I used to use EVO 3D, and had touch screen problems. So I just changed the Photon. I got a problem with the 4G (wimax) connection speed. I used the speedtest app to test the speed and my speed kept falling in the 2xx range, while I have 2 or 3 bar signal. This even happened during the mid night. It is even slower than my 3G ev-do rev.A.By the way, how can I reset the radio? I used to be able to do it with ##3282# on the EVO 3D. However, I can't find it on the Photon.
download on messages with pictures, i.e. 30kb in content, are extremely slow, takes over an hour, getting MMS configuration messages when attempting to send pictures. how to modify or re-set MMS speed or linkage?
My phone is always changing the signal quality on it. The top of the information area will turn from green to grey to nothing over and over again. If i place or receive a call within a few minutes it drops with no record of the call. The internet is the same i will have 4g service and then it will crawl. I have to keep the phone still to maintain the signal. if i even move my hand the signal is gone.I know it is not sprint cause my wife has a diffent phone and it works perfectly she is chatting away on it all day never had a signal issue. went the spint salesman and he didnt understand why it was doing that. It dropped a call right in the store.I am on the sprint network, I have updated my profile and all the updates are complete. All the salesman suggested is that I do a factory reset and lose everything on the phone. I dont want to lose some games i paid for. If i have to do the reset is there a way to backup my games and how would i reteive them?
I felt like there was no difference with the speed of the ip4 than my 3gs. I gave my 3gs to my daughter and the other night she needed to me get her signed up for netflix. There is a significant difference. I thought she had did something to cause the speed to slow down so I restored her phone It was a little faster but not like my ip4. She doesn't have the jailbreak because for some reason I can't jailbreak her phone. I do have the jailbreak and even though I notice a slight lag it is still faster at opening apps than the 3gs. I knew there was a difference in the display but I didn't realize it was so big of a difference. I sometimes wonder did I just jump on board with buying the ip4 because besides the hardware it wasn't that big of a difference. But now I see there is a huge difference. The 3gs is a great phone but the ip4 is a much better phone. It is smoother and definitely faster and you can't beat the retina display. And by the way I never had any problems with the antenna because I immediately put my phone in a case for protection even before I heard about atennagate and I always use a bluetooth or headset for my phone so if I have the issue with the ps I never noticed.
I have been using BB torch 9800 from last one year . From last 3 days i have been getting very slow speed of my cell & the battery is also discharging very fast. I had backed up my phone thru sofware 7 removed the videos/Snaps. Still there is no improvement in the speed. Also i have not installed any new theam/apps on my cell. whatever the theme was there at the time of purches i am running on the same. Even the empty space of memory is 4.00GB on memory card.Also how to update the basic files which comes with the phone at the time of purchase? As i do not know how to update that.
Per the wifispeedtest, I have a signal strength of between 74 and 86%. Per a signal strength meter on my phone I have a signal of about -84 which to me is not that bad. I have a wilson signal booster in my house. It is approximately 30 feet from my computer and the phone itself is right there with the booster. I seem to get better service with it there. However, connection is slow and sometimes just goes away. I get 4g in and out where I live but it is spotty.Seems to me with such a signal, I should have better connection. Should I?
So is it possible to shoot slow speed video with the G4? I don't see an option to do this in the default camera app, so I'm wondering if another app can do this or is the hardware just not able to do it?
A couple months ago I've noticed slow WiFi download speeds which makes it impossible to watch YouTube in hd. Laptop's speeds are fine so I don't think its the router (both 2.4ghz).
my iPhone 3Gs (White) seems to take ages to laod anything that i am trying to use on it, especially whilst a music playlist is on shuffle, after each song, it takes roughly 30 seconds for the song to start playing (which is very tedious after a while).
Is there anyway I could speed up the processing speed of my phone? and is there a hardware upgrade i could get such as get an a4 processing chip installed into it?
