BB Bold :: 9000 Has Turned Itself Off?

Aug 10, 2012

my 9000 has turned itself off and wont turn back on. the battery is fuily charged. when i take it out and put the batttery back in, the red led dosent come on and it isnt picked up when i plug it into the computer!

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BB Bold 9000 :: Phone Cannot Be Turned On?

Jan 3, 2010

My bold 9000 cannot be turned on at all. Connected to PC, but Desktop manager cannot see it, nor is My Computer.Unable to reinstall OS.

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BB Bold :: 9000 Cannot Be Turned On At All - Unable To Reinstall OS

Jan 3, 2010

My bold 9000 cannot be turned on at all. Connected to PC, but Desktop manager cannot see it, nor is My Computer. Unable to reinstall OS....

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BB Bold 9000 :: After Reboot Phone Screen Turned White And Froze

Aug 13, 2010

I recently did a software update on my Blackberry Bold 9000 when prompted by my desktop manager to do so. After the update the phone began running slowly. I then delete a couple applications off the phone such as Myspace and Facebook to free some memory. Then phone had to be rebooted to complete deletion. After reboot, the phone screen turned white and froze. To unfreeze I had to remove the battery. When I put the battery back in, it would not turn on anymore. Could the update have fried the phone altogether?

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BB Bold 9000 :: Clock Alarm Time Turned Hand - Held Off

Feb 2, 2010

I've recently upgraded my Bold 9000 software device software from v4.6 to v5. Everything work excellent EXCEPT from the Clock-Alarm Sound !!. When my hand-held is Activated, it works according to my relative settings. The problem is when I've set a Clock-Alarm time and turned my handhold OFF. When the time comes, the handheld wakes-up (as it should normally do), displays the dialog form regarding the snooze or the alarm termination but there's NO SOUND AT ALL !!. I've searched the community for regarding problems and I've tried to apply to my handheld every potential suggestion like: 1). usage of a build-in simple sound 2). a sound file stored on my handheld's device memory and not onto an external card 3). battery correct physical enforcement 4) and of course, many-many baterry pool outs (for hard reset) !! Unfortunately nothing worked !! Because i use my handheld as my main (only) wake-up alarm in the morning, I tried to make the following test: 1). Selected the "No Sound" profile (I don't want an accidental call to wake me up after midnight..).....

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BB Bold 9000 :: Laptop Turned Off During Installation / Unable To Load Any Software

Sep 9, 2010

I have a Blackberry Bold 9000 and was updating the latest application on it yesterday. Due to low battrey my laptop turned off before the sofware was properly installed. I have tried the following:

1) to take out the battrey and switch on the phone and tried to load the sofware again but that does not seem to work as the desktop software does not recognise my phone it says unknown device.
2) I have tried to use the update option in the website but that also does not seem to be working

The screen is showing the following message when turned on: Application permissions: The application saftey driving is attempting to access the phone information. I am unable to move the trackball to the appropiate option.

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BB Bold 9000 :: Why Cant Rim Develop A Bold 9xxx With The Body Of Bold 9000

Jan 23, 2010

Why can't RIM develop a Bold 9xxx with the body of the Bold 9000 with larger memory, Trackpad, better camera? They've done it with the Tour and Curve. Plus they've got all the parts available already, just need a little engineering to fit the trackpad and everything else. C'mon RIM. We know you can do it. I'm sure you'd sell millions of them.

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BB Bold 9000 :: Bold 9000 VS Curve 8530 / Does One Perform Better Than Other?

Mar 4, 2010

Quick question. I am starting a new Job and they are getting me a superbasic Perl. I need this for work and so I will be forking some dough out of my pocket to get one of the two following phones: Bold 9000 (I'll pay 100$ Canadian, not Us) Curve 8530 (pay 24.99$ Canadian). I am very used to the Iphone and HTC Touch Pro 2 (not trying to start a flaming/argument/anything else , its just what i'm used to). I am very used to browsing with the other phones and I have heard that BB phones are not up to par, so my expectations will be low. Out of the two phones however, does one perform better than the other (Curve 8530 vs Bold 9000)? Out of the two phones, which one do you recommend overall. I have read that the Bold 9000 even though it is older, it still outperforms the 8530...

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BB Bold 9000 :: Seeking Help For Broken Bold 9000 Screen

Aug 30, 2010

I dropped my BlackBerry Bold 9000 on the weekend and damaged the LCD screen. The device still works, but two thirds of the LCD is now white and there's what looks like an inkblot on the left side of the screen. I'd like to try to fix it, but don't really want to shell out a lot of $ to do so --- I'm a month away from upgrading.Does anyone have any suggestions, or perhaps a dead BlackBerry with a working screen that you're willing to part with? A DIY repair -- this is out of warranty anyway -- looks straightforward, but I'm not sure I want to spend the $100 or so for a new OEM part to replace the LCD screen.

