Xperia Z3 :: Disconnecting Bluetooth Device Resets Phone Profile
Aug 21, 2015
I've recently noticed that whenever I disconnect my bluetooth device from my phone, it changes back to the default volume on Sound, rather than staying on Silent or on the lowest volume I had set on the Sound profile when I connected the bluetooth device ...
I've come into work on a few occasions after disconnecting my bluetooth headset, only for the phone to ring when a call comes through, despite having the phone on Silent before leaving the house when I connected the headset ...
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May 1, 2012
Anyone else having problems with their RAZR not disconnecting when a bluetooth device goes out of range?
From day 1 (two weekends ago), when I pair the phone to my Mercedes Benz 2008 (with 2010 bluetooth cradle to replace analog phone), and walk away the phone believes it is still connected (see status under wireless & network settings, bluetooth devices list)
This causes problems, such as when I receive calls the ear speaker is turned off and I cannot hear caller, or making calls the ear speaker is off.
When I later return to the car, the razr shows it is still paired (under bluetooth devices list) while the car says the phone is turned off. Need to power off/on to reset.
Called for support.
Verizon Tech believes that my car has a problem, the "car bluetooth is too old", can't keep supporting bluetooth devices that are 4+ years old
Motorola tech had me go to manage apps / bluetooth share / storage / clear data. Did not resolve problem. Need to try with another phone.
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Nov 5, 2012
I have Volvo V40 and when I step in my car with my bluetooth enabled already, I see on my Z3 Bluetooth connect sand then disconnect. This repeats all the time. When I then disable bluetooth, wait a while and enable bluetooth again, the problem is gone. I don't know for sure, but what I have see on my car's phone menu, although I get these disconnects on my phone , the disconnects are not noticed by my car. But again, I didn't look into that yet.
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Feb 1, 2010
I know there is no way in contacting blackberry support without paying with money i dont have.. But am hoping that some blackberry profesionals actualy go on the forums sometimes.Firstly is there anyway to contact someone who really knows something about the device. correct me if im wrong but if we could talk to the people who made the device they would for sure know exactly wat is wrong with the device and be a huge help.
Lastly my device every 10 minutes just shows this = | |
then when i press the track ball in it resets??? | ADC stuck | -my phone
| reset |
| { | # | 0 | > | {. |
| q | w | e | r | y | u | i | o | p |
| a | s | d | f | g | h | j | k | l |
|alt| z | x | c | v | b | n | m | $|
Any ideas on what to do. there is no fix for this error any where on the web and have only read of it happening to two different people.
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Jul 3, 2010
I have a problem with my new Z5 phone. It keeps rebooting itself. Sometimes i see information about optimizing 81 applications and after that ... reboot. After reboot the red diode blinks, 3 short blinks and one long. Can I do something or is it a faulty unit ?
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Jul 3, 2010
In two days, I had this issue Twice.
The issue is that I have my phone in my pocket and I am walking in the street.
When I need to use my phone, I just noticed that it has factory reset itself.
when This happen, I am not able to make any call till I connect to a Wifi Network to perform some configuration.
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Mar 12, 2015
I have successfully paired my z3 to my laptop and once I connect wirelessly everything is fine and I can use my laptop to view all the files on my phone. Â However the connecting does not keep, especially if i try to move items from one folder to another, it simply disconnects and doesnt reconnect unless I do it manually.
This is preventing me from doing anything that MTP has to offer so it is actually a pretty useless application for me.
I have made sure my phone doesnt go idle during this time so it's not that.
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Aug 14, 2012
Device locks up at a certain point when it resets. I've removed the battery 5 times and I still can't get it to come back on.
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Oct 18, 2011
my BB Curve 9300 is reseting every time it connects to my Car handsfree speaking system via bluetooth. (Only if the phone is in locked state). I have a VW Golf and I didn't had this problem with the 2647 bundle version. After the update to Bundle 2949 my BB phone does this anyoing reset, it does the initial connection and when the information should be displayed which bluetooth functionality is enabled, it does the reset, after the reset it connects without issue. The only way to stop this behavior is to unlock the phone before I start my car. I did try to delete the paired device connection and establish a new one, but this did not change the behavior. what I can do? The last step would be going back to 2647 ....
