Nokia :: N97 - Messaging Account Inactive / Buy Plan For Mails

Feb 10, 2010

Few days ago my account has been deactivated. I have received a mail before to warn me and inform me that I have to buy a "plan for mails" with my provider (there was a link in the mail to the option..) to continue to use it again.

I have bought this option and my account remain INACTIVE !! So what can I do to reactive it? When synchronising on my N97 i have : "certificate expired"

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Nokia :: Messaging Cannot Receive Gmail Mails?

Jun 2, 2010

Info Synchronizing Inbox
Info Sync mode: Fast sync
Error Unsupported error code (Error code: 65535). Error occurred in EaPlugin while processing response from server.
Error Unexpected Server Error.

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Nokia :: E71 - How To Use Messaging And Create A Nokia Messaging Account Form Web Instead From Phone

May 2, 2010

I have a Nokia E71 just update to the firmware 410.21.010. I did not recovered backup after the upgrade and I formatted the memory card, so it's completely clean.

Now, Nokia Email has appear as new included application so I would like to use it, but when I configure my email account (form a supported services: ovi, gmail, etc...), the wizard only configures my mobile for the typical IMAP client. It's strange, because I have a different E71 also update to this same firmare and Nokia Messaging works fine and creates the Nokia Messaging account.How could use Nokia Messaging with my E71?. Is there some way to create a Nokia Messaging account form the web instead from the phone?.

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Nokia :: Messaging (e72): Notifications Of Other Account

Jan 8, 2010

Is it possible to set a notification for my third account on the home?

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Nokia :: How To Reactivate Messaging Account?

May 9, 2010

I was a very happy user of E71 and Nokia Messaging until I decided to upgrade to fw 410. Because it broke the Internet connections, I had to reconfigure my phone from scratch (thanks for that) including a new version of Nokia Messaging (9.07). Because it didn't want to configure my gmail account (it took forever to validate or connect to server), I figured I could remove my Nokia Email account and reactivate it again. I disabled trial and I cannot reenable it back - I can log in to website, but I cannot remove or add new email accounts there. If I try to register, after I give my phone number, website advises me to download Nokia Messaging from my phone again.

How to reactivate my Nokia Messaging account? How to set up my email again?

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Nokia :: Messaging Account Server Down?

Jun 18, 2010

i can't login my Nokia Messaging account, did u have the same problem?

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Nokia :: E71 Cannot Delete Mailbox Account From Messaging

Feb 18, 2010

I have Nokia Messaging installed which I use primarily with my gmail account. While experimenting with adding accounts, I inadvertantly added two accounts to the preinstalled "Messaging" application. One is listed as and the other is listed as ovi.com01. There seems to be no way to delete or undo those accounts on the phone. At the very least, I wish to delete the ovi.com01. Does anyone have any suggestions that don't include reformatting the phone? I really don't have the time or patience for that. I've already put way too much time in removing AT&T crapware and rearranging program folders/icons.

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Nokia :: How To Delete Or Cancel Messaging Account

Feb 9, 2010

I have been having problems with my Nokia Messaging and I have deduced the problem is to do with my Nokia Messaging account and the email I have associated with it. I know this because I was able to use another (old) Hotmail account on the device but when I try and set up my current Hotmail account I get problems.

I was wondering could someone please tell me how I can delete or cancel my Nokia Messaging account so I can start fresh again and assign my current email with the new account?

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Nokia :: Messaging Not Working / Reactivate Account?

Aug 12, 2010

Recently performed a firmware update and hard reset on my 5800 and all looked bright until tried using the email function. Despite having "Nokia messaging" installed I cant get any account to use it, all accounts (not just the 2 assocated with the account) are added to the default message folders, instead being handled by Nokia messaging. Also a friend unhelpfully now cancelled my "Nokia Email" account associated with the email addresses in an effort to help. There any way to reactivate this account?

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Nokia :: Messaging Website - How To Reset My Account?

Apr 27, 2010

Is anyone else having problems signing into the Nokia Messaging website? Everytime I attempt to, it either refuses to acknowledge I have an account (when I know for a fact that I do), then when I try again it will sign me in (if I persevere enough). But if I try to remove an email address or update a password it will take me to this page saying.The page cannot be displayed.The destination server could not be reached.Anyone else having this problem or is it just me? How do I go about resetting my account if I can't get into the Nokia Messaging website to do it myself?

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Nokia :: E72 - Messaging - Unable To Add My Yahoo Email Account

Feb 22, 2010

I am unable to add my Yahoo email account using the Nokia Messaging Mobile Email <> I was able to use it before and I canceled my subscription in yahoo because I signed up a new subscription using my Gmail account and it works with the Gmail. however, when I try to add another email account again which is my yahoo mail, it won't work with my yahoo mail anymore. Where using the Nokia Messaging you can add up to 10 email accounts. When I click the button that says ADD ANOTHER, it will lead you to the page where you ad your other email accounts and that email add must already exist, but after i fill up the box typing the correct existing yahoo email add, my correct yahoo password, and after clicking NEXT button, it just doesn't get across. the error shows "This email address must be added on the phone". So, i added my yahoo mail on my phone using the Email setting wizard on my Nokia E72 with the correct email ad and password. After adding it on my phone, I tried to do it again on the Nokia messaging Site and did it all over agin. And still it won't work on my yahoo. I still get the same ERROR!

