Motorola Xoom :: Vehicle Mount For Gps Usage?

Oct 9, 2012

I recently started using my Xoom as a vehicle gps unit. I am looking to get a mount now and there seem to be many on the market. I wondered if anyone had any recommendations based on their actual use. On the seat next to me ain't cutting it anymore.

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Motorola Xoom :: Sd Card Cannot Mount?

Jan 4, 2012

I have a Wi-Fi Xoom with 32G of internal storage and Android 3.2. When I insert a 16G SanDisk Class 4 micro SD card and power up,I am unable to mount the card. I go to Settings>Storage, and get an error message, with the option to Force Close or Send Report. Most of the time, the app closes itself with no action on my part. If I insert the SD card while the Xoom is powered on, I get a different problem. I am able to get to the storage setting, and there is an option to mount the card. However, pressing on that option doesn't cause anything to happen. The card is formatted as FAT32. I have copied some files to it on my PC, and the files are there when I connect the card back to the PC. I've checked the board here, and not seen this problem addressed.

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Motorola Xoom :: Mount USB Storage Before Using Camera?

Apr 16, 2011

I was using the camera to document something I am doing. I took a few pictures and then hit the power button to shut off the screen, When I later hit the power buttom to wake my wifi xoom, the xoom awoke back into the camera app, however, the screen for the picture was black. I hit the "back" button and it illuminated blue to indicate that I had hit it but it remained blue. It was stuck. I hit "home" and it gave me a message to force close the camera or wait. I force closed it and attempted to restart the camera app. It wouldn't restart so I rebooted the xoom.Now, the camera app starts up and shows a picture, however, I get the subject message "Mount USB Storage Before Using the Camera"

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Motorola Xoom :: 32Gb Micro SD Card Won't Mount

Jan 5, 2012

I just bought a 32Gb Sandisk Class 4 microSD card off dailysteals (same place I bought my Xoom). I plugged it in and the Xoom does nothing with it. I can't see it and when I go to storage screen and touch Mount SD Card, nothing happens. When I plug the Xoom into my laptop via USB, laptop only sees internal memory, not microSD. I was previously using a Sandisk 8Gb microSD that worked fine

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Motorola Xoom :: 3.2 Update And SD Card Usage With Camera App?

Jul 12, 2011

this question is for the motorola geniuses here. I have 3.2 installed and can confirm that there is native SD card usage however I can not figure out how to take pictures and have them save directly to the SD card. They still get saved in internal memory. How do we change that I don't see a setting anywhere unless I am blind.

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Motorola Xoom :: 4g Phone With Hotspot Tether Usage

May 13, 2011

can i use a 4g phone with portable hotspot tether to get 4g speeds on my wifi xoom?what is bluetooth tether and how do i do it? bottleneck speed is good, right?

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Motorola Droid Razr HD :: Want To Keep Using Vehicle Navigation Dock?

Feb 11, 2013

I have searched through the forums to see if this question has already been asked, but I could not find it. Please forgive me if there is an existing thread.I want to get a case for my Droid Razr Maxx HD, but I also want to keep using my Vehicle Navigation Dock. Does anyone know of / own a case for the Razr Maxx HD that still allows the phone to fit in the dock? I don't want to have to pull the case off to dock it every time I get in the car.

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Motorola Droid Razr HD :: Vehicle Dock For Maxx?

Dec 27, 2012

After the Jelly Bean update I want to throw the vehicle mount out the window almost every day! they removed any way to get to your home screens while the phone is mounted in the vehicle dock.When the phone is docked in a Motorola vehicle mount the phones "Home" button always takes you to the Vehicle Dock software rather than your home screen. In the past that was fine because the Vehcile Dock software provided another way to get to your home screen. Before the Jelly Bean update, when the phone was docked you just tapped the home icon in the lower left corner of the Vehicle Dock application. Now after the Jelly Bean update that home icon has been replaced with a back button. That button now takes you to the last active app rather than the home screen (something you could also do by touching the "recent apps" button).

This works fine to take you to the home screen if that was the last thing you were doing before mounting the phone in the vehicle dock and you haven't started any other app. Once you start doing something like navigating to a location, the back button will just take you to that running app. Is there a way to get to your home screens without removing the phone from the dock? Or, Is there an app that will just take you to your home screen, as if you had touched the phones "home" button? I could add that as one of the 6 apps that can be added to the Vehicle Dock application.

