BB Bold 9000 :: Volume Level Adjusts When Changing Music Tracks?
Apr 5, 2010
This is my first post on this site, so I hope I have put my request in the right location. My company has supplied myself a Blackberry Bold 9000, and naturally I use it for a lot of non-work stuff!
When listening to music, I'm finding that the volume increases whenever you go to the next track. This is very annoying, as I am forever getting blasted with noise, and having to decrease the volume on the phone.
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Jan 18, 2012
Is it possible to set a different volume level for incoming texts and a different volume level for emails?
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Oct 8, 2010
I just bought a Naite yesterday. Used it as usual, drained the battery first, then charged it up till it's 100 percent complete. I went to school. During the trip, I plugged in the bundled headset HPM-60 and played some music. I noticed then, compared to other phones, that the volume level of the music I'm hearing from the headset is a little soft considering I'm, at that time, playing the music at it's maximum volume. I tried changing the equalizers of the phone but still, there is no great change to the volume I'm hearing.
I played the same music on Nokia 7210 Supernova and Motorola W231, with same bitrates, sampling frequencies, and file size, and found out that the Naite's sound is really softer compared to the other two. I even tried to fiddle with the settings (stereo widening, equalizers) but still, the Naite ended up with the softest sound. Is there anyway I can increase the volume of my Naite?
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Apr 21, 2015
The volume while playing music is always changing, like one step up or down every 5 minutes give or take.
- I disabled all the sound and equalizer options from the settings to test if that was the cause but it didn't work.
- Rebooting the phone also didn't work.
- I use Spotify, didn't test any other app yet but I don't have this problem on my Nexus 5 using the same Spotify version.
- There is no way the volume keys were pressed accidentally because even when the phone just lies there, flat on the table, this happens.
- I am on the latest OTA.
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Jul 18, 2010
Device info Your carrier: Telstra - Australia Model info and OS version 9000 - Apps and free space File free 12337741 Bytes(After Battery pull) Did a battery pull fix your issue? No Apps installed and their version Telstra Code Reader 1.10.06 Citrix Receiver 1.0.163755 Documents to go 1.001.145 Dictionary and thesaurus - 1.1 GMail 2.0.6 Google Maps 4.0.1 Google Mobile App 3.6.14 Klondike 1.4.8 Sudoku 1.0.11 Texas Holdem King2 2.3.0 TagreaderBB 2.1.75 ColourID LED Light 1.1.8 com_plazmic_theme_amranth_zen_480x320_90xx_460 2008.12.02.1022 com_plazmic_theme_Aqua_zen_480x320x90xx_460 2008.12.02.1500 Blackberry MDS Default Blackberry App World Facebook Whereis Navigator 5.6.5 My Place 4.0.0
Issue: After upgrading to version the ring tone volume is very low, even when the profile setting has the tone set to High I often miss the call, I have tried turning on "Audio Boost" with no change, tried a hard re-boot, no change. Volume of calls are fine, it's the ring tones, I have the same ring tone in use as before the O/S upgrade so this hasn't changed, no other (new) apps have been installed, just the O/S upgraded. I can't find any sort of master volume control setting in any of the forums is there such a setting, how do I get the volumes back to normal?
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Feb 20, 2010
From looking through similar threads, I see that it is a problem changing any shortcuts. My particular problem is hitting the spacebar and the phone comes up and, as I have already done several times, hit it a few more times and you will accidentally dial a number in your address book. When I have my phone in my pocket and I don't have keylock on, I have called several numbers.
Luckily, I realized what I had done before the phone was left on for a long time and they could listen to whatever I was saying. I could see where this could become a MAJOR problem! One of the threads mentioned a 3rd party app (without saying what it was) that could change the shortcut. Does anyone know what that is? Better yet, does anyone know how you CAN change the shortcut? I'd rather not have to put the key lock on every time I put the phone in my pocket.
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Aug 2, 2010
i have BB bold 9000. i want to make the keypad on my bb with multiple colors as in the first line of alphabets white.then the next line of alphabets black so on and soo forth. is there a way to do. or am i stuck with the keypad that i have for now.
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Jun 21, 2010
Does the iOS 4.0 finally give us the ability to change tracks with a bluetooth headset or has Apple still not integrated that feature?
