Motorola Droid X :: Fixed Camera, Audio Codecs, Shutdown?
Aug 25, 2011
read closely, looks like thay are working on yet another build of gingerbread for us....could it be true, i guess we will not get confirmation..but its nice to see it from a VZW emp... those who pray, do it, those that dont, chant or something that we get a fix to the fix to the fix....oh, and that its the current GB version 2.3.5, fixed camera, audio codecs, shutdown (maybe) issues, 00:00, and so on and so forth, sprinkled with a heaping tub of unlocked bootloader stuff... remember this comment and promise
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Nov 15, 2011
Has anyone had a lot of luck with Zumocast on the Bionic playing differenct CODECS? I seems to work awesome but has some CODEC limitations, is there any way to use another video player other then the default Android one (which it appears to be utilizing)?
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May 16, 2012
I waited to purchase a tablet for 2 years, waiting for what I felt would be the perfect tablet. I researched for those 2 years and finally the XY Board came out! I was thrilled. I told my husband and he purchased it for me [10.1] 32gb for Christmas- through Verizon. I was a little upset that ICS was not on it yet but "it was coming soon". It took me a little time to figure out how to set it up exactly how I liked it but it was worth it. Then I started to notice a few issues: It was very difficult to turn on and off - that button in the back is a pain - but it is what it is It "froze" at first just once in a while but as time went on almost 3-6 times a week. It had a hard time staying connected to my INTERNET connection, now considering I have other computers, TV's that use the same Comcast INTERNET I assume my router and wifi are OK since they do not have issues. I could never get the MOTOPRINT to work, one of the reasons I wanted this tablet, so I just purchased a new printer that should work better with it, we'll see. But right now I cannot because I was having some problems charging. Sometimes I would get a message saying that I needed to use the cord that came with the tablet or it would charge slower [only plug I had was the one that came with it so I had no idea what it was talking about]. Finally it stopped charging so now I cannot turn it on at all
So I went to Verizon and I was told they would send a board for me to use to and I was to use that box to send back my tablet,it would be about 5 business days till I got the box. It was a holiday and I figured it would be longer. To shorten this part-I was given wrong info. they do not give replacement tablets when they are fixing them so I am out my tablet while it is being fixed, What I'm worried about is the fact that that I have pictures on that tablet that I have not moved over, Apps that I have not backed up, music I downloaded from other than Google and Amazon, which I purchased - So there is a good chance I will lose everything. I am not a happy camper. I looked up every problem and did all the fixes as they were available - but I can't fix this.
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Mar 24, 2010
Good news finally, the newest version of Vlingo (4.5 with SafeReader) appears to have fixed the audio bug where the audio jumps when the next track is played (either on Pandora, Slacker, default media player). I have tested this out and so far the bug appears to be fixed - at least for me.
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Nov 3, 2011
My Bionic just shutdown on its own. Had to pull battery to get it to restart.
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Feb 28, 2012
I've had two Razr's behave the same, whenever audio plays, especially using the headphone jack and external speakers, one can hear an audiable click or pop just before and after the audio plays. This happens with Pandora, Rhapsody, and Google Navigator. I haven't tested other audio based apps yet.Verizon and Motorola say they've not heard of this issue, so I'm wondering how many other Razr owners have noticed this pop? Hearing such noises as the audio turns on and off is not acceptable quality for a Motorola branded phone.I don't know enough about how the Android OS works, but I'm thinking there are two possible causes. First, as different apps access the audio hardware the internal electronics of the phone produce an audible pop as the circuits power up and down. Alternatively, the Android OS may be probing the headpone jack trying to determine if it's connected to external speakers. I've noticed that the pop gets louder as the phone approaches 100% charge.
With a 90% charge or better I've even had the audio output go quiet if the headset cable is moved, even though the audio application shows audio is playing. I know that removing the headset cable will pause the player, but in this case hitting play starts the player and it shows progress, but no audio is heard.