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Motorola RAZR HD Home :: Vehicle Mode Doesn't Work?

Jan 9, 2013

The vehicle mode app stopped working on my Razr HD and I've done a full reset of the phone and it still won't work.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Vehicle Nav Dock - Overheat/Warping?

Jul 13, 2012

So I use the Vehicle Nav Dock a lot. I live in NC, where we've had record heat (6 days straight of 103+ temps) and I leave my dock suction cupped to my windshield. Probably not the smartest idea as now the dock itself is warped and I have to give it a little bit of elbow grease to get it to lock in and connect.It hasn't lost any functionality and I love the new look of the dock and the ability to access any of your apps from the nav screen with the ICS update.

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Motorola Droid Razr HD :: Voice Commands In Vehicle Mode Not Working?

Nov 27, 2012

I'm using a RAZR MAXX HD with the Motorola vehicle dock. I've enabled the Smart Actions for turning on Vehicle Mode when I drop it in the dock, and I like this for the most part. When I get a text message, a popup notifies me that I've received one, and prompts me to "Say listen to hear this message." However, I've only been able to get the damn thing to recognize me saying "listen" once, out of several dozen times this has happened. I don't have an accent (I'm from California) and have a fairly loud voice. Any tricks to getting this to work? I've tried louder, quieter, faster, slower, weird pronunciations, cursing at it... no luck!

I'm pretty certain it's actually picking up me saying "listen" because I see a little popup bubble on the screen saying something like "Waiting for speech" then after I speak it will show "listen listen listen".

For what it's worth, voice input seems to work just fine in any native Google app (search, navigation). It's just the (Moto?) Vehicle Mode ones that hardly ever work.

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Motorola Droid Razr M :: 'Connected To Vehicle Mode' Appeared In Notifications

Sep 18, 2012

I do not have acar dock but, today "Connected to Vehicle Mode" appeared in Notifications.

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Motorola Droid :: Won't Mount On Mac Desktop Via USB

Jul 21, 2011

my original Motorola Droid won't mount on my Mac / OS X desktop via USB. My software on my original Drois says the following:

Android Version: 2.2.2
Kernel Version:
android-build@apa26 #1
Build Number: FRG83G
My mac software is: OS 10.5.8

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Motorola Droid Razr M :: New SD Card Won't Mount?

Jan 14, 2013

I bought 2 new 16 GB Kingston Micro SD HC class 10 cards for the wife's and my RAZR Ms.

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Motorola Motonav :: Spare Mount For 765t?

Sep 8, 2012

I broke the mount to my 765t and wondered if anyone had/knew of a place to get a replacemnt. I have looked at several 'universal' replacements but none work quite aswell as the original.

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Motorola Droid X :: SD Card Does Not Mount After Disconnecting From PC

Aug 19, 2011

I have been having this issue ever siince updating to Gingerbread (and the subsequent fix yesterday). When I disconnect my Droid X from my computer, the SD card does not remount and is greyed out when I go to settings to try and fix it. It also erases any app shortcut that is on the home screens that is housed on the SD card. It worked fine when I had Froyo.

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Motorola Razr :: SD Card Does Not Mount Or Format

Jun 12, 2012

I inserted a new 32gb Sandisk card. I am notified that the SD card is blank or has an unsupported file system. I try to mount the card. It says on top:"Blank SD card". I then press Format SD Card. It says Erase the card .. Ok ..then Erase everything. I turned off the phone ... turned back on but no change.

I have tried to connect via PC Mode etc but the computer finds the card, i.e. gives it a letter, (e:) and I can browse D: (the main phone memory but that's it. Cannot be mounted or formatted.

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Motorola Atrix 4G :: Unable To Un-mount Internal Storage

Jun 27, 2011

I've noticed recently that my Atrix will no longer unmount the internal storage (either when I select it from SD card & phone storage or when the Atrix is mounted via USB as a USB Mass Storage device). I have no issues with unmounting the external SD card.

When I try unmounting it from SD card & phone storage, it looks like it is going to unmount but doesn't and Unmount internal phone storage turns white again.

Could an app somehow be causing a lock on it somehow? Is there a way to find out which apps are utilizing the internal storage?

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Mount Usb Device As A Drive?

Jul 16, 2012

Is there a way to mount a usb thumb drive or an sdcard via usb card reader on the Droid Bionic?

