BB Bold 9000 :: Home Screen Switches From GSM To Edge To 3G
Mar 24, 2010
i am living in india and when i bought bb bold its home screen showed gsm then some day after it showed edge and now its continuously showing 3g...and signal besides 3g is searching as of this my battery is draining very fast
I have a Bold 9700 for personal use and a Bold 9000 for work. On my 9700 there is an option to change my home screen layout from "Zen" (which seems to be the default setting) to "Today" which lists my messages and calendar on my home screen. Obviously this would be much more useful on the handheld I use for work but I cannot seem to find this layout option on my 9000. Is it available?
Basically I have just lost my job and have to keep a real close eye on money. So I am writing everything down as a memo on my BB.Is there a way to set this memo as a home screen so I am always concious of what I am spending? lol. When I had a Sony Erricson many moons ago you could set a memo as home screen and you could still see the picture I had set as the home screen but you could faintly see the text over the image if that makes sense?
I am hesitant to change one of the Shortcut Keys on the side to Memo Pad because I use them a lot for camera and calendar.
I just installed the latest 5.0 OS, everything runs smooth but I can't see my owner or information in the home screen when I lock the device anymore, is there a way to have this shown all the time? even if I don't lock it? I was thinking about a custom theme or something, I really need that info/owner to be shown in the home screen, locked or unlocked.
On my Homescreen Instead of 3G/GPRS/EDGE it gives me edge/3g/gprs Which means that BIS isnt activated on my account.I cannot access my Email or Browser because the BIS is not activated,I called my Carrier "Etisalat" Customer support nearly 20 times, And Everytime they Ask me to remove the battery and re-plug! Last time i checked they told me that in their systems it appeared my blackberry's BIS was indeed activated, But on my BB it was still edge, So I think the problem might be from the BB/Sim Card.I have been having this problem 2 months now and I would really appreciate your help.FYI i have tried all these steps(but didn't work):
I have a BB Curve 8520, and my battery seems to be getting eaten very quickly I charged it fully earlier today and it was dead in 4hours. I seem to have noticed that on my phone it says GPRS and on my friends it says EDGE at the top right of the screen on your home screen.I havent got any applications open and my battery still dies quick. I think it has to do with this GPRS story
s6 edge.When I am on homescreen 1, how can I get to homescreen 5 without having to swipe over to the right 5 times? How come I can't just swipe left 1 time and go from 1 to 5. Here I will put it another way. Instead of going through my homescreens like 1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1. What if I want to go 1,2,3,4,5,1 by swiping?Or 1 straight to 5 by swiping left. Etc.
So flipboard locks itself on the home screen and I cannotbe deleted from my knowledge. Is there a way to delete this? I would like to use every inch of my phones screen real estate.
I dropped my BlackBerry Bold 9000 on the weekend and damaged the LCD screen. The device still works, but two thirds of the LCD is now white and there's what looks like an inkblot on the left side of the screen. I'd like to try to fix it, but don't really want to shell out a lot of $ to do so --- I'm a month away from upgrading.Does anyone have any suggestions, or perhaps a dead BlackBerry with a working screen that you're willing to part with? A DIY repair -- this is out of warranty anyway -- looks straightforward, but I'm not sure I want to spend the $100 or so for a new OEM part to replace the LCD screen.
This problem just started of recent, my device no longer stay on 3G for 5 minutes, it automatically switches to EDGE, I have contact my service provider but the step they gave to me aren't working @ all, what to do in order to have 3G stay permanent on my curve 9300 series device...
after installing the Android 5.1.1 update on my Galaxy S6 edge almost all home screen icons have disappeared, even the bottom ones like phone, contacts and messages.The apps icons in the app drawer have also completely disappeared. The apps are still there and working, but I can only access them when I get a new notification.I have tried rebooting several times, and clearing the Touchwiz launcher data, but nothing changes.
Searched around but can't find anything on this one. I've had a Bold for about 6 weeks and just today have a problem. My keypad and trackball do not work on the home page, except for the green phone, escape, red phone, convenience buttons, and the mute button. I can switch applications with the left convenience button, and all the buttons and trackball work on any other screen. It's not a password issue, and I don't think it's how the keypad lock works. Any ideas?
I have got a 9000 Bold unit that was an ex work machine.When I try to set up my personal e-mail through e-mail setup, the only option I get is "I want to use a work e-mail account with a Blackberry Enterprise Server".How do I get the option to setup a home account?
