Nokia Nseries :: N900 OVI Maps - Offline - Doesn't Work Well
Feb 4, 2011
I came to know that we can use OVI Maps in Offline in N900 from the below url But it asks a connection to proceed and search in OVI Maps doesn't work well. As well the locations are not auto populated. guide me to use OVI Maps effectively in offline in N900.
FYI, I downloaded the required maps in to my N900 using Nokia OVI Suite
first, will maps work in 2700 classic at all ? second, will it work offline without using gprs ? third, can i update my maps s/w since .sis file dont work in 2700 ?
I just bought a new lumia 710 here in Singapore and I am trying out the offline navigation. I've already downloaded the maps here but everytime I would search for the destination, the phone keeps on searching for it "online". I thought offline should work with Lumia
how well GPS works in offline mode for the iPhone 6 plus. I have an iPad Air and GPS works perfectly in offline mode for all map applications (e.g. Apple maps, Google maps). The prerequisite is obviously to cache or download the map area prior to usage. The iPad Air picks up the GPS signal very fast and it works like a charm! I mostly use that for offline navigation abroad. Does this kind of offline GPS functionality work equally well and fast on the iPhone 6 plus? Â
I'm going to be taking a road trip through Canada and want to use my 1520 without using data. I know I can download maps but I've never actually done this. How does it work if you're not connected to a network? How does it accurately pick up your position?
I just bought the 808 PureView in a German electro-hardware store (Saturn). There the phone was in offline mode as it didn't have any micro-SIM. No biggie. However, I got home and inserted my micro-SIM and tried to use the phone but it doesn't recognize the micro-SIM!
I've tried the SIM in other phones (Nokia and other brands) and it works but not in the 808. It is like the phone is stucked in "Offline" mode and I can't make it change: not from the Profiles page (to make it Active), not by pressing the On/Off button and selection "Turn offline mode off", not re-starting it with and then without the SIM and then with the SIM inserted, not "Restore factory settings" not "Delete memoru and restore factory settings"!
My map is ALWAYS looking for GPS - and is never working. I have downloaded the maps and installed it - and it always seems to be looking. i have gone outside, and the gps signal picture is always on "white" how do I fix this? What is wrong? i have the latest fw - v31. E52 - Product code 0585050
Since the last update of maps for Nokia Maps, if I want to use my Nokia 500 as a GPS, I get the message: Car navigation can't start at this location (Autonavigatie kan niet op deze locatie beginnen.) I reinstalled the maps I needed. I even reinstalled the Phone firmware. Software version: 111.021.0028.
can anybody advise me if it is possible (or if there is an app) to activate Bluetooth in offline mode on the N900? This was a feature available on my old E90 and N96 models and was very useful when all you wanted to do was enjoy wireless music through (Nokia's excellent) BH-905 headphones.
I am thinking to buy a N900, but not any data plan. I searched, and I found some people on complaining that they don't get directions if the N900 is not connected to the Internet. Can I use the GPS without a data plan, as in "get directions and see a map of the road ahead"? I don't know much about the various alternatives or improvements to GPS, and frankly I don't want to know the innards. Just tell me yes or no.
I have a Nokia N900. When I am in offline mode, but there is a SIM card in it, when I try to connect with Wifi, I get a message saying: Exit offline mode? (Yes/No are the possibles answers). Well I click No to connect to the internet while I am in offline mode, but nothing happens then! It connects without a problem without a SIM card or when I am not in offline mode. Is that supposed to happen? No Internet in Offline Mode?
since updating the sofware (knew I shouldn't have done that!) I can no longer dial people in the contacts by name, it is like the phone is searching a different contact list than before but I only have one contacts list.
i am unable to make calls. When I try to make phone call it doesn't even try to make the call. I choose a name from the address book to call and nothing happens. After restaring the phone it works fine. An even more annoying problem is that when this has happened my phone doesn't receive calls either. I've heard that people have tried to call me and it has rang normally but my phone doesn't show that someone has called me. Otherwise the phone works fine so I newer know that it is in this "problem state" until I try to make a call.Software version is
I made a backup of my N8, thereafter a reset back to factory settings and re-installes the backup to the phone. Now... when pushing the camera buttom og icon nothing happens. It goes into black for a few sec and the back to menu
I got Nokia 500, and for some reason the audio output(Jack 3,5mm) doesn't work Any things i plugged in doesn't give results.I can hear the voice when i unplug headphones, like it should be.
