BB Bold 9000 :: When Try To Sync There Is No Device And PIN Number Showing On Device Mgr?
Apr 21, 2010
Desktop mgr I connect (via USB) the connection appears to be recognised - clock appears on BB and PC beeps. After a few minutes PC & BB icons appear on BB screen but no interconnecting arrows. When I try to sync there is no device and PIN number showing on Device Mgr so it doesn't sync. Then the Desktop Mgr greys out and appears to freeze - I then have to disconnect the BB to unfreeze.
Device manager shows two RIM virtual serial ports v2 Com 3 & Com 4. If I try to update the drivers it says most up to date are loaded although the drivers are dated 24 Nov 2008 and are version and appear to be called RimSerial_AMD64.sys (I'm using Intel i7 processor).
Devices & Printers screen shows a RIM Composite Device icon.
Windows in Win 7 Home Premium 64 bit.
I'm currently using OS on my bold and planning to upgrade to .592. Is it actually necessary to wipe the device before installing the new OS coz when i installed .464 i didn't wipe my bold.
I am a noob so please forgive me ..i had a booting error yesterday where the red light stuck on with a black screen and i had to pull the battery (luckily for me it revived) sadly after it loaded i realized i lost all my contacts however this happened when my brother soft reset it when it was connected via usb to the pc so i guess some current interference buged the loading process. Then today i soft reset my bold i got a white screen with app loader i believe 523 error reset or something, i cant quite remember but i think thats it however i hit either the end key or the enter key (sorry to so vague guys i got scared) ....after i pressed those buttons it began the reboot cycle ...loaded up and has been fine ever since..just wondering if you think i should upgrade my Os or just leave it i am on
i'm having a problem with my bold 9000. I bought it 2 days ago with old OS and i had just upgraded the OS to the problem is i couldn't add the blackberry map into my bold 9000! At first i thought it was just because i had the old OS, but unfortunately after i upgraded the OS, and i even tried downloading the map from the blackberry website but there's still no changes.FYI,i downloaded the map software via computer, so it's not directly from the device. And after the download had finished, on the website it even wrote 'Complete-Blackberry Maps has been loaded to your device' but yeah i still couldn't find the icon anywhere in my device. Is there something wrong with my Bold?
Anyone know how i can or if i can get the gps software for the bold i have a external gps reciever from a nokia 770 which works with the phone when i got into gps it shows my global position
I have a Bold 9000 through Rogers running software v. and platform where can I find how to add my signature to my outgoing emails.
My bold 9700 just came back from reperation and now I can't change my language into Dutch anymore, it's all in English, not that this is a huge problem, but I rather have my phone in Dutch.
I tried options>language and text input> and the only option I get is 'English(US)'
Does anyone know how I can change the language settings on my blackberry device?
after i downgrade to 4.6,i can't upgrade back to 5.0 i've tried to download a 5.0 from or through applicant loader to upgrade ,but still can not upgrade to 5.0
I am using BB Desktop version 5 and tried to update my device to OS 5 from AT&T. My Bold 9000 is now dead. My desktop manager stated a fatal error, then my device reset. And the only thing that displays is the Orange AT&T screen. How can I get the device to function again. I did a back up and a sync prior to the install.
So when I go to memory under the options menu, it says under Device memory that "Device memory cannot be read. Try to repair or format." Consequently I cannot see my pictures, etc because of this. Is the way to format it just to wipe my phone?
First, let me say I love my 9000. However, dues to some problems, I may need to replace it. Should I stick with the 9000 or upgrade to something new? All suggestions will be taken into the thought process on this one. I use the phone for personal use only. Not alot of phone calls, some SMS/MMS. Basically, I love to play with my phone. Got a bunch of apps and love to d/l themes. If anyone has some suggestions about what I might want to do,
I am getting no response from my Blackberry. It froze up on me and I tried to reboot it...(remove the battery and put it back and since I am getting no response).
If I connect the USB to the computer nothing happens (Its not reading on the desktop manager, its not appearing as a a new device added on my PC) ....If I connect the charger nothing happens (no lights)...If I take out the battery and replace it nothing happens...Whats wrong, how can I correct this?
