IPhone 5c :: Turned Off And Won't Turn On / Even When Reset And Put It On Charge
Sep 1, 2014
About an hour ago my phone turned off unexpectedly and wouldn't turn on. I didn't really think much of it but I was a bit worried as the charge was on 96% so it couldn't have run out of charge, also i'd had this phone for almost 10 months and this hasn't happened before. It's currently been on charge for 30-40 minutes and I've reset it a few times but all that happens is the Apple logo comes up, then after 1-2 minutes it disappears and nothing else happens. It also keeps randomly resetting itself without me doing anything but all that happens is that it goes off, AGAIN.
My Iphone 4s is dead. I plug in it to the charger and the battery pops up on the screen, after a couple minutes it powers in but will not charge I ttmried to reset it and it powers off but will not power back up the battery pops back up..
I have an iPhone 3gs that is out of warranty. I purchased this phone from AT&T. Last night my phoone went completely dead (battery percentage was at 96% just moments before) and now will not turn back on. I have tried just about everything I have found on discussion boards- trying hard reset, plugging into itunes, charging for15-20 mins then holding down sleep and homebuton..... NOTHING works. This phone will not light up AT ALL. My computer wont even recognize it. Is there anything else I can do?
I've had Xperia Z2 for almost two months now, today when I was at work I noticed that it was off, although it had more than 40% of battery still remaining. I tried turning it back on but as it didn't work I figured something was wrong with it.
I tried hard reset and it did vibrate three times, but it still wouldn't turn on. I thought something drained the battary and waited till I got home to charge it. Now that I am at home it doesn't even charge, none of the LED lights work, it won't connect to pc companion either and hard reset now does nothing (as in, it doesn't vibrate 3 times anymore).  I tried volume up/down+power button combination, hard reset, held the reset button for longer than 15 sec, I removed sd card and sim, nothing works the phone is just lifeless. I haven't dropped it or used it intensely, it never overheat or anything of that sort.
I've tried charging my Nokia 1020 for 8 hours with no luck. After that I tried the 2 key and 3 key reset with no luck as well. I tried to plug it up to my computer but I got nothing there either. I am getting no indication that its charging and I'm starting to think I'm out of options. Is there anything else I can try? This just basically happened out of the blue, I turned it off and now it doesn't want to come back on at all...
My I phone suddenly turned off although it is charged, and it never want to work again.I change it but it also dosent want to work.I don't want what to do to make it work it again.
Within the past couple of weeks I started noticing that the phone was having trouble charging. As the problem got worse it would intermittently vibrate and flash and stop charging, but then resume normal charging. The problem got so bad I was unable to get it to take a charge at all and the battery ran out completely. So I took it to the Verizon store. The guy plugged it in using his charger and it immediately started charging. Problem solved. I needed a new charger. Not so fast. Once I got it home and started using it again the problem returned. Today in frustration I turned the phone off. After a few minutes I plugged it in and it immediately started charging, and in less than an hour was at 100%. So I turned it back on and started making calls. After a while I plugged it in to see if it would charge and I get the same issue.
3G iPhone, 8 GB, 3.1.2 firmware, jailbroken and unlocked.Been working just fine, and every now and then I am rebooting it with no ill issues.This morning I went to reboot it again (via SBSettings), but for some reason.I tapped "Power off" instead of "Reboot"; the phone wouldn't turn ON now.no matter how many times I try to. I tried both with the USB cable plugged in and not plugged in, it will also go in DFU but that's that.All it does is show the apple logo w/ black screen for a few seconds and then die again.Again, it has been working just fine prior to this. What would the problem be, any suggestions?I am not able to restore it at this time as I am not currently at home.
Yesterday my iPhone 4 turned itself off and won't turn back on, it was fully charged and it's been charging all night. I've tried holding down the home and power button but nothing has happened.
My partners iPhone 4 has turned off and is quite simply DEAD. No response when pressing sleep and home, nada nothing, ka put... I've tried CPR but nothing!!
I was using my iphone 4 today when it just shutoff, I tried turning it back on by using the power button. I tried turning it back on by holding down the sleep button and the main button at the same time for over 30 sec.I had it fully charged but it still wont turn on. I put it on the charger for about an hour and it still wont turn on. I havent had any problems liek this on my iphone before. I havent dropped it, I havent jailbroken it. I have tried DFU.
My iphone turned off by itself and it wont turn back on, tried resting it, holding down the buttons but nothing is working, tried plugging it in to the comp and charger, and nothing.
I was using my iPhone 4 today when I went to the kicthen to get somthing to drink and upon returning to my phone I noticed the screen wouldn't turn on. Now the battery wasn't dead because it had a 80% charge left so it has to be either a OS failure or a hardware failure and when I switched the ringer button back and forth it wouldnt viberate. I tried conecting it to iTunes to do a reset but I can't because the power button is broken (which happened suddenly months ago but didn't fix it, which I regret now) so now I'm stuck with a faulty iPhone and I can't do anything to fix it. I don't have apple care for it either, which I also regret.
my iphone4 suddenly turned off, now it won't turn on. connected it to itunes on laptop. tried to restore it but still stuck with "Waiting for iPhone" and an apple logo with a blank progress bar.
For some strange reason my phone wont charge it off and when it is off it flashes on and off with the lightning and battery size to charge meaning it takes forever to charge. 5 hours of charge off and its only on 50% and then the battery dies within 2 hours when switched back on. Super annoying. Is it the phone or just need of a new battery.