Nokia :: Ovi Suite Internal Error - Cant Perform Sync
Feb 27, 2010
Since I've updated Nokia Ovi Suite to the latest version (, due to an internal error, I can't perform sync, backup or install an available application update on my Nokia N85. Is it possible to fix it, or where can I download a previous version of Nokia Ovi Suite?
I have done a hard reset on a nokia e66 with firmware 410. When I first connected to ovi suite the maps module showed me internal error. But it wasn't any server error or try again etc. The steps are the following:
1) Format memory card 2) Download ovi maps from nokia website. 3) Open the maps in the phone and accept all the messages 4) Connect to the ovi suite and open maps. 5) And then magically it will tell you that you need an update on the maps. 6) Now I am in this step which updating but I think it has stuck.
Shame on you nokia for all these problems for a business telephone such as e66. That's why apple is always a level ahead in its interface and is winning just from that. Simplicity just simplicity.
Im looking one solution for a long time But I cant find. And I've got 2 weeks if I cant find solution in 2 weeks, I 'll sell my N97 My problem is about photo album sync with N97 on Ovi Suite. My ovi suite doesnt see photo albums in my N97 Ovi Suite see the all photo on N97 thats ok, but where s my Photo albums? When I connected N97 to PC, I see only one tab thats name is ALL but I cant see my photo album in my N97 I try to create a album on ovi suite and upload to N97 but I cant do.its seems like a working but dont create a album on n97 Any one has got the same or smilar problem? is this a bug for about Ovi Suite or N97 Software?
I am getting an error message whenever I try to sync my Desire: "There is no email program associated to perform the requested action. Please install an email program or, if one is already installed, create an association in the Default Programs control panel." My phone was working fine with my old HP pc. win7 and office 2007. When I got my new Sony Vaio with win7 and office 2010. Is there anything I need to do on the office 2010 for it to Sync?
On June calendar sync worked fine between my E55 and Outlook 97. After my summer vacation sync doesn't work. Now I get always error message: "Reconnect the USB cable or connect via Bluetooth. Then senc again. Error code: 8004fced" I have tried with cable and BT. Already I have reinstalled Ovi Suite and I have flashed my E55 again but these didn't help. Sync working with contacts, messages and pictures.
I am having problems syncing a Nokia E71 with a PC running Vista.The two sync just fine via USB cable.And I appear to have successfully paired them via Bluetooth.However, when I try to sync over Bluetooth, I get - two requests on the E71 to accept a connection from the PC - both of which I accept - a long wait - around 2-3 minutes - another request on the E71 to accept a connection from the PC, which I also accept - another 1-2 minute wait - a message appearing on the PC saying "The connection between the PC and the phone failed, error code 0x80044403.I can get both the PC and the E71 to transfer files with other devices over Bluetooth.And I can see the E71 as a Bluetooth device from Windows Explorer on the PC. Though when I double-click on it, I can't browse the content.The PC is running Vista Service Pack 1.The Bluetooth hardware is an HP integrated modeul with Bluetooth 2.0 Wireless, manufactured by Broadcom.The Driver date is 19/06/2007 and the Microsoft Bluetooth Enumerator.The E71 is running the -400 firmware, freshly updated.
I've not been here for long time.Okay, I've a problem with my N97 web browser. When I try to log on to my school email acc, the N97 shows the error above.....but when I refresh(reload content), then it shows the content. My n95 doesn't do that(same settings, same operator, same wifi) why?
I've done both hard and soft reset just in case, but none helped.I'm dumbfounded! I try to acces my school email via opera mini Which i installed on my n97, but it works error...! huh!
How can I make my nokia E71 sync back with PC Suite after I started using OVI Suite? I have a Nokia E71, and i was using Nokia PC Suite to sync it with my outlook 2007 it all worked fine, contacts, to do notes and calendar (i wasn't syncing mail cuase i use gmail), untill the new ovi suite came out and i decided to try it since It sounded better.turns out It really sucked this ovi suite!! one of the worst softwares I've ever used, it duplicated all of the appointments that had color categories in outlook 2007, it is dead slow to sync!!!(i mean reeeaaly slow), even tough the Suite integrates more stuff in to one place it has reduced funcionality to sync stuff with my phone, it offers less funtions, not to mention that the user interface sukcs (its poorly desingned, it takes long to accses stuff, it shows me stuff as if it was advertisement).PC suite was very simple but funcional, oviously i went back to pc suite, to my surprise i couldn't sync, pc suite & the phone would do as if they were syncing, but when i checked at the end it wouldn't sync stuff.
I've just recieved the N900 (UK on Vodafone) but straight away i've come across and error which means it's going back for a replacement handset - although Vodafone currently struggling to have the N900 in stock! The error is "internal error closing app". My concern now is reading lots of blogs i'm currently concerned that the N900 is not yet ready for the market and perhaps should be looking for something else. Is the phone the way forward?
i tried updating my frens n86 today through ovi suite. after downloading the 147mb firmware the ive got an error msg saying 'internal module error'tried using different pcs witout luck. wat is the solution for this?
