Xperia Z3 :: Media Server Died Switching To Next Song
Jun 1, 2015
It happen almost everytime im done using my earphone, i pulled it out the text appear and it wont go away, restart my phone close my song app. It still there in the middle of my screen, what do I do?
i have some song with Arabic names which is not supported , so i wanted to change it's name to English but couldn't find any way also some times the artist name is wrong ,so is there any option or even application to change song , artist and album names ?i used to change it in my nokia n81 8g?
Ever since I installed the 5.1 update ,media and mediaserver are draining my battery at a ridiculous rate ! They get up to 70% battery drain ,i've done the reset and removed and formatted thesd card only to have them return and start again.
When using the media player, if you pause a song then quit the media player the song closes and you have to load the album up again.
Is there a way to pause the song and quit the media player, then be able to go back to the media player and listen to the song from the point that you paused it?
i have some songs on my storage card, and when i play it using media player, it takes like about 30 seconds if i want to skip to another song serious i made a hard reset and still doing it.... i tried with different micro sd card, but nothin, still the same, the hd2 is fast for any other app, but i just have that issue... any knows a solution? i already updated music library also !!
i had an app on my iphone called 'filrbrowser' - this allowed me to access an External Hard Drive i have plugged into my wifi Router and play music/movies. now, on my lumia 820 is there an app that will do this?
I have recently noticed that whilst playing Spotify (and also after) media server seems to be using up lots of my batter. All my Spotify songs are saved onto my SD card, and I understand mediaserver plays a part in playing the songs but I was wondering if it is normal to have such a high percentage? I used to have amazing battery life on my M8 but ever since buying this SD card it seems to have taken a tumble.
Media server is killing my battery, and fast. I mean a 40% drop in 2 hours yesterday while phone was on sleep with wifi and mobile data disabled. I'm in the UK using S5 900F standard model on kitkat 4.4.2.
Since then I have: - unmounted Samsung SD card (it only had a few photos and apps on it, had it a week) - force stopped all "media apps" despite dire warnings as to world ending if I do so etc, and cleared data - repeatedly cleared cache - rebooted phone in safe mode and am monitoring. Battery drain is better but media server is still the main culprit at 27% (down from 51% but still..)
I can't keep it on safe mode all day as it's highly inconvenient.
Phone is unrooted, 3 months old so warranty is important. I can't download mediaserver killer etc
I am unable to isolate which media files are causing this or why. I thought it was the SD card which I added recently but it's a Samsung and should work, plus the problem hasn't disappeared after removing it.
I haven't downloaded any apps since the problem started, or downloaded any media files. I have no games on the phone. A little music, Spotify premium (force stop and now disabled by safe mode), 50 photos. Before the mediaserver problem started about a week ago, battery lasted 1 1/2 days at least. I'm not a heavy user of online media (bit of YouTube but never download or watch movies on my phone).
the GSAM app on my HTC ONE M8 says that my app usage is higher than my screen and three of the main battery drainers are: Kernel (Android OS), Android System and System (Mediaserver).
I use my phone properly, charge it very well and have had 4 android phones. None were like this. I have the latest firmware for the M8 (4.4.4). My screen on time is not that good now, around 2-3 hours but when I first got the phone (3 months ago) it was 4-5 hours.
I've had the RAZR for a few days now, and one of the main things I used my last phone for (droid x) was to listen to music at work.I've been listening to music these past three days, and when I look at the battery use chart, there is something called "Mediaserver" using up a significant amount of battery life (~20% or more if I've listened to a lot of music). On my droid x I never saw this process on my battery use, and I am wondering if there is an option or something that I am overlooking that is increasing the amount of battery drain from listening to music.I listen to mp3s on the stock music app and to mp3 and m4a podcasts using Pocket Casts.I can't say for sure, but Mediaserver seems to not appear on the battery list until I start listening to music and to not increase the amount of battery that it uses while not listening to music.
I was working after lunch and noticed that my phone was getting hotter and hotter. When I looked at the screen it showed constant data up and down. I wasnt syncing anything or surfing but it wouldnt stop. I shut down and restarted and even did the software "Battery Pull" but soon enough it would start data again and the battery would be eaten up. It was on 4G. Then finally it would stop an hour or so later. If I start the music app again it starts all over. Here is a thread on another site where we are trying to narrow it down. They think it may be the media server as it shows a lot of data usage!
