Xperia Mini/pro :: Reset The Data Usage In 4.0.4 Stock Rom?

May 8, 2012

How to reset the monthly data usage cycle in android 4.0.4 stock rom? I have a Xperia mini pro running 4.1.B.0.431.Also what is a decent data limit per month on 3G for normal browsing and whats app?

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Xperia Z2 :: Can't Reset Or Change Data Usage

Jun 25, 2015

I can't reset or change Data usage cycle in my z2 lollipop when i click on the period it show me nothing...

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Xperia Mini/pro :: Network Location Data Usage?

Jan 12, 2012

I have a brand new SK17i and it seem great ... everything is workig as it should! I have a problem with data usage of a process named "network location" and I have GPS, and location via WiFi turned off from day one.Is there any way to turn this process off since it's using around 15% of my rather small data package?

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Xperia Mini/pro :: Data Usage Increasing By Huge Amounts

May 19, 2012

I recently got the Xperia Mini Pro and last week, I noticed my data usage (according to Data Monitor) had gone up from 23mb to 60mb while I wasn't even using the phone. It happened again this week, going from 70mbish to 100mb. I phoned my t-mobile who told me my allowance is actually 250mb (Thank God!) but they don't know the reason why my data usage is jumping up like that. So they reffered me to Sony Mobile's support team who I haven't phoned yet.since I wanted to try the forums.

I have background traffic turned off and everytime I lock my phone, Data traffic is turned off by Juice I don't get how this is happening? Could there be an application using the internet at such huge amounts? (all I use is Whatsapp)Or is Data Monitor not accurate?

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Xperia X10 Mini/pro :: Undo Factory Data Reset?

Nov 9, 2011

I just did a factory data reset... didn't expect to get all my contacts, messages and pictures to be erased.Is there any (at this freaking point, i have no problem with dark magic)

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IPhone :: What Causes Cellular Data Usage To Decrease If Last Reset Has Not Changed

May 27, 2012

I reset my cellular data usage every month at the beginning of my billing period so that I can keep track of how much data I am using thru out the month. I do not have the unlimited data plan and have gone over a few times. It's usually the last couple days of my billing cycle and I am charged $10 for an extra gig which I barely use 10% of before my usage is restarted for new billing cycle. FYI, they do not carry the remainder of the unused gig that you purchase for $10 which I disagree with. But have accepted. Lol Moving on.

I have two questions. One possibly being answered by the other. 1. Is cellular data used when I sync to iTunes on my home computer to load songs onto my iPhone from my iTunes library(songs that already exist)? 2. What causes the cellular data usage readings in iPhone settings/general/usage/cellular usage to decrease if my last reset has not changed? It is close to end of my billing cycle and I have been keeping close eye. Earlier today it read around 180mb sent/1.2gb received. Now it reads 90mb sent/980 mb recieved. My last reset date reads the same as before. I don't know if my sync and music management had anything to do with the decrease but i didn't notice the decrease until after I had connected to iTunes and loaded music. I should also mention that a 700mb app automatically loaded itself to my phone during the sync process. Is cellular data used at all during any kind of sync /iPhone/iTunes management? Is the cellular data usage reading under iPhone settings a reliable source to keep track of monthly data usage?

iPhone 3GS, iOS 5.1

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Xperia Z5 :: Data Not Available On Battery Usage Screen

Oct 8, 2015

Just went to check how the battery was doing and I got the above message.
I've tried restarting and also clearing the general app cache.

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IPhone :: Wifi Usage Counting As Data Usage

May 25, 2012

My husband and I both have the iPhone 3GS. My husband's phone however will count on the phones data usage 20mb over night while it is charging and on our wifi. it is counting this towards his 3g usage and not wifi. We have already had APPLE reset everything at the store. it is still doing it. so he has to turn off all cellualar data usage at night or it keeps racking up the usage even though it is on our wifi. I plug my phone in at night as well and mine is not doing this

iPhone 3GS, iOS 5.1.1

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Xperia X10 Mini/pro :: Get A Multitouch With The Stock Rom 2.1?

Sep 28, 2011

can the x10 mini pro get a multitouch with the stock rom 2.1 (Eclaire)

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Xperia X10 Mini/pro :: Bug With Large Attachments (stock Email App)?

Sep 30, 2010

When sending large attachments (numerous pictures), the email stays in an endless loop in the outbox even though the email has been sent.(Recepient receives email, but the email stays in the outbox saying "email could not be sent")Also, when receiving emails with multiple pictures not all pictures are accessible, why?

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Xperia Mini/pro :: Black Screen On Booting Up: Not Rooted, Stock ICS

Oct 26, 2012

My phone doesn't boot up. This has been happening since the last 2 days. The first time it happened, i used Update Service and updated the firmware to the new 4.1.B.0.587. The phone restarted normally after the update but the phone was very laggy. And after sometime, the same issue popped up. The phone would start up to the black screen. Again I used Update Service to do a factory reset and reinstall the new firmware. Formatted the memory card too. Again this issue is there.

