I am using BB Desktop version 5 and tried to update my device to OS 5 from AT&T. My Bold 9000 is now dead. My desktop manager stated a fatal error, then my device reset. And the only thing that displays is the Orange AT&T screen. How can I get the device to function again. I did a back up and a sync prior to the install.
Yesterday I was waiting for an important call but needed a shower so I took my phone into the bathroom and put it in a dry safe place where I would hear it ring if need be. It did so I quickly jumped out of the shower, dried hands and answered a message. Few minutes later when back at my desk at home I realized the bold was behaving weird, key presses were not doing the right function, i.e. a press of the back key brought up jk or other letters on the screen etc.
It did not sustain water damage, at worst my hands were merely damp when used so I just figured pop it down for a while and let it 'dry' (it wasn't wet but you know what I mean, its all I could think of) picked it up maybe 15 minutes later and it appeared to have died. Now, its 15 months old (and was a refurbished handset direct from 02 when I got it so its had a hard life) its been bumped, and not long after I got it I broke the screen (LCD bleed) so I had it repaired which forfeited the warranty, also the trackball has been a constant nightmare to me, it stops working in one or more direction regularly.
I've found the solution to this to be to clean the trackball gently with a q-tip dipped in clear alcohol, after some time this usually works, but a couple of months ago I could not get this to work at all so after 2 weeks of a phone that would not scroll left I had the trackball replaced. I now had issues with the trackball not selecting when I push down but this is got around by using the return key or it does sometimes work if you push hard. So, with this new flashing red light failure I took it back to the place that replaced the screen. They kept it for 24 hours and when I went back to collect it they said it was a component failure and beyond economic repair.
Quite truthfully though I got the impression that they actually just couldn't be bothered as it was a hard job. Came home and started researching, other posts I have read lead me to believe that if the LED comes on in any way all is not lost. My computer does not recognize the phone when I try and connect it via USB, although just now I tried again and windows acknowledged that a device had just been plugged in, but the blackberry software still did not detect anything. What can I try now? I am not tech savvy so it will need to be clearly laid out for idiots.
I am a noob so please forgive me ..i had a booting error yesterday where the red light stuck on with a black screen and i had to pull the battery (luckily for me it revived) sadly after it loaded i realized i lost all my contacts however this happened when my brother soft reset it when it was connected via usb to the pc so i guess some current interference buged the loading process. Then today i soft reset my bold i got a white screen with app loader i believe 523 error reset or something, i cant quite remember but i think thats it however i hit either the end key or the enter key (sorry to so vague guys i got scared) ....after i pressed those buttons it began the reboot cycle ...loaded up and has been fine ever since..just wondering if you think i should upgrade my Os or just leave it i am on
after i downgrade to 4.6,i can't upgrade back to 5.0 i've tried to download a 5.0 from blackberry.com or through applicant loader to upgrade ,but still can not upgrade to 5.0
My 9000 was ok this morning then i charged it .After a few hours when charging , my phone is dead.i mean it was charging when i first put device on the charger,there was no problem,few hours later i looked at the phone if the battery is full,it's dead, no red light ,nothing .i tried connect it to computer and connect it to charger nothing happens.Now i'm charging the battery with an external charger.After then i'll try to put it back to 9000.
