Motorola Smartactions :: Doesn't Activate On Time Interval

Mar 1, 2012

i tried to create an activity that in a time interval (between 20:00-21:00) to send a SMS to a freind but it doesn't work.

if i am creating the activity without the time and only with wifi then the SMS is sent.

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Motorola Smartactions :: Smart Actions App Ignoring Time Setting?

Mar 12, 2012

i have the motorola razr uk version but my smart cations app wont activate / deactivate the profile when it should, im having to do it manually. its version 1.0

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Motorola Smartactions :: Smart Actions: Only Recognizes Time And Not Date?

Nov 13, 2011

if you set something to happen on a certain Day between a certain time the phone just ignores the fact that it's the wrong day to perform that action and just looks at the time ?

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Motorola Smartactions :: Background Sync Doesn't Work

Mar 21, 2012

It doesn't seem to properly work with background sync. I have an action set up so that when I plug it in to charge my phone, it is supposed to turn background sync and wifi on. The wifi comes on, but the sync does not. I have to manually turn it on.

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Motorola Smartactions :: The Location Setting In It Doesn't Seem To Work When The Display Is Off

Nov 18, 2011

The location setting in smart actions doesn't seem to work when the display is off.I have set the phone to turn off bluetooth when I am at home or work. If the display is on, it works fine, but if the display is off, the smart action is not triggered. The smart action doesn't start or end if the display is off, it just stays in the mode it was in when the display was last on.I had a smart action that turned off a few things when the display is off, but I disabled that smart action and I still had the issue of the location based smart actions not triggering.

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Nokia :: 5800 - Define Time Interval For Camera Sequence Mode?

Jan 20, 2010

I want to use the 'sequence' image capture mode of the camera to take images at a defined time interval. If I use the sequence mode the 5800 camera shoots a series of photos fast. I want to adjust this time interval. The Nokia 5800 user manual says that this is possible by selecting the desired time interval.

However I am not seeing any such option for adjusting the time interval in the settings! Has anyone used this functionality? How do I set the time interval between sequenced image captures?

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Sony Ericsson :: W880 - Change Interval Time On Snooze Function

Aug 21, 2010

How do I change the interval time on the snooze function, when in alarm mode. It goes off e 9 mins, and I want it to go off every 5 mins. When I got the hone it started off with 5 mins, then automatically changed to 7 mins, and now 9 mins. I cannot find where to change it.

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Motorola Droid X :: Notice That When Using Factory Widgets For The Time And Weather That The Time Doesn't Update?

Jun 4, 2011

Anyone notice that when using Factory widgets for the time and weather that the time doesn't update? It work fine before GB. I uninstalled it and then tried the moto and Verizon widgets the work fine.

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Motorola :: MotoCast Doesn't Activate When Plugged In

Apr 22, 2012

motocast will not activate when i plug my phone (atrix) into my laptop to transfer files,photos,music ect) is there something that i have to do other than loading the motocast program?

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Motorola Motoactv :: Interval Timer Feature?

Jan 18, 2013

I'm looking into buying a MotoActv but I can't get a clear answer from the product documentation is this device has an interval timer.uite simply, I want to set a time period (45 seconds) which counts down, sends a notification through the headphone (beep!) and rautomatically esets the timer and continues counting down.This seems pretty simple and there are some references to it but I'm hoping to get a straight yes/no before I buy. (Secondarly, if anyone has info about a version two coming down the line I'd love to hear about that as well - this seems like a great device and after spending the last week looking at EVERYTHING I can say it's an underserved market - just ready for a version 2 to really bring it home).

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Motorola Motoactv :: How To Setup Interval Training

Dec 14, 2011

How to setup the interval training? This is what I'm trying to do total 6 mile run starting with 1 mile or so easy run. 3x1600w/800 cool down in between 1 mile or so easy ending run. How can I set this up or something similar.

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Motorola Motoactv :: Portal: Bug When Viewing Interval Info?

Dec 21, 2011

I noticed today an error on the portal when viewing Intervals. I was follwing a Carmichael run and so I tap the screen to start my first interval after I have warmend up.The portal is correctly showing my 4 High, and 4 Low intervals, and the duration is correct. What isn't correct is when I click on the first interval, it's starting from the time I started the run. Not from the time the interval started. Therefore, when viewing the graph info for that intevarl, it's looking at the wrong section of the graph.Basically, the portal needs to know what time into your workout the first interval started and use that as the offset for displaying the interval data on the graph.

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Motorola Motoactv :: Portal Error When Defining Interval

May 1, 2012

I'm trying to enter a simple ladder (0,8km speed + 3min jog + 1 km speed + 3km jog + 1,2 km speed + 3 min jog, going down to 0.8). Simple enough, 5 activities, each an interval workout, one set, High based on distance, low based on time.