I upgraded to Belle this weekend but now the chat app doesn't work. I got it again from the store, and now it only shows as a widget, not as an app, but it simply doesn't work.I click on the widget, there's an update on the screen so the touch seems to have been recognized, but that's it, nothing happens after that.
yester evening, I made a backup of my N8, thereafter a reset back to factory settings and re-installes the backup to the phone. Now... when pushing the camera buttom og icon nothing happens. It goes into black for a few sec and the back to menu
Can anyone please shed some light on why Ovi Maps V2.0 was happy to operate offline on my E71 and show you all mapping detail when the newer version (3.03) does not. Everytime I open the app (in offline mode) there is no mapping displayed, only when I go onlie (which it will only allow when using my network operator (Orange) connectivity not my wifi, help here too would be appreciated) does it download any maps. So far its used 3.2mb of my monthly allowance and for liitle more than 10km of detailed mapping. Is 3.03 dependant on being online to have mapping data so you can scroll across map areas and zoom in to close detail or can this be in offline mode too? So far seems this 3.03 is a very inferior product when not wanting to be online all the time.
Recentl I have downloaded battery monitor 3 app from store.That doesn't work fine as I have to manually touch on it to show the updated remaining average use!
I am having a problem with my new Nokia 5230. The offline search does not work in OVI Maps. I installed the newest version 3.03 and uploaded the maps of my country (the Netherlands) to the phone. I am able to pick a direction while using the map itself but when i enter an address in the search bar it give the error: no offline results found.Maps is in offline modus because of my subscription without internet.tried entering just the streetname, streetname and city, streetname city and country, different streets.
I bought the phone 3 weeks ago and was shocked to find out it only worked online ... not at all the way it was advertised (imho).Nokia Maps ''always free of charge'' was the one big reason I decided for a Nokia loyalty rather then going to Samsung or Apple.
1. Is / will Nokia Maps be available soon for Lumia 800 in offline mode, like the good old Nokia I had for 4 years?
2. Is there a good alternative (is Drive really an alternative and is truly offline)?
3. If none of the above - which Nokia smartphone does work offline with Nokia Maps? I still have a week's time to bring it back to the store!
got a serious issue with my mobile Nokia N97 minii updated the software to version Middle East region : Egyptafter installing it via Nokia Ovi Suit on through my PCi nomore can use the ( AutoLock Period )when i try to change the choice to user defind fromSettings > Phone > Phone mgmt. > Security Settings > Phone and Sim Card > Phone Autolock Period , when i write for ex. 1 minute and press OK the Ok button delete the number i insertedi don`t know what to do ..
I just loaded Nokia maps 3.01 for Nokia with upgraded firmware to 2.0 version (sic!) and I see that offline search for address always find no results. Is that because this tricky way of map load with out map loader? Or something may be wrong?
I am a developer and I'm working on a prototype application using Qt on my E7-00.
I would like the users of my application to use maps in offline mode.
So If I use Nokia Ovi Suit , it will take hours to download all the maps (approx 9 GB of data)..more importantly ovi suit refuses to download maps if my phone is not connected to the pc.
Is there a way I can download the maps as a zip file or something from my pc and then later install them on my phone? If yes..where can I find the downlaod links? I am using an E7-00 with Symbain Anna update (round!!)
Thank you Nokia for making maps free. We really love you for that. But I've already found the first serious bug. Even if you have downloaded maps to the phone (N97 mini), you can't search for addresse and places in offline mode. The old version could that.If you browse with your finger and browse through places, you will find everthing, but when searching freetext for places and addresses in offline mode, no result are shown.Guess Nokia will have to fix this soon.The workaround is of course to use online mode.