Motorola Xoom :: App That Can Accurately Measure The Condition Of The Battery?

May 22, 2012

Is there an app that can accurately measure the condition of the battery similar to software in notebook PCs? My battery is coming up to 15 months old and I notice this past week it doesn't seem to be as good at holding a charge.

Has anyone used Motorola Service to replace the battery yet?

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Motorola Atrix 2 :: Battery Charge Icon Not Accurately Representing After Update?

Feb 24, 2012

After the recent update, I'm noticing a few things fixed and a few things broken. On the things broken, one is the battery charge indicator in the upper right hand corner of the GUI next to the time.At 29% it shows half full. At 49% it shows at around 75%. If you go to the Settings, Battery & Data Manager, that will show properly at 50% for instance, while the icon shown in the GUI next to the clock is not showing half green but more like 75% greenI have a nifty widget called "Tiny Battery Widget" that gives a more accurate representation (which is consistent with the battery charge indicator found buried in the system's menu under "Battery & data manager" ) and also verifies the small icon at the top right next to the clock is overly optimistic.

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HTC One M7 :: Battery Gets Charged Very Little In Switched Off Condition Only

Jun 3, 2014

I have experienced an unusual problem on my HTC One. My device does not get charged at all on switched on condition even if I change cables or any other charging adaptors. It does not show anything even if I connect to the computer via USB cable. But when I switch off the device and plug into the ac power, first it shows bright red led indicator and sign of the battery for 9-10 seconds, then the brightness of led indicator decreases and at the same time it shows battery charging with battery percentage for 6-7 seconds then led indicator and sign of battery goes off completely.

Again after 4 seconds same process happens. It took about 8 hours to charge the battery from 20%-100% on Switched off condition. I did factory reset, battery calibration (I connected charger for 10-15 mins in switched off condition, then I pressed and hold power button, volume up and volume down button for 2-3 mins which repeatedly restarted the handset) as well but the problem is same.

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Motorola Xoom :: Battery Capacity - Battery Life Decreased After A Month

Feb 9, 2012

know the battery capacity of the XOOM (MZ601), mine is 3260mah Reason for the question is my xoom, replaced about a month ago used to give me 5 days life, now its 2 days, and thats just scraping in.... No SD card, same apps, same usage pattern

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Motorola Xoom :: Battery Meter Not Changing?

Aug 19, 2012

The battery monitor on my Zoom seems to be stuck at 100%. I have been using it for a couple of hours and it is still showing a full charge. Currently in JB. Anyone else experienced this?

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Motorola Xoom :: Battery Drain After ICS Update

Aug 8, 2012

I using Xoom with Honeycomb, never needed charge daytime the device is only 22h around usually put to charger but never empty battery. Now the battery is already low from a10h to 16h, capacity is 30%.

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Motorola Xoom :: Battery Level Indicator

Jun 7, 2012

Ever since I initially charged my XOOM the battery indicator shows 100% full, never shows any discharge & just shuts down when the battery is flat with no warning, any ideas, still under warranty.

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Motorola Xoom :: Battery Performance After 3.1 Update?

Aug 27, 2011

concerning the poor battery performance of the Xoom after the 3.1 update. Unfortunately the search function of this forum is totally rubbish, resetting the capacity readout by deleting some kind of init file...

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Motorola Xoom :: Usb Upload Drain Battery?

Jul 19, 2011

yesterday i uploaded 600 Meg of file to my xoom with the usb cable, it almost drained the batteries?

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Motorola Xoom :: Encrypt Now Drains Battery

Jun 19, 2011

Encrypt my xoom, now my battery drains really quick. i used to keep it on for 3-4 days now i cant keep a charge over one day.

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Motorola Xoom :: Gallery Is Devouring Battery

Nov 15, 2011

I've finally decided to do I just got the customary 14% charge warning, and so I open up Settings > Applications > Battery Use and Gallery is listed as consuming 44%.This is crazy, especially since I haven't even USED Gallery since the last time I charged (which was done following an auto-power down fwiw).I thought about going into Advanced Task Killer and seeing if I could change the settings to make it really aggressive against Gallery, but it informs me that all "green labeled" tasks are "front apps" that can't be killed directly. Manually killing it gives no joy -- the damn thing is right back in the list like some annoying Warner Bros. cartoon character the next time I open ATK.

I used to brag about the Xoom's battery life, but it's getting so I can't any more.I have not yet sent in my Xoom for the 4G upgrade; currently running build number HTK75D, but this has been an issue long before this build.

