IPhone 4 :: IOS 6 / Charging But When Turn It On It Dies
Jun 2, 2014
my phone dies as it usually does. After that happens, I charge it up and everything works. However, today, when my phone died and I tried to charge it, it would not.Â
I put my phone on charge and I am able to turn it on, but when it turns on, it shows that there is only 1% battery and dies in less than 5 seconds. I have left my phone on charge for over 30 mins. Even then when I turn it back on, it still shows that the battery is at 1% and dies once again. It shows that it is connected (lighting bolt on screen) but as I said before, when I turn it on, it dies. Â
I am running some form of ios6. I also plugged it into my macbook pro but it doesnt show up on my computer.
It dies and goes to recovery mode every single day. When i wake up i check my phone for any messges then open facebook app on my iphone 4s with iOS 5.1.1.As soon as FB starts to load, it dies and goes to recovery mod (just a black screen).I have to connect it to itunes on my notebook to restore it using home button and sleep button for ten seconds and then just the sleep button for ten seconds more.
I'm well aware that these aren't flip phones and especially with some of the beefier hardware (ie. 950) it takes a while to get the phone to boot if you let it die completely. Until this point that "while" has usually been a few minutes. I let my battery completely die for the first time since owning my 950 and it's been plugged into the wall for about 30 minutes and still won't boot. I just get the empty battery icon.
while my iphone in charging,suddenly turn off and start to turn on and turn off Automatically.After that i restore to ios 5.0.1 i see no wi-fi no besband and just work 5 minuts and will turn off.please help me.my iphone 3 Gs locked
my X10 died on me and I assumed it was the battery so recharged it and when I tried to switch it on I just get the SonyEricsson across the screen and nothing more. I cannot even turn it off again. I connected to PC and although the PC did not recognise it I managed to run a repair on it and got it working again and as far as I can tell it has the latest software. I then reconfigured it and loaded the few Apps I use (DME, Birthday Calendar, TV droid, Notes etc - not a huge App user). It all worked fine for about 2 weeks and then died again. I am about to take it to a service centre but thought I might ask if this could be a known software fault ? I dont want to run another repair on it before knowing really what the problem is (by taking it to service centre I am hoping they can get some idea of the problem before re-installing the software.
I plugged my bb into the wall and for a little bit it was charging fine but then the symbol disappeared. I unplugged and plugged back in which made the clock pop up so I know it connected right. But its still not charging. I turned the charging indicator led on with berrybuzz and the light didn't turn on when I plugged it in.
Meterberry says the temp is 111 degrees. I don't know what the 'normal' ranges are. I'm still under my 30day warranty so do I take it back? Is anyone else having this problem? Its done this before and it eventually charges but something is going on....
I have had my Blackberry Curve 8330 on my Verizon plan for 2 months and the trackball has fallen off and the phone currently will not turn on. No it is not Dead. I have charged it for hours(The light does turn on while charging) yet the phone still will not turn on.
My iPhone 3g on 4.2.1 will not charge via on the wall plus or though my windows PC. I have tried to hold the power button but nothing come's up not even the apple logo.
My IPhone 4s will not turn on or charge. It won't connect to my computer either, making it seem impossible to do anything, such as restoring. The buttons won't respond either.
this happened the day before yesterday, i was really tired that night so i left my iphone 5 (2 years old) to sleep overnight. And i woke up and looked at my phone and it was out of battery (shows low battery sign) so i charged it as soon as i saw whats happening. Then i was minding my own business until i noticed that maybe my iphone is already on by now. so i gave my iphone a press on the home button and i still see the low battery sign on my screen. This is not my first time happening for me so i thought it'll open up eventually in an hour or 2 then i waited patiently for the WHOLE DAY. Then to my freaking surprise, its still showing the low battery sign. Up until now, its still showing that.
i think its not "dead" because whenever i plug the charger in it says its charging so the charger and the iphone is "alive" for now.Â
I have known my iphone for having a really really bad battery life and its the worst that an iphone can get. it drains battery so much in a short amount of time and it needs to be charged every night during i sleep. Well i thought this will happen because my iphone is almost full of storage and its 2 years old now.
