I have a Samsung Galaxy S2 and am trying to connect it to my TalkTalk Broadband. I am not technical. My IPAD,Dell,TV, HTC,PC all connect without problems to the Router (DSL 2780) and without me having to make any adjustments. The SGS2 however, refuses to connect to the Router - yes, I have checked the Router passwords etc.. I just get " Authentication Error" message. I was able to connect the SSG2 to a Hot Spot I created on the HTC phone - so, the phone is obviously ok. There must be a problem with the settings on the Router - however, all other devices connect without a problem.
I have a Samsung Galaxy S2 and am trying to connect it to my TalkTalk Broadband. I am not technical. My IPAD,Dell,TV, HTC,PC all connect without problems to the Router (DSL 2780) and without me having to make any adjustments. The SGS2 however, refuses to connect to the Router - yes, I have checked the Router passwords etc.. I just get " Authentication Error" message. I was able to connect the SSG2 to a Hot Spot I created on the HTC phone - so, the phone is obviously ok. There must be a problem with the settings on the Router - however, all other devices connect without a problem.
Just doing a bit of research before taking the plunge for a Galaxy S. (Haven't logged on here in years!)Can anyone confirm whether you can play audio via USB through your car stereo? Reading online and people seem to have issues, even when switch to mass storage device. Apparently Samsung use proprietary USB driver instead of generic.There's plenty of other ways to connect audio, I know, but I'd prefer a single cable for music/ charging.
I've had my Galaxy S II for 5 months now and have always gotten it connected to my home's wifi. Now for some reason it's not connecting. My wifi is up and running fine (connected on my PC as I type this), the password is set fine for the Galaxy, but instead of connecting, Settings only says "Saved, secured with WPA/WPA2" after clicking "Connect". Signal strength is noted as "Excellent". I've tried re-entering the password several times, but the same results every time.
i drive a nissan altima that doesn't have aux, bluetooth or usb and i'd like to listen to music (played from Internet and other online sites) with my samsung galaxy s2.!
I've just bought my first Samsung Galaxy S2 and love it to bits. The only problem I've encountered in the three days I've had it is that it won't connect via wifi to my home computer (a Mac). With my Mac's 'Airport' and 'Internet Sharing' turned on, my boyfriend can connect to wifi from the Mac to his iPhone but my S2 refuses to connect. Once I turn on wifi on the S2, under 'Wi-Fi networks' it brings up my computer and my neighbours' wifi networks. I click on my computer's name, type in the password, but then it just cycles from 'Scanning...', 'Connecting..' to 'Disconnected'. I've spent hours trawling Google for a solution. Under the 'Advanced' wifi settings I selected 'Use static IP' (but I'm not convinced I put in the right numbers under 'IP address', 'Gateway', 'Netmask' and 'DNS'). I don't know if it makes a difference but in System Preferences > Network > Airport, it says 'Airport has a self-assigned IP address and may not be able to connect to the Internet'. But my computer is clearly visible on the wifi network because my boyfriend could connect wifi from my computer to his iPhone.
So I have had an iphone 4 for years now, its jailbroken and has been my main phone forever. However I needed an upgrade badly, so I purchased an unlocked galaxy s6. I have so much data on the old iphone I must move, contacts, pictures, music, and I dont use icloud. So I purchased an otg cable, which worked perfectly for transferring data off of my ipad, but not my iphone.
When I connect the iphone to my galaxy, it pulls up smart switch. However it stays on the "connecting to ios device" screen. When I pull the notifications bar down on my galaxy, it says "camera connected". So my question is how can I prevent my galaxy s6 from recognizing the iphone as a camera, so smart switch can connect to it to transfer my data?
My s2 will let me connect to the internet through the browser no problems but none of the apps that require internet (play store, gmail, facebook etc) will work. Have reset the network settings, restarted my phone and am still stuck.
i've installed the latest version of Kies which goes by with no problems. Connect the phone to the PC and Kies recognises a Samsung device is trying to connect as the phone icons remains 'connecting'. However, that's it, it goes no further than this. 'My Computer' sometimes recognises the phone as a device, sometimes not, and the Device Manager is currently flagging up the phone as the only problem with the PC, saying in its device status that: This device cannot start (Code 10).
