Motorola Droid X2 :: Missed Calls Showing Up After Reboot?
Jul 10, 2011
For some reason after I reboot the last missed call always shows as missed even though it was cleared when it was received. It seems to do that with facebook as well.
after all this time I finally have a small issue. All of a sudden my phone will not log my missed calls. No issues with out going calls. Just the incoming
If it's there, I can't find it! Does anyone know if there is a reminder setting in the Bionic for missed calls, received calls, voice mail, or text reminders? I found one on the Andriod Apps store called Easy Reminder but I was hoping that there would be one already in the phone.
upgraded from barrage to bionic :) With barrage you could set missed call or text alerts via sound settings>alert sounds. We can't find this on Bionic.
Recently, over the last several weeks, my Turbo isn't receiving phone calls. I'll get missed calls and/or voicemails without a single ring. I've checked my ringer settings, looked deeper into notification settings and it still happens. I looked into the Moto assist app too to see if I was in drive mode and haven't noticed a change.
I just purchased a Droid Razr M and can not find out how to set the notification alert for messages and missed calls. I want to set the alert and have it remind me every two minutes of so that I have new messages and or missed calls. This is how my old phones used to work... I would get an audible alert every 2 minutes until I viewed the messge, etc.
I had a RAZR that failed and I replaced it with something else. (don't ask) Now I want to consider a Droid 4, but I can't remember if the RAZR had a notification LED for missed calls & messages but the real question is does the Droid 4 have a notification LED? This is important to me, as I need to keep my phone on silent a lot of the time, and the flashing LED is about the only way I know if I've missed a call (without waking the screen.)
For some reason my phone is all of a sudden sending auto texts out to people when I don't pick up the call.
I just noticed it started yesterday. On my phone settings I don't have auto reject as an option. I have the quick responses but that is just where to edit them.
I'm not sure why, but some missed calls are not going to the call log. I dismissed the missed calls from the notification, and then went to check it in in the call log and it wasn't there.
Are there any settings I need to change to see all missed calls?
For some odd reason missed calls are not showing on my call log.And for reference I have done the following:
- Checked and searched forums / the web
- Did a battery pull
- Checked application memory, standing strong at 85 MB
- Memory card has 1.8GB As well
- Cleared browser history and other memory 'stuff' just for the sake of it
The problem is old Missed calls are showing, but the new ones aren't. I haven't got the slightest clue why really, and I'm hoping someone here can help me out.
I miss a call. I get the notification and dismiss it.
If I go to the Phone app, under Recent I see all my other calls - incoming, outgoing, and rejected. But it doesn't show me my missed calls. So once I dismiss the notification I have no record of the missed call.
I have somehow set my message box to only show missed calls & I can't get it back to showing all messages?I have looked in messages options - inbox management & Desktop is ticked as well as text messages. I also in 'phone', options, call logs and lists, changed 'Show These Call Log Types in Message List' to None & it still only shows Missed Call as the title & shows the list. I looked in the long on-line manual but it didn't help. Also I tried View Folder to select different mail folders from my desk based Outlook list but still the display is stuck...
Whenever my screen shuts off, my 3g and network indicators turn from blue to grey. At times, this causes calls to go straight to voicemail and I wont receive text or other notifications until I turn the screen back on and wait for indicators to turn blue.
How do you change the missed call notification? I have a song set for my ringtone and when I miss a call it plays the full song and won't stop. I've had to reboot the phone to make it quit.
I have been having problems receiving/sending text messages since I got my Droid Razr in January 2012. I ramdonly don't receive all of my text messages or the ones that I sent out....I never had this problem with any of my previous DROID phones. I got my phone replaced twice, sim card, factory reset, etc....still having the same issue. My data connectivity keeps dropping as well. Has anyone else experience this same issue with this particular phone.
iPhone 4 (iOS 7.1) -- Found 4 Face time calls listed as missed, but I never received any audible alert that a call was attempted When I discovered the missed calls, had my husband call me on Face Time and it rang through properly. The 4 missed calls were all from my daughter, who is listed in my contacts; all came in one after the other (not at different times).
My 920I Galaxy S6 has stopped receiving calls, either if I am using the phone or it is locked I won't receive any call, I have to restart my phone to get the messages of missed calls and call them back. I tried many different modems, bootloader, roms and firmwares and nothing has worked. Also, I tried both on WIFI and 3G/4G and it doesn't work.
The music won't play on my Droid X, running Android version 2.3.4, and I will recieve an errror message saying, "sorry the player does not support this type of audio file." Custom ringtone stop working, music & video won't play, custom alarms do not ring, etc., until after a reboot. Sometimes it will happen a few times a day and sometimes it won't happen for a few days.
When I play sounds using iBird on my Droid X, the system reboots (goes back to the eyeball screen) after about 4 to 5 minutes, each and every time. I've tried airplane mode, turning off screen rotate feature, turning off data delivery, turning down the volume and nothing seems to correct this. I have about 6 GB free on my system.
Had a quick reboot occur spontaneously. Since then the LED is steady green. When the phone sleeps it's still there but dim. When turned on it comes back on full brightness. How to rid this short of a full shutdown / restart?
Ran the OTA on a non rooted X and when it tries to reboot it dies as soon as the home screen comes up and reboots and repeats until I pull the battery.