Nokia :: 6720 - Cant Seem To Access The Memory Card
Mar 6, 2010
I have just bought a nokia 6720 however I cant seem to access the memory card, does anyone know where to find it? On my last nokia it showed up under gallery, but i have no idea how to locate it on this phone.
Have just been sent new E72 as my old one died (see my other post). All is well except when i connect to PC via USB cable and select 'Mass Storage' I get the message 'Memory Store Unavailable' on my phone and cannot access the contents of my memory card. I have the latest firmware on the phone. I can access the card through nokia PC Suite but that's a pain and I never had this problem before with my old E72.I'm running XP - if I go to my computer and double click 'Removable Disc (E' I just get the 'please insert disc into drive E' message.
Unfortunatly though I cannot copy files to the memory card in the phone. It is accesible via the phones internal browser but not via my PC.
At the moment I have to work around this by copying files to a temporary folder on the phone and then use the phones browser to move it to the card (Double handeling).
I have seen the thread about the back cover and bad contacts but the back cover is firmly on and if the contacts were faulty I could not use the card which I can at the moment.
Noticed when sometime I open my inbox SMS messages there's a message "Unable to access memory card. Messages will be stored to phone memory." The card is formatted via the phone. I prefer my messages to be stored to the memory card so I made it that way, but sometimes this Notice appears. Is it error message or what?
My Nokia 5800 memory card sometimes goes rogue and i cant access my music player and says my files are corrupted. The problem is i can view my images and i can access the music via file manager.
i own a 5800 and when i tried to access to the memory card through the file manager it says the card was corrupted. but when i inserted the card in a memory card reader, it works accept that i cant eject it and a pop-up window came out saying an error occured while ejecting the card. it is a 8Gb memory card. i found a solution similar to my situation but is there any other alternative ways that doesn't require me to download huge files?
for something reason, my phone started to be DAMN slow and laggy, when i try to go menu, it takes about 10 seconds to get to menu, and all is laggy in this phone. When going to file manager, seems it doesnt find memory card, even it is inserted.Then when removing memory card, phone works normally and not slow, fast. What is wrong with my 5230, why it doesnt find my memory card and why inserting it makes so slow? I would like to get it work because it has all my music and pictures etc...
I have the upgrded my phone to android version 4.0.4 (build no.4.1.B.0.431) , but after that the phone is not displaying the contents of the memory card only internal memory, and has become too slow
my BB bold 9700 just can't access to my memory card sudendly and I don't know why because everything works ok so far, until yesterday.yesterday I have access to all, music, photos...and today a friend calls me and the ring tone is differente and when I try to change access to memory card, says that don't have none?!!!I try to take the battery off for 5 minutes, put the memory card in my Pc and works fine...I don't understand, it's like if my BB don't have any memory card in!
How do you access you micro sd memory card from your phone? I downloaded a program that can open pdf files, but it is saved on my micro sd memory card! How do I get to it on the card to access it?
i am unable to access memory card in my e 72 mobile although it is working when i insert the meomery card in my laptop .. memory card not accessible and all the files are getting saved in phone memory.
i used to be able to access the memory card while connects to PC through Nokia PC Suite. however starting a couple days ago, i suddenly can't access memory card through PC suite anymore. memory card only becomes available after disconnecing the PC suit.
My company recently introduced a security policy that disallows the use of any from of external drives and I wasn't aware of this and i connected my phone to my laptop and couldn't access it and afterwards i noticed that i didn't have access to my files on either the device memory or memory card.I have tried saving stuff into them via bluetooth or from other systems but it won't show when i view it via my phone, however i can see the files on the system i can view the files. When i try to view the contents of the media card through the file manager i see that all the folders on the media card are showing as .exe files.I have tried to reformat the media card all to no avail.
I have a micro sd 8 GB memory card. It came along with my nokia 5730. I never changed this card since last 3 years but when I inserted it in my BB phone, it didn't recognised and I indicated i.e. Cannot access the memory card for fatal reasons. I want to know if I can use this card with my blackberry or I'd have to buy some other? Or is there any special type of memory card for blackberry?
I just installed OS and runnin windows XP on my computer.anyway, for some reason I can't access my 4GB memory card using windows explorer like i used to. I do have "media card support" on, "Mass Storage Mode Support" on, and "Auto enable mass storage mode when connected" on.
Is there something i am doing wrong or setting that got changed?
After updating the 9930 to software 7.1 when the phone reboots using the option in App World after installing an app, I notice the phone cannot access the files stored on the memory card using a software reboot.Only by doing a battery pull does the phone recognise the media card contents and then I can access it. Therefore everytime I install an app I have to do a battery pull to restart the phone as the restart option from the App World in the phone makes the files on the media card not to be seen.This bug was not present before I did the upgrade to 7.1 bundle 1737?
I need some body, tell my how can I install ovi content on the memory card when I use Wifi on my handset 5800.cause all programs immediately goes and installed on phone memory and it is almost full
Totally new to this phone, with the option to download applications. Having great fun in doing so but not always given the option of where to save them to with the end result that they are saving to the phone memory which keeps filling up and then giving me an error message. Can anyone please tell me how to move apps from the phone memory to the card memory. And can anyone also tell me if I have an icon on the 'Menu' screen and the 'Apps' screen, does this mean the application has been downloaded twice and do I need both or can I delete one (presumably the 'Menu' one)?
I recently bought Nokia 5800. When installed any jar or .sis files on Card Memory, eventually my Phone Memory is getting used. Even though I am very diligent in selecting Card Memory while installation, Phone Memory is getting reduced. Kindly Help me please.
I have come to 'Memory Low ' error message and have a question about that.I am not using additional applications, just default ones.I am not using mail.I clean web cache.What I have though is a lot of Saved Pages. As I noticed that my memory is geting low, I deleted my music using File manager and deleted some Saved pages. Problem is that used memory is still the same like it was before I deleted the files. I suppose that my deleted files gone to recycle bin or something like that? How can I REALY delete it (without reset)? And another question: Is there a way to save (transfer) 'Saved Pages' to memory card?
I want to replace my current memory card for one of a bigger capacity but want to move the apps that are stored on it over to the new card. Not sure how to go about this or even if you can.
I have an E72. By default, all the text messages were being saved on the phone memory. I've now changed that to the memory card. How do I transfer the messages from the phone memory onto the memory card? I have a mac and not a PC.
here is a list of some apps i plan on installing onto my new e72, i heard that some apps run better when installed onto phone memory.. instead of memory card mobile
2. opera mini 5
3. nimbuzz
4. facebook
5. Internet
6. nokia image exchange
so i would like to know if its better that i install all these onto phone memory or my memory card.if anyone can shed some knowledge here that would be nice.