I called up Sony Customer Care. They asked me to use PC Companion and repair the phone software. I did that too. Still no luck..

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Motorola Citrus :: Disable Data Completely Avoid Data Usage And Only Keep Wifi

Feb 20, 2012

how do I disable data completely avoid data usage and only keep wifi. I have Background Data in Off and wi-fi connected, but I still getting charged for data usage.

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IPhone :: 200mb Data Plan Enough? Or Should I Wait For IP4 Data Usage

Jun 18, 2010

I checked out my data usage on the att website and it turns out surprisingly that i consistently use under 200mb a month.

1. I beejive im every work day for at least 2 hours on edge(don't tell my boss) but it suprisingly only comes out to only about 4mbs per day (if i used 3g would the data consumption be higher?)

2. I maybe use slingplayer 1 day a month on 3g (sad) about 10mbs i think

3. I grab email manually by opening up the mail app maybe twice a day max.

Do you think i should switch asap? or is it best recommended to view iphone 4 data usage first in case i upload 720p video (which i doubt they will let you do)

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Lumia Icon :: Massive Data Usage In Restore Data

Feb 28, 2015

Since 2/23, I have had massive data usage at random times. 1GB here and there, sometimes in the middle of the night.My Data Sense shows that the "Restore data" app has used 8.17 GB in the last two days. All of my other apps are using negligible amounts of data.What is the "Restore data" app, and how do I tell it to stop using so much data?

One additional bit of info: 2/23 was also the date that the Microsoft Health app updated. I use a MS Band. It seems like there may have been some type of update pending on the band. When I called Verizon's tech support, they said that the pending update might have something to do with the massive data usage. We completed the update to the Band, and they said to give it another day to see if the data usage continues. What this "Restore data" app is, it doesn't sound like it has anything to do with the Band.

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HTC :: HD2 Using Wifi Without Data Usage Going Towards Data Plan

Nov 24, 2010

I have t-mobile as my provider, and I have their new limited $15/month data plan with my HTC HD2.I was wondering whether I can use wifi without data usage going towards my data plan.I expect that the 200MB limit will be reached pretty quickly if I cannot use wifi to balance things out.

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Xperia Z2 :: Data Recovery After Hard Reset

Aug 21, 2015

When I was on a call yesterday the z2 hanged and then I thought i'll do hard reboot using power and volume up but it wiped entire phone including sd card... how to recover whatever possible..lost 1 yr of data on sd card which took from old Samsung onto this and unfortunately never backed up this sd card...

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Xperia Z3 :: No Network After Factory Data Reset

Oct 15, 2015

after completing factory reset the phone can not find any signal on both sim cards (different operators). Before the reset both networks ware working properly.
What was done so far:
- factory reset three more times
- software update
- repair phone using Sony PC Companion
- checked with another sim card (another operator) - still no service
- trying to switch on/off airplane mode in every menu location available
- After trying to manually find service provider, phone goes to search mode and stays in it not finding any
After switching on the phone or switching off the airplane mode the phone seems to need more time than before (around 1 min) to find the SIM cards. After the sim card is found stays without network.

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Xperia X10 :: Is It Possible To Do Reset / Upgrade Without Data Cable

Nov 12, 2010

My X10i battery is showing some weird problems, so before trying a new battery, i am wanting to reset the phone through SEUS.But here is another problem - due to some problem at the charging port in phone, my phone can only charge through charger via electric outlet, and no charging or data transfer possible any longer through the data cable via computer or laptop [this is confirmed by SE customer care; as per them, entire motherborad of the phone need to be changed to correct the problem, which is a very costly affair (a little over half of the current phone price) so i am avoiding that]. is there any other way to reset/update my phone - like through memory card or OTA - so that i can try to cross- check the battery problem? If yes, then how? Secondly, under these circumstances will i be able to upgrade the phone as an Android 2.3 upgrade is due on August?

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Xperia Mini/pro :: Logout From Gmail Without Factory Reset?

Aug 17, 2012

Last week I purchased Xperia mini.yesterday logged in to gmail.But after that i am unable to logout from Gmail/gtalk (any app of google). I didn't want to do the Factory Reset.

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Xperia X10 :: GPS On The Mini Doesn't Work After Factory Reset?

Oct 1, 2010

About a week or two, I have changed some configurations on the GPS Status(like Sensor Filter and such) and the GPS was taking too long to connect, in the same places that it got a lock time around 15s, now it takes 2 min, só I did a factory reset and the GPS worked good again.About 3 days ago, the GPS started to take too long for get a lock, around 2~3min, and I did a reset again, but doesn't work. I tried it many times again and still doesn't work.My phone is with the last update(via PC Companion) and I've tried a repair(via PC Companion too) with the SIM and SD cards, but don't solved my problem too.What can I do?I think thatits not hardware, because before it was working pretty well, I think that is software.Oh...I tried to turn off the phone disconnect the battery cable(under a rubber cover) for about 5 minutes and reconnect, but still the same.What can I do to solve this problem?Now the GPS cant get a lock, it find the satellites(5~7) but don't get a lock.