Background:Bought a bold 9000 the day it was released in Canada. Worked perfectly, maybe dropped it a few times but everything was working. Recently I upgraded to the 9700 and sent my brother my 9000.He had it for a week with Telus (originally on Rogers, and unlocked). He then dropped it off his bed onto a hardwood floor (not very high). Since then it would not turn on, no red LED or anything.I went over all the common steps to getting it working: -Battery pull -Take out Sim Card, and battery -Try connecting to wall charger or pc with and without battery -Basically everything listed in other posts with the same problem So the above steps (search for details on them) work for some people, and not for others.So it was dead, he mailed it back to me to try and fix. I tried all the common solutions again with no luck.Then I decided to try something else.How I fixed it:You know when your computer is screwed up, and someone suggests to reset the bios settings? All computers have a little backup battery to keep your settings, and keep the clock running on your computer. So even when it is unplugged from the wall and you turn it back on the time is right.Well the 9000 has a similar battery, I am not 100% sure what it is used for but removing it completely solved my problem. I know it is used to keep the time when the main battery is removed - what else i'm not sure.. Mine seems to work fine with it removed. It does not reset any other data it seems, all contacts, email themes and everything are still intact.Once this battery was removed, I put the battery back in and everything works perfectly now! The only issue I have noticed is that the time does not advance once the battery is removed.. Since my brother always has his phone on, and it updates the time from the network there is no big problem with this. -Again, the time works perfectly as long as the main battery is in.Here are the steps, you don't even need to dissassemble the blackberry:
1 - Remove the black plastic sticker on the back 2 - using a small screwdriver (or better yet, soldering iron) remove the small circular battery from the PCB. 3 - put battery back in and pray
The picture of my bold with the battery removed is here: bold_9000 on Flickr - Photo Sharing! Disclaimer: This worked on my phone, but your phone may have a different problem. I suggest this only as a LAST resort on phones that are not under warranty anymore. I will not be blamed for anyone breaking their phone (more?).
I just received a used blackberry bold 9000. I still have not been able to turn it on, it is black with a blinking led light (which only shows when plugged in to either the wall charger or USB). It blinks once (red) and then three times very quickly. I can not wipe the hardware because my computer does not recognize the device. Is there anyway to fix this? I do not want to return it if I can easily fix it.
I've bought a unbranded Bold 9000 (made in Canada) a couple of days ago and after setting up everything okay (.822 OS included) and using WiFi nicely I suddenly got the wifi connection dead error
I've tried: - reading every thread about it - several 5 min+ battery pulls - reinstalling the OS - delete apps
and no solution so far. Is there any way to fix this without sending it back to warranty?? (I bought it online at a HK shop) I think I'm about to cry now
I have read the helpful advice posted on this subject. But it does not help. I have a Bold 9000 and accidently I let it run completely and utterly dead. Now whatever I do, I cannot start it. I have plugged it into a charger, I bought a car lead because I have found that this gives a boost, and I have bought a new battery.
Whatever I do, it does not work. Unlike previous writers, when I plug it into any of the charging sources I do not even get a red light, absolutely nothing. When I attach it to the computer nothing is recognised. I am sure that it has not been physically damaged, it has merely run absolutely flat.I am stuck in a holiday destination. Can anyone advise me?
I was in the middle of sending a text messege, my phone was fully charged and had lots of life, when it froze up. I couldnt do anything, waited about 5 minuites and still frozen so i did a battery pull.When i popped the battery back in....nothing. No red led what so ever.|Ive tried charging on the wall and the usb on the computer (computer doesnt pick up the device)Ive removed the sim card and put it back.Tried fiddling with the little round battery in the back compartment as i had seen in another post.Plugged the phone into the wall with out the battery....and still absolutly no sign of life
Just tried to upgrade BB Bold device software wirelessly overnight, and whilst device was left on charge. Advisory message after s/w download was that it may take 2 hours, but when i tried to boot device this morning it is completely dead. Desktop software also advises me that it cannot communicate with device.
Desktop mgr I connect (via USB) the connection appears to be recognised - clock appears on BB and PC beeps. After a few minutes PC & BB icons appear on BB screen but no interconnecting arrows. When I try to sync there is no device and PIN number showing on Device Mgr so it doesn't sync. Then the Desktop Mgr greys out and appears to freeze - I then have to disconnect the BB to unfreeze.
Device manager shows two RIM virtual serial ports v2 Com 3 & Com 4. If I try to update the drivers it says most up to date are loaded although the drivers are dated 24 Nov 2008 and are version and appear to be called RimSerial_AMD64.sys (I'm using Intel i7 processor).