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Nov 9, 2011
I've been using my Moto Droid, running Android 2.2.2 for some time now. Up until recently, I've been able to use it to listen to Pandora and mp3s loaded onto the phone. Now, any time I plug a set of headphones into the audio jack, the audio is really distorted. It sounds like a channel is out or something, and this happens across all volume levels. It pretty much sounds like you're listening to music underwater. Doesn't matter if it's streaming adio through Pandora or mp3 audio. When I unplug the headset (any headset, mind you) and go to external speaker, the audio is fine.
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Nov 24, 2011
Intermittent issue with my phone: I shut it off, and five minutes later it reboots itself.
If I then shut it off a second time, it stays off. This happens infrequently, maybe 3-4 times since I got the phone on 11/11/11.
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Jun 23, 2011
what codecs do u use to play different formats on your xoom?for example I am not able to play that "Apple vs android debate" from previous page
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Sep 22, 2011
I've had something new start happening to my phone. In both instances, I was streaming music (Pandora), with the phone not plugged into the charger (usb to computer) like I normally do. When the phone battery was starting to get low, (about 40%), the phone shuts completely off. When this happens, the phone doesn't respond to the power button right away, it takes 2-3 minutes and/or a battery pull to get it to boot up again. Anyone else dealt with this or seen this?
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Nov 29, 2011
Twice in the 5 days I have owned my Razr it has unexpectedly shut down and will not restart until I plug it into a charger.I only have the default "low battery saver" smart action set up and each time this happened the battery was at 75% or more.
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Nov 29, 2011
Just got my phone but the audio player and camera software are not installed in it.
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Aug 4, 2015
I have brought sony xperia z2 in oman while taking photo camera is getting shutdown by showing msg" camera is temporarily shutdown for cooling". What is the reason?
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Feb 19, 2015
My issue is that when I take a photo on my Nexus 5 and it is under around 60% of battery it shuts down, the screen just goes black (phone is complexly off and dead) and the device will not respond to ANY input until it is plugged into a power source, then it will boot up and function normally.
This issue occurred about two weeks after I installed Android 5 however I do not believe it is related due to factory resets, different roms and the issue is still persisting. When the problem started I had recently (a week or so before) moved to Germany, my initial thoughts were that the battery was the problem as when it first happened the phone rebooted and only had 5% left even though the device had around 50% before I took the photo, from then on the battery life was terrible so I purchased a new battery and installed it.
The battery problem was solved (battery life was normal) and when the phone crashed it didn't boot up with any difference to the percentage of battery that was remaining. I am now thinking that something to do with the change in power supplies damaged the device. I think this is unlikely though as Australia (where I am from) and Germany (where I was when the issue started) both run on 240V, the stock power adapter was used just with a euro adapter. I have tried to collect logcats however I can't see any errors before it cuts off (I'm no dev by any means so I could be missing something)...
Last thing is that this issue NEVER occurs when the device is charging so I'm thinking that it is a hardware problem. And of course the phone is out of warranty.
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Sep 19, 2011
No incoming audio on calls--speaker only. Silent mode is off, volume is turned up.
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Apr 23, 2011
I am having trouble sending an audio text. In a new text message, I can "insert" audio, and hit "OK" and then send, but it does not actually send it. It does not give me a message that it has NOT been sent but it does not appear on the screen as a sent message..
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May 6, 2011
I would like to be able to play these archived radio shows [url]...
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Dec 28, 2011
When I connect via HDMI to HD TV it sporadically works for video but audio does not work. My freind has an earlier Droid phone and his works fine.
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Jul 27, 2012
1. My phone is lagging. I notice that that this starts occuring when my internal ram gets to about 100MB or less. I never had this issue with gingerbread because I used the auto kill feature in the phones preloaded task manager. Now, ICS does not have a auto task killer and my ram is running extremely low and causeing the phone to lag, especially when going from app to app and returning to the home screen.