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Xperia Mini/pro :: Reset / Restore Music Playlist In It?

Aug 21, 2012

I have updated my Sony Ericsson Xperia Mini ST15i with Android 4.0.4, but problem arises when I delete all songs from music player playlist. Now playlist is empty and music player does not detect any song from SD Card, also it does not detect any new song from card even on restart. Is there any way to restore playlist or to recreate it ?

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Xperia Mini/pro :: Factory Reset And Backup & Restore

Jul 24, 2012

I want to restore factory settings as my Xeperia Mini is really slow, etc, at the moment, but don't want to do this if the Backup I've made won't get restored after the factory reset.

Can I restore the backup after I've done a factory reset it will it have been deleted in the factory reset process?

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Xperia Mini/pro :: Factory Reset When Touchscreen Is Not Working?

Dec 24, 2012

touchsceen on my Xperia mini pro is not working so when I power the phone on i get to lock screen and thats it. I want to perform factory reset to find out whether its software or hardware problem, but how to do it, when I can't select factory reset in the menu. how to get into recovery mode, but none of them worked.

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Xperia X10 :: Camera Doesn't Work After Do Factory Data Reset?

Nov 28, 2010

it comes to black screen and have no reaction when i touch the screen, but iinstalled some camera application , i still works with those apps,but the quality is not good as default camera app.

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Xperia X10 Mini/pro :: Remote Boot To Reset The Phone After Crash?

Aug 12, 2012

My phone is used as a controller to activate an application.However, it suffers from frequent crashes (Tasker),Is there a way to remotly reboot the phone?i.e. by using another Android application (remote access - like SMS command)?Is there a way to implement a watchdog internally that will reboot if there is no usage for 24 hours

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Galaxy S6 Edge :: Why Getting Mobile Data Background Usage With Mobile Data Disabled / Background Data Restricted

May 23, 2015

I have a new T-Mobile S6 Edge and love the phone, but one thing I have not figured out is why I still get background mobile data usage even though I have disabled mobile data and set "restrict background data". Both tuiService and OS services are downloading approximately 100K at a time periodically over mobile data throughout the day even though I have a wifi connection.

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Xperia Mini/pro :: Will The Reboot Or Factory Reset Delete The Android System

May 19, 2012

Will the reboot or factory reset delete the Android system on my phone.i'm facing touch,heat, and automatic frequent lighting problems. thus, i want to see if any reboot works.

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IPhone :: 4s Automatically Reset The Cellular Usage Each Month?

Apr 30, 2012

Does my iphone 4s automatically reset the cellular usage each month? If not should I reset it at the beginning of the month or the day I bought the iphone?

iPhone 4S

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LG G3 :: Reset Stock Music Player

Jun 1, 2015

My situation is the base player was working fine for my needs. I had some music by the band "Kix". I added a song by a different band called "The Kix", and after uploading, all the "Kix" songs had been changed to "The Kix".

In trying to change the name of "Kix" back to the way it should be (no "The"), I have:

1) Copied all music from SD to Laptop.
2) Using Laptop, I went into the Properties of each song, updating and verifying all had the correct Title, Album Artist, Contributing Artist, and Genre. - including deleting the song from "The Kix" so there wouldn't be any confusion within the program.
3) Deleted the existing Music folder from the LG
4) After deleting the folder from the LG, I then copied the folder with updated information from my laptop back to the LG.

I expected that the new data would take, and that "Kix" would return, along with some other updates I had made. When I looked at the stock music player, I saw that most of the data changes (available through the Details option after a long press on the song) took, but for some reason "Kix" is still displaying as "The Kix".

I also noticed I couldn't use my old Playlist names, making me think that there are cookies/files (or the like) stored somewhere on the phone, and that data is still being accessed.

I then tried MediaMonkey, but that made things even worse when it imported the playlist and songs (duplicate songs, songs with wrong artist or album title, songs with lost data), and I'll be spending more time correcting their import errors than anything.

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Xperia X10 Mini/pro :: Data Connection Not Restored?

Feb 14, 2011

I m using Xperia Mini for 6 months and now for few days i m having problem in switching ON data traffic. When ever i switch ON data traffic it doesn't turns up

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Xperia Mini/pro :: Facebook App Data Hogger

Jul 9, 2012

my phone came with a lot of unwanted junk installed on it. The Facebook app is one of them. I can check Facebook on my browser when I want to. I don't want it to connect all the time. To my amazement I can't control the app at all. Even with everything turned off it uses about 100MB in the background a week, escpecially since the last update of the app! It starts up automatically every so many minutes. My datalimit is 400MB a month. This way the software pushed by Sony is creating large phonebills. That can't be right! The only way to remove that stuff is to root my phone, that's ridicilous! To pre-install software...ok...but I should be able to control what to do with that software, remove it, disable it and stop it from using up my data! I've informed some consumer agencies about this so I'll see what they have to say. This doesn't seem legal to me since I wasn't informed that I can't remove the apps and that they use data without your permission.

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