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BB Bold 9000 :: Scratches On Bold 9000 Keyboard?

Feb 6, 2010

The top row of my keyboard has fine scratches on it, is there anyway of polishing these out?

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BB Bold 9000 :: Bold 9000 Does Not Save Pictures

Jan 11, 2010

My Bold 9000 is one month old and stopped saving pictures taken with the camera. Have tried the battery pull trick several times.

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BB Bold 9000 :: Bold 9000 Not Connecting To Internet

Jan 26, 2010

I have a bold 9000 and I can not connect to the internet. Carrier is AT&T and I live in the North East (NYC area). Worked fine up until yesterday (Jan 25). Now gmail, facebook, browser - none work. I've tried the battery pull, turning on/off the network, run a diagnostic test from mobile network options. In the mobile network test i get the volling anomolies "Blackberry PIN-PIN: No" and it says can't connect to my email (gmail).

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BB Bold 9000 :: Bold 9000 Red Light / No Power On

Sep 18, 2010

A few days ago I pulled my phone out of the holster and It was really hot and when i looked at it i realized it was off, and wouldnt turn back on. just a red light comes on like normal upon a battery pull but after it turns off the red light comes back on again once more then stays off for good. unless i plug it in then it comes on and goes off all the time. I got it powered back up yesterday but then it did it again. Today I plugged it in and I saw a picture of a battery come up on the screen showing it as empty, i was hoping that meant it might charge up. but no such luck. My main objective is just to get the phone up long enough to back up the info on the phone.

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BB Bold 9000 :: Bold 9000 Vs Curve 8520

Mar 14, 2010

I have the possibility to buy the BB bold 9000 and the curve 8520 almost at the same price. What would you suggest?

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BB Bold 9000 :: Will Get A Longer Battery Life If Use Battery Of A 9700 In A 9000?

Feb 19, 2010

I was just wondering. As it turns out that the 9700 and 9000 share the same type of battery, so how is it that the bold has a far superior battery life over the 9000? Some have reported that the 9700 can hold charge upto 2 days even after heavy usage. So i was wondering are the batteries really identical in every way as claimed? and if they arent is it possible to swap the battery of my 9000 and expect a longer battery life? coz the one im having right now only seem to hold charge for about 15hours with fair usage on a 5.0 OS Zain Kuwait.

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LG G4 :: Turned Off Noise Suppression And Turned On Call Clarity Enhancement

Oct 22, 2015

I sometimes experience heavy echo.Often, it's when I call my mom's verizon land-line; her cordless phone is connected to a medical alert "fallen-can't-get-up" device so I kind assumed it was related to that.Recently, however, I've had sporadic echo talking to other users.

Just now I turned off noise suppression and turned on call clarity enhancement.However, it occurs to me that since I have another LG G4 on my account and also a samsung, I should do some comparisons between the phones to make sure it's not my phone.

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Google Nexus 5 :: WiFi Is Turned Off Yet Is Reported As Turned On And Using Battery

Oct 6, 2015

My wifi has been off since i upgraded to M, clean install from the Google images. It still reports my wifi as on and using up my battery....

[URL] ...

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BB Bold :: Why Does It Turned Off By Itself

Sep 23, 2012

ok so i downloaded a video yesterday to my phone cause in order to watch it, i need to save it and so i did. it wasn't the first time i did it, i i did quite a lot and so i tried to go the videos and open it, instead my bb turned of by itself and the screen turned white and blurry whenever i opened the video from my phone. i thought that the memory card itself was broken but it wasn't, i can still see the pictures and my musics. i tried to connect my phone to the computer with the cable used to sync musics, pictures, etc to my phone and when i checked the videos, there wasn't any video in it in the file itself. i was confused and for some reason it also turned off even though i didn't press anything and it rebooted itself and i guess it happened like this when i downloaded that video. is there any chance of repairing it? my brother said that he himself had gone through the same problem as me and he said to me to take the battery out and leave it for a day and it'll turn back to normal but i don't know if it's going to be ok though so is there any other easy solution?

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BB Bold :: 5 Turned Off And Can't On Anymore

May 7, 2012

After I bought my bold 5, the screen became faulty some time after and I had to change the screen, 3 days after that, my phone turned off while plugged to my PC and up till now wouldn't on, I've tried plugging to my PC but that wouldn't work also, I also tried a hard reset but the red light wouldn't even on.

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BB Bold :: 9700 Turned Off And Never On?