2. My audio has been spotty. It works one second then when you load a app that has audio it won't work. If you close the app and load it again then the audio works fine. I have gone into the system recovery and wiped the cache partion on the phone. I also use Cache Cleaner + and have reset the phone and still get the same issues as above. If the suggestions don't work then I call verizon and tell them thank you for screwing up my phone. Worked perfectly fine before with GB.
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Jul 22, 2011
Does Motorola intentionally make their new products inferior at release?I've been using a Droid and a Droid 2 for about 18 months.I shoot a lot of pictures outdoors, some macro, lots of nature and concerts.I also shoot indoors under challenging conditions (concert lighting.) They have both prtovided a passable point-and-shoot camera.The Droid 3 camera is dissapointing in that several important features have vanished:
-There is auto white balance, only a manual and difficult-to-use control.
-The user can no longer set ISO
-The user can no longer set EV
-Focus is iffy under a variety of conditions
-Photos have a bluish cast under most conditions, with and without flash
So instead of getting pretty good shots with a convenient camera, I'm getting washed-out, bluish garbage.(Issues with the video vs. Droid 2 also, in a separate post.)I want to know if Motorola intends to make the experience of this camera catch up with the spec soon, or if i should return my phone while I can still get something else from Verizon.
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Mar 13, 2012
The camera shortcut on screenlock is really ugly! Do you think so? And how to shutdown it?
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1
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Sep 28, 2015
Whenever I take a video w/my Droid Turbo the audio always sounds muffled.
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Oct 25, 2011
I recently made the decision to stop using my headphone jack. To listen to audio, I plug my listening devices into th 3.5mm jacks that are located on the different docks. The problem I have is that a lot of the phone sounds still come through the external speaker. For example, I am watching a movie and I get an email, text msg, or phone call. I can't hear this because my headphones are on. If I plug my headphones into the phone's actual headphone jack, I hear all of the sounds. If I am in the car and a call comes in, the voice comes through the speakerphone. I have to manually hit the speaker button and then the audio comes through my car stereo. Does any know if there is a way to make the audio from the micro usb to work the same as the audio on the headphone jack?
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Jun 2, 2011
Over the past three days, when I place or receive a call the person on the other line cannot hear my voice. When I dial out I can hear the person on the other line however my voice in inaudible. Whene I toggle back and forth between speaker ON and speaker OFF the other person can barely hear my voice when the speaker is on...but not at all when it is off.When I check my system in the Setings>About section I confirm my system is up-to-date. I have voice privacy de-selected (did not notice any difference).
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Jun 2, 2011
I use Stitcher, the FM Radio and Mediafly a lot. On the X these would always stay active when surfing the web, playing most games, etc. They now last about 2 minutes before something is killing there processes. I am not using a task killer. It seems to be more of a problem when the X2 is docked.
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Oct 18, 2011
Are there any changes to or improvements in the hardware to avoid the high-pitched whine that plagued the Bionic?
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Nov 21, 2011
have a problem with weak bluetooth audio sound? I have the LG HBS-700 bluetooth headset and audio was very full and rich with my Samsung Charge. However, when connected to my Razr, the audio lacks in fullness and bass... In the audio effects option, there is only Phone Speaker and Wired Stereo Devices...
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Nov 23, 2012
i noticed that occasionaly if i was looking at a Internet video or playing some other sound using native apps for playback, or playing a clip from a webpage on the native browser, there would be no sound. if i exit the playback and tap the volume on the ringer until i hear the up volume beep, and then go back to the source that was giving be a problem, it worked ok.
did not see this till the ics upgrade. my phone is stock and never rooted.
at first i thought it was just my phone, but see the discussion below, looks like others are having issues. [url]
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Aug 14, 2011
How do I stop the bluetooth car audio pause when I get a text or email notification?
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Feb 21, 2012
I want to disable the audio part of the phone from syncing to my T605 car kit. Can that be done?
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Apr 21, 2011
While my Droid X synchs and gernerally functions in my 2011 Camry XLE, the song data does not show up on the Bluetooth audio screen. It correctly and completely displays this same info when I use my USB flash drive.
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