Samsung Galaxy S II :: Battery Fail While On Downloading Mode?
May 29, 2012
I'm new here, normally wouldn't post anything since I think I can find my own answers, but after digging through this forum I could not find anything that could bring my Samsung Galaxy II back to live, so here it goes..ot this phone yesterday from a friend who recieved a new one, so I thought i was being smart by trying a hard reset to remove all his settings/history/etc.. (I know now i need a usb restore as well, but...) I switched it off, and used Vol Up + Home + Power and it entered the downloading screen and i said: "Yes, reset this thing" it started downloading (I think) so i put it aside.. but I think the battery was running low because when i checked back a couple minutes later everything was black, and has been since.
I wanted to update to ICS Android 4.0 on my Orange branded S2 NFC. I was told by Orange support to download Kies. I did, had a few problems getting the phone to connect to the software including a few driver crashes. After it finally connected, it offered me ICS which I accepted. But every time I have downloaded the update it then fails saying "Failed to run firmware upgrade. Unknown error occurred."
I have uninstalled kies and the driver from my PC (windows 7 home premium 32bit) and reinstalled to no effect. Turned off the phone, taken out the battery, turned off wi-fi and data.
If it wasn't for the fact the orange "signal boost" app has been quite useful in my dead zone of a flat I would root the phone and unbrand it and download the update off the net.
I have galaxy s5 I'm currently on a vacation so I and I wish I didn't ,putted my phone in the pool,it worked fine for like 2 mins but then it told me that headset is connected although I didn't connect any,and then the screen went off,I hurried to the romm and wiped all the water inside ,but still it wouldn't work , I tried exchanging batteries,didn't work,but then outta hope I tried one last time and luckily I had a screen saying "downloading. Don't turn device off" which means that the processor and screen are working .
I just upgraded my Samsung Galaxy S2 to ICS (XEU version) and since then the Android email application has been constantly downloading data in the background. It's used 500mb in 24 hours, although it's only downloaded a few hundred kb of emails.
Samsung want me to take it to a service centre to flash ICS off and re-install it, but the nearest place is miles away. how I can stop this because it's now gone over my data cap on my phone contract? I've no idea how to uninstall ICS myself!
I know my way around PC hardware and OS's.My problem sarted when I went to the T-mobile update. Phone stuck on "downloading update...", blue text on white background. Unable to boot into recovery, but was able to get into download mode. I found the correct ICS firmware update .tar file, but Odin 1.85 will not work. It always sticks on Setup Connection. Others fixed this by using differnt USB port and/or cable. Tried all 10 USB ports, nada; don't have another cable, but I'm out to get one this morning. I assume if I can get to download mode I'm not totally bricked. Only way I can get into d/l mode is to remove the battery, otherwise phone just boots to white update screen.I'm looking at a $200 brick! Wonder if I should just walk in to a T-mobile outlet and demand a fix.
I tried researching (for two days) on every possible corner of the internet but I haven't had any luck! First, my Galaxy i9100 info: STOCK 2.3.4 Gingerbread XXKG1 (ROOTED) BASEBAND I9100XXKG1
So, here's the deal, I'm trying to download files from file sharing sites, mostly RAR's, I've tried downloading from MEGAUPLOAD, RAPIDSHARE, WUPLOAD, FILESERVE, FILESONIC. All I get is an HTM file if I just click, If I long click on the "download now" button and "Save Link" all I get is a BIN file. I've tried downloading on the STOCK browser, tried changing the useragent (about:useragent) to desktop. (This I don't think works, it's weird, I've also tried changing the useragent from the debug menu but the option isn't even there). I've tried downloading on the STOCK browser after installation of ASTRO file manager (ticking the allow download all files). I've tried downloading on Dolphin Browser HD (V.6.1.0) with the useragent changed to desktop and I either get a HTM file (sigle click) or a corrupted file (long, save link) I've tried using OPERA Mini (6.1) with the same results as on the STOCK browser.