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Motorola Xoom :: Poor Battery Performance After 3.1 Update

Aug 27, 2011

im dealing with poor battery performance of the Xoom after the 3.1 update. Unfortunately the search function of this forum is totally rubbish, so i am not able to find the answer where someone explains how to solve this by resetting the capacity readout by deleting some kind of init file.

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Motorola Xoom :: Battery Draining Fast With LTE/3.2.2 Upgrade

Oct 17, 2011

Just got my upgraded XOOM back a few days ago, and I've noticed that the battery life is far, far worse than it was before I sent it away. I mainly use my XOOM for reading ebooks, so I nearly always have airplane mode on. Before the upgrade, I could go several days, sometimes even a week before having to charge the battery, even with occasional excursions outside airplane mode.

However, after the upgrade, I can have the XOOM fully charged, in airplane mode, read for an hour just before going to sleep, shut off the screen, and wake up the next day with 60% battery remaining, as opposed to being in the 90-95% range before the upgrade.

The battery usage app shows 87% screen, 11% idle, 3% drmserver. One strange thing I've noticed is that under Settings > About tablet > Status, I see this:

Network: Searching for service
Signal strength: -120dBm 16 asu
Mobile network type: Unknown:0
Service state: Radio off
Roaming: Not roaming
Mobile network state: Disconnected

Why would it be searching for service in airplane mode? Did something break in 3.2.2?

So my questions are:

1. Is anyone else experiencing the same symptoms as above (reduced battery life after upgrade, screen showing most usage)?

2. Is there any way for me to downgrade to 3.2 in order to see if that helps? I don't care if that disables 4G, since I'm not in a 4G coverage region.

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Motorola Xoom :: Short Battery Life After 3.1 Update?

Aug 13, 2011

I have noticed much shorter battery life after update to 3.1.

Nothing has changed in terms of battery consumption.

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Motorola Xoom :: What Is The Real Time Battery Life Of FE

Dec 3, 2011

What is the real time battery life of motorola FE? User manual says 10 hrs with every single charge, how about with WIFI on and continous browsing?

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Motorola Xoom :: Battery Is Getting Warm Even In Idle State

Jul 9, 2011

I have a completely standard xoom and noticed that its getting really warm even when in idle. It started happening last week. I thaught it might be an app I downloaded so uninstalled all new apps. Still getting warm and bad battery performance. So I done a full factory reset and still getting the issue.

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Motorola :: Xoom Cannot Shutdown Automatically When Battery Level Reaches 20%

Apr 3, 2012

Is there something one can do so that the Xoom does not shutdown automatically when battery level reaches 20%? I am on ICS 4.04.

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Motorola Xoom :: Battery Life Slowly Decreasing - Only Lasting For One Day

Dec 14, 2011

I have had my zoom for 3 or 4 months,maybe longer, and I notice that my battery life is slowly decreasing in time available before having to re-charge. I bought my xoom as reburbished, but understood it had the same warranty as if new bu Motorola. Initially I could go 2-3 days without charging, just by letting the unit go to sleep. Now it only lasts for a day or day in a half.

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Motorola Xoom :: Network Notification Check Box- Ticked- Reduced Battery?

Aug 12, 2011

I have noticed that the WIFI- Network Notification ( Notify me when an open network is available) is ticked after the 3.1 updateI am presuming this means its always looking for a open network and chewing up power doing so.To save some battery, and alien networks, untick the boxUnless you ok with open network hunting and shorter battery life.

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Huawei Nexus 6P :: How To Measure CPU Temperature

Jan 15, 2016

As the title says, on LG G3 I used CPU Temp app but it doesn't support Nexus 6P (it only gives estimated reading). I tried many apps and none of them works except for CPU Z but this one gives me like 15 different temperature readings and doesn't say what is what.

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IPhone :: Measure Wifi Usage Under IOS5?

Jul 1, 2012

This is a really silly question. It used to be easy to find your Wifi and network usage under settings, but I can not find them anymore. Usage now has been taken over by iCloud etc. and about is too top level. The usage used to be along side the up-time since last boot.

iPhone 4, iOS 5

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IPhone :: How To Accurately Test 4

Jun 27, 2010

Probably the best way to test the real time 3G connection on your iPhone is with a ping tool. The one I used is a free app called Network Ping Lite.Download the tool and turn off WIFI. Open it up and choose the Ping utility. Enter an ip (you can use, scroll down to turn on "Ping forever" and then hit Start.