I recently acquired an unlocked Blackberry Bold 9000 that I am using on the T-Mobile network. On the password screen it says "Enabled" and there is red lock icon next to it. How do I disable the device password?
You've probably all been asked this loads and I've read some forums posts and tried software but ive not been able to find a solution or answer.Basically Ive just got myself a Storm2 and was told by my provider that I could sync my emails from outlook to my device and back like a windows mobile device. As ive found out this isnt the case, I really like the phone and dont want to hand it back over to swap for another device but if I dont find a solution then I wont have a choice.My question is, is there any software available that will sync my device to my computer the same as a WM device does through activesync?I have tried Astrasync and Notifysync both which throw errors up and dont work
Yesterday I was waiting for an important call but needed a shower so I took my phone into the bathroom and put it in a dry safe place where I would hear it ring if need be. It did so I quickly jumped out of the shower, dried hands and answered a message. Few minutes later when back at my desk at home I realized the bold was behaving weird, key presses were not doing the right function, i.e. a press of the back key brought up jk or other letters on the screen etc.
It did not sustain water damage, at worst my hands were merely damp when used so I just figured pop it down for a while and let it 'dry' (it wasn't wet but you know what I mean, its all I could think of) picked it up maybe 15 minutes later and it appeared to have died. Now, its 15 months old (and was a refurbished handset direct from 02 when I got it so its had a hard life) its been bumped, and not long after I got it I broke the screen (LCD bleed) so I had it repaired which forfeited the warranty, also the trackball has been a constant nightmare to me, it stops working in one or more direction regularly.
I've found the solution to this to be to clean the trackball gently with a q-tip dipped in clear alcohol, after some time this usually works, but a couple of months ago I could not get this to work at all so after 2 weeks of a phone that would not scroll left I had the trackball replaced. I now had issues with the trackball not selecting when I push down but this is got around by using the return key or it does sometimes work if you push hard. So, with this new flashing red light failure I took it back to the place that replaced the screen. They kept it for 24 hours and when I went back to collect it they said it was a component failure and beyond economic repair.
Quite truthfully though I got the impression that they actually just couldn't be bothered as it was a hard job. Came home and started researching, other posts I have read lead me to believe that if the LED comes on in any way all is not lost. My computer does not recognize the phone when I try and connect it via USB, although just now I tried again and windows acknowledged that a device had just been plugged in, but the blackberry software still did not detect anything. What can I try now? I am not tech savvy so it will need to be clearly laid out for idiots.
My BlackBerry's screen is white , i do a battery pull ,it still stays white.Does that mean my BB got Nuked and that I should follow the steps to fix a nuke blackberry?
I have an OLD (more like ancient) Nokia on Rogers on a prepaid plan. I also have a fully unlocked Bold 9000. The Nokia obviously has a SIM card, the Bold doesn't. Doesn't have any service at all. I was wondering if I took the SIM card out of the Nokia and put it in my Bold.. what would happen? I'm kind of paranoid about it maybe locking to Rogers the moment I put the SIM card in haha, I don't really know what would happen, I'm a newb to all this cell phone locking/unlocking SIM card stuff.
After installing BlackBerry® Device Software V5.0 BlackBerry App World is not working anymore I tried to reinstalled it.The installation seems to be OK but after installation , I can not find it Is some one can help?
I have had my phone for a year in August and I love it, but when I finally have time to work with and learn, it is asking for a DEVICE PASSWORD. Where do I find the password for my desktop manager?
trying to figure out what to do. Please direct me in the right direction.
I just got my blackberry a few weeks ago, and it was working perfect up until I downloaded BlackBerry Desktop Manager, plugged my handset in and updated it.... It operates much slower. There's a good 5-15 second delay when trying to access the menu, and it will freeze while I'm trying to answer incoming calls. Also my alarm clock doesn't work anymore. There's no sound coming out when it goes off, the volume is set to high, but it will still ring when someone calls me. It was working prior to the update, and I didn't change any settings after. Is there a way to roll back the update. I thought updates were supposed to fix problems and issues, not create them.
ps it is a BlackBerry 9000 carried by Rogers, O/S version
I have a blackberry bold 9700 and I got it a few days ago and every since then I've been trying to get the wifi working.The phones unlocked by the way. I set up the WiFi fine but in manage connections I have my network in green beside my WiFi and a white tick to the right and its supposed to be a green checkmark. I am assuming.