Can anyone assist with resolving the problem I have with downloading of the contacts list from a Samsung Galaxy Gio to the CK-200? I also find it strange that when pairing the devices, the phone does not request the code 0000 that is displayed by the CK-200.The other problem experienced is the breaking up of the incoming callers voice and a loud humming noise.The CK-200 has V4.0 software.
Not sure how this changed. Use to be able to simply view videos and photos on websites, but now they must be downloaded to be viewed, which isn't ideal. Would love to go back to just viewing, but can't find settings to make this happen anywhere.
I posted about a problem with my battery losing up to 30% battery on reboot but got no answers so am hoping somebody will test their phone for meWhen my battery drops to just below 50%, if I reboot by pressing and holding the power button for about 8 seconds, on reboot, my battery has dropped to as little as 13%, even if there was 48% left prior to rebooting.I originally thought this was happening after tethering but it has turned out, it does it regardless of how much or how little I use the phone and even without tetheringI am on stock 2.3.4 XEU, manufacture unlocked and wondered if some kind soul would be kind enought to see if they can replicate the problem.It needs to be the 9100, complete stock and not rooted really as I am trying to determine whether it's a hardware issue or software issue.
The phone does not go into sleep mode after 1 minute. After using the phone for 20 or 30 minutes, does not go into sleep mode, showing the home screen forever.
I have a fail with stamina mode after upgrade to android lollipop. My connections wifi and mobile data are still active and that reduces my battery life. Should I reinstall android kitkat?
when I set my phones alarm clock at night, the phone has recently started going into airplane mode of its own accord. This isn't affecting the alarm but obviously I am missing any texts or phonecalls coming through and don't get them until I wake and change the phone mode back. I am running ICS 4.0.3 LPS rooted using Chainfires kernel.
I just tried out car mode for the first time and when I was in the simplified interface there was no way for me to exit it... I just tried it out inside so it wasn't automatically hooking up to a cars bluetooth or anything. I believe I was supposed to pull down on the top menu thing to turn it off but I couldn't pull it down while in car mode. I ended up having to reboot my phone to get out of car mode.
The network mode on my Samsung galaxy S5 device is always set at GSM only. When I try to change it to WCDMA only or GSM/WCDMA (auto mode) it changes back to GSM only. The area I am has 3G network and most devices I see have H but mine always shows as E no matter what I do. When browsing it takes a long time for pages to open because its always at E.
I have factory reset the device but still facing the same problem.
I just got my SGSII today and so far I'm impressed at how much power it's got compared to my original SGS. So far the only disappointment for me is that samsung didn't include the "Add Me" effect in Scene Mode. I've had so much fun with this effect and I actually use it more compared to any other scene mode. I would like to ask if there's an app that can do the same thing? I tried using panorama to create a "twin" but it simply doesn't work.
i have a galaxy s2 and i was disabling the fast dormacy @ *#9900# and i think my finger touched the ram dump mode and i do no know what the stock setting is.
After 5 months cool job my phone 2.3.3 GT-I9100 SGS2 running India distribution unlocked. Not rooted start showing constantly an icon of a plain as it was in flight mode and if you go to settings it shows that the flight mode is off. Also it is not recognising any SIM. Currently I am in UK.
When I first got my phone we found the reader and found ourselves in night mode. How we rejoiced!Now I have no clue how to do it again. I have tried all the options available, it is just not there??
when I plug my S2 into my laptop (Macbook pro) and choose data transI was expecting to see an icon representing the phone show up on the Finder desktop. That's not happening. Instead I'm prompted to "press the home key to quit Samsung Kies" Am I doing something wrong or do I HAVE to open Kies in order to see my phone's memory (32GB SD). My Nokia N8 would just show up on the desktop...not so with the GS2.
PS. Does using the USB invoke Samsung Kies to open up? I'm not seeing anything on my homescreen except the word "Connecting"...and the little dots that indicate the phone is thinking about something,..but nothing ever happens beyond that.