Sony Ericsson :: K550i - How To Configure Internal Email Client?
Aug 27, 2010
I am having K550i model of Sony Ericsson. I want to used it internal email client for my Gmail account or my yahoo account. I have GPRS connection. So can one help me to configure it. I don't know how to configure internal email client.
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Sep 22, 2010
I have k550I model. Suddenly the round key is not working. That is not able to navigate up or down and left or right. Kindly help me what needs to be checked.
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Sep 22, 2010
I am new to this community and I am here because of the problems I experienced with my W580i today and yesterday. Yesterday I finished setting up the phone's email client and got it working but then the trouble began. I went to my 'Inbox' and chose 'Send & receive' to download emails from the server and after few minutes I got the result -- 300 (if I recall) unread emails. 50 of them were displayed on the first page and all had yellow closed envelope tags. Now the problem was that actually all those emails had already been read using my laptop's email client but that's just the beginning. So, I read all those messages again (yes, I know I can mark them read one by one), which took some time.
But after that I still had 250 or so "unread" emails, so I chose 'View older' to get rid of all unread emails and obviously had to download all those messages, which takes about 5 minutes alone. Here's where it got really bad. I had noticed that it was possible to mark messages but when I hoped to mark all 50 messages together and 'Mark as read' I found out for my sadness that it is not possible to mark more than one message read. Thing is that group of marked marked messages can be marked for deletion but not marked as read. That meant I had to mark all 50 messages on the page as read one by one and that takes about 4 minutes when you do it fast. Now that's bad but it got much worse.
(Also a note that messages that were on 2nd and other pages weren't tagged with yellow envelope but grey one and I think they had to be downloaded again to open after clicking them, which different them from the yellow ones, which can be opened straight away. At least it seemed to be so.) So, I went on to next page (, which obviously meant I had to download all those messages) and marked those as read but soon I realised that messages marked as read on previous pages will automatically be unread again when you go to next pages (select 'View older'), which is obviously very annoying! Well, I am not the type who would give up, so I tried all kind of things like choosing 'Send & receive' again and starting from the last page of "unread" emails, which meant 6th page.
I had some luck with the latter as when I had marked last (page 6) 50 messages all read one by one and went on to 'View newer' (page 5), those messages had still remained read and number of unread messages had decreased by 50. So, I was quite hopeful and went on to next page ('View newer' again) and number of unread messages was 200 (wow) ! But after managing to deal with all those messages on the page and going on to next page number of unread messages had automatically gone up again. I was obviously rather sad now as my plan didn't work but still didn't give up. But fortunately/unfortunately my suffering was finished as I ran out of credit (I'm using pay as you go service), which is probably quite obvious after downloading pages with 50 emails many times.
Anyway, that's the worst thing that could happen to me as I had just topped up my mobile 2 days ago and I normally manage at least 2-3 months with one topping up! As I am poor at the moment I can't afford topping up again so soon either. Plus I have spent many hours on this annoying thing yesterday and today (because I had to repeat the steps I mentioned above, battery ran low etc.). Now, my first question is whether there is any way to avoid that kind of trouble and somehow get all messages read? My experience shows that it doesn't seem to be possible. Secondly, maybe just maybe only way would be to delete all those so-called unread emails? But then I would get them again when choosing 'Send & receive' to get new emails? Thirdly, I am so disappointed that I would like to get re-imbursed by Sony Ericsson but that's probably unthinkable as you didn't make me use the email client.
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Feb 20, 2010
I am using K550i cybershot phone since 2 years now with the firmware R8BC004,I just wants to know that which firmware is best for taking photos, i have so many firmwares but can't decide , which firmware gives best result in image processing.If any my friend knows please help to decide about best firmware
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Jul 17, 2010
It's still good and I cannot use it now I have moved to New Zealand from the UK, because it is locked to Orange - who can afford Orange roaming NZ to UK! I cannot afford a new phone either, anyway I like this one. I have heard all about unlocking procedures and they sound a bit scary. What do I do?
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Sep 11, 2010
I have had my k500i for about three years and I like it more than any other phone that I have played with. One thing that I found frustrating, though, was the lack of a "pause" function on the video player. I am posting this information in case it is useful to other k550i users. I used to play videos by going to File Manager --> Videos --> Select Video and was frustrated by the lack of a pause function on the player. If my viewing was interrupted I had to miss some of the programmer or start over. Just today (three years after getting the phone!) I read the manual closely and it looked like there was SUPPOSED to be a pause function. Indeed there is! If you select Entertainment --> Video Player --> Select Video to play a video (instead of the route mentioned above) then the Pause Button (on the left side of the screen) works as it is supposed to. There is a bug in the software that the pause button is not enabled when playing videos via the other route. I hoe this post helps SOMEONE out there.! Let me know if it did.
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Apr 29, 2015
What email client am I getting into when I click on an icon that says Email and has a number next to it?