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Feb 12, 2010
Whenever I am on a call, if some one else tries to dial my number, they get the busy dial tone (engaged call). How do I make it call waiting? I tried to find the solution from my service provider but he says it can be done with some option configuration on the phone...
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Jun 29, 2012
My volume button broke! I can increase the volume of my music but i cant decrease it! What can I do?PS I listen to music a lot so i need the button to work?
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Feb 6, 2011
I used to have a Sony walkman phone where one easily could address the music.One of the features on that phone was that, when pressing the volume button up/down for about 2 seconds, the next/previous track of the music player was selected. This way it was possible to easily navigate through the music, without having to activate the screen and pressing additional keys.This option is not available on my xperia ray and I was wondering whether this functionality could be added, whenever it is available.
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Feb 19, 2010
My volume on my bold 9000 keeps dropping. I have done the fix where you press down right above the camera flash. This fixes the problem, but it is only temporary. After about 2 days the volume drops again to an almost inaudible level.
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Apr 23, 2015
I just got the Galaxy S6 which of course is running Lollipop. One of the features I used all the time on my iPhone was the ability to skip forward/back while listening to music (e.g. Pandora, Rhapsody, Music Player, etc.). I'm afraid to ask but am I to understand this functionality does NOT work on this phone/OS??? If so, how can I get around this? I do not want to root the phone nor do I want to be forced to use apps that require me to play music stored on the phone. I have subscriptions to Pandora and Rhapsody for a reason.
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Aug 9, 2011
After updating firmware with V50.0.001 version, I tried a lot to update music player with new tracks but I didn't get any track updated in my 'all songs'. even not in 'recently addad'.
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May 19, 2011
i have a serious issue with my unlimited ovi music account.i have purchased an n8, just 5 days back.Tried to download music using the ovi player, but everytime my machine would hang.Then I tried downloading using the ovi suite, I have tried to download almost 20 tracks (1 at a time) and have succeeded in downloading only 2. Every time it is able to download approximately 33-50% after which it gives an error message "Download Failed".
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Apr 13, 2010
If the berry rings while in the holster and I press "up" on the volume rocker, the incoming call alerts stop (stops ringing and vibrating), however, the call is not terminated.If I press "down" on the volume rocker instead, the call is ended and the call is sent to voicemail.Additionally, if I first press "up" to stop the ringing/vibrating and THEN press "down", the caller is NOT sent to voicemail.With the design of the Bold 9000 and my PDAIR holster, it's pure luck which button my finger hits when retrieving the berry after it starts vibrating/ringing.Is there any way I can change the behavior of the volume "down" rocker so it stops ending calls? Or is there some other measure I can take to achieve similar results?I'm using the Azercell OS (installed fresh).
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Jan 13, 2010
I have noticed this problem for awhile now. I did a search on the forum and noticed that others are having the problem but I don't see a solution. When I set the volume on the track I am playing either to a low setting or a high setting it always resets itself to what sounds like about 65-75% of the max volume.For example, if I set the volume at max with audio boost, it will lower the volume. If I have the volume set to 30%, it will increase to the "standard" setting.This only seems to affect the headphones (aux jack), I tried it with the external speaker and it stays the same. I have tried it with audio boost on and off, and have enabled and disabled enhanced audio.This is a terrible problem, it renders the media player almost a hazard, especially if you are riding a bike or driving a car and have to play with the volume between every song.
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Apr 12, 2012
How can I change my text volume without changing my ringer volume?
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1
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Feb 12, 2010
I have noticed this problem for awhile now. I did a search on the forum and noticed that others are having the problem but I don't see a solution. When I set the volume on the track I am playing either to a low setting or a high setting it always resets itself to what sounds like about 65-75% of the max volume.For example, if I set the volume at max with audio boost, it will lower the volume. If I have the volume set to 30%, it will increase to the "standard" setting.This only seems to affect the headphones (aux jack), I tried it with the external speaker and it stays the same. I have tried it with audio boost on and off, and have enabled and disabled enhanced audio.This is a terrible problem, it renders the media player almost a hazard, especially if you are riding a bike or driving a car and have to play with the volume between every song.