Jan 17, 2012

my bold 9700 turned off and never on, pulled the battery out then plugged again then i got red flashing lights, anyway i tried the latest apploader.exe and blackberry desktop software and all what have been said that can fix error 507 failed to do the job and now i have nothing, all data are wiped and always error and reboot. i tried with and without battery and with unknown usb pin and with known usb pin i think i tried everything!

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BB Bold 9000 :: Sound Profiles Dont Restore Back To Bold

Jan 6, 2010

whenever i back up my bold, and then restore from the backup, none of my sound profiles restore back to the phone. this issue has been a problem ever since i got the phone,whether is was running 4.6, or after i upgraded to what could cause this, and how could i fix it?

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BB Bold :: Change Voice Mail Greeting Message On 9000 Bold?

Dec 23, 2011

How do I change the voice mail greeting message on my BB 9000 Bold??

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BB Bold 9000 :: Bold Goes To Contacts No Matter What Icon Selected

Jun 6, 2010

I have a Bold 9000 that keeps going to contacts no matter what icon I click on.I tried upgrading the OS and the phone worked fine for about an hour and then went straight back to only going to contacts. The same thing happens when I downgrade.I am unable to make calls or do anything from the contacts list. The phone is basically unusable.

I have tried the upgrade and battery pull and restore from back up.Does anyone have any suggestions of what this could be and how to fix it.

I'm using

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BB Bold 9000 :: Is The Bold Significant Upgrade From Curve 8320?

Mar 18, 2010

I'd appreciate opinions from folks who had a Curve 9320 who upgraded to a Bold 9700. I love the Curve, but am starting to have issues with long periods of watching the hour glass, but also mechanical age issues, like a metal pin that poked through the 5/D key.My only complaint with the Curve, other than the amount of time it spends thinking about itself, is that I could never use weatherbug or any of the weather apps, they just ground everything to a halt.

My carrier is T-Mobile (Albuquerque, NM)
Memory Total: 55GB
Memory Free: 8 GB (after deleting a bunch of photos, texts, etc)

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BB Bold 9000 :: OEM Holster Not Putting Bold To Sleep Anymore

Apr 22, 2010

I have had my phone for over a year with the OEM holster and it would put my phone to sleep, however for the last 2 days when i put the phone in, nothing i missing a setting or is this probably a hardware issue and i am then SOL

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BB Bold 9000 :: Permanently Remove Twitter Icon Off Bold 1

Aug 16, 2010

Does anyone know how to permanately remove the Twitter icon off the Bold 1? I updated my girl's phone and this icon appeared. I used the "hide" feature, but she hates Twitter and wants it removed.

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BB Bold 9000 :: Desktop Manager Unable To See Bold On Windows 7 64-bit

Jul 11, 2010

I have been going through this forum for a while and have tried all of the fixes that I can find to no avail. I have a brand new Windows 7 64-bit machine, that never had the Desktop Manager installed. I have installed version 5.01 off of the web site. Windows is able to see the Blackberry in the Device Manager just fine and I can also see the internal storage available under My Computer and I can access all folders. The Virtual Ports (COM3 and COM4) are also available in Device Manager.

I went through and followed the clean uninstall and reinstall instructions and various other suggestions that I have already seen. For whatever reason, the Desktop Manager still won't see the BB. When going into Options in the Desktop Manager, it shows that USB is selected but still nothing under PIN.I am connected to the straight USB port on the back of the computer and have tried several there.

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BB Bold :: Red Light Came On For About 5-10 Seconds Then Turned Off

Nov 30, 2012

I was using my phone perfectly fine and in working condition. Then i put it on charge over night. I woke up in the morning to find that my phone wouldn't turn on. When I tried charging it, the red light came on for about 5-10 seconds then turned off. My phone still didn't turn on. i need to use my bbm urgently! It has been like this for 2 whole days now and i need to use my phone!!

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BB Bold :: Screen Just Turned White?

Apr 4, 2012

I don't know what happened. One minute I was charging my phone via my macbook, the next minute, it was ringing and all I saw is a blank (white) screen. I answered the call and then, I turned off my phone (by pulling out the batteries). I tried turning it off (again by pulling out the batteries) a couple of times, but all to no avail.

Initially, I though my sytem crashed, but I don't think it's completely busted because my alarm made a resounding noise this morning.

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BB Bold :: Old Messages Turned Green?

Mar 24, 2011

I gave my phone to someone during a football game and when I got it back some of my old messages in my sms box turned all green, I opened one to see what was the problem and it seems there is nothing anymore inside. i can't read my old messages anymore

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BB Bold :: Screen Turned White And Can't Do Anything

May 27, 2012

i have a bb bold 9780. two days ago it the screen just turned white and i cant see anything on the screen. however can still recieve calls, texts bbms.i'm lost with out my phone and my insurance was cancelled?

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