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May 4, 2015
I am already extremely hard of hearing and need every bit of extra volume. I can reset media volume as long as the bluetooth earpiece is not turned on, but as soon as I turn it on, it resets to a little more than half way up. how to change this?
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Jun 13, 2015
My S6 connects fine to my car. However, it keeps disconnecting even if im not using it. I didn't have this issue before on my Note 4. This is a software or hardware issue before i return it ?
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Aug 19, 2014
Ever since the latest IOS update (7.1.2), my iPhone does not auto connect to my car bluetooth anymore. I have to manually go into Bluetooth settings and click on it to connect. It may or may not connect. If I do get it connected, it will all of a sudden disconnect from the car bluetooth without me doing anything. It used to auto connect and load the phonebook and stay connected. Now, once I manually connect it, it does not load the phonebook after connecting unless I push the button on my car like I am going to make a call. It then will say "Downloading Phone Book" and then disconnect. I might be able to make 1 call, but then it will disconnnect.Â
I have already done a factory reset as well as remove my iPhone from the car bluetooth (so my car doesn't have any bluetooth paired to it) and paired it again many times but I am still having the same problem. It was working perfectly before the latest update.
iPhone 5, iOS 7.1.2
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Aug 13, 2012
I was recently given a LG HBS-700 Bluetooth headset which I love but I have been having problems a few times a day with it disconnecting while I listen to music. After it disconnects it will be silent then my music will blare out the phone which I hurridly pause/mute so not to disturb my co-workers and get in trouble with my boss. Sometimes it will re-connect on its own or I manually turn off the headset and turn back on and it will be fine. It maybe happens twice a day. It has even happened while on a call before but not alot which I dont talk alot on the phone. I use it pretty much all day while at work. I have asked LG support about it but they have 'no known issues' and suggested I check with Motorola to see if this phone should be compatible with the headset.
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Jul 3, 2010
Brand new Z5 Compact out of box. Switched from iOS and thus used iSMS2Droid/SMS Backup & Restore-trick to transfer text conversations to android. Worked like a charm apart from the fact that the profile pictures i messages are not the same as in phone book. Not a major issue but quite annoying.
I have tried the following
1. Delete conversation, delete messenger data & cache, restart, write new message - fawlty profile picture comes back
2. Delete contact in phonebook, create new contact with new picture - does not sync
I notice that if I click faulty profile picture in messages I get transferred to a contact which is not in my phone book, while if I click a correct profile picture in messages I get transferred to the proper contact.Â
So, how to get this to work correctly? Go back to factory settings is an option I guess but I'm worried the messages are synced somwhere so nothing will change by the time I come back.Â
I run Nova Launcher but don't quite think that matters.
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Jan 26, 2016
I have this problem since day one. Build .29, then came the FW update, then build .63, always the same. I did a hard reset three times since I have the phone but the problem is still here. And now to the actual problem: I have a plantronics voyager legend headset and sometimes during a call, sometimes when not in a call, the phone disconnects from the headset and it seems to be frozen, I can't even unlock the screen for 5-10 seconds. Bluetooth option becomes gray and sometimes BT turns on again after 10-15s, sometimes I have to reboot the phone because BT can't be turned on. Same thing happens when the phone is connected to my car, but when it's playing music on bluetooth speaker, everything is working ok.
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Aug 3, 2015
After I disconnected my Bluetooth headphones, I have no sound coming out of my speakers... Music plays but no sound. I rebooted and still no sound. Works fine with wired & wireless headphones, phone rings fine, no music or media plays... Im Stock/Unrooted.
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Mar 21, 2012
My bluetooth headset keeps disconnecting after upgrade to iOS 5.1.
I have tried 2 new Plantronix headsets with the same result.
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1
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Sep 6, 2012
I have tried at least 5 different bluetooth and they all keep disconnecting, even when I bought a higher end bluetooth. I sent it back for repairs at least 2 times and now it will be going back again today for the same problems plus a new one won't charge up. Having this phone is very bad for my business. Why can't someone repair my phone instead of sending me someone elses troubled phone.
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Apr 30, 2015
I have an android wear watch. G watch R. Never had any issues with it. Since getting S6 the phone will occasionally disconnect for a short while and the reconnect.
