I notice that when I go to certain websites, there's a modal popup, telling me if I want to use tapatalk. If I choose OK, market apps open and one can purchase the app.I do have the popup blocker set to enabled and have the the UA string set to Deskto. t's annoying, and you gotta pay for the tapatalk app too. Is there a way to block this pop up from happening?
Xoom tablet with Android 3.2.1 With the Xoom display horizontal, when you touch (click) some links in the browser the screen just goes dim and does nothing. If you then rotate the Xoom to cause it to display in the vertical mode you can then see the popup window and interact with it.Those popup windows are off the bottom of the screen when in horizontal display mode. Because the popup window has taken the focus away from the main page you cannot even scroll the page up to reveal the popup.It just seems like the Xoom browser has dimmed and frozen. An example link is if you do a Google search for a town, say Sheridan WY, and on the search results page touch (click) the result that shows a Google map of the town. The Xoom's browser will dim and nothing will happen. If you rotate the Xoom to vertical you ca then see the popup.
started about 6 hrs ago. when surfing a boxed popup interrupts with the text "sorry. the process com.google.process.gapps haas stopped unexpectedly. please try again". force close or reset.
have to force close to continue what am doing. occurs bout every 5-10 minutes.
after reading the thread about apps running in the background i removed some i don't use, now periodically as im reading a website the whole browser wil just close and i go back to the 'desktop' if thats what its called.
I am coming to the conclusion that the perfect browser for the XOOM does not exist.Dolphin HD seems to be using the same flakey rendering as the stock browser.Skyfire is also using the same flakey engine and I believe that is because Flash won't work with anything else.Opera is extremely stable but won't allow me to post on these forums and they have removed flash support because they cannot make it work right.
With browser update or maybe iGoogle the address bar is gone and I can't figure out how to get it back?? I don't want to have to search for web addresses I know?Now the whole top portion of the browser is gone?
I have been trying out different types of internet browsers: the native version, opera, firefox, dolphin and skyfire.Reason being is because I am investigating the cause of the random reboots my device is facing.I've tried to reduce all settings: No bluetooth, removed syncing, no location information.Now the device is able to do most basic things and not experiencing any reboots. However as soon as I start web surfing it's just a matter of minutes before the whole tablet crashes.What web browser do you think (or know) will provide the most stable experience for the xoom 2?
I didn't mean that your reply is toward me. I just show you an example that customers here know how to help each other, even when someone like me made a mistake, drlmiles can kindly stop me.
So, we customers know how to control the environment. We all have same goal to have a good mobile experience around Motorola.com as you wished.
I have a 3G Verizon Xoom on 3.1. I've noticed an issue since I got the tablet a few months ago; every once in a while, when opening a URL from outside the browser, the screen will flicker, like the connection to the LCD has gone bad. It is corrected by tilting the tablet to change the orientation from landscape to portrait, and then everything is fine. The issue only happens when opening the browser from inside another app - by clicking on a link in the gmail app, for instance.
Every morning the Dolphin browser pops up a message about backing up bookmarks to the SD card and asks if I want to have a try. It mentions backing up to the SD card and since there is no SD card in the Xoom ( although they call memory SD card ), are they talking about backing up to an actual SD card or are they referring to what shows in the Xoom as sdcard?
I'm a web developer wanting to debug web pages inside the Xoom web browser.I have a particular issue in which I have a page with a number of <select> lists, the first two lists allow me to choose values but the remaining lists do not - even though I know the lists contain values. I'm guessing that this could be a WebKit bug but am hoping there are some simple debug tools to assist me, similar to Google Chrome, but I have no idea where to find them. about:debug doesn't help much and view-source: doesn't work.
Have tried using Opera Mobile browser and the lists works without a problem and have tried Firefox but this was too buggy to test. Dolphin seems to exhibit the same issues as the default Xoom browser so I'm gessing it uses the same version of WebKit.Getting this working is a crucial part of my system and I do not want to recommend that the customer use iPads to get the most reliable web functionality. So, are there any debugging tools for web pages available on the Xoom?
Why does my browser keep force closing. It doesnt happen all the time but when it does, its so annoying because it doesnt show the last page I was on, ughhhhhh its so annoying.
