LG G3 :: Phone Battery Dying Super Fast

Dec 26, 2015

So a little over a year now I had my LG G3. Its been about a week of not a bit more that I've noticed this. I still have the same apps that I've had before. I deleted all the new ones I installed. I charge it all night before bed. When I wake up its at 100% I can leave it there and it goes down to 90% in like 30 minutes. So of course I tried to restart the phone.

I've been charging the phone more then 4 times a day, that's how fast it has been dying. It gets super super super hot at the stop of the camera, and then of course my phone goes really slow. But it gets so hot you burn yourself. I seriously can't think of another way of why it is dying so fast. I've never had a phone problem like thos before. I've tried installing apps, to clean stuff won't work.

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HTC One M7 :: Phone Slow And Overheats Then Battery Drains Super Fast

Sep 2, 2015

My phone is slow and overheats then the battery drains super fast. i also seem to have a problem with the google playstore. I can't log in as its giving me the error feedback...

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IPhone :: Why Is 4 Battery Dying So Fast

Apr 25, 2012

The past few days my iphone 4's battery has been dying really fast.

iPhone 4, iOS 5.1

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BB Bold 9000 :: Battery Dying Too Fast

Apr 27, 2010

i have a feeling its the battery i have to constantly keep charging it, if it is where should i buy a new one?

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Xperia Ray :: Super Fast Battery Consumption (nearly 8% Per Hr) When Idle/standby?

Apr 27, 2012

The above screenshots reveal that my phone is rapidly losing battery at a rate of 7.3% per hour. This value is sometimes up to 8% per hour. The split is typically as shown in the first screenshot - "cell standby" and "phone idle" account for circa 50% of the loss.what I get with what I consider to be standby/idle (so not even "normal use") and with best (?) battery saving settings:
WIFI - offGPS - offData - offRoaming - offDisplay Brightness - 0Power save mode - onJuice defender - installed and set to advancedThe only app I have installed apart from the usual "bloatware" is avast (as I prefer this over the pre-installed Mcafee)I also have GPU rendering forced to 2DI have max one background process runningWindow & transition animations - offAndroid version: 4.0.3Baseband version: 8x55A-AAABQOAZM-203028G-70Kernel version: 2.632.9-PERFBuild number: 4.1.A.0.562I have made only a single 2 minute call today, No SMS, No MMS and not used the internet nor played any games.The apps/processes running are shown on the above screenshots. Although I updated my phone using PC Companion to 4.0.3 (ICS), this has made no noticeable difference to battery life as I had the problem already before this. In fact I had hoped it might fix the problem! Apps such avast and juice defender also made no difference (good or bad) to battery life - the output I get from the screenshots are nearly always the same - 7 to 8% battery loss per hour.

I've tried battery recalibration (which I understand is achieved by using phone to 0%, taking out battery for 15 mins, replacing it and charging to 100% whilst off, then starting up phone). Again, nothing.I don't think I can get even "normal use" of 12 or so hours and the phone is most certainly NOT meeting the specified values:Talk time (up to): 7 hoursStandby time (up to): 440 hoursMusic listening time: 36 hours The above would be a dream! (I mean, standby 440 hours? That represents 440/24 = 18 days!

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Motorola Electrify :: Battery Dying Fast Electrify

Jan 22, 2012

Iam a Uscc agent and I have a customer with the electrify and their phone is dying within a couple of hours and only sending a couple of text messages and making one phone call I have given a battery swap and checked the phone for any bad apps but there were no additional applications installed and settings do not seem out of place and compared it to mine that I have abd everything matches and mine lasts me an entire day of heavy use. I am just wondering if there is anything else that could be draining the battery or a way to fix it?

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Xperia Z3 :: Phone Battery Drain So Fast

Apr 4, 2015

Using z3,why my battery before this if fully charging it will stated can stay until 2days buy now fully charging but It appears only for 14hours only for the battery

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Galaxy S6 :: Phone Battery Drains So Fast

Aug 21, 2015

It's not even 20 days that i have started facing battery problem . My s6 battery drains so fast..

Today i did a test. I enabled wifi location bluetooth fullscreen brightness and played game in normal mode .

It lasted only 2 Hours and 30 min..

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Galaxy S6 :: Phone Battery Is Draining Fast

May 15, 2015

I recently bought a GS6 and I love everything about the phone....except the battery! This is literally a deciding factor for me vs the iPhone 6.

I know it has a quad HD screen but my battery drains WHEN THE SCREEN IS OFF. My provider (T-Mobile) says one reason could be that I used all my data (T-Mobile just slows down your speeds). This can also mean it's constantly searching for a better signal. Sometimes I don't get reception indoors but usually my reception is good.

Now, I would understand if my battery was dropping IF I had the screen on, but it's not. It's dropping a percent every 2-3 minutes.

My data plan reloads in two days so I can see if it gets better but if not, I will be switching to an iPhone.