Devices & Printers screen shows a RIM Composite Device icon. Windows in Win 7 Home Premium 64 bit.
Bold 9650 with Verizon will not allow me to reload BB Device Software. It displays the dreaded Error 513 -failed to install device driver, an Unspecified Error [hex code]. Popped battery, fully charged, retried 3+ times, upgraded BB Desktop software to Ver. (Bundle 33). Rebooted PC too, all to no avail.All started with trying to log into BB to get sync working again. Then hit max password attempts and some erroneous post on BB said you must allow Password File to reset and it won't delete all your files...WRONG. It sure does delete all and still no chance to reset the PW. So now I have a little brick.
I'd appreciate opinions from folks who had a Curve 9320 who upgraded to a Bold 9700. I love the Curve, but am starting to have issues with long periods of watching the hour glass, but also mechanical age issues, like a metal pin that poked through the 5/D key.My only complaint with the Curve, other than the amount of time it spends thinking about itself, is that I could never use weatherbug or any of the weather apps, they just ground everything to a halt.
My carrier is T-Mobile (Albuquerque, NM) Platform OS Memory Total: 55GB Memory Free: 8 GB (after deleting a bunch of photos, texts, etc)
I have problem with upgrading my Bold to OS 5.0. I already try upgrade through DM and Apploader.exe (removing vendor.xml) but no luck so far. It seems that the new OS won't pop up for some reason.
My Bold 9000 is running OS4.6, but I want to upgrade it to OS5. However, when I plug it in and run the desktop manager, it says there are no updates available? Is there a way to 'force' the bb to update?
I installed the most recent desktop software, yet when I press the upgrade button for the device, there seems to be no new software available. Yet the OS is at least 2 versions behind.
I am with v., I use this device for enterprise applications but a device is personal and right now I stop use it for a company e-mail so first I'd like remove all enterprise software, I already try with 10 times wrong password and wiping from options menu but still some software remain inside, I like deleting everything and get back to the original configuration.Then I try to install a OS v5,0 but come a dial box with error message ".This blackberry device software.Is only available to user with an active blackberry subscriptions.
After i upgrade i found when somebody called me and messages me any kind of notification doesnt ring if i restart it works but then again it will no sound anymore. i try playing music it works. anyone could help please? i also try to edit the sound and pres try it seems no sound.
I was wondering how difficult it would be to do a hardware upgrade on the Bold 9000 increasing the app memory from 128mb to 256mb. What other changes have to be made to facilitate this?
I recently upgraded to the 5.0 os but when I activated one the themes and did a reboot my bb is locked and none of the keys are responding...How can I reset it to gain access ?
I have searched but can't seem to find any answers to this following issue.I have a Bold 9000, and for some reason the SMS message tone, and my ringtone have suddenly gone very quiet.I upgraded to 5.0 a while ago, and everything was ok, then a couple of days ago the volume went very low, even though it is turned upto 10 in the settings.I'll have another look about and see if I can find some answers, but in the meantime if anyone can post some fixes I'll be over the moon.
I got this problem after i upgrade my bold to OS .I received 1 txt message and everything seemed fine.. at least I thought so ;A bit later I got a second txt (SMS) message but the content of the msg didn't make any sense as it seemed only relevant to another person in my contacts...
I had one sms in my SMS/MMS inbox and all SMS that came in after that appeared to be from the same person although they weren't! .... In other words, I get the threaded SMS but showing ALL incoming messages as being from the same person (the first one that sent me SMS after I installed the OS!
After downloading an upgrade to Bold 9000 device received "App error 202 reset" message. Tried to reset and even removed the battery for a hard reset (about 4 times) with no success. Same error message. Any ideas anyone? Cannot reset.
Just upgraded (?) to os, Bold 9000 on Telstra Australia.This update was offered via an email from RIM.The "Tasks" icon has now gone, and I cannot synch my tasks with Outlook.Any ideas how I can get the "Tasks" back, or should I try again to re-install the update?