For some unknown reason my Blackberry refuses to connect to my home Wifi. The Wireless AP is a Buffalo Nfinity B/G/N and I have several other devices connected, two Wireless N laptops and a Wireless G Ethernet bridge, no issues at all there.The phone sees the network, asks me for the passphrase and tries to connect, but then fails with "Unable to obtain IP address".MAC filtering isn't enabled and the AP is currently set to WPA2-PSK AES but changing that to other options seems to have no effect, same failure message on the Blackberry each time.
I have a problem,BlackBerry Bold 9000 Carrier is AT&T V4.60.304(platform
I have no connection on blackberry app World or any of the blackberry apps or my e-mail, I can use MEdia net browser to connect to the internet it works fine, I can us Wi-Fi and everything work fine. Myspace or Facebook or any apps don't work unless i use my home Wi-Fi. I talk to AT&T and they said my internet was working fine.
A few weeks ago, my Blackberry got an error 507 screen overnight and I had to wipe the device. I am currently using the latest release of 5.0 and last night my phone was working fine. When I woke up this morning, my screen had the "App error 205" message on it. That is two failures in one month now and I have to go to work in a few minutes so I won't even have time to wipe my device to at least have a working phone for the day. Does anyone have an idea why this junk keeps happening?
since installing .411 my Bold hasn't had a single problem, apart from one. Every now and again, I will notice it light up, the screen and keyboard both turn on. After a couple of seconds, it will dim out as it would after use.
I have a windows mobile phone and before I receive a text message, that is exactly what that does, but I receive nothing when the Bold lights up? The only fix I have is to put it into bedside mode as it doesn't seem to happen when in that state....
i have some dust under my bb screen but im not able to get to it. im guessing its sitting right on top of the actual LCD and the "screen protector" is lying on top of it. i cant get to it, ive looked up some vids and threads but none of them show how to clean a bold.
I thought it would be a problem with the trackball, however, the trackball moves in all directions. The cursor and on-screen highlights do not. I am allowed to move in all directions on the screen except down. This hinders me from reading mails and moving to other applications/areas in order to even troubleshoot the problem myself. When i move the trackball left or right, the cursor moves left or right. When I move the trackball up, the cursor moves up. When I move the trackball down, the cursor moves UP! What could be the problem here. The thing just isn't working.
I cannot find my BBM icon, it's not on my screen. I've downloaded the programme a few times and the icon still does not apper, although every time I download the programme it tells me that I already have BBM.....where's the Icon gone?
When i plug in my BB 9000 without the battery it has a red led, but when i put the battery in to charge the flash on the camera turns on and the red led turns off the screen is always black and off is there a fix for this? i dont mind deleting everything on this phone.
I am facing a whie screen on BB Bold 9000 bought in 2009 ( software version updated ) and when I boot the machine it comes with above error message -" JVM Error 517"unable to access my BB?
I upgraded my bold 9000 to 5.0 os, great and love it except for one thing. When I click on my icon screen, it has been changed from black to white. I cannot see half my icons. Is there a way to change the color of that screen?
can anyone please help last night i noticed some small black lines appear on screen and now they have got bigger over night. everything was fine up until yesterday and they just suddenly appeared.
I just received a used blackberry bold 9000. I still have not been able to turn it on, it is black with a blinking led light (which only shows when plugged in to either the wall charger or USB). It blinks once (red) and then three times very quickly. I can not wipe the hardware because my computer does not recognize the device. Is there anyway to fix this? I do not want to return it if I can easily fix it.
After my blackberry loads completely it has the rogers symbol that shows up after it loads the OS. The screen then fades to completely white. There is nothing on the screen and the backlight is white and never turns off. I tried battery pull number of times. This usually occurs after I start listening to internet radio. It gets fixed when I plug it into my computer last time but Im at work right now and this thing is getting annoying because I can't use my phone.
So i tried updating to and it froze during the update process on the AT&T logo screen for two hours. At this point it seemed like a lost cause so i pulled it but now i cant connect to it or do much of anything.
I was wondering if you could help on on this. I had a password lock on my blackberry bold. Since I entered it wrong 3 times, it wiped my software off and all I have is a white screen that says "Reload Software 513" How can I reload my softward back to my blackberry so I can use my phone.