My download speed on my 8520 curve has dropped dramatically over the past few weeks and has gotten to the point where I'm getting in the region of 1 to 2 kb/s and therefore all downloads are failing.
I am observing that when I touch on screen on camera mode to take picture, it first flashes and zooms a bit and take picture.By the time it does all the actual posture is going away because of slowness. I used to observe this in other brand phones and really hard to digest in xperia neo it is happening.Is this correct behavior ? or anything can be done. Irrespective of flash light, there is couple of seconds delay while taking picture.
I've been experiencing slow download speeds (from over 100Kb/s to 6Kb/s) I've cleared cache, and upgraded my OS, from OS 5 to OS 6. I've also called customer care and went to a local vodashop, which is when I was told to upgrade.
i recently got a new nokia x3-01, the phone becames so slow in 7days, the menu takes a min to turn up.Even the basic operations take long duration.i need to switch off and later switch on then the speed is quite better.But the cell phone has seriously disappointed me.My prevoius nokia 6233 even after being used for 3years works better.i feel i wasted my money
I am using blackberry curve 9320. I used bb internet for 3 months till then I got an awesome downloading speed of 350 kB/sec. But after that the downloading speed becomes very very slow about 9-10 kB/sec.
The wireless internet speeds on my 32GB iPhone 3GS are painfully slow.I have an Airport Extreme router and my MacBook Pro and iPad are both great. Here are averages from 10x Speedtest.net (or their app) runs:
When I ran the speed tests, each device was the only one operating on the wireless network at the time. I also tried 2 other speedtest apps on my iPhone and they produced similar results.Do you think Apple will replace my iPhone, or will they just tell me it's operating normally and to deal with it?
Even if I select "high" sensitivity for optical navi key, it is too slow for me. I can only move 2 icons once a time. I think it is too slow compared to "blackberry"s trackpad. I have to touch too many times for moving long distances especially browsing web. It's sensitivity should be increased or there should be more sensitivity levels. The difference between 3 sensitivity levels does not differ so much.
Maybe my optical navi key is malfunctioned? Can you comment your experiences with optical navi key?
I was downloading an app when a screen message told me to restart to continue installation. I pressed the Off button but now, despite pressing the start button, the phone will not come alive, although it was recently charged. There is just a black screen and the small red light flashes occasionally.
What has happened to my slo Mo?? I can record video and it says slo Mo but when I go to watch it is just standard speed. Same with previously saved slow motion videos.
I am consistently disgusted on how dumb the focus on the 808 is. I have countless photos where everything on screen is blurred out even with focus light on and Human faces detected by the actual camera. Sometimes I have to touch focus 3 times to get a non retarded full screen photo. And consistently the shutter speed is too slow for clear photos. This is all on default automatic mode.
White 808 Pureview NAMBlack N8 NAMSilver N95-3 NAM
Any good app to speed up Internet access on Galaxy S2 running ICS. Wifi connection is fine, it's when I am connected via 3G that speed drops and applications such as facebook takes a long time to open and sometimes I encounter timeout errors. For a phone with such a fast processor this is a little bit disappointing. My question therefore is there an app that can run in the background to speed the 3g connection up?
I use my 9700 as my IP modem on T-Mobile and have been for a few months. Lately my download speeds seem to have been slowing. Is there anything that I can do, either to my laptop or my BB to speed things up? Eve Radio has begun to stop/start.
Noticed very slow WiFi post the 5.1 update? I have done several speed tests and am getting under 1 mbps. My laptop and desktop both on the same wireless connection are pulling over 8 mbps.
I'm trying to stream video from my Galaxy S6 through my a Roku and the buffering speed is terrible even at a lower speed movie. I have 50 Gig download speed from my IP so tests nit my issue.
I have a Blackberry 9300 which normally downloads at ~120kb/s, but during the last two weeks it doesn't want to go faster that 5kb/s. I've already tried the battery pull, I am in a 3G capable zone and all my bars are full.