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Motorola Motoactv :: Interval Sessions Don't Auto-skip To Next Plan

Jan 25, 2012

The unit doesnt tell you that you have finished a stage of your multi run

You need to pause then start the next session Then just the final kick in the nuts it doesnt tell you when to speed up or slow down like the Garmin does.

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Motorola Motoactv :: Pace Zones Not Saving In Interval Workout?

Mar 15, 2012

I have 4 zones setup in my pace zones: rest, walk, run, sprint.

I am trying to setup walk / run intervals at 2 minutes at my "walk" pace zone and 2 minutes at my "run" pace zone.

In the workout planner I am able to select the appropriate pace zone when setting up my interval workout, but the pace zone that I selected is not saved. I click save and re-enter the workout plan and the zones are defaulted back to my first zone of "rest."

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Motorola Motoactv :: Cycling Workout - Lap / Interval Speed Does Not Correlate

May 14, 2012

I have noticed that the average speed reported per lap/interval does not correlate with the graph. For example, I did an interval workout on my bike recently. As you can see from the image below, my average speed for interval 5 was 32.99 km/hr. I know this to be correct, because I was trying to keep my fast intervals at +30 km/hr, and could see this on my watch during the workout. However, as you can see, the graph seems to be displaying an average speed of around 13 km/hr, and shows that my speed never went about 20 km/hr.

This problem is happening for me on all of my cycling workouts, whether or not I have a scheduled interval routine or just autolap for 1km. For some of the intervals (maybe 5-10 %), the graph seems to be consistent with the average speed for the interval, but for the majority of intervals it is all messed up. I'm using the 8GB version with the latest software update. My .csv for the workout is also attached.

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Motorola Motoactv :: Increase Number Of Sets Allowed In An Interval Workout?

Mar 15, 2012

Currently there is a maximum of 20 sets allowed to be set for an interval workout.increase this to something higher? 50, 100, infinite? I use the Galloway walk/run method and 20 sets doesn't get me very far when doing short walk/run intervals. I want to use this for a half marathon.

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Motorola Droid Turbo :: Any Way To Change Interval That Screen Wakes Up To Show Received Notifications

Oct 22, 2015

Any way to change the interval that the screen wakes up to show you what notifications you have? I really don't need a reminder every 10 seconds.

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Motorola Droid X :: Phone Is NOT Running Any Type Of Automatic / Interval Task Killer / Virus Scanner

Oct 25, 2011

Have a Droid X which will randomly drain its battery in an hour or two due to the com. motorola.blur.service.main consuming 100% of the CPU.I am unable to determine any trigger for this event.On most occasions my only warning of this occurring is that the phone will become very hot due to the CPU load.This event will typically occur every day or every other day.This behavior has occurred with all versions of Gingerbread.It behaved properly on Froyo and Eclair.The first occurrence of this behavior coincided with the original Gingerbread update.Phone is and always has been running a complete stock OS (not rooted).The phone is in perfect condition with no physical damage of any kind.

The process in question and coincidental rapid loss of battery capacity has been verified via SystemPanel.This phone is NOT running any type of automatic/interval task killer, virus scanner, or any other snake-oil type battery improvement software.(SystemPanel is not an automatic task killer, it is simply recording per-process CPU consumption/battery drain at 15 minute intervals).The phone is used almost exclusively for business-related tasks, i.e., as a phone, for email, calendaring, and occasional web browsing.

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Motorola Smartactions :: Can SA Be Triggered By An App

Mar 8, 2012

I am wondering if when I start an app if that can be a trigger in SA. For instance, when I use My Tracks I would like SA to shut off the wifi.

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IPhone :: Cannot Activate Face Time

May 7, 2012

I cannot activate Face Time. Currently i am using tata docomo carrier.

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1, User State: India

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Motorola Smartactions :: Cannot Set Location Trigger

Jul 3, 2012

After upgrading to ICS and being forced to do a FDR, I eventuallly realized my Smart Actions were no longer woking properly. I deleted them and was adding them back one by one. The ones that are not location-based work okay but I cannot actually get a location trigger to save. I press on Location, it shows me my one location I have set up right now, I select that one, press done to go back out to the smart action page, but the location value is not set. I tried clearing the cache, system and app, already but nothing changed.

I just realized I can set a location if I am not editing a sample action. Starting with a blank rule, it works but I still hae so save the action and then save the trigger.

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Motorola Smartactions :: Send An Email From It?

Jul 11, 2012

Is there way to send myself an email if I miss a phone call?When I'm at home my razr max is hooked into my housephones with xlink. Both the cell phone and xlink are located in a closet. Every once in a while a call doesn't go through to my house phone or answering machine - just my cell and I end up not know about the call for quite a while. I always have email turned on so I thought having my cell phone email about the missed call would be a good way to be notified. I tried texting to my gmail acct but smart action is looking for a phone number to send the text to.