If that is Gmail then why it opens up with all emails in a bold font like I did not read all these emails?
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Jul 31, 2010
My girlfriends SE K550i died yesterday. If you try to start it it flashes red a couple of times then nothing happens. I have read about this and I thought I could reflash the phone to see if that fixes it. I have tried with XS++ and when I press 2 and 5 and connect the phone the program reacts but it stops at "Protocol Version 3.1" then nothing happens. The phone doesn't react when I put it in the charger so perhaps the battery is all drained too.
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Nov 9, 2010
How can I manually configure my HOTMAIL e-mail account?
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Oct 12, 2010
My telephone memory is very low (2 or 3 mb). I check the directories and there is no archives, how can I get the memory back?
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Jun 22, 2010
I have a C902 that has just started to refuse to power up. It hasn't been modified or reflashed since new. I've removed the battery, SIM and memory card and then reinstalled the battery. On pressing power on, the phone vibrates briefly and then the blue shutter button on the side lights up. That is all it will do. It did complain of a memory issue just before. I have downloaded the Sony Update Service program and it says than an update is available. However, I really need to save the internal phone memory contents (i.e. phone contacts and text messages) as this process will wipe it clean. Sony's PC Suite won't connect to the phone as it refuses to power up. I'm hoping that someone knows of a utility that will connect to the phone like the Update Service program that will allow me to read the contacts and text messages directly from the phone memory. Is this possible? Is there another way, i.e. direct memory access. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Mar 23, 2011
I can't get the default email client to behave like a pop3 client. Apart from some small bugs, like if inbox is empty you can't get to your sent folder, I can send and receive emails properly. However, I can't find a normal pop3 setting Leave mail on server. Which means it will download all new messages from the server, and nothing else.Now it more or less behaves like a mapi client and syncs against the server and removes all messages from the inbox that I have deleted from the server. But I want to have the messages on the phone until I delete them.Any email program out there that I can use on the Nokia E7 that can be used as a normal pop3 client? Apart from this email problem I would say that Nokia E7 is the best phone I have had so far. If I only could get the Nokia E7 hardware and use N900 software it would be perfect
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Nov 5, 2010
I am trying to configure my Aino to receive POP email. I am able to do it but as soon as I start using it and delete one message, it stops working. I have to delete the account and and configure it again. I must not delete any message otherwise I will stop working again.
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Aug 21, 2010
Could anyone help me set up a POP3 account on my K850i I have set up the incoming server and that works fine I can receive emails. I cannot send emails so the outgoing server is the problem. I have tried several different email addresses with no luck. I used the same settings as I use on my PC to set up the SMTP settings. When I try to send the screen doesn't respond and the mail stops in the Outbox.
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Aug 22, 2010
I'm trying to download a new software update for my W760a, because it tells me it cannot add anymore contacts and I can't recieve or send texts/ phone calls. When I try to go to the software updates on the W760a hompepage, it loads a blank page. It just says on the tab "Sony Ericsson Support Phones Topic Updateserviceapplication W760a", and loads a blank page. Please help me with this problem as I wish to continue using my new phone.
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Jun 8, 2010
I just got the satio , now i set up a email account but i set the wrong one up.I set my mums one up instead , now on the message page it says new message , inbox , and then the email addy i set up . how do i remove this addy off the phone i have tried everything i have found via Google search but still cant remove it.
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Jun 28, 2010
Just got a Vivaz and trying to set up the mail to work with exchange. I have defined a mailbox but every time I go back into settings like the prompt says the mail box is not there and I then have to define a new mail box, which then disappears again. I have even read the instruction book and gone through the correct steps.
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Jul 19, 2010
I configured the RoadSync on my Satio to check my SSL enabled Corporate email. When I hit the VERIFY button on RoadSync, it says that the Connection has been established and when it links to Exchange, I get a Symbian [-39] System Error. I tried googling for it and couldnt find a solution to it.
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Sep 20, 2010
Having become frustrated with SE tech support, thought I would try here.
My issue is that when I sync from my phone, the email addresses do not get synced into MS Outlook. I am running Win7, Office '10 with a SE W995.
I have tried:Updating the phone firmwareUpdating SE PC SuiteExporting all contacts as CSV file from Outlook and checking that the email addresses had not synced to another fieldI tried another client for sync (mobile master) and this WORKED, but its not free and it only did 10 contacts and I don't want to payOver writing all contacts in Outlook
If anyone has any auggestions, please let me know, it's doing my head in!!!
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Jan 12, 2010
can any1 pls tell me how to configure yahoo, gmail and hotmail settings mannualy? i ve downloaded the settings 4m SE support center 4 many times but it shows to thing every time 1. Incorrect username or password.2. Server massage LOGIN failed: Access denied.