Watch to see if you get a response and note the time in "ms". Then do whatever you think might affect the connection. If the times go up or if it stops responding you've affected the connection.

Mine will sometimes start dropping pings almost immediately after putting the lower left corner of the phone in my palm. This is what happens in the screenshot below. FWIW, this doesn't bother me, I just hold the phone a different way.

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IPhone :: Getting An App That Will Measure How Much Time I Spend Using Apps, The Web, Text, Calls Etc

Apr 18, 2012

Is there an iPhone App that will measure how much time I spend using Apps, the web, text, calls etc?

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IPhone :: Calendar Sync - Events Not Accurately Reflecting On 4

Jun 20, 2012

I have been trying to figure out why my calendar events in my iPad and MacBook don't accurately reflect what I put in my iPhone. I can see some of the events, but not all. I have iCloud sync activated in both devices, and on my MacBook. I primarily add and view events on my iPhone, but would like the changes to be reflected across all devices.

iPhone 4, iOS 4.3.3, Verizon

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BB Torch 9800 :: Email Rendering With WebKit Engine More Accurately?

Aug 12, 2010

I had a question for the new Torch owners, regarding email in the Torch/OS6.I have read references to HTML emails now taking advantage of the new WebKit engine to render emails more accurately. On the one hand, that sounds great, as the broken up emails were annoying. On the other hand, one of the great advantages of my 9700 over iPhones that I have had is that email is readable on a BB!The iPhone often gets so wrapped up in rendering the email that text can appear super tiny or not wrapped correctly so that there is an absolute ton of horizontal scrolling and no amount of zooming in/out can get it right.Is this now a problem for the Torch? Or has RIM found a way around this. I have read that the browser manages to reformat text to fit the page, so I wonder if RIM have done something similar for emails to circumvent this issue.Basically, is the process of reading emails more involved and more of a pain now, even if more true to the original formatting?

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Motorola Xoom :: 4G - 4.0.4 "Android OS" Battery Drain

Jun 18, 2012

I have (as probably quite a few of you) upgraded my Xoom from HC to ICS (3.2.6->4.0.4). After the upgrade, I saw a massive battery drain and began wondering what was going on. I noticed the "Android OS" process was keeping the tablet awake through the middle of the night and I assumed it was the culprit.

Given that the Android OS process is part of the system kernel, I figured something went wrong in the upgrade. Flashed back to 3.2.3 Honeycomb from the motorola website, and did OTA upgrades all the way back to 4.0.4.

I left apps off, completely stock, locked, and back to the way someone would get it brand new. I did not install anything; and went to sleep for the night.

I woke up to about a 10% battery drain, the Android OS had used 80% of that 10%. Before ICS I was able to go 5+ days with moderate use on my tablet (Juicedefender and various other helpers), now I can barely make 1-2 days.

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IPhone :: Skype Not Working In Minimized Condition?

May 6, 2012

when i minimize my skype app on iphone. my friends find me as online and if they call, i do not receive any call in standby condition.

if i make it active again by tap on skype icon then i can receive calls mainly i need to receive call on skype even it is in standby condition

iPhone 4, iOS 5.0.1

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BB Curve :: 9300 Frozen Terms And Condition?

Jun 17, 2012

Today my little brother decided to enter 10 wrong password all at once and it reformatted and when it was done reformatting the terms and condition popped up and it just froze the trackpad wouldn't scroll down or anything and but everything else works.

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Nokia :: E66 - App To Restore Phone To A Out-of-box Condition With No Personal Or Past Data Inside?

Feb 26, 2010

My E66 will be sold to a friend soon. I would like to know if there is a switch or some sequence of buttons that will restore the phone to a out-of-box condition, which no personal or past data inside ?

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Xperia Mini/pro :: How To Play Video Song In Keypad Locked Condition

Dec 9, 2011

is there any facility to play video songs in keypad locked condition?? i know you say that what is meaning of keypad lock in video song.but some of video song i want to hear in office at there i can't see video i must lock the keypad.I tried to do that way but when light off songs automatically stop.

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Motorola Xoom Unlocked :: How To Copy Music On Xoom

Oct 2, 2011

So I had music on my xoom but accidently deleted it. I tried going in my computer files to copy and paste songs from my itunes into my folder on xoom called music but says wrong format. I don't know what to do.

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