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IPhone :: 3G Gets Hot After Phone Conversation And Battery Draining Fast

Apr 22, 2010

My iPhone gets hot after 15 or so minutes whilst on Skype phone conversation and normal phone conversation and it makes it impossible to talk for longer than that, this has happened for a long time now and my warranty has expired. Also my phone can barely last more than an hour if I use it to download and view my PDF files from my inbox using 3G and a quarter of my battery is drained just from listening to it for an hour.

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BB Torch :: Phone Battery Draining Unusually Fast?

Oct 13, 2011

I have tried taking the battery out to reset it and I also closed open apps I am not using but nothing seems to work.My phone has drained its battery 3 times already today and I only charge it when the battery is super low which is usually 1-2 days. I only use the phone for personal use and do not have a lot of apps on it.All this started last night out of the blue. It was fine all day yesterday.It is also constantly timing out. I will type a BBM to someone and every 3 words, I see the little clock ticking Lastly, I noticed while I was talking on it a few minutes ago, it got really hot which I haven't noticed before (I had it plugged in since it's not keeping a charge). Is this related to the recent issues or does this mean my phone is done? I have only had it a year and my husband who uses his way more than I do usually has his for 2 years.I think this info shows in my profile but if not, I am on AT&T, I have the 9800.

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IPhone :: My Phone Is Loosing Its Battery Very Fast When Its On Standby What Should I Do ?

May 7, 2012

My phone is loosing its Battery very fast when its on standby what should i Do ?

iPhone 3GS, iOS 5.1

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BB Torch :: Battery Dying In Seconds?

Sep 27, 2012

I have a Torch 9800 phone. Lately I have had issues with the phone dieing after a few seconds of looking at an app or taking a picture. My battery reads 98% and after looking at the app the phone shuts down in seconds as there is not enough power. Some times I can reboot the phone and it will show a high percentage then dies again. I have re installed the OS a few times now and have not added any apps. Is this the battery or the phone having issues? I do not want to waist money on a new battery if it is the phone because for the most part it keeps a charge only not when your using it for more than a phone.

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Xperia X10 :: Battery Dying Within 4 Hours?

Oct 4, 2010

Wondering if anyone has had similar problem.My battery for x10 has now started to last only 4hours - even during the night when its not in use.I already have brightness down as low as possible and have followed all the other guidelines to utilise battery life. The strange thing is that I have not changed anything on the phone recently and the battery just started dying!!!!! Extremely frustrated as I also seem to be receiving texts a lot later than they were sent even though I have full network coverage. I have had the phone since October 2010.

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IPhone :: Battery Is Dying - It Is Getting Real Hot?

Jun 9, 2012

So about a month ago, I take my iPhone 4S to the Apple Store because the battery is dying in like 4 hours and it is getting real hot. They replace it with a new iPhone 4S. Today I take that phone to the Apple Store because it is getting hot and battery dies in like 4 hours. They give me a new one to replace. 2 hours later my new iPhone is hot and dying. I do not get it. It can't be the phone (it is brand new) it can't be the Apps there is only one on there (FB). I think I may have a corrupt iTunes Account?

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1

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IPhone 6 :: Battery Is Dying Faster

Dec 4, 2014

I charged Both my iphone 6 and my ipad (whichever one was new three years ago) at the same time to 100% i noticed not using both and looking at the batter my brand new iphone 6 battery is dying faster than my three year old iPad. They both run the latest IOS so if

iPhone 6, iOS 8.1.1

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IPhone :: Since IOS 5.1.1 Update The Battery Drains Fast And The Phone Heats Up

May 14, 2012

Since iOS 5.1.1 update the battery drains fast and the phone heats up

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1, iOS 5.1.1

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BB Bold :: Battery Dying Quickly Even With No Apps

Oct 25, 2012

Battery life, with no phone use at all, and no apps at all, is about 7 hours. System Busy clock frequently prevents use, and screen occasionally goes black and is unresponsive for a couple of minutes. Battery has been replaced, but that did not improve anything.

At this point, despite many years with BlackBerry, I am seriously considering going Apple.

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BB Curve :: Battery Heating And Dying Rapidly?

Apr 9, 2011

My bb curve 8520 is about a year old. 3 days ago i noticed the battery went from 100% to 0% in a span of some minutes. i recharged the battery and noticed it kept doing the same thing. I then replaced the battery thinking it had run its course but the problem persists. I have no open programs running and no new applications installed that might be using up the battery. the phone gets warm and the battery dies rapidly.

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IPhone :: Battery Dying After Few Hours From 100% Charge

Mar 27, 2012

Since I upgraded to the iOS 5.1 my battery life on the iPhone 4S has been ridiculous. For example, I left my house at 740am with my phone on 100%, I have browsed a little (safari and facebook) for no more than 20-30 mins in total. No apps are not running in the background as I ensure to close apps once i have finished with them. And now at 1400 I am left with 28% battery. i am not due to be at home until 1900.