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May 13, 2010
I've seen a few post that sort-of answer my question, but none seem exactly right. I have a Bold 9700 and use a BIS to retrieve my personal email from my ISP's POP server. I don't use BES. When I'm at home or at work and have direct access to email, I'd like to turn off my bb email client. How can I do that?
In one post I saw the recommendation Messages > Options > Email Reconciliation > Wireless Reconcile -> set of Off. Is this enough? (I have my BB set up for wi-fi connection when I'm home, in case that makes a difference.)
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Jul 14, 2010
I have Vivas Pro with Roadsync program to push email. Any advise to setup push email Gmail with RoadSync in Vivas Pro? If Vivas Pro dont support for push email, is ther any solution?
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Nov 4, 2010
I have upgraded the firmware in my W910i, and now it doesn't see/recognize the messages (email, SMS, MMS) that have been saved to the M2 memory card, nor does the phone see/recognize the Java applications I'd added. I know all this data is on the card, because I've seen it, via a card-reader, on my notebook.
I have kept a record of all firmware change activity, except I don't know what the original firmware details were, i.e. straight out of the box. I use this SE 'jewel' as a Walkman/iPod, a PDA, and as a serious portable email client, and don't want to lose the ability to migrate my email through any OS upgrade (or phone model upgrade, as I also have a W705a).
I know those 5-6 files (like MSTK_PRO.IND) in the root directory of the memory card have something to do with it, but I don't know how. I have actually seen that the content of the email messages (body.dat files in sub-folders with long numeric names) is simply pure text. I hope there is a way of 're-sewing' the pieces together, using some sort of key formula.
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May 14, 2012
I'm not sure how to describe this annoyance, but hopefully someone knows how to resolve the issue.About a month ago I received a spam Email (AOL) which I have linked to the default Email client.I deleted the Email without opening the Email but ever since the header appears everytime I receive a new Email notification in the systray.Fortunately it wasn't anything of a comprmising nature just a sales pitch for the "Original Orgreenic Pan".I've tried removing the account as well as deleting the email cache to no avail.
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Feb 10, 2012
How do I configure email to blink the notification light when an email is received? Also, I have 3 email accounts configured: Exchange and 2 Gmail accounts. I changed the Gmail accounts to sync email every 15 minutes. The Exchange account works but not the gmail accounts. Gmail has IMAP already enabled.
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Aug 25, 2010
I have been trying to email pictures and other media files using my W995 but it says I need to contact Sony Ericsson to configure it. Exactly what is needed to configure the phone for e-mail communication? When I try to send it just says "Server-message. Access denied: Free users cannot access this server.
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May 28, 2010
I thought I may start an Elm/Hazel thread for discussion as it seems many of you have one of the two phones now. I wanted to do this to discuss any problems with things like firmware & issues & other stuff rather than discussing this in the picture thread. Esato Awards King of Garbage 2009/2010 & Best Debater 2009 x10 & Nokia N8
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Aug 31, 2010
I think the fone fell, cause it was dusty or maybe its because it was charged using the USB cable. What can be the possible cause of the phone not to turn ON?
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Oct 13, 2010
As the title implies, I need to ask if there are varying kinds of Sony Ericsson LCD screens for the G705 or if there are variations in models made. Nearly 6 months ago I bought a Sony Ericsson G705 phone off eBay that only needed a new LCD screen. Well I purchased a screen off eBaand was good to go except for a few minor issues...
1.) The LCD screen had a thicker screen/border than the original so I had to mod it by taking off the white border around it.
2.) The ribbon that connects the LCD screen to the G705's keypad wasn't aligned correctly causing it to disconnect from the keypad every so often. This too I had to fix by sticking some paper underneath where the connector sits. It worked after the modifications but the end result is the keypad was raised causing issues where pushing the up key would force it to push the left key too. Unfortunately after awhile the screen stopped working likely due to the fact the different layers were separating. I gave in and bought a new screen from an online dealer elsewhere just to get scammed in the end with a broken LCD screen which they refused to replace claiming I cracked it. So now I've purchased a new screen of eBay yet this one has issues too, it's thinner than the first one I got, but has the same problem where the ribbon doesn't appear to be aligned correctly either. This time however, I get some ugly dead pixels in the lower left corner of the screen and the rest is completely jumbled with white lines going through it. I've already contacted the seller for an exchange and am about to lose all hope getting this phone working. Anyway, back to the topic. Do the screens in the G705 vary from region to region or between versions? When I got it I found the phone was from Hong Kong (firmware was HK anyway.) though the manual and included paperwork suggested it was from France. The screens I have purchased seemed to have varying differences between either the thickness is too wide, the ribbon doesn't fit the correct position, or some other incompatibility. I bought this phone.
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Sep 2, 2012
how to configure PC Companion on a single PC to connect to multiple Sony mobiles?
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May 18, 2012
I use a pc but have had so many problems with yahoo email I want to change to whatever is most compatible with iphone.
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