For the past few days I have tried installing some applications from the Ovi store but I always get the same error message (in Norwegian): "En kritisk intern tjeneste har mislyktes" (A critical internal service has failed). Why is this happening and what can be done to fix it? I have the Nokia X6, 16 GB, with firmware v 20.0.005. The message appears shortly after entering the ovi store on my phone. It used to work just fine..
For some reason my phone will not sync with Ovi Suite. Contacts window reads "not in sync" and the other sync buttons do not work. My phone is an E 72.
I have the newest PC-suite version installed on XP. I get my N900 connected to the computer, but i am not able to do anything. For example it isn't possible to pick my phone when i try to sync it with my computer. I can see it in the list, but i can't pick it. The other features in pc-suite doesn't work also, it is just connected.I have searched the net now for many hours and tried updating and installing everything in my opinion. But perhaps i have forgotten something?
I'm unable to sync anything using Nokia Ovi Suite. Whet I startup the program the first message I get is "Operation failed - Unable to read tracks" (the audio tracks from the phone). The software can read and edit contacts in the phone as well as work with messages, but it won't sync either. The error code I get is 83940004. Both Ovi software and phone's firmware a up to date and everything works fine with PC Suite.Does anyone have an idea what might be causing this?
Was using PC Suite 1.1 without a problem, then upgraded to Ovi Suite 2.1 and now can't sync Calender. Everything looks as though it's going fine... the task bar says syncing and gets right to the end, before displaying error code Sync Cancelled 80043c93
Formalities: Using PCSuite WinXP SP3 I have an N97. The synchronising works fine, I've used it for months, no problems at all. Except for notes.I use notes all the time at work, but they don't synchronise at all.If I create a new note on the phone, it will sync to Outlook.Same vice-versa.But if I update a note on the phone, it won't update to Outlook. Annoying as I constantly update and change notes as the day goes on.Basically, if there is a new note, it works.If there is an update to an existing note, it doesn't.I was thinking of trying Ovi, but I have in the past and it doesn't do all PC Suite does (I can't set another Calendar other than default to sync. My main outlook calendar isn't the one that syncs with the phone, in Ovi that's all you get, you can change this in PC Suite).Is this note update a bug in PC Suite, and even though you're not supporting it anymore, can we have an update, Ovi just isn't ready for me!
I reverted back to PC Suite some time ago after my disgust at OVI suite's need to ply me with advertising.I love PC suite so I was very disappointed when I tried the latest version and could not sync.I am running Windows 7 pro (32bit), my phone is an E63, and I am syncing with Outlook 2003.Fortunately I have been able to revert to the previous version and all is working again.
I've had my e72 since February, but I only just finally got around to downloading ovi suite on my PC. installation was fine, then it came to the part where it says to connect the phone, so I did that, but nothing happened. the thing on the PC said that I should select 'ovi suite' or 'PC suite' when it appears on the phone, but the home screen was blank. i've tried connecting it many times and still nothing. the phone lights up when i connect it to the computer, but it doesn't prompt me for the connection mode. i've checked the settings (currently on usb conn. mode: PC suite / ask on conn.: yes) but it's not asking me on connection, nor is there any indication on the ovi suite program that it is connected.
I have Nokia E71 and I'm trying to download maps on my phone, but everytime when I'm trying to do it there is "preparing to download" and after there is always information that connection time is to long. I have newest version of programs on PC and application on phone. Do u have any idea how to solve that.
I am not able to sign into Ovi, from the Nokia Ovi Suite. Every time I try doing that it would tell make sure the internet connection is working properly and try again(see attachment). This is ridiculous, I am always connected to the internet using wifi.
Nokia Ovi Suite PC Connectivity Solution Connectivity Cable Driver Nokia Ovi Suite Software Updater 2010.6.0.60359 Maps Service API Nokia mPlatform 2.6.86 Ovi Desktop Sync Engine Operating system: Microsoft Windows XP 32-bit Edition, Service Pack 3 Language: English Detected internet browsers: - Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0.5730.13 (Default browser) - Mozilla Firefox 3.6.3 Detected Bluetooth stacks: - Microsoft (Version: 5.1.2600, Build: 5512) - Broadcomm (Version: 5.5.0, Build: 3208)
I have an X6 and have installed ovi suite. It has worked fine for a couple of weeks and I have been able to succesfully transfer media such as pictures and music.
Now when I click to start up ovi suite it loads the first white page then closes without any error messages. The OVI icon on the bottom right taskbar disapears when I hover the mouse over it. It will not start. I'm getting really sick of this phone and the software.
Does anyone know why this problem is occuring? Every other device I connect regularly (such as ipod, sony ericsson and 2 external HDDs have not suddenly stopped working) so why has this cheapo Nokia suddenly become incompatible?
I'm using Lotus notes on my work pc and i installed recently the Nokia OVI Suite.For I can see, this program can not synchronize with Lotus Notes, it is truth ?
I have a N97 with latest firmware. Does anybody know how to sync contacts group with Ovi PC suite or I go to the option in (Menu/Settings/Connectivity/Data transfer/Sync/), then edit profile. But don't know how to define the database of contacts group.