Is anyone else having issues with any (even aftermarket) browsers closing / force closing randomly and CONSTANTLY? Ever since the 3.1 update I can't use any browser because it just closes out. The stock browser doesn't show a forced close dialog after, but the aftermarket ones do. I could definitely use a hand in figuring this out so my tablet isn't almost uselss.
Wanting to try a new browser, the makers of Dolphin HD Browser, have now made a tablet specific browser called Dolphin Pad... at first glance, it looks pretty nice, IMO.But it crashes sometimes
Is there a setting in the browser that I am missing, or is this a known limitation of the current version of the browser? Is this something that Moto/Google have plans to fix, or is it the website I'm visiting that doesn't yet recognize my device?
I've been trying to listen to an Internet radio in one tab and reading newspapers in another tab to no avail. This happen in the Chrome browser as well as in the Dolphin HD (latest version). Only one tab is on and the other goes off in the background. Desktops have no problem dealing with this kind of multitasking. Is there a way to make the Xoom support tab multitasking?
I keep getting the browser just crashing to desktop? cleared cache etc but it just crashes and also slows down when using the xoom for more than a few hours.
today and yesterday my browser has started to act wierd. i did clear my data and cache, but just seeing if there is anything else that anyone would recommend.
We recently bought a Xoom, to explorer how it would integrate with our IT systems, and we experience problems with the Browser application, when trying to connect to our intranet website.The website resides on Microsoft IIS7.5 and uses SSL, and allows for basic authentication.This works fine for Android telephones and Ipads as well, but the Xoom browser will ask for credentials over and over again.
I've asked the problem to Motorola before, but no valuable answer. Now I am not asking Motorola, but the owners, because who know more about it than owners? That's the sprit of this forum.Look, they just do nothing but giving link to their store product and accessories on top of this page.Now I would like to know if the issue happen on all versions of XOOM, the word 'version' here I meanWifi or 3G3.01, 3.1 or 3.2region of the the devices
Xoom v1. I have a folder which contains a virtual tour that I want to be able to run on the Xoom. I can find the appropraite .html file in the basic Files app which starts by showing me a choice of internal storage or SD card. on internal storage it happens to be in download. when I select the file I have gthe choice of "complete action using" and a choice of Android HTML viewer, or file editor. I want it to run using the browser. If I start the browser and (laboriously) type in the entire url /mnt/sdcard/download/virtualtour......
I was wondering whether anyone has tried to use skydrive on Xoom, I have tried the stock browser and Dolphin HD, am not able to edit MS word documents, the keyboard doesn't toggle.
Yesterday, my Xoom has started to really slow down - on occasion. I will touch a button on the screen and nothing will happen for maybe ten seconds, and then it will do the task. Then after this goes on for a few minutes without it getting better, a window will pop up on the screen saying:
Sorry Activity Browser (in application browser) is not responding Force Close Wait Report
This not only happens when browsing, but also when working in some apps. In that case, the above screen will mention the app, not the browser. At this point, sometimes I can't even turn off the Xoom. If I just let it sit, it will "clear" itself and start working again. For the record, I haven't added any apps in the past week and the AVG virus program says all is well.
There doesn't seem to be any way I can see to clear the downloads list in the browser? It appears the only way to do it is to delete or move the file then go to the downloads list and try to open it. When the Browser can't find it, it will ask to delete the link.
i have a xoom that i got today and am totally in love with it.... or was until an hour ago! i've tried to watch embedded videos (ranging from 8-35 minutes long) from multiple sources (my schools website, Internet.com, etc) and every single time it starts playing great and i can see the buffering indicator moving along until it gets about 1/3 complete and then it stops. suddenly the buffer indicator jumps to the end and the video plays until it reached the point in which it stopped earlier. at that point the video ends and gives me the "replay" option. i've factory data reset the device already, tried watching long videos through the Internet app (that works perfectly), and uninstalled and reinstalled adobe flash 10.3.
No matter if I've just rebooted my xoom or if It's been on for a while, whenever I decide to suft the web using the stock browser I have the ability to for maybe 5-10 minutes and then it will just randomly crash and I have to open it again. I'm not doing anything that could be considered memory or processor intensive.