Samsung Galaxy S II :: ICS - Where Is New Spell Checker
Jun 2, 2012
I bought the Galaxy SII a few weeks ago, and immediately upgraded it to Android 4.0.3 via Kies. I have read, and seen screenshots about the new spell check with ice cream sandwich, where it underlines the incorrectly spelled word, and then you can tap on it, and it will give you a list of suggestions. How to enable this. All I see is XT9. I have tried the XT9 spell checker, but am not impressed with it at all, as it is constantly guessing the wrong words! What settings I change in order to have the ICS spell checker.
is there a setting in the N900 email that would speck check every message before it is sent. I have been looking for hours and cant seem to find one, but cant believe this command would be missing.
how do I adjust the settings so that the spell checker doesn't automatically change words, ie right now everytime I type mo (for mobile) it changes the word to month without asking.
But I dont want to switch spell check off completely, and still want the spell checker to underline words that are wrong and suggest corrections when you click on the underlined word.
I have noticed that I don't have built in spell checker for the mail application that comes with Nokia E72. I was wondering if anyone is familiar with free 3rd application that I can download. (add-on of spell checker?)
I jut got my new 9700 today and am really liking it so far. I just want to check if the screen is ok. When i go to option -> status -> type test and do the screen test, it does not toggle after red. The red screen is the only one I can see. Is there any other dead pixel checker out there.
I recently opened an attachment on my iphone 4s which came through my email account - my email account is now compromised and have had to change all of my passwords into my email account. How can I run a check on my phone to ensure that any of my other accounts, ie amazon etc have not been compromised. is there a virus checker for Iphone 4s?
Do you need to activate spell check to make it work? Whenever i try to spell a word wrong, it doesn't activate it. I've tried to spell the word in both English and Norwegian (as I'm from Norway), without any result.
for some reason my blackberry bold touch 9900 doesnt spell check anymore (when a word is spelt wrong it has a dashed line underneath the misspelled word and gives you suggestions or correct spelling suggestions), how do i reactivate spell check for my sms and emails? its really starting to bug me, because my auto correct still works but spell check doesnt!
I have recently upgraded my Bold 9700 to OS 6. Everything is working well.But I'm having trouble activating the spell check feature. Where should I look?
I never use the spell check feature. It has been turned off since day one. Now all of a sudden it gives me the suggested letters/words as I'm typing. I have searched every setting and can't find anything other than the spell check feature and it is off. Am I missing something? It also now does the short vibrate when I press a key. I have that feature off as well.
whether Apple will ever give the spell checking programm in iOS any updates? I am using the German version of iOS and the spell checking of iOS is an offence any for of intelligent life. Even the T9 software in the 1990 was able to LEARN user spelled words and to save them for further use. The iOS spellchecking doesn't seem to have this feature. Words I use regularly in SMS or Mails.... the iPhone just won't save and every time again i have this autocorrection recommendation which is automatically accepted when pressing space or komma .....Wrinting was thus easier on a Nokia phone in the 90...
Just updated via Samsung Apps the camera firmware to a CDE11 or something version. Took 4 minutes to update and flash this firmware. I wonder what exactly it changed in the camera firmware? Hopefully improved things or bug fixes.I will test a few videos and see if the bitrate has changed or not.
I have just purchased Lumia 800 and enjoy it very much.I have just one question... how to disable spell checks while composing SMS? I sometimes send SMS with language other than English and every now and then the spell checks just changes the wording. Therefore I really need to disable the spell-check.
I have just purchased Lumia 800 and enjoy it very much.I have just one question... how to disable spell checks while composing SMS? I sometimes send SMS with language other than English and every now and then the spell checks just changes the wording. Therefore I really need to disable the spell-check.
After updating to the new software my Bold 9930 does not have spell check on it anymore... I looked in the options menu under Typing and Language and Spell Check is not there. Word substitution is still there however.
I'm an Italian living in UK and I need to text and write emails both in Italian and English.Is there a way to completely disable the spell checker? I don't want to keep switching languages and it's quite annoying to be corrected everytime I type in a different language than the one which is set in the phone.
So i'll be texting a friend and usually my spell check usually works, but reciently i have noticed its not underlining at all. i purposly spell things wrong and it still doesn't do anything!
I have a Blackberry Torch and I've only had it a few weeks and all of a sudden when I write a text, bbm or email, instead of underlinging the misspelt words it's just randomly underlinging any words, ones that I know are spelt correct like you, but, and etc. and it's stopped automatically adding apostrophes or captalising words. I know it's not a huge issue but it's really annyoing.
My employer requires a pretty complicated password. There are times it takes me 3 times to get it keyed in right. Is there a way to use siri to verbally spell the password out?
I bought a nexus yesterday and have been unable to register it with the American samsung site (no options for us canadians there) not to mention the fact that after typing in my serial the site says my handset was manufactured 1/31/1993!
On the canadian site which i have all my other samsung products registered, there is no listing for my model number (GT-I9250TSDTLS (this is whats on the box, phone menu just lists my model as Samsung Galaxy Nexus, though the label under that battery shows GT-I9250M as the model am I supposed to register my phone?[URL]..shows that galaxy owners can get a free copy of angry birds space... how do I get that?
How is it that when I use predictive text, to spell (you) it spells yot first. I wanna fix it to spell you automatically without having to fix it but I dont know how.
My daughter has sent me a couple texts about there being no spell check on her new Lumia 1020. As I am still on WP7 and my Daughter lives a little ways away from me, I decided to throw it out there if there is something in the settings in WP8 or on the L1020 I do not know about which kills the spell check. She has not red line under mispelled words and no suggestions as she types.
My name is Brian (with an i), and Siri knows this if I ask her what my name is. However if I am having her write an email or text message for me and I say something like "from Brian" she spells my name "Bryan." On rare occasion she will spell it correctly with an "i," which I can only surmise is due to some subtle difference in pronounciation.
Is there any way I can change her dictionary and only allow her to spell "Brian" and not "Bryan"? This isn't the only name she does this with; whenever I have her write "Colin" in a message she wants to put two L's in it instead of one.
The spell-checker on my Torch checks words against a Spanish dictionary even though I've instructed it to use English. This seems to happen sporadically and I can't figure out how to get it to stick with English
Word on the street is that there may be a refreshed Samsung Galaxy Nexus coming. I wasrReading over at Android and Me and this thread caught my attention:The rumors state that there is going to be a refreshed camera. Possibly along the way of 8.0MP. On top of that, the processors are scheduled to be refreshed using The faster SGX544 GPU is included with Texas Instruments upcoming OMAP4470 processor. This is the successor to the original OMAP4460 found in the Galaxy Nexus, that includes the older SGX540 GPU.With the Sprint version of the Galaxy Nexus coming soon we'll have to wait and see if they are in fact getting a refreshed model or the LTE based model that Verizon has currently, Either way, I hope they do launch a refresh on the HSPA+ line as well. I use the Galaxy Nexus and while I love the phone, I wish the camera was better. Faster is always better as well so I'll take the processor bump.