"Am afraid i dont know about the N97 native client but you could try the new Symbian Beta (not officially supported for the N97 but some users are reporting they have installed it and it works) at least until the Native client gets released anyway."
Has anyone attempted this with an N97? What issues/success have you encountered? Hoping for some feedback to help me decide if I want to attempt this.
Sir/Madam, I have a Nokia Asha 311 handset. I want to know that can I change Operating system of Nokia Asha 311 . I want to switch over from Nokia OS to Symbian/symbian belle?
I downloaded the Symbian Anna and honestly, it's not as great as it's been made out to be!Now I want to revert to the earlier S3 version and am unable to do so! What can be done to regain the old version of the OS?
I tried a Restore to factory settings from the phone, but it just goes back to factory settings with ANNA, how do I change the OS back to the earlier one?
As the title suggests, Firefox 1.1beta is now available for download. There's a few new features, like zooming with the volume/zoom rocker switch. Screenshots and feature list here: Firefox 1.1 Shots & FL. Download link here: FF Download link.
I am getting issues while using Nokia Drive + Beta, my position isn't moving when driving or taking 5 - 10 seconds to update then just freezes again.
it seems that i set destination, it finds me and my destination fine, i click start, it gives the first direction fine, i start driving and nothing, "my position" on the display doesn't move, the only way i can update it is "stop navigation" then "set destination" again where it picks up my new location.
i've ensured location services are on, location within the app is turned on, i've checked my connection is "online"...are there any other settings i should be aware of?
speed alert is off, landmarks is off, map colours automatic updated maps navigation licence is global
i am using it in a windscreen mount that grips the top and bottom of the phone with little "arms", i've tried in both landscape and portrait orientation. bluetooth is on and hoping to be playing music at the same time eventually.
i have been having the general "freeze out" issue recently with the phone where i lock it and then it doesn't come back on without a button reset, 2 times since friday
Just to let people know that there has been an update on Nokia Communities Beta, and it's fully functional now, all the things that were 'coming soon' have arrived, twitter has the same functionality as Facebook, all the buttons work and share location will work when posting on either site (which means people with N97 can uninstall the feature from the new maps and get about 3meg back) I'd heartily reccommend it to those who have a compatable phone and you can get it here signing in with your nokia account log in http://betalabs.nokia.com/apps/nokia-messaging-chat. It's much better than standard facebook app
I have a mini. I downloaded and installed the Maps Beta 3.04, seems to work allright. Today I started Maps updater and it told me to update to version 3.03. I aborted the update to check here for advice. Is there a newer version than the Beta or isn´t it compatible with the Maps updater?
How interesting. This is the release version of the Beta which loads of us have been using for months.These have been the supported phones up until now. Quote: Compatibility Ovi MapsBeta works with compatible Nokia devices: Nokia N97Nokia N97 miniNokia 5800 Navigation EditionNokia 5800 XpressMusic Now, ironically, the only one supported right now is the N97 Mini.I'm still running the Beta 3.03 on my N97, on FW 20.0.019. I wonder why the N97 and N97 mini have been running the exact same version until now, but the final version has not been made available for both at the same time. Obviously it doesn't need the new FW to work. Maybe it's just to save N97 users from 2 big updates in a week.By the way, I love the new interface, but it IS a shock, when moving from the old interface. Where is everything?Don't be discouraged, it's all there somewhere. It's just a different logic.
As title suggests, there are two new software releases from beta labs, a new release for Nokia bots URL...And a new app for Video collection management and access, looks interesting URL...I find most Beta labs releases quite useful and at least worth giving a try
Can someone tell me how to call a PC with skype from my new Droid Razr with skype? I don't know how to add someone's PC address to my Droid address book.
I read here the problem with outlook, but all posts say it is beta...but till a few days there is a final version, but nokia is not fit enough to fix the sync with outlook 2010 64bit?
I'm currently running v2.1 software on the n97 so the latest software.However, are there any extra features to download of beta labs.I don't think i'm running the latest ovi maps. Is it worth the update?Also, does anybody have any news of a new software update?
We are especially looking for Nokia N900 and MS Outlook 2010 users. We will tell more about the new features and improvements in Nokia Ovi Suite 2.2 when the testing starts.
Can anyone suggest a good RSS reader for the E72? I have tried several so far (including Handy RSS and Resco News) but none is fully ok. Either they lack some features (like OPML import or timed updates) or have poor usability. Resco News would be acceptable but it appears to crash a lot on my E72. When updating it just exits, as if the process is killed.The app hasn't been updated in over a year or so.
Even though Symbian command largest market share in smart phone market, its pie is shrinking everyday.
The Android and iPhone market are growing strong. The Blackberry and WinMobile share is dwindling too.Unlike Apple or Google, Nokia is never committed to one handset or one operating system.With Maemo on the market, I think Symbian is now no longer a priority for Nokia.
Is there possibilities that the Nokia N8 be upgraded to Symbian 4 or will happen same as it has happen to Nokia N900In that case is it good to Purchase Nokia.
At the moment I'm on 22.014! I've been checking for updates OTA for a few weeks just for kicks. I checked through Nokia Suite today and there is this 25.007 update. Only problem is it's not the 1MB update I keep reading about! This is a 1.3GB update!Did I miss a couple updates that somehow added up (big time)? Is this normal? Is it safe to update?
i recently installed viber on my nokia x7 running symbian belle os. But when i started it i came to know that it doesn't have a calling option unlike android and ios phones. This is utter disappointment for me and i think for many nokia users. I would like to know will there be any updation regarding viber app in the coming or i should uninstall it because it is of no use if it does not have a calling option.
I would like to request Foursquare integration into the Ovi Maps application. There is currently no working nativeFoursquare app for Symbian. Nokia would do very well to integrate it cleverly into Maps.