After successfully rooting an S2 (AT&T version) I get this problem after connecting the phone to my PC. Windows says it cannot find the Hardware ID and therefore cannot interact with the phone. Also, why 'Wireless Network' connection not working after rooting. I could connect to my in-house network before routing, but no longer.
I have connected my s2 to my ford mondeo and can receive incoming calls, however my car will not read my phone book, it just says 'Line 1' 'Line 2' etc.
I bought the Samsung S2 GT-I9100 a couple of days ago for my birthday. Everything is working perfectly, including 3G internet. However, there is a problem with my WIFI. It connects to the network, but nothing loads on the internet browser, or on any other app that uses the internet. I've tried a few different networks and have had the same problem. I'm running 4.0.3.
I have 'networked' my SGS2 to my Windows XP PC using 'ASTRO file manager' and the 'ASTRO SMB module' (both downloaded free on Market and obviously you need to be rooted too). With it I can access the Shared Folder on my desktop PC and just drag and drop files over. (Obviously you can just use Kies Air or plug in the USB cable, but I was bored so I Googled and fiddled).
This link shows a screenshot where to find the 'Network' icon on 'ASTRO file manager'.[URL]
This link (posts #28 and #29 in the thread) show the basic settings in ASTRO SMB...[URL]
Whenever I try and open my talktalk email account it comes back with 'WAP authentication error: Error validating WAP authentication token. Clear cookies and try again.'
I clean the cookies and the same happens every time
I spent ages yesterday individually connecting each phone contact to their fb account and then today all of a sudden they all just dissapeared again! I don't want every fb 'friend' to appear in my phonebook, so how on earth do I do this so that it's not going to delete them all each day. This phone won't defeat me, it has such good reviews so I am baffled why I am having problems.
I have a customer who came in the other day with a problem. He purchased a Samsung Omnia II from Bell and had them unlock the phone for him so he can use it in the Dominican while he's down there for 2-3 months at a time. Problem is this, he hasn't been able to successfully get the phone to connect with his computer. Bell tech support have gone over several possible solutions to no avail. He has tried connecting to both a Windows based PC as well as a Mac and still no connection, although the Mac apparently will get further in connecting before failing.
I'm wondering if the phone being unlocked might be causing the issues, but Bell themselves unlocked it. The customer is coming back in this weekend and I would like to have some kinda answer or at least hope of an answer for him.
Alright, I have just purchased a Freeform (SCH R350) and it came bundled with the New PC Studio. I followed the directions, installed the Studio, installed the USB drivers and then connected my phone. My pc see's the phone as a removeable disk drive but PC Studio will not connect to the phone, but the phone says it is connected.
Just updated via Samsung Apps the camera firmware to a CDE11 or something version. Took 4 minutes to update and flash this firmware. I wonder what exactly it changed in the camera firmware? Hopefully improved things or bug fixes.I will test a few videos and see if the bitrate has changed or not.
I bought a nexus yesterday and have been unable to register it with the American samsung site (no options for us canadians there) not to mention the fact that after typing in my serial the site says my handset was manufactured 1/31/1993!
On the canadian site which i have all my other samsung products registered, there is no listing for my model number (GT-I9250TSDTLS (this is whats on the box, phone menu just lists my model as Samsung Galaxy Nexus, though the label under that battery shows GT-I9250M as the model number..how am I supposed to register my phone?[URL]..shows that galaxy owners can get a free copy of angry birds space... how do I get that?
I have been having a problem for the longest time now. My s6 refuses to connect to any pc. My first laptop had windows 7 on it and the s6 would successfully connect to it. That laptop is no more and i upgraded to a new one with win 10 installed on it. This laptop along with 2 others windows 7 completely refuses to connect to my phone. I think i have tried every "solution" but nothing works. My phone is rooted with a custom rom and the fast charge also refuses to work. I need to be able to connect to windows so i can reinstall the original firmware for a warranty exchange. Yes, i have all sumsung drivers installed, i have the original cable (and more), i tried smart switch, it still doesn't work.
My S6 is connected to the works Wi-fi and it will simply just not connect to the internet. I have full admin rights to surf the net. I have restarted the router. I have checked that my time date is correct and still not working.