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Nokia :: E71 - Firmware V4 Upgrade And No Gmail Account In Messaging

Apr 15, 2010

Are there any known issues with Nokia Messaging on an E71 and the recent Firmware v4 upgrade? I recently upgraded to Firmware v400.21.0013 on my Nokia E71. After the upgrade, I can no longer view my Gmail account via Nokia Messaging the front screen.

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Nokia :: Delete The Messaging Account? - Gmail And Hotmail

Jan 29, 2010

I am wandering if nokia employee can assist to delete my nokia messaging accounts. I registered two accounts by using a Gmail and a Hotmail address. But now I want to delete them for a future registration, in which I would combine these two accounts.

I am sincerely someone can help me to solve the issue.

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Nokia :: N900 & N97 - Messaging - Yahoo Account Not Working

Jan 15, 2010

I'm using Nokia Messaging with my new N900 but the problem that I will comment it already happen with old N97. Seems a problem with Yahoo accounts and Nokia Messaging.

I have a Nokia Messaging account that I created during the first appear of Nokia Messaging service and now with Movistar Spain subscription. In my account I have 2 Google Mail Accounts (Normal and Apps), a MobileMe account and Yahoo IMAP (spanish address) account.

All the accounts work correctly except Yahoo account. What happen? That I have emails in the inbox of mail mobile 3 days old, the old emails from third day suddenly became unreaded, I open to read, and are marked as read, but after some time (30min, 1hour) or some time like this became unreaded suddenly. For example today some emails, in the case of today 15 emails from 13th of january became unread again again and again.

It's annoying because with this behaviour there's no way to know how really new emails you have and also for every time the email is marked as unread the mobile spend time and battery notifying me. There's someone else that has this problem? Any propose or solution?

I try to delete the Yahoo account in my Nokia Messaging account and create a new one with the address, but the problem come back again and again. A solution could be to classify all the email every day in folders keeping my Inbox of Yahoo account in server clean, but there's some day that I have no time to do this work.

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Nokia :: E75 Sending E-mail With Messaging From Yahoo Account.

Feb 22, 2010

I tried to send an e-mail and gives me this:
Subject: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)
From:Mail Delivery Subsystem <noreply@noreply>
To: "dilixxx.xxxai at" <dilixxx.xxxai at>

This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification
500:Read error: null

----- Original message -----

Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2010 14:57:27 +0000
From: "Dilimot Mihai" <dilixxx.xxhai at>
Subject: Test
To: Dilixxx.xxhai at
Reply-To: dilixxx.xxhai at
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Priority: 3
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
X-NIMS-User: dilixxx.xxhai831
X-NIMS-UGUID: 0xa1fbe420e5dc2dbb1698335ab79f4914

----- End of message -----

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Nokia :: E72 Messaging Account / Separate Mailbox Manual Delivery

Feb 24, 2010

When adding an email account such as GMAIL my Nokia E72 gives me 2 options:

Add to my Nokia Messaging account
Create a separate mailbox that uses manual delivery

This is an UI improvement: There is no contextual help or information regarding both options

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Nokia :: E72 - Can't Create Messaging Account / Phone Has Updated Software

Feb 3, 2010

I can't creat an account with Nokia Messaging, each time i go to the site i enter my mobile phone & select my mobile i see a message saying your phone has the updated software. my mobile is E72.

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IPhone 4 :: TMS4 Text Messaging Plan Inactivated?

Jun 29, 2010

So I used to have that 1500 text messaging plan for $8.99 with the feature code TMS4 applied to my FAN account then I ended up switching to an unlimited plan before I got my iPhone 4. I want to now go back to that special plan but I called AT&T and they told me I had been grandfathered in on that plan previously before I switched to the unlimited plan and they wouldn't add it back on for me now. My question is did anyone that still had that texting plan get to keep it when they switched to their iPhone 4 or has anyone tried adding that plan to their current/new AT&T plan? If anyone is interested in helping me out by trying to add it to their plan now all you had to do was call 611 on your phone and ask the AT&T rep to add the TMS4 text messaging plan to your existing FAN account.

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Nokia :: Unable To Sync Gmail Account With New Device Messaging Client

Feb 11, 2010

Since downloading the new Nokia Messaging client (Main) on my N97 Mini (11.0.045) it refuses to sync with my gmail account (it worked prior to downloading the new client via Software update on the phone).

I've tried changing the "When to Sync" setting to soonest or 15 mins etc but that makes no difference.If I change the access point it will open a connection (which it wont have done until this point) but still no sync. It never seems to close the connection, unless the phone is rebooted.Anyone have the new messaging client working ?

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Nokia :: 2730 Unable To Add Windows Live Hotmail Account To Messaging Settings

Mar 8, 2010

Just bought new Nokia 2730 and everything else is OK but I am not able to add my hotmail account to email settings. It always says that login fails. Live ID and password is OK and Live Messenger under chat is working with my account. I have the latest firmware v 09.41 02-12-09 rm-578.

