as I think I've tried everyting.
I am using blackberry bold 9900 OS on BIS services from Mobilink in Pakistan.
Whenever I receive emails with embedded objects and/or pictures, they dont show up on blackberry and only the links are shown. The emails received in html format are also not shown and only links / html text formats converted to tet are shown.
how to enable my blackberry to show complete emails with embeddedbjects.
My Friend's Facebook profile pictures not showing in my contact list. infact my whole contact list is not syncronized with facebook. i have checked all the settings on the facebook application and the check box next to "UPDATE EXISTING PHOTOS IN YOUR BLACKBERRY CONTACTS LIST WITH FACEBOOK FRIEND PROFILE PHOTOS" is ticked and all the options seems okay...