Have I been unlucky with getting a dodgy iPhone from Orange?? the model is MD242B if that helps. Also, notifications and banners are all turned off except for phone, messages, whatsapp, remainders, calendar. I am careful not to over charge my phone, I do use an app called BatteryDoc to monitor my charging.

I always let my battery go flat before charging to 100% (with no trickle change), i believe this is a normal charge and what BatteryDoc advises i perform a full charge..

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1

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IPhone :: 4s 32GB Dying At 20% Battery Life?

May 8, 2012

I have currently been through 4 iPhone 4s's and all 4 have had the same problem. they have all been find for about 2 weeks and then they all started staying at 100% for anywhere from 2 hours to up 8 hours before going down. Then they would start dying at like 13-14% battery life, as each day pasts it gets worst and my phone starts dying sooner and sooner. One of my phone got as bad as dying at 38% battery life. They all do the same thing, they hit a certain point then it goes from whatever % it is at to 1% then just shuts off.

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1

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Xperia Z3 :: Phone Battery Life Drains Too Fast After Receiving A File

Feb 5, 2015

I was received a pic from a friend via Whatsapp and shortly after that,I can't open both my Whatsapp and album.I suspect the file containing virus and I scan my phone with pre-installed AVG Antivirus.But,it shows my phone is free from harmful file.I successfully removed the pic via Photo app and then I realise my battery life is draining too fast than before.

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BB Bold :: 9790 Battery Life Seems To Be Dying Quick Every Day

Mar 20, 2012

my battery life seems to be dying quick every day.any ideas why.does twitter use a lot of life

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Nokia Nseries :: N8 Screen Won't Turn Off - Battery Dying

Jan 3, 2012

When I use the slider lock button, the screen stays on. The lock icon shows up at the top right of the screen, so I know the slider action is detected. This happens in both normal and power saving mode.

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BB Curve 8900 :: Phones Battery Is Dying Faster Than Normal

Jan 30, 2010

Out of nowhere today, my phones battery is dying faster than normal.I read the old posts about what to do, I close everything out by hitting menu..close, i erased all apps i never used, games i never used awhile ago and i never had a problem. I woke up this morning after charging it all night and had a full battery, i have only sent maybe 6 texts and had one BBM convo for 5 mins and closed it out after....i am doing a battery pull right now.any other suggestions? Maybe time for a new battery? Although I feel like this is still new.

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Galaxy S6 :: Battery Dying - Stock Recovery And Clearing Cache

Jul 10, 2015

My 1 month old s6 (920i) struggles to get a 3.5hr SOT during the day. Coming from the s3 where i used to easily get a 5hr SOT with the same usage style i can say this is pathetic. In the battery section top of the list i have Android OS and Google Services, followed by Facebook and Instagram.

Note that i have most of the things turned off except when using them, such as wifi, gps, nfc etc... Also i tried booting to stock recovery and clearing cache but this has not solved the issue. The phone does go to deep sleep as i have checked using BBS.

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Nokia :: N97 Battery Life Reduce Fast / Keep Phone Connected To Charger For Long Times?

Aug 31, 2010

Like the title says, will the battery die faster and need a quicker replacement if I keep the phone connected to the charger for long times? What exactly happens when the phone says "battery full, unplug charger to save power" and the white charging indicator goes off? Does the phone software automatically stop the charging process?Laugh, and the world laughs with you. Cry, and the world laughs louder :-)

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BB Bold 9700 :: Super Slow Battery Charge On Data On USB

Jan 21, 2010

My phone charges sooooooo slow when I plug it into the USB on my computer with the data cable. It takes a couple of hours to go from low to 50%. This just started happening and.

It doesn't appear that anything is wrong with the cable - I've only used it a few times. A lightning bolt is appearing and it is charging for sure. It hasn't always done this - or at least I don't thinks so. I've backed up and restored data on my desktop through the USB without a problem.

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Nokia Nseries :: N8 Battery Dying Quickly After Updating Anna Service Pack

Nov 16, 2011

After updating anna's service pack I noticed that my battery wont last as long as before the update. I checked for any open programs but everything is closed. I did not install anything new since the update btw.

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BB Curve :: My Phone Keeps Dying

Jun 28, 2011

I have only had this phone for about 1 1/2 years and for the last few weeks it keeps dying no matter how long I charge it. It only last for about 10 minutes after disconnected from charger and then it cuts off. A red light blinks, but never indicates that the batter is low and as soon as it is plugged in and cuts back on it indicates that the battery is fully charged.

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BB Curve 8500 :: Battery Draining Fast / Tried Battery Pull

Jul 2, 2010

My battrery has been running low quickly . For instance, I charged it yesterday and when it was done charging I made a phone call. I was on the phone for about 11/2 minutes. After I got off I looked at my battery and it was down 1/2 a brick. I've tried removing the battery for awhile, but it doesn't seem to help. I talk on it a lot through the day so I can understand it needing charged at night, but 1 minute off the charger and it's already losing power? I don't use the internet that much, but I do play games. The phone is about a month old. Any advice?

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