Xperia Mini/pro :: Speaker Accidentally Pressed During Call?
Jun 18, 2012
I'm having a really annoying problem with my new Xperia mini: during a call, I keep pressing by mistake the speaker icon in the top left corner of the screen.Is there any way not to display this icon or maybe lock the keys during a call?
Am I really hearing some not so good quality here. Its just that I am having trouble understanding the one whom I am speaking to. I hear the sound as if my phone speaker is covered with a pillow.
I got 3GS 3.1.2 Jailbreak Iphone.It worked real good after jailbreak, but somehow I pressed the update button. then I brought it to the phone store yesterday, and they told me that my iphone was permanent lock.what can i do?Please anyone here tell me how can i do to jailbreak it again?
the phone is only 4 months old, suddenly stopped working, screen fully off, red light flashes when power is flashed, also produces sound when vol key pressed.recently downloaded new shop in newton abbot say no soft ware to flash it.
Its about 2 months, that I bought the new X10 mini. All of a sudden the speaker has stopped working. I tried the speaker test using "Home Back Back Home Back Home Home Back", but looks like the speaker is dead. There is absolutely no sound. I stay at Mysore and need to get this repaired at the service center.
my x10 mini refuses to ring through the speaker,although I can hear it through headphones. I can hear voicecalls through my speaker ,and it is not in silent or aircraft mode,vibration works but only for calls
My microphone icon is crossed out,so whenever i get or make a call i have to put loud speaker on.this icon is only visable in top right corner when you make or recieve a call
Whenever i'm in call and someone else calls my number, phone automatically goes in speaker mode suddenly! once the waiting call drops, it becomes normal. I've call waiting activated on my number. tried with all sort of settings within the phone but dont work.
I know that this issue was reported before, but I need to inform that it is not solved (or we are dealing with a regression bug): [URL] .... use Xperia Z2 (D6543) and sometimes when I answer a call, it goes straight to loudspeaker.
This problem does not happens often (so it is a pain to reproduce it), but is seems to happen when I receive a call while the phone is in standby for a long period (about 4 hours).
When that happens, the loudspeaker button does not display as selected, so to disable it I need to double hit the button to change the audio output (the first hit re-enables it, and the second disables it).
Currently, I am using Android 5.0.2 Lollipop, and Google Chrome 42.0.2311.111. I did not try to disable Chrome yet, but I am afraid this is not an option for me. Instead of this, I would be glad if this issue became addressed by Sony developers again.
I would like to know the official comment from Sony on the low in call volume of the X10. There are load & loads of people on the web complaining about the issue, on my X10, I can only hear a phone call if I am indoors in an extremely quiet location.. if I am outside, near a road etc I cant hear, and it is even worse on speaker phone. I would estimate the volume needs to be boosted by 50 to 100%, seriously the lowest volume of any phone I have ever owned.. which is a shame, as the rest of the phone is great.
Is there an official fix / patch in the works for the volume issue? or is this not being recognised as a widespread issue.. or is the hardward simply not able to do it?
It seems if I use "Poweramp", as a music player, I can adjust the EQ and boost the volume of Mp3's etc to a fairly decent level (much louder than the phone volume), so I'm sure it could be done with software...
I am only after an official Sony response, not people's opinion's, there are lots of other Posts like that, but I cant find any response from Sony to the issue.
There was an article Posted in August 2010 on but I have heard nothing since. [URL]
i cant hear incoming calls or any sound from my phones internal speaker which we usually use to hear calls where as if i switch to the external speaker or plug in the headphones than i can hear it. i dont dknow whats the problem and am really worried please help. i showed the phone to a repair shop as well they checked the speaker and its perfectly fine everything else is working fine i have done the factory reset and tried to fix the problem thorugh software update as well but problem still persisits
I have an issue here with the phone. The issue came after the battery is pull off and put in on back. Previously everything is ok.When answering a call without a bluetooth device/handfree, I can't hear anything from the phone until I need to use the loud speaker always. Otherwise, I need to use the bluetooth all the while.
While in a call using the speakerphone, the Z2 uses only the bottom speaker to deliver the voice. This makes the conversation ridiculously low, esp while driving with ambient noise...
Since a few days when I call somebody I can hear only with a headset. Also when I make a phone call, I hear no dial tone. When I switch to loudspeaker, everything works. Actually I'm runing Lollipop on my phone.
Today suddenly my phone ear speaker stopped working. During Call, I can get the sound through loud speaker or earphones, but no sound through normal ear speaker. What should I do....?
a while back my xperia mini started with this annoying (and weird ) habit to slowly decrease the volume on the left speaker when playing music. It starts out as normal balance but after a few songs the left is starting to go down to a very low level. Not muting it completely though. It doesn't replug the headphones or even restart the phone. When I give up and leave it for a while it returns to normal though...for a while. Do you think it's hardware or software based? Since it takes a while for the volume to go down I feel it can be difficult for a support to properly analyze it. I'm running stock android 2.1-update1. I've tried different music players but it stays the same.
I bought a X10 mini/pro on the 10th of December. Was working fine, and yesterday the speaker suddenly stopped working. Can't hear the ring tone while there is an incoming call. Can listen to music through the earphone but not via the speaker. The speaker is dead.
after updating my phone to .587 earphone speaker is not working. i am unable to hear the voice while calling but the same is heard while it is in speaker. while having service test ie *#*#service#*#* the earphone speaker is working fine
My Xperia Mini Pro has just passed 12 months old, it is in pristine condition. Randomly, the speaker has stopped working, it hasn't been dropped or had contact with water. I can use the loudspeaker or handsfree kit but the internal speaker has stopped working. Could it be a software issue or is it likely to be a hardware one?
if i get a call and i use the keylock on the side of the phone I get a black screen and no functions i have to remove the battery to restart the phone v21.0.045 soft instaled I have noticed that this hapens during calls occasionaly too.
Was just wondering if its possible to mute the incoming call ring without rejecting the call? I have seen that feature in some htc phones and tried on my phone but it didnt work.
I bought my Xperia SK17a a few months back in Vancouver, I then moved to Mexico, I unlocked it here in Mexico and it has always worked fine except for one thing: when I plug in my headphones I can hear my media just fine, but then if I unplug them the phone won't detect that it no longer has the headphones and so the sound and media will keep playing as if it the headphones were still plugged, obviously I can't hear nothing coming out from the built-in speaker because it keeps sending the sound to the 3.5 mm jack. Sometimes I can make it work, this will only happend if I shut down my phone or if I slightly plug in my headphones on the jack but not enought to get the music , after I do that I can hear a constant "tap-tap-tap-tap" as if someone was knocking the door, however I can't always do that or it dosn't always works. I can also hear that "taptaptap..." sound when I record or make a call and have the built-in speaker working, such speaker stop working the second I plug in and out my headphones and if I record a video with the headphones plugged or the speakers not working I can no longer hear such tapping on the video. Also, if i plug in the headphones I can no longer hear anything during a call, but they can indeed hear me, If i want to hear the other person I'd have to plug in my headphones or pray for a miracle to happen.