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May 31, 2011
I have just got an Incredible S and think its great. However I am having bluetooth connection issues with my handsfree kit. It keeps disconnecting and reconnecting. The connection only seems to last 2 to 3 minutes. I have tried it with two different kits one a Motorola T505 and the second a BlueAnt S4. Both had the same problem. I then tried a car with a factory fitted bluetooth system and it did the same.
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Dec 19, 2012
I have a RAZR MAXX HD with a bluetooth issue from the start. When in my car the bluetooth disconnects every one minute, reconnects immediately and stays on for about two minutes. Then again disconnects, reconnects, stays on for one minute, then disconnects. So the bluetooth is totally useless. It it illegal to talk on a phone in a car without handsfree in our state, so I have a MOBILE phone that won't work while being MOBILE.
When this happens it also disconnects service to the 3.5mm jack, so I have to make sure the Bluetooth is turned off. But when I plug it in the charge and then disconnect to leave in the morning, the bluetooth is turned back on. I'm spending more time resetting stuff on this phone. I've never had such a buggy phone. I've tried turning off Wi-Fi. The car is a 2010 Genisis, which with the old Droid phone worked perfect.
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Dec 6, 2011
just finished my run on the .73 version for the first time. The device battery definitely lasts a little bit longer -- still dies close to 3 hours. Won't last all the way through my marathon training.That said, a couple of other things also happened. I added the Garmin foot pod to the devices linked to the MOTOACTV. I also have the Jaybird Freedom 3 as a bluetooth headset connected. Two things happened:
1. Approx 1.25mi into the run, i went to look down at the watch and it stopped tracking. I didn't hear anything in my ear -- no "workout stopped/paused" nothing. I heard it "workout started" when I began.
2. With the Garmin foot pod my avg. pace was higher -- than using the MOTOACTV without a pod (just the gps) -- is that normal?
3. About mid-way through the run, my music stopped -- i looked down at the MOTOACTV and noticed the bluetooth icon was gone (i.e., disconnected). I'm not sure why, i checked my headset and it was still on.
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Feb 19, 2016
My brand new baby is giving me a Bluetooth nightmare. After I use it with Plantronics BackBeat Go 2 headset and disconnect the Bluetooth (even if I switch off Bluetooth), phone audio won't come thru the regular speaker. However, if I switch on the speakerphone, then audio works. A restart fixes the problem. But it is super annoying.
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Jun 13, 2015
I am having a new problem with WiFi intermittently disconnecting. It seems to be happening after the screen has been turned off for a while--I turn it back on and the wifi is not connected--once I unlock the phone the wifi then automatically connects. It happens on both my home and work network, and not with any other devices. Haven't changed any settings recently. Tried to turn Smart Network Switch off but that didn't work. "Keep wifi on during sleep" is and has been set to "always".
Possibly related is that a similar thing is happening with Bluetooth. I only have Bluetooth on while driving, and I have noticed that the connection has been randomly disconnecting, and then I have to manually toggle Bluetooth back on and reconnect the phone to the car.
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Nov 9, 2015
I have noticed that my speaker volume is very low after I disconnect from my Bluetooth stereo. It has become a problem because I have missed my alarm the next morning because I don't hear it. I have narrowed it down to the Bluetooth being the issue but I don't know how to fix it. Do I not disconnect correctly?
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Dec 8, 2015
My S4 mini picked up my car's device but mew new S6 does not pick it up at all. I scan but it 'sees' nothing.
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Jul 26, 2010
why my Bluetooth wont connect to any other phone
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Apr 20, 2010
This issue has been happning for a while, but for the last week or so it has been happening more frequently. A phone call arrives and sends the phone into a reset, similar to what QuickPull would do. No open apps, no error message, it just resets.I have searched a bit, but have not found anyone posting a similar issue so far. I run the stock T-Mobile OS, and a few extra RIM and 3rd party apps.
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Apr 6, 2012
My notebook has a windows vista operational system and I can't access the bluetooth device from my Xperia Mini Pro. The notebook operational system requires a driver.
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Sep 8, 2015
The bluetooth is a plantonics voyager legend...
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Oct 27, 2011
Every time I get a call in my car, I answer it with my bluetooth. But when I do that the screen lock is going in unlock mode. I don't want it to go in unlockmode because my phone is in my trousers.Can I change this in the settings?? If I take a call with a bluetoothdevice the screen-lock must stay on.
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