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Jun 12, 2010
I have approx 590 MP3 music tracks on my 5230 4gb memory card and I want to delete them all and start afresh. I have deleted the playlist but obviously my music is still there. I then tried to delete all my tracks by marking them all and then deleting but I got "general system error" message. Am trying to delete too many tracks at once, or is there a way of deleting them, or formatting my memory card to clear everything? I know I could take my card out and use a PC/card reader to clean but I didn't want to remove the card if possible.
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Jan 18, 2015
Just got my shiny new LG G3 and reasonably happy with it. One issue I cant quite seem to resolve is that when the phone rings, the first ring is loud, then the volume drops. Not good when outside or in my pocket. Is there any way to maintain the volume at the higher level?
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Aug 13, 2012
I am experimenting a very weird and annoying problem with my Lumia 900. Since last night the volume level during the phone call became suddenly very very low. I can hardly hear the other speaker. Apparently this is only happening during a phone call in normal mode. If I press the loudspeaker button, for example, I can hear the conversation perfectly as usual. Same using the earpiece: I can hear and talk without any problem. Moreover, the audio output appears to be OK outside the phone call itself: when using apps, music, games or any other feature except the phone call, I can't spot anything abnormal in the volume level, everything appears to work properly.
I would like to point out that:1) the volume level during the call is set to the max. level as usual (10/10)2) the master volume of the device, as set though both right-hand buttons, is set as usual to the max. level (30/30).3) I turned off and on the device at least five times since last night. Unfortunately the problem persists4) I made several tests by dialing different numbers, with no success: the volume level is still very very low during a call.5) I did not notice any other problem in the last days nor the device suffered any "catastrophic" event.In other words, I can only hear a speaker during a phone call either keeping the loudspeaker always on or using the earpiece. It's like my call volume were set to 1 or 2, while it is actually set to 10!I am really surprised, I bought my Lumia 900 end of June and I was very, very satisfied so far
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Oct 23, 2010
Is there another way to optimize the volume level of the phone when listening to music.
Seems that even though it's on maximum volume, it's not loud enough.
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Feb 28, 2014
Just switched to a HTC One dual sim 802d from iphone 5 a few weeks back. One issue I'm facing with the One is the call waiting notification beep volume level is too low. Most of the times, when I'm on a call and if someone else calls my no. I don't even come to know that call waiting was activated as the notification beep volume is just plain too low.
Its okay on speakerphone mode, but when I have the set next to my ear, I just can't hear that beep. Never had the issue with iphone 5 or my earlier Nokia's before the HTC one, on most of these the call waiting beep would be too darn loud and annoying, now its just way to low. Spoke to HTC Tech Support and the guy asked to me increase the Ring volume to max and see if that works, but that too made no difference.
Just updated to Android 4.4.2 a few days back and Sense 5.5
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May 29, 2015
When I do on my newly purchased Samsung Galaxy S6, the volume is way too low to be able to understand anything. If I don't have any noise around me, it's fine, otherwise not. I have the volume all up. I tried this Volume+ app here: [URL] .... but it wouldn't change anything in the volume level.
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Apr 21, 2014
First time using android and i am struggling with the basics.
One of the things is: How do i change the volume on the s5 alarm clock? It is EXTREMELY load.
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May 2, 2014
The volume level for text notifications is much lower than my ringtone.
As an experiment I set the same mp3 as the ringtone and text notification sound. This confirmed that the text notification I am receiving is significantly lower than my ringtone which is set to maximum.
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Apr 28, 2012
I have my new iphone 4S - but the level of volume of the call entries is low - I put the volume in maxim but the issue is present yet?Is true ? this is a current damage for any iphone´s 4S.
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Dec 11, 2014
I am working on project in which the requirement is like auto silent your iPhone.I have searched it but i haven't found any way to do this.
Is there any way by which i can set the volume to zero level? I have found one app which is doing the same thing. Can i do this thing programmatically?
iPhone 5s, iOS 7.1
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Aug 11, 2011
Recently purchased Xperia x10i, software 2.1, Build Number 2.1.A.0.435. Is there any software available to increase the Incoming Call Volume?
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Feb 5, 2013
Got my Z5 last week, loving it so far. However, I have noticed that whenever I get into my car and pair to my stero via bluetooth the audio is always never at 100% even though it was prior to the connection. I am assuming this is some half-baked health and safety issue with volume limiting but I am wondering if there is a setting somewhere I can disable for this. I use Google Play Music, Spotify and Pandora.
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