I have this issue and have spent the last 2 days trying to fix it to no avail. I'm wanting to start a fresh to resolve it which means wiping internal storage of music/photos etc. One question though, what's the best way of doing this to them install a fresh ROM?
Big xperia fan x10, S, Z2 and now Z5 but only had the phone for a few days and having some trouble. Phone turned off even though it had 40% battery left and wouldn't turn back on. Got home and put it on the charger, screen lights up with red light at top but then it vibrates and shuts down, then it just keeps repeating this... screen lights up, vibrates, powers down, screen lights up vibrates, powers down etc etc no text or images come on the screen whn it lights up
yesterday my z2 turned off suddenly while i was using it. After that it shows Only red led when i plug the charger, no response, plugging it to the pc vía usb doesn't work either.
- using my phone in the car, charging via my Sony Bluetooth Radio (built in to my car) - battery was decreasing faster than charging and the phone ran out of battery and turned off - tried to plug it into mains but no red light to verify charging - used another charger and still no red light to verify charging - tried to turn on. nothing. tried to reset. nothing. - checked chargers with friends phone and chargers were working fine - tried to charge the phone with a PC USB. PC verified something had been plugged in but said they couldn't verify and there was a problem. - left the phone for about an hour. - when returned to the phone the red out-of-battery light was blinking when I tried to press the power button. - went to my car and tried to charge it via the sony bluetooth radio - lights turned off and phone returned to unresponsive state - got home about 40 minutes later and red lights are on - charged it via AC adapter at home, left it for a bit, now charging normally.
For a while i thought my phone was completely busted and I was so angry as I've just had a replacement. Before lollipop if the phone ran out of battery it would just start to charge.. I wouldn't have to wait an hour for it to become responsive again?! just making sure this isnt a fault.
I'm trying to remove the music demo-world traveller song from my bold 9700 but, i only want to remove that song. If i remove: net_rim_bb_medialoader_ringtones_480x360_03_b.cod
I remove all the sound in the phone that i have set for my different messaging services. Does anybody know if there is a way to do this?
when playing a song in any of my playlist either on my iphone or pc, the next song in the playlist doesn't automatically play, is there a setting that needs to be done?
For two songs now i have bought on itunes it only plays for 30 seconds, which is annoying becuase im buying the song not just a preview and its a waste of my money. Its starting to get really annoying now and feel i should get refunfed for the songs that its doing it to. Why would i just want 30 seconds of a song...Can you help me in anyway or figure out why its doing that. I know its not a ringtone its the real song.
Info: iPhone 4, iOS 4.1, iphone 4 and macbook pro 13'
I have had my phone connected to the wall charger for hours now and it just keeps flashing the Sony Xperia screen and vibrating. The LED light turns on for a second then turns off. It's like it is stuck in a loop.
I was sent a song through bbm, and then deleted it right after listening to itSuddenly, the song title reappears on my song list..AND when i try to listen/click on it, the next song plays (next song on the list)ive checked the miniSD card. the track is not therewhy is it still on my song list?why can't i delete the song title off?
I downloaded this free music downloader app in the App Store and I downloaded music but, every time a song ends it doesn't switch to the next song!!Whys that??
I have only just got my X10 but keep missing messages as the message tones on the X10 are so short..On the phone I had before you could set a song as a message tone so you had as long as the song went on for to hear you had a message.
I recently switched from iPhone to Xperia z5 compact, so I don't know if this is an issue which already affected previous models.
Basically, I usually listen to music using bluetooth headphones. However, this is not always possible and I sometimes need to use devices with a cable.
Now, I've been mainly using apps like Spotify and Deezer to listen to my music and whenever I am on one of these with cable headphones or if I plug a cable to connect my phone to my car speakers, annoying things happen. In fact, in these situations, I can only play one song, after which the music stops and I have unlock the phone, access the app and start the new one from the app itself (it doesn't work from the lock screen or the notification centre). This problem is affecting only third parties apps apparently, or Deezer and Spotify. In fact, if I use the Sony Music app, cable headphones work fine.
My ray keeps switching off by itself, I notice that it will "die" after the screen display dim. It seems like it cannot sleep, instead automatically switch off. I repair the software by using PC suite a few times already.