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BB Torch :: Spam Mails With Using Hotmail Account?

Aug 7, 2011

I'm struggling a problem with my hotmail mail account, and it seems that my blackberry touch 9800 got something like spyware. The problem is that someone uses my hotmail email account to spread spam mail with address book stored in hotmail system. The contents of spam mails sent with my account are different each other by each sending.

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Xperia Mini/pro :: Unable To Move Mails In Exchange Account To Different Folder

Feb 22, 2012

I cannot find how to move a mail from the reception box of my exchange account to another folder (spam for example or whatever).

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BB Curve :: Aol Mails Delete The Mails Permanently

Aug 29, 2010

When I delete aol mail from blackberry 8530i, handheld and mailbox, it REALLY gets deleted. It doesn't go into the aol "Trash" folder, it just disappears altogether, like it never existed, and does not appear from my PC.

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BB Bold :: Setting Up Email Account And Instant Messaging?

Aug 8, 2011

i bought my BB one of the first things i wanted to do was setup my e-mail account and instant messaging so i did this by following the tutorials, however when i tried doing both it failed. The message i get is "Invalid email address or password. Verify your email addres and password. If the error persists, contact" to setup my email address i chose "othe"r although there are options for windows live, [URL] is not there.

The strange thing is my sister got the same phone and i set her phone up for her and her's weorked straight away and she too registered a email address.

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Messaging App Won't Allow To Remove Yahoo Account?

Nov 18, 2011

Something funky going on with my yahoo account. I can't remove it. I get no response when attempting to remove it from the phone from manage accounts. And when I view the account, the username field is blank and uneditable. I suspect thats why i can't remove it. What's going on? is there a way to clear my email account or at least set the username?

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Motorola Atrix 4G :: Messaging Won't Let Delete Email Account?

Oct 16, 2011

For a variety of reasons, I decided to use Gmail to aggregate all of my email accounts instead of the Messaging application. After a factory reset, one of my email accounts is still showing up in my Messaging application and my Universal Inbox.This, naturally, seems to be interfering with Gmail getting messages from that account. When I went to Manage Accounts, however, the email account I doesn't show up, meaning I can't delete it.So to recap:1. I had an AOL email account set up.2. I set up Gmail to read and manage my AOL account.3. I factory reset my phone4. The AOL account still appears in my Messaging application and my Universal Inbox

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Sony Ericsson :: W995 Instant Messaging - How To Sign In My MSN Account?

Nov 13, 2010

I've a W995. I'm a facing a problem in Instant messaging.I try to sign in my MSN account but it doesn't works. Can anyone tell me how to sign in my MSN account?

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Messaging App Not Adding Yahoo Mail Account?

Apr 14, 2012

I have a yahoo mail account that has been working fine on the messaging app until now. Today I recieved an Authorization Error notification and since then I have been unable to use that yahoo mail account on my messaging app. I have tried removing the account and adding it again and also changing the password via my PC but it is still giving me an error message on my Bionic saying "Login to the account failed , please try again." Has anyone had any problems with their Droid Bionic's messaging app & yahoo mail account

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BB Curve 8500 :: 8520 No Data Plan With Carrier / In Post Payment Plan

Jan 4, 2010

I have the 8520, and have no data plan with my carrier in my post payment plan, i thought , since i have wi-fi at home, office and tons of hot spots. I can use my BB to access the web using free wi-fi as i have been doing with my last 4 smartphones.Big mistake. i have been charged 55 us last month, for data transfer use , i ran to my planŽs assistance office ( telcel in Mexico ), and the answer i got was. you have to get a data plan from us to be able to use wi-fi ( obviuosly i stared at her , just nodding my head ).There is no point in having a device that has acces to wi fi networks , if i cant access the wi fi network without you data plan, so i got the lady to bring the tech guy. His response will access the wi fi. but weŽll charge u anyway. you need to disable the network from the phone and only leave the wi fi option on so you can access without any other charge, but this will leave you with no phone connection.

Is this real? did i just spend 399us in a gadget that has wi fi capabilities but will not be able to get on any wi fi connection form home or work, without being charged for data transmission over my cell providers network?cmon this sounds as stupid as it does in my head ? i would be really disapointed if i just left my old Nokia E71 SPhone, for this beautiful BB Curve 8520 THAT DOES NOT CONNECT TO THE WI Fi.

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BB Bold 9000 :: Change OS Without BIS Plan But With Internet Access Plan

Jul 14, 2010

I have a bold 9000 on Vodafone which has been unlocked. My phone provider is on O2 and I have internet access plan but not bis plan. I would like to know if I can install an O2 os on and then some way use my internet access on my O2 sim card to access the net on bold 9000?

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IPhone :: Can I Get An A TELUS Family Plan WITHOUT A Data Plan?

Jun 12, 2010

Right now I'm on a TELUS family plan with 4 people and there are no iPhones. I want to get an iPhone and have it on the family plan but also not buy a data plan. Is it possible to do this? So basically my plan would be around $25 a month with unlimited text and caller ID.

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