No matter what I do my WiFi symbol wont light up white its still gray and I set up the WiFi and it says it successfully connected but still no WiFi. Is it my phone settings or my internet or my phone I don't know right now. I have a linksys router and I'm with rogers andnew to blackberrys.
I just ran the latest Blackberry update.Now I don't seem to have the ability to lock the keypad on my device. I had lock set to the right hand convenience button - it is no longer there. The manual says it should be on my home screen, nope not there either.
So I wiped my bb bold 9000. All went well, except when I open up the Desktop Manager to sync my calendar and address book, DM gives me the following error message: The default service for your device's "address book" is no longer available. The new service for synchronization is ""
I have five email addresses linked to my Bold (yahoo, gmail, live, etc) and I want it to sync with my work address book and calendar (not It had no problem doing this before the wipe...
I have gone in to options/advanced options/default services and changed both options (CICAL and CMIME) to my work email address, but I still get the error message. I even went so far as to delete all five email addresses and start adding them from scratch...making sure that I added my work email address first...figuring that may set it as default.
Running Bold 9000 w/ OS on AT&T. First reformat both device memory and media card. Then issue a soft reset. Instead of standard reset, it performs a "Fast Reset". Upon viewing Device Memory, it states:
"Device Memory cannot be read."
4 GB media card is fine, without errors. In order to restore, it requires a repair. Upon issuing repair, it returns as successful (able to read & write to the 859.2 MB of total space).Does not occur with, appears to be a bug in
After installing update, I did a reboot (alt+right shift+del).Usually, the Bold take about 3mins to reboot, however, it only took about 20 seconds. I saw the Blackberry status bar flash for only a second.I felt the phone did not really reboot. I was also noticing some funny errors when accessing pics or ringtones.I checked the memory and saw the Device Memory as "device memory cannot be read."
2 "fixes" I found: 1. reformat device memory 2. reboot again, either alt+shift+del or battery pull
Have you noticed this problem as well? I found another thread of this happening on .681 without much help either.. Device Memory cannot be read
I have fully wiped the Bold and reinstalled 3 times. I can reproduce the error everytime.I guess I can avoid the problem by doing a battery pull every time instead of alt+shift+del...but that's a hassle.Suggestions? Maybe this is just an inherit flaw for OS 5.0 since .681 and .822 are both showing the same symptoms.
My bb bold 9000 is stuck at the verify security software ..... it is at 100% security tests passed and it just didnt disappear as normal. I can't do anything with my bb. Oh i can hold on the bb button to look which program is running. I can push the dial button but just cant dial... i cant scroll or type anything. I faced this problem out of no where when i reboot the bb last night. i left it like that whole night thinking that i might need times.
I tried battery pull and alt+right shift+del to reset... it still not work... the OS version is 5.0 already,
I've been searching for an answer to this problem for about four days. I apologize if it's been asked and then answered, but I just can't find it in the forums.
I'll try to explain as much as I can. I have the Blackberry Bold through AT&T. I am a single user, not through a business, just me. While at home, my email (through at&t) comes to my BB. Once I arrive at work in the morning, I open up my Outlook (version 2003) and my email downloads from my BB. I have the option checked to NOT leave a copy on the server so it is now gone from my BB and housed in my Outlook. I like this setup. This is how I want it to work.
About 4 days ago the problem started. The emails still download to Outlook but won't disappear from my BB as before. I have to go in and delete it a second time on the BB. I don't use any type of sync with my email, it's just always been an automatic thing. I double checked and in my Outlook account it's still set to NOT leave a copy on the server.
Did something get corrupted? It's annoying to see that red LED light flashing only for an email I've already read on Outlook. Hate having to delete the same email twice.