Xperia X10 Mini/pro :: Why 2.1 Kernel Does Not Support Iptables
Nov 16, 2010
We need support for iptables in the kernel. There are several programs that allow a very flexible configuration of the traffic between 3G and WiFi and save money.
Does the Xperia X10 mini pro support caller ID & Name display? Even thought my account is setup for this feature when someone calls it comes up unknown.
I have purchased a couple of games from the android market, says purchase complete but then wont install, also when I turn phone on keep getting a message about sony application user support has stopped and it needs to be forced close?
I just noticed X10 kernel sources were updated on the website, but still no kernel config file attached to it Is it possible to get it for 2.1 kernel?In 1.6 it was available in /proc/config.gz but this file disappeared with 2.1 and 1.6 config file doesn't work well with the 2.1 kernel sources.
Where can I get the Xperia X10i kernel sources for Android 2.1? And as it uses the GPL license so it must be available on request. I compiled the CIFS module on 1.6 but I really need it to recompile it with new sources. Also, kernel config file would be welcome too.
I am currently using Xperia IceCream Pureness ROM on my Xperia Pro with Ultima ICS kernel (allows overclocking upto 2.0 Ghz ).However, I guess I am tired of custom ROMs now and want to go back to original (Stock) ICS but still keeping the overclocking part.what's the process to just flash the Stock ROM keeping my kernel? Bootloader is unlocked by the way.
i have xperia x10 mini pro and it is working well on android 1.6i have a error messgae when i try to open the user support iconit open for just 3 second and then show me a message " process : has stopped unexpectedly please try agin later nad button of forced closewhat is the error ?
considering that i've seen these support videos on Internet, it is silly that they don't work in the support app. should be a trivial thing for se to fix.
I was trying to upgrade my rom and was following the instructions on this [URL] ...
I already have xtrestolite rom but wanted to upgrade to the latest one. The instruction was to update baseband and modem so I did in download mode and used odin to flash the files for g920f from [URL] ....
I flashed the latest ones 5.1.1 ... After I did that, my phone is stuck on the samsung s6 logo with the kernel error
I can go in twrp and download mode but not sure what to do now...
I just got my new One M8 a few days ago and ran into some battery draining issue. After charging the device (second charge if to be precise), I went to sleep with 99% battery while all apps are closed, Wi-Fi is turned off and Battery Saver wasn't on. After 6.5~ hours, the battery was at 89%. In my opinion 10% drain overnight, during standby is a lot and that's why I'm a bit concerned.
Based on some recommendations, I installed GSam Battery Monitor, please see below results. It looks like Kernel and Android System consumes 36% which is a lot. How to decrease the consumption and what causes the Kernel and Android System to consume 36%?
On that matter, it seems like the GSam consumes 5.8%. When I close the app, does it stop monitoring and consuming power or it works in the background and keeps sucking the battery?
What is everyone else running for custom RGB settings on custom kernels to fix the color inaccuracy? I'm running the following which when compared to my IPS computer monitor, is pretty similar:
I've been looking around, but I can't find anything to suggest root is available on the stock kernel. CF-Autoroot doesn't work for 6.0, and so far all I've found is root for custom kernels but I want all stock.
I'm planing to use Wugfresh Nexus Root Toolkit to do a clean install of the image.. If I have to flash custom kernel, any good one (battery friendly and nice performance).
Rebooting to recovery using twrp doesn't happen? I've tried re flashing recovery with fastboot and even selecting in bootloader boot to recovery after and still just boots into android.. Is it chainfires boot.img causing the problem?
Currently using Franco on 5.1.1 with color profile of vomer amoled on there any kernel which can change color profile in android m?.I saw rooting instruction with elemental x kernel and su 2.49 zip with twrp. is it working or bootlooping?xposed working?
the GSAM app on my HTC ONE M8 says that my app usage is higher than my screen and three of the main battery drainers are: Kernel (Android OS), Android System and System (Mediaserver).
I use my phone properly, charge it very well and have had 4 android phones. None were like this. I have the latest firmware for the M8 (4.4.4). My screen on time is not that good now, around 2-3 hours but when I first got the phone (3 months ago) it was 4-5 hours.
I am experiencing problems connecting usb drive to the xperia z3. The phone charges ok via usb. It also connects to pc via usb. So i don't know what the problem is with usb mass storage connection!
I did usb host diagnosis and found api support with question marks and also kernel had question marks. Does this mean it has software related isssues then? Probably a bug and will go with the next update..
i'm french and when i write some sms with special accent like "ë", the caracter takes many space in the 160 caracters limit. btw thirds apps like GosmsPro or Handcent SMS can handle with it but not the native sms application....