When I had my iPhone I could join it to my car radio to play music through Bluetooth no probs. My Galaxy S5 can 'see' my radio but always fails to connect. Would I be correct in thinking that there are different types of Bluetooth? Its not like its a cheap radio either.
Ever since the update late last year that "fixed" the skipping Bluetooth issue I have had problems. Before this "fix" music or podcasts playing via Bluetooth would skip for a fraction of a second periodically. After the "fix" this no longer happens.
My car has Ford Sync (2009). Since the "fix" most of the time I get in the car the phone will not connect with Sync at all. This happens even if I try to force a sync using the phone or Sync. After playing with this issue over several days I realized if it does not connect right away I needed to reboot the phone for Bluetooth to connect to Sync.
I am also experiencing a stuttering with Doggcatcher and several music applications. This stuttering generally is when the player starts but occasionally it stops playing for up to 10 or 20 seconds then starts again (even when playing files on the internal memory). I do not have this problem when using the headset or the phone's speaker.
I am trying to connect a 1 TB external HD (Seagate Backup Plus) to my Galaxy 5 phone. HD is exfat formatted. When I connect the HD to my phone, it recognizes that a new USB drive is connected. Unfortunately, it only sees 196 MB. I loaded the HD with my iTunes music files, and hoped I could access them using my phone, as I have more files than will fit on my iPod. Unfortunately, I can't see any of the files, and my file manager says there are only 196 MB in the drive.
Word on the street is that there may be a refreshed Samsung Galaxy Nexus coming. I wasrReading over at Android and Me and this thread caught my attention:The rumors state that there is going to be a refreshed camera. Possibly along the way of 8.0MP. On top of that, the processors are scheduled to be refreshed using The faster SGX544 GPU is included with Texas Instruments upcoming OMAP4470 processor. This is the successor to the original OMAP4460 found in the Galaxy Nexus, that includes the older SGX540 GPU.With the Sprint version of the Galaxy Nexus coming soon we'll have to wait and see if they are in fact getting a refreshed model or the LTE based model that Verizon has currently, Either way, I hope they do launch a refresh on the HSPA+ line as well. I use the Galaxy Nexus and while I love the phone, I wish the camera was better. Faster is always better as well so I'll take the processor bump.
I was thinking of buying the s2x telus version from craigslist. I was wondering if someone who bought the phone from telus sells me this phone, would I be able to enjoy the 1 year manufacturer warranty? I understand that the warranty starts when the phone is first bought. I'm just wondering if that warranty will be transferred to me under these scenerios?
1. If the seller had bought the phone from telus outright. a. If the seller has kept the original receipt and gives it to me. b. If the seller has lost the original receipt and does not provide me with it.
2. If the seller had bought the phone as an upgrade. a. if the seller has kept the original receipt and gives it to me. b. If the seller has lost the original receipt and does not provide me with it.
In case I do get to enjoy the warranty, will I be taking my phone to a telus store if it needs repair or will I send the phone directly to the manufacturer? I don't plan to use the phone with the telus network after I purchase it.
I just purchase my sg2 phone yesterday. Unfortunately, my brother has used my phone last night and register the Samsung account in it by using his email or id. When I tried to change the account, it cannot be done cause I have to do the factory reset in privacy setting (which will erase all my personal info and downloaded applications). I don't want that to happen as well. Plus, my my brother can't even remember what the password he has used for the Samsung account I'm very pissed off now that my Samsung account belong to him and the fact that I can't do the factory reset because of him. I'll mention again, he forgot the password he used for MY SAMSUNG ACCOUNT IN MY SG2.
The phone constantly resets when trying to connect to unknown networks that require a password. It took me ages to figure out what was causing it and it's a real pain. You could just be walking down the street and it'll try to connect to a WiFi network that will kick off this constant resetting. You have about a second to turn WiFi off, before the process starts again.
I mention EE as they have their own software variant that enables WiFi calling in the UK, not sure if that's relevant?
I'm having troubles with my WiFi connection. After connecting it works for about 15 minutes then while browsing the net the bar will stop and the page won't load. After that nothing will connect. Mobile data works fine. I've tried turning off phone and turning back on, as well as "forgetting" router and then reconnecting.