I am freaking out right now because i have 2 phones and the phone that is having problems right now has my whole data in there and me being a complete idiot for not backing up my data onto my other phone if i take it to the apple store, they'll just reset my iphone and erase my whole data.
My Iphone 5 was on charge this morning for 4 hours. I tried turning it on this after noon and nothing happened! My on/off button has not worked for several months. I press and hold the home button and nothing happens!
for a couple of weeks now the connection on my iPhone 5 has been bad when trying to charge. It would constantly connect and then disconnect straight away until you got it into a very still position where the cable or the phone would not be touched. Now the phone has stopped charging altogether. I have checked the charging port to see if there is any lint but there is none in there. The strange thing is that if you turn the phone off, and then plug the cable into the phone it recognize it and then will turn on.I have got a genius bar appointment in the next couple of days but will have to go without a phone until then, and it is also out of warranty so I assume apple will try to make me pay for it if it needs fixing. Â
It has been acting up the past few days, randomly turning itself off, and I am trying to get it to turn back on. Randomly it will turn back on when I push the power button, but is unresponsive when doing all the reset combos. Today it turned itself off while sitting on the table at home. I have not been able to get it back on and its been about 6 hours now, and its been plugged in to the wall charger the whole time. If I take it to apple, can they pull the serial number off for warranty purposes?
iPhone won't reload. Lost battery power and the phone would not turn on after charging. Tried the restore and get to "Restoring phone" but the status bar on the phone never fills in. Restarted my Mac, did not have a problem connecting with Apple.
In the past week, my phone has started dying at 20-30%. When I plug it in to charge, it starts charging at the same charge it died at. Will a restore in iTunes help that, or do I just need to replace the battery or phone? Or, will updating to iOS 5.1.1 help that (I am running at 5.1)?
My Iphone 4s used to turn off with 10-20% battery, now it turns off with more than 40% and it turns on imediately when I plug it in the charger, what can I doMy Iphone 4s used to turn off with 10-20% battery, now it turns off with more than 40% and it turns on imediately when I plug it in the charger, what can I do?
Hello all, just replaced my E71 with a brand spanking NEW E72. :-)) I was wondering if there is a way to disable the automatic mini-USB charging. Currently using my old spare E71 BP-4L battery, but i want to do 10 full cycles on the new battery that i received with the E72. Help appreciated. And btw, how do i add a signature here?
My Nokia history: 6340, 6200, 5500, 6300, E61i, E51, E71, N79, N97 and finally E72-2. (bought the N97, tried it for 2 days and sold immediately.
My phone is around over a month as of today. Suddenly my phone malfunction for unknown issue. Here's my story, i using my xperia neo v last monday morning around 13:30AM (3/19) without any issues and then i decided to go to sleep around 11AM. I leave my phone power on after around 12PM i half wake and check my phone and i see that the 3G connection is "ON" so i turn it off since it will drain my battery fast. After that i went back to sleep and i woke up around 6PM same day. I check my phone and there's no power and im thinking maybe the battery is fully drain then i quickly charge my phone after i plug the charger in AC socket there's no orange light on my phone below the power button. Until today my phone still not working 3/22 but i notice that when i press and hold the power button the oreange light blinks for 1 to 3 time but no display showing on my screen.
While charging the phone last night, it had reached a full charge and I heard the notification for so. I unplugged the phone and it was unresponsive to knock to wake, and the power buttons. I tried plugging the phone back in to charge, but it will not recognize it. I have tried holding down every button combination to turn on the phone, but it never even starts the boot animation. I have also tried removing the battery and plugging in the phone hoping to eliminate the battery from the equation to no avail.
Is there anyway to either turn off this awful Battery full notification while it is charging or can LG remove this? My phone constantly vibrates all day and night when on the charger and I can't put it on silent because then my alarm won't go off. Is there anyway to either disable this annoying feature or is there an alarm that works on silent mode or what? I have tried multiple charging cables, plugs, outlets and every single time once my phone is charged it vibrates every 15 seconds or so.