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Motorola Smartactions :: VIP Caller Not Working?

May 14, 2012

I very recently purchased the RAZR MAXX after much research and reading regarding the phone, battery life (of course), and the Smart Actions feature. Thinking that I can downsize from two smartphones into one. Unfortunately, this is not going as well as planned.I am a small business owner and needing the ability to silence the ringer on incoming calls; except for those from certain contacts that I need to be audible after-hours...I've gone into Smart Actions and done the following:Create a new rule "from scratch" named "After Hours"The only trigger is "Timeframe" and specified as the following:

Mon, Tue, Wed & Thu from 8pm until 8am.Fri from 1pm until 11:59pm.Weekends: Sat & Sun (all day)Actions are specified as the following:Ringer Volume is specified as "Silent"VIP Caller Mode: and the specified contacts I wish to activate an audible ringer during the specified times listed during the timeframe trigger are in this list. Ringer volume is set to MAX and the vibrate option is selected/active.The rule has been successfully saved and is showing as being active as we are currently in the time specified for this rule to trigger.Now the heart of the issue: After receiving a call from a number that is not on the VIP list, my RAZR MAXX will no longer sound an audible ring on ANY incoming calls until the "After Hours" rule timeframe has passed. This is including calls from individuals that ARE in fact, in the VIP caller list...

My personal mobile is in the VIP caller list as a way for me to test the audible ringer. A test call from my mobile phone does activate an audible ringer and the phone vibrates.Now, if I receive a call from a business customer while the After Hours rule is activated, of course the phone does not ring nor vibrate. The phone only lights up for the duration of the ring time until the caller is sent to voicemail.After receiving the call from the business customer, I placed a test call from my personal smartphone. Incoming calls from this my personal mobile WOULD trigger an audible ringer previous to receiving a call from a number that was NOT on the VIP list. Now, the phone remains silent, no vibrate alert, no audible ringer. The phone only illuminates until the call is routed to voicemail.

I've tried basic troubleshooting: uninstall updates and reinstall updates for the Smart App. Have deleted and recreated the Smart App rules. Restarted the phone. Nothing seems to work...Could someone please give me a clue as to what may be the "smoking gun" for this. A quick search of the web features others that had mentioned the same issue with their handsets but no real resolution to this problem. And, I really would like to be able to use this feature of the new device, otherwise I just purchased a new $300 phone to carry around beside my Droid X. In that case, I may as well just return the MAXX and return to my previous Droid X.

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Motorola Smartactions :: How To Toggle Notification LED

Jan 3, 2013

SmartActions: How do I toggle notification LED?

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Motorola Smartactions :: Can't Change Settings

Jan 8, 2013

I have a Atrix HD. The app used to mostly work, now I'm having major issues. Everytime I try to change any setting, the app crashes and I just get a message "Unforunately, SmartActions has stopped."

There a fix for this so that I can make changes or this app is no longer supported?

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Motorola Smartactions :: Caller ID To Bluetooth Only

Jan 7, 2013

I have set up the SmartActions app with the Caller ID option set up for phone calls only, no text messages. I have the Motorola RAZR MAXX HD paired with a Motorola H720 Bluetooth headset. Is there a setting that directs the announcement of an incoming call to the Bluetooth device only? I don't want to announce to the world that I have a call coming in via my phone speaker.

If my Bluetooth is turned off, I would expect the audio to be directed to the phone speaker. But if my Bletooth is on and active, shouldn't the announcement go to the Bluetooth?

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Motorola Smartactions :: Turn To 3G When Screen Is Off?

Jan 25, 2012

I want to create a rule to set the phone to ONLY 3G when the display is off, saving battery. If I'm not using the phone, I have patience. I'm less patient when using the phone and want 4G.

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Motorola Smartactions :: Smart Action To Turn On/off LTE?

Jun 19, 2012

Is there any talk on including a new action to turn off/on LTE? Turning LTE off automatically when battery is low can really help save on battery power.

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Motorola Smartactions :: Way To Restore Battery Extender

Nov 30, 2011

AccideDntly deleted the Battery Extender option in the Smart Actions application.

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Motorola Smartactions :: Driving Triggers Does Not Work

Jul 15, 2012

Am trying to set up driving triggers on SA but nothing seems to work. Would like Pandora (and/or Google Nav) to come on when the phone BT connects with my motorola handsfree carkit and tunelink. I have wifi and gps locations settings turned on. Tried disabling all other SA settings (work, home, sleep SAs work great) with just the driving SA enabled but no joy on all counts. D Razr Maxx.

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