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Motorola Backflip :: Memory Card Wont Mount?

May 24, 2011

I bought a san disk 16 gb memory card about a month ago. It worked fine until i took it out and forgot to umount now my phone says please insert memory card when its inserted. I tried to format on the computer with no sucess.

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Motorola RAZR HD Home :: Mount 32GB Micro SD Card?

Dec 17, 2012

I can't find any aid to mounting my new Patriot SD card. I've tried reinserting the card several times and the phone still doesn't see the storage. It just keeps telling me to remount the card.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Way To Force Mount/reformat MicroSD?

Jul 18, 2012

Yesterday, saw message that Verizon had OTA ICS on my phone...said upgrade would talk 15 minutes and reboot.45 minutes later, all I see is emergency dialer. time to power down and reboot...still just emergency dialer. Called verizon support...after a couple more reboots, tech says do factory reset. This works (although after downloading all my apps during the day, the phone, when rebooted to try to fix the microSD issue, went back into Emergency Dial only mode and I did yet another factory reset...ugggghhh!.)o after perusing the forums, I find that the encryption key is genereated using the MEID (by default, I don't remember which I used when I set the encryption, not that it matters). and is stored on that nice internal storage that gets wiped during the factory reset. So now, the ICS Razr will not mount the microSD card (I am sure, based on the other forums I have visited, that my data is in a better, unusable, place).

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Motorola Xoom Unlocked :: How To Copy Music On Xoom

Oct 2, 2011

So I had music on my xoom but accidently deleted it. I tried going in my computer files to copy and paste songs from my itunes into my folder on xoom called music but says wrong format. I don't know what to do.

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Motorola Xoom :: Connect Xoom To Laptop Dock?

Apr 18, 2011

How can i connect the Xoom to the laptop dock. its telling me it wont recognize

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Motorola Xoom :: Wifi Very Slow Xoom 3G With Update 3.2?

Jan 12, 2012

I bought the device few days ago and on very same day updated to Android ver. 3.2. I use internet over my home Wifi and have a Netgear - WGR614 router. The browsing speed is very very slow and most sites dont open.The signal strength shown in xoom is - (-105 dBm 3 asu).Is this a issue with Android 3.2 update or my home wifi is weak? Would i be able to reset the tab to the original version?

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IPhone :: Wifi Usage Counting As Data Usage

May 25, 2012

My husband and I both have the iPhone 3GS. My husband's phone however will count on the phones data usage 20mb over night while it is charging and on our wifi. it is counting this towards his 3g usage and not wifi. We have already had APPLE reset everything at the store. it is still doing it. so he has to turn off all cellualar data usage at night or it keeps racking up the usage even though it is on our wifi. I plug my phone in at night as well and mine is not doing this

iPhone 3GS, iOS 5.1.1

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Motorola Xoom :: Does Wifi With EAP-TLS Work On Xoom

Apr 16, 2011

Has anyone had any success with using Wifi that required user certificates? I'm trying to get my Xoom to connect to the corporate network (EAP-TLS) and followed the instructions for the IPad and imported my certificated into Android correctly. But when I connect, it hangs at the connecting state for minutes, before finally giving up.

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Motorola Xoom :: Overcharge XOOM On A Dock?

Jul 7, 2011

I would like to buy the XOOM speaker dock and play music from my XOOM on a daily basis.... I'm worried about having it plugged (and charging) in too much and that I might GREATLY reduce the battery life by charging my XOOM too much.

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HTC One M7 :: Using Bluetooth In Vehicle With Pandora

May 17, 2013

how to play songs using bluetooth and pandora? Bluetooth is already connected to my vehicle & the option in pandora bluetooth is also enabled. But when i turn my vehicle on, its plays songs from my "music folder" instead of playing songs from pandora...

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IPhone :: How To Pair Bluetooth On More Than One Vehicle

Apr 23, 2012

Can you pair through bluetooth my phone to more than one vehicle? My new Honda CRV receives text messages. However it says my Iphone 4 CDMA is not compatible. Is there software I need to download to my phone?

iPhone 4

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Motorola Xoom :: Powerpoint App For Non-US Xoom?

Jul 29, 2011

Can anyone recommend an app that will allow me to show .ppt files diretly on the Xoom non-US model? I had an idea it was possible with an